25 research outputs found

    Correlation between Latin American And Caribbean Journals Impact Indicators

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    Purpose – Identify the levels of correlation between impact indicators from Latin American and Caribbean journals indexed in databases.The selected indicators are the Impact Factor, 5-year Impact Factor, EigenFactor Score, Article Influence Score, Journal Citation Indicator, SJR, CiteScore, h-index (SJR), Source-normalized Impact per Paper, and h5-index Design/methodology/approach – Data were downloaded from Journal Citation Reports, SCimago, and Scopus. A Phyton script was used to search for journals titles and extract the h5-indexfrom Google Scholar Metrics. Pearson and Spearman coefficients tests were used to identify the level of correlation between pairs of indicators from the same set of journals. Data are analyzed in general, and according to the areas of Science, Technology and Medicine, and Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Findings – The correlation coefficients are positive moderate (0.40  0.90) between Impact Factor, 5-year Impact Factor, and CiteScore (CS),Science, Technology and Medicine journals have stronger correlation levels than Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences journals. Considering the relationship between availability and average correlation, the CS and the h5-index are the most suitable indicators for journals assessment in the region. Originality/value – This paper provides a correlation analysis between impact indicators of all indexed Latin American and Caribbean journals. It is also innovative by using an automated technique of search and data extraction in Google Scholar Metrics.The results can contributeto the elaboration of journals evaluation policies in the countries of the region

    The relationship between the publication language and its impact on public and collective health

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    Objective: The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between scientific output published in a native language and its degree of exposure and impact on Public and Collective Health. Methods: This bibliometric study was carried out on the basis of the scientific production from the most prolific countries that are members of the SciELO Network, in Public and Collective Health, in the period 2011-2015. The data was collected from the SciELO Citation Index database (SciELO CI) and the citations were analysed by language and source. Findings: Brazilian publications in Portuguese had the greatest citation impact in the same language (55.7%), while its publications in English had 47.9% of impact in Portuguese and 34.4% in Spanish publications (34.4%). The impact on the national language is also significant to Colombian and Spanish publications. To Spain, the percentage of citing articles in Spanish for papers in the same language is more than twice that of its impact in English. To US-American articles, 42.5% of the citations are in a native language when published in English. Cuban and Peruvian publications presented more than 90% of their impact in the national language. In contrast, the USA and Brazil presented greater citation impact on other languages, especially when publishing in Spanish. Conclusion: The extent of the exposure of a publication language varies in accordance with the country´s scientific output. In the case of Brazilian and US-American publications, the effects on audiences in other languages can be measured by the citation impact. Furthermore, the degree of exposure offered by SciELO CI makes it useful for evaluation, particularly for publications in the national language

    Open Access Publishing Trends in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (1980-2020)

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    The purpose of this bibliometric study was to examine the status of Open Access (OA) scholarly productivity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) from 1980 to 2020. To meet the objectives of the study, a bibliometric method was used and data on KSA publications were retrieved from InCites tool of Clarivate Analytics. The study revealed that KSA is positioned at the 41st place in open access publications in the world and has the highest percentage of OA publications among the countries of the world. The last ten years found a momentous increase in OA publications in KSA. The citation graph of OA publications has also increased and highest citations were recorded in the year 2015. The King Saud University was on the top in publishing OA publications but the most cited works were observed by the authors affiliated with King Abdulaziz University. The impact factor of the top 15 OA journals of KSA ranged from 0.59 - 4.76. The highest collaborated country was the USA in the OA research works of Saudi researchers. The county achieved better OA publications in the subject of clinical medicine, however, a small number of OA publications were found in the subject of economics, and business. This study recommended that the KSA government should take steps to further promote OA publications and raise funds to support this model. Similarly, all KSA academic and funding institutions should make policies to acknowledge and promote OA publications

    The relationship between the language of scientific publication and its impact in the field of public and collective health

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    The language of scientific publications is a crucial factor when seeking to reach an international audience, because it affects linguistic accessibility and the geographical reach of research results. English is the language of science and the fact that it can be understood by most readers represents an undeniable advantage. Moreover, the fact that a large proportion of Ibero-American research has been published in national languages, is often cited as one of the reasons for its limited exposure. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between scientific output published in a native language and its degree of exposure and impact in the field of Public and Collective Health. This bibliometric study was carried out based on the scientific output data obtained from the most prolific countries that are members of the SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) Network in Public and Collective Health, in the 2011-2018 period. The data was collected from the SciELO Citation Index database (SciELO CI), which was integrated into the larger WoS platform in 2014 and was chosen on account of its importance as one of the few regional indexes that is still scarcely used in studies of this nature. The data shows that Brazilian articles in Portuguese had the greatest citation impact on publications in its own language (48.7%), while its articles in English present practically the same impact (48.5%) on Portuguese publications, followed by 34.5% on Spanish publications. The impact on the national language is also significant in the case of both Mexican and Spanish publications, to whom the percentage of citing articles in Spanish, for documents cited in the same language, is higher than for documents cited in English (respectively 1.6 and 1.8). The same applies to Portuguese and US-American articles where, respectively 56.6% and 43.9% of the citing articles are in their native language. Cuban and Peruvian articles have more than 90% of their citing articles in the national language. In contrast, the USA and Brazil are countries that have a greater citation impact on other languages, especially when published in Spanish. The extent of exposure of a given language of the scientific publication varies per the country´s scientific output. In the case of Brazilian and US-American publications, including publications in the national languages of these countries, the effects on audiences in other languages can be measured by the citation impact. Furthermore, the degree of exposure of certain publications suggests that SciELO CI represents a useful database for evaluating local scientific output, and this can be observed, particularly, for publications in the national language

    Open Access uptake by universities worldwide

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    The implementation of policies promoting the adoption of an open science (OS) culture must be accompanied by indicators that allow monitoring the uptake of such policies and their potential effects on research publishing and sharing practices. This study presents indicators of open access (OA) at the institutional level for universities worldwide. By combining data from Web of Science, Unpaywall and the Leiden Ranking disambiguation of institutions, we track OA coverage of universities\u27 output for 963 institutions. This paper presents the methodological challenges, conceptual discrepancies and limitations and discusses further steps needed to move forward the discussion on fostering OA and OS practices and policies

    Democratising the knowledge commons: The shared goals of open and community-engaged scholarship

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    Community-engaged scholarship is at a transitional moment, seeking to effect cultural change in academic and research institutions, which will expand the concept of scholarship to encompass the methodologies and definitions of scholarship embodied in community-university research and engagement. Open scholarship is similarly employed in transforming scholarship to broaden its scope, influence and impact beyond traditional modes of academic practice. Written from the perspective of practitioners of open access publishing, this article explores the development and current state of the open movement and considers intersections and opportunities for collaboration with community-engaged scholarship. </jats:p

    Acceso abierto a la producción científica de Uruguay: poca historia en 10 años (2009-2018)

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    Este trabajo analiza los avances del acceso abierto a la literatura científica en Uruguay en los últimos diez años. Se basa en un análisis cuantitativo de carácter exploratorio de los artículos publicados y en el relato de iniciativas locales. Se identifican políticas institucionales recientes y poco consolidadas, aún sin alcance nacional. Se analizan las publicaciones de autores con filiación nacional uruguaya en acceso abierto a partir de la WOS, encontrando un 37,3% de artículos disponibles en forma inmediata y enconstante aumento, empujado por la vía dorada. Se analizan las políticas editoriales de las revistas en Sherpa Romeo y se encuentraque el 50,7% no está disponible en acceso abierto pero podría ser depositado en repositorios. Sumando ambas categorías se hallaque un 88% de la producción considerada está o podría estar disponible en acceso abierto. Se concluye que es necesario generarestudios adicionales en torno al acceso abierto para Uruguay.This paper analyses the advances of open access to scientific literature in Uruguay during the last ten years. It is based on an exploratory quantitative study of published articles and a review of local initiatives. Institutional policies, which are not yet consolidated and have not reached a national level, are identified. The availability and evolution of open access to Uruguayan researchers ́ publications in the WOS is studied, finding 37,3% of papers immediately available and consistent growth, based on the golden route. Editorial policies in Sherpa Romeo are analyzed for journals, finding 50.7% of not open access articles that couldbe archived in institutional repositories. Both categories added show that 88% of considered production is or could be available in open access. The conclusions highlight a need to develop additional research around open access in Uruguay.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Acceso abierto a la producción científica de Uruguay: poca historia en 10 años (2009-2018)

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    Este trabajo analiza los avances del acceso abierto a la literatura científica en Uruguay en los últimos diez años. Se basa en un análisis cuantitativo de carácter exploratorio de los artículos publicados y en el relato de iniciativas locales. Se identifican políticas institucionales recientes y poco consolidadas, aún sin alcance nacional. Se analizan las publicaciones de autores con filiación nacional uruguaya en acceso abierto a partir de la WOS, encontrando un 37,3% de artículos disponibles en forma inmediata y enconstante aumento, empujado por la vía dorada. Se analizan las políticas editoriales de las revistas en Sherpa Romeo y se encuentraque el 50,7% no está disponible en acceso abierto pero podría ser depositado en repositorios. Sumando ambas categorías se hallaque un 88% de la producción considerada está o podría estar disponible en acceso abierto. Se concluye que es necesario generarestudios adicionales en torno al acceso abierto para Uruguay.This paper analyses the advances of open access to scientific literature in Uruguay during the last ten years. It is based on an exploratory quantitative study of published articles and a review of local initiatives. Institutional policies, which are not yet consolidated and have not reached a national level, are identified. The availability and evolution of open access to Uruguayan researchers ́ publications in the WOS is studied, finding 37,3% of papers immediately available and consistent growth, based on the golden route. Editorial policies in Sherpa Romeo are analyzed for journals, finding 50.7% of not open access articles that couldbe archived in institutional repositories. Both categories added show that 88% of considered production is or could be available in open access. The conclusions highlight a need to develop additional research around open access in Uruguay.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Caracterización de la gestión editorial en revistas científicas de la universidad de La Habana

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    Objetivo. Caracterizar a la gestión editorial en revistas científicas de la Universidad de La Habana. Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque. A través de una guía de observación se estudió la gestión editorial de 16 revistas científicas de la Universidad de La Habana donde se analizaron las dimensiones calidad editorial, internacionalización, difusión y audiencia, y repercusión. Resultados/Discusión. Todas las revistas estudiadas utilizan la plataforma de gestión editorial Open Journal System, y facilitan el acceso inmediato, sin requerimientos de registro, suscripción o pago a los contenidos que publican, igualmente todas publican el texto completo en acceso abierto sus artículos en formato PDF, sin restricciones. Sin embargo, el 12 % necesita ajustar la periodicidad de publicación según los criterios internacionales establecidos, mientras que el 19 % de ellas debe mejorar la proporción de académicos e investigadores extranjeros dentro de los autores y el comité editorial. Conclusiones. Las revistas científicas de la Universidad de La Habana deben mejorar sus indicadores de internacionalización e impacto para lograr un mejor posicionamiento y visibilidad. Además, deben lograr mayor alineación de las políticas editoriales a la perspectiva holística del movimiento Open Science de manera que le permita a la Universidad de la Habana aprovechar al máximo el modelo de publicación que han elegido para sus revistas. Originalidad/Valor. Se resalta la importancia que tienen los estudios sobre las revistas científicas, especialmente para trazar estrategias que les permitan mejorar sus indicadores de calidad editorial