19,272 research outputs found

    Opportunities for Dutch Biorefineries

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    Deze Roadmap Bioraffinage beschrijft een aantal mogelijke routes naar de ontwikkeling en implementatie van een bioraffinage-gerelateerde Bio-based Economy in Nederland. De Roadmap combineert korte- en middellange termijn mogelijkheden (commerciële implementatie, demonstratie plants, pilot plants en gerelateerd toegepast onderzoek) met strategisch onderzoek voor de langere termijn. Tevens zijn vier z.g. Moonshots uitgewerkt, als voorziene bioraffinagestrategieën met een grote potentie voor de Nederlandse economi

    Designing sustainable cold chains for long-range food distribution: Energy-effective corridors on the Silk Road Belt

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    Modern food production-distribution processes represent a critical stressor for the environment and for natural ecosystems. The rising flows of food across growing and consumption areas couple with the higher expectations of consumers for the quality of products and compel the intensive use of refrigerated rooms and transport means throughout the food supply chain. In order to aid the design of sustainable cold chains that incorporate such aspects, this paper proposes a mixed integer linear programming model to minimize the total energy consumption associated with the cold operations experienced by perishable products. This model is intended for food traders, logistics practitioners, retail managers, and importers collaboratively called to design and plan a cost and environmentally effective supply strategy, physical channels, and infrastructures for cold chains. The proposed model is validated with a case study inspired by the distribution of two example food products, namely fresh apples and ice cream, along the New Silk Road connecting Europe and China. The illustrated analysis investigates the effect of alternative routes and transport modes on the sustainability of the cold chain. It is found that the most energy-efficient route for ice cream is via rail over a northern route and, for apples, is via a southern maritime route, and, for these two routes, the ratios of the total energy consumed to the energy content of the food are 760 and 913, respectively. By incorporating the energy lost due to the food quality decay, the model identifies the optimal route to adopt in accordance with the shelf life and the conservation temperature of each product

    Eco-efficient supply chain networks: Development of a design framework and application to a real case study

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    © 2015 Taylor & Francis. This paper presents a supply chain network design framework that is based on multi-objective mathematical programming and that can identify 'eco-efficient' configuration alternatives that are both efficient and ecologically sound. This work is original in that it encompasses the environmental impact of both transportation and warehousing activities. We apply the proposed framework to a real-life case study (i.e. Lindt & Sprüngli) for the distribution of chocolate products. The results show that cost-driven network optimisation may lead to beneficial effects for the environment and that a minor increase in distribution costs can be offset by a major improvement in environmental performance. This paper contributes to the body of knowledge on eco-efficient supply chain design and closes the missing link between model-based methods and empirical applied research. It also generates insights into the growing debate on the trade-off between the economic and environmental performance of supply chains, supporting organisations in the eco-efficient configuration of their supply chains

    An optimization model for multi-biomass tri-generation energy supply

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    In this paper, a decision support system (DSS) for multi-biomass energy conversion applications is presented. The system in question aims at supporting an investor by thoroughly assessing an investment in locally existing multi-biomass exploitation for tri-generation applications (electricity, heating and cooling), in a given area. The approach followed combines use of holistic modelling of the system, including the multi-biomass supply chain, the energy conversion facility and the district heating and cooling network, with optimization of the major investment-related variables to maximize the financial yield of the investment. The consideration of multi-biomass supply chain presents significant potential for cost reduction, by allowing spreading of capital costs and reducing warehousing requirements, especially when seasonal biomass types are concerned. The investment variables concern the location of the bioenergy exploitation facility and its sizing, as well as the types of biomass to be procured, the respective quantities and the maximum collection distance for each type. A hybrid optimization method is employed to overcome the inherent limitations of every single method. The system is demand-driven, meaning that its primary aim is to fully satisfy the energy demand of the customers. Therefore, the model is a practical tool in the hands of an investor to assess and optimize in financial terms an investment aiming at covering real energy demand. optimization is performed taking into account various technical, regulatory, social and logical constraints. The model characteristics and advantages are highlighted through a case study applied to a municipality of Thessaly, Greece. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Renewable hydrogen supply chains: A planning matrix and an agenda for future research

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    Worldwide, energy systems are experiencing a transition to more sustainable systems. According to the Hydrogen Roadmap Europe (FCH EU, 2019), hydrogen will play an important role in future energy systems due to its ability to support sustainability goals and will account for approximately 13% of the total energy mix in the coming future. Correct hydrogen supply chain (HSC) planning is therefore vital to enable a sustainable transition, in particular when hydrogen is produced by water electrolysis using electricity from renewable sources (renewable hydrogen). However, due to the operational characteristics of the renewable HSC, its planning is complicated. Renewable hydrogen supply can be diverse: Hydrogen can be produced de-centrally with renewables, such as wind and solar energy, or centrally by using electricity generated from a hydro power plant with a large volume. Similarly, demand for hydrogen can also be diverse, with many new applications, such as fuels for fuel cell electrical vehicles and electricity generation, feedstocks in industrial processes, and heating for buildings. The HSC consists of various stages (production, storage, distribution, and applications) in different forms, with strong interdependencies, which further increase HSC complexity. Finally, planning of an HSC depends on the status of hydrogen adoption and market development, and on how mature technologies are, and both factors are characterised by high uncertainties. Directly adapting the traditional approaches of supply chain (SC) planning for HSCs is insufficient. Therefore, in this study we develop a planning matrix with related planning tasks, leveraging a systematic literature review to cope with the characteristics of HSCs. We focus only on renewable hydrogen due to its relevance to the future low-carbon economy. Furthermore, we outline an agenda for future research, from the supply chain management perspective, in order to support renewable HSC development, considering the different phases of renewable HSCs adoption and market development

    Strategic network planning in biomass-based supply chains

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    Fossil resources are limited and will run short. Moreover, the extensive usage of fossil resources is discussed as a key driver for climate change which means that a changeover in basic economic and ecological thinking is necessary. Especially for energy production, there has to be a movement away from the usage of fossil resources and towards renewable resources like wind, water, sun, or biomass. Within the first part of this work a structured review of recent literature on the long-term, strategic planning of biomass-based supply chains is provided. Therefore, in the first step, the overall research field bioeconomy by means of the various utilization pathways of biomass is structured and the demand-oriented view of supply chain management models and the supply-oriented view of bioeconomy are combined. In the second step, a literature review of operations research models and methods for strategic supply chain planning in biomass-based industries are provided. Thirdly, trends are identified and conclusions about research gaps are drawn. One of the identified research gaps is to make biomass-based supply chains profitable on their own, i.e., without governmental subsidies. Therefore, new optimization models are necessary, which should be as close to reality as possible, by for example considering risks and actual surrounding constraints concerning the legal framework. Within the second part of this work, an approach for strategic optimization of biogas plants considering increased flexibility is developed. Biogas plants can produce their energy flexibly and on-demand if their design is adjusted adequately. In order to achieve a flexibly schedulable biogas plant, the design of this plant has to be adapted to decouple the biogas and electricity production. Therefore, biogas storage possibilities and additional electrical capacity are necessary. The investment decision about the size of the biogas storage and the additional electrical capacity depends on the fluctuation of energy market prices and the availability of governmental subsidies. This work presents an approach supporting investment decisions to increase the flexibility of a biogas plant by installing gas storages and additional electrical capacities under consideration of revenues out of direct marketing at the day-ahead market. In order to support the strategic, long-term investment decisions, an operative plant schedule for the future, considering different plant designs given as investment strategies, using a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model in an uncertain environment is optimized. The different designs can be evaluated by calculating the net present value (NPV). Moreover, an analysis concerning current dynamics and uncertainties within spot market prices is executed. Furthermore, the influences concerning the variation of spot market prices compared to the influence of governmental subsidies, in particular, the flexibility premium, are revealed by computational results. Besides, the robustness of the determined solution is analyzed concerning uncertainties. The focus of the third part of the work is to consider variable substrate feeding in the mentioned optimization approach because it is expected that variable substrate feeding and thus a demand-oriented biogas production can influence the optimized plant design. In order to support this extension, an operative plant schedule for the future, considering (non-) linear technical characteristics of the biogas plant and the legal framework is optimized. Therefore, mixed-integer linear programming models with integrated approximation approaches of non-linear parts, representing the biogas production rates, are constructed. Furthermore, the influences of fluctuating spot market prices, governmental subsidies, and biomass feedstock prices on the decisions are analyzed for a fictional case example, which is based on a biogas plant in southern Germany. These numerical experiments show that variable substrate feeding can play a decisive role during the optimization of a biogas plant schedule as part of a long-term design optimization. However, the size of the strategic optimization problem makes the use of a heuristic solution algorithm necessary.Fossile Ressourcen sind begrenzt und werden zur Neige gehen. Darüber hinaus wird über die extensive Nutzung fossiler Ressourcen als wesentlicher Treiber des Klimawandels diskutiert, so dass ein Umdenken in der ökonomischen und ökologischen Grundhaltung notwendig ist. Insbesondere bei der Energieerzeugung muss eine Abkehr von der Nutzung fossiler Ressourcen und eine Ausrichtung auf erneuerbare Ressourcen wie Wind, Wasser, Sonne oder Biomasse erfolgen. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird ein strukturierter Überblick über die aktuelle Fachliteratur zur langfristigen, strategischen Planung von biomassebasierten Supply Chains gegeben. Dazu wird in einem ersten Schritt das gesamte Forschungsfeld "Bioökonomie" anhand der verschiedenen Nutzungspfade von Biomasse strukturiert und die nachfrageorientierte Sichtweise von Supply Chain Management Modellen und die angebotsorientierte Sichtweise der Bioökonomie zusammengeführt. Im zweiten Schritt wird ein Literaturüberblick über Operations-Research-Modelle und Methoden zur strategischen Supply-Chain-Planung in biomassebasierten Branchen gegeben. Im dritten Schritt werden Trends identifiziert und Schlussfolgerungen über Forschungslücken gezogen. Eine der identifizierten Forschungslücken besteht darin, biomassebasierte Supply Chains selbständig, d.h. ohne staatliche Subventionen, profitabel zu machen. Hierfür sind neue Optimierungsmodelle notwendig, die möglichst realitätsnah sein sollten, indem sie z.B. Risiken und tatsächliche Rahmenbedingungen bezüglich der rechtlichen Vorgaben berücksichtigen. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wird ein Ansatz zur strategischen Optimierung von Biogasanlagen unter Berücksichtigung einer Flexibilitätserhöhung entwickelt. Biogasanlagen können bei geeigneter Auslegung ihre Energie flexibel und bedarfsgerecht produzieren. Um eine Biogasanlage flexibel planbar zu betreiben, muss das Design dieser Anlage so angepasst werden, dass die Biogas- und Stromproduktion entkoppelt werden. Dazu sind Biogasspeichermöglichkeiten und zusätzliche elektrische Kapazität notwendig. Die Investitionsentscheidung über die Größe des Biogasspeichers und der zusätzlichen elektrischen Kapazität hängt von der Schwankung der Energiemarktpreise und der Verfügbarkeit staatlicher Fördermittel ab. Diese Arbeit stellt einen Ansatz zur Unterstützung von Investitionsentscheidungen zur Erhöhung der Flexibilität einer Biogasanlage durch die Installation von Gasspeichern und zusätzlichen elektrischen Kapazitäten unter Berücksichtigung von Erlösen aus der Direktvermarktung am Day-Ahead-Markt vor. Um die strategischen, langfristigen Investitionsentscheidungen zu unterstützen, wird ein operativer Anlagenfahrplan für die Zukunft unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Anlagendesigns, die als Investitionsstrategien vorgegeben sind, mit Hilfe eines gemischt-ganzzahligen linearen Optimierungsmodells (MILP), unter Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheit, optimiert. Die verschiedenen Designs können durch die Berechnung des Kapitalwerts (NPV) bewertet werden. Darüber hinaus wird eine Analyse der aktuellen Dynamik und der Unsicherheiten der Spotmarktpreise durchgeführt. Darüber hinaus werden die Einflüsse der Varianz der Spotmarktpreise im Vergleich zum Einfluss staatlicher Subventionen, insbesondere der Flexibilitätsprämie, durch Berechnungsergebnisse aufgezeigt. Außerdem wird die Robustheit der ermittelten Lösung hinsichtlich der Unsicherheiten analysiert. Der Fokus des dritten Teils der Arbeit liegt auf der Berücksichtigung eines variablen Substratmanagements in dem entwickelten Optimierungsansatz, da erwartet wird, dass eine variable Substrateinspeisung und damit eine bedarfsgerechte Biogasproduktion das optimierte Anlagendesign beeinflussen kann. Um diese Erweiterung umzusetzen, wird ein operativer Anlagenfahrplan für die Zukunft unter Berücksichtigung (nicht-) linearer technischer Eigenschaften der Biogasanlage und der gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen optimiert. Dazu werden gemischt-ganzzahlige lineare Optimierungsmodelle mit integrierten Approximationsansätzen der nichtlinearen Anteile, welche die Biogasproduktionsraten repräsentieren, konstruiert. Des Weiteren werden die Einflüsse von schwankenden Spotmarktpreisen, staatlichen Förderungen und Biomasse-Rohstoffpreisen auf die Entscheidungen für ein fiktives Fallbeispiel, das auf einer Biogasanlage aus Süddeutschland basiert, analysiert. Die numerischen Experimente zeigen, dass die variable Substrateinspeisung bei der Optimierung des Fahrplans einer Biogasanlage im Rahmen einer langfristigen Anlagenoptimierung eine entscheidende Rolle spielen kann. Die Größe des strategischen Optimierungsproblems macht jedoch den Einsatz eines heuristischen Lösungsalgorithmus notwendig

    Operations Research for Green Logistics – An Overview of Aspects, Issues, Contributions and Challenges

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    The worldwide economic growth of the last century has given rise to a vast consumption of goods while globalization has led to large streams of goods all over the world. The production, transportation, storage and consumption of all these goods, however, have created large environmental problems. Today, global warming, created by large scale emissions of greenhouse gasses, is a top environmental concern. Governments, action groups and companies are asking for measures to counter this threat. Operations research has a long tradition in improving operations and especially in reducing costs. In this paper, we present a review that highlights the contribution of operations research to green logistics, which involves the integration of environmental aspects in logistics. We give a sketch of the present and possible developments, focussing on design, planning and control in a supply chain for transportation, inventory of products and facility decisions. While doing this, we also indicate several areas where environmental aspects could be included in OR models for logistics

    Time to be responsive in the process industry: a literature-based analysis of trends of change, solutions and challenges

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    The current uncertain and volatile business context is challenging firms worldwide, leading to the need to be responsive at a competitive cost. This trend is so substantial that it even affects industries traditionally competing in rather stable contexts, such as the process industry. Although the process industry includes multiple sectors with different technologies and processes, these share several aspects that make the industry as a whole distinctive to the discrete manufacturing industry. Based on a literature review, this study identifies and describes trends leading the process industry to the need for responsiveness, corresponding solutions to accommodate the need, and related challenges hindering the industrialization and diffusion of solutions in this industry. This study shows that trends, such as the uncertainty and volatility of market requirements, are challenging the process industry to develop reconfigurability solutions across multiple production levels. The development of reconfigurability solutions is hindered by modularity, integrability, co-ordination and collaboration challenges