464 research outputs found


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    The quality of Landsat images in humid areas is considerably degraded by haze in terms of their spectral response pattern, which limits the possibility of their application in using visible and near-infrared bands. A variety of haze removal algorithms have been proposed to correct these unsatisfactory illumination effects caused by the haze contamination. The purpose of this study was to illustrate the difference of two major algorithms (the improved homomorphic filtering (HF) and the virtual cloud point (VCP)) for their effectiveness in solving spatially varying haze contamination, and to evaluate the impacts of haze removal on land cover classification. A case study with exploiting large quantities of Landsat TM images and climates (clear and haze) in the most humid areas in China proved that these haze removal algorithms both perform well in processing Landsat images contaminated by haze. The outcome of the application of VCP appears to be more similar to the reference images compared to HF. Moreover, the Landsat image with VCP haze removal can improve the classification accuracy effectively in comparison to that without haze removal, especially in the cloudy contaminated area


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    Different built-up structures usually lead to large regions covered by shadows, causing partial or total loss of information present in urban environments. In order to mitigate the presence of shadows while improving the urban target discrimination in multispectral images, this paper proposes an automated methodology for both detection and recovery of shadows. First, the image bands are preprocessed in order to highlight their most relevant parts. Secondly, a shadow detection procedure is performed by using morphological filtering so that a shadow mask is obtained. Finally, the reconstruction of shadow-occluded areas is accomplished by an image inpainting strategy. The experimental evaluation of our methodology was carried out in four study areas acquired from a WorldView-2 (WV-2) satellite scene over the urban area of São Paulo city. The experiments have demonstrated a high performance of the proposed shadow detection scheme, with an average overall accuracy up to 92%. Considering the results obtained by our shadow removal strategy, the pre-selected shadows were substantially recovered, as verified by visual inspections. Comparisons involving both VrNIR-BI and VgNIR-BI spectral indices computed from original and shadow-free images also attest the substantial gain in recovering anthropic targets such as streets, roofs and buildings initially damaged by shadows

    Monitoring opencast mine restorations using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) imagery

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    Altres ajuts: Joan-Cristian Padró is a recipient of the FI-DGR scholarship grant (2016B_00410). Xavier Pons is a recipient of the ICREA Academia Excellence in Research Grant (2016-2020).Open-pit mine is still an unavoidable activity but can become unsustainable without the restoration of degraded sites. Monitoring the restoration after extractive activities is a legal requirement for mine companies and public administrations in many countries, involving financial provisions for environmental liabilities. The objective of this contribution is to present a rigorous, low-cost and easy-to-use application of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for supporting opencast mining and restoration monitoring, complementing the inspections with very high (<10 cm) spatial resolution multispectral imagery, and improving any restoration documentation with detailed land cover maps. The potential of UAS as a tool to control restoration works is presented in a calcareous quarry that has undergone different post-mining restoration actions in the last 20 years, representing 4 reclaimed stages. We used a small (<2 kg) drone equipped with a multispectral sensor, along with field spectroradiometer measurements that were used to radiometrically correct the UAS sensor data. Imagery was processed with photogrammetric and Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems software, resulting in spectral information, vegetation and soil indices, structural information and land cover maps. Spectral data and land cover classification, which were validated through ground-truth plots, aided in the detection and quantification of mine waste dumping, bare soil and other land cover extension. Moreover, plant formations and vegetation development were evaluated, allowing a quantitative, but at the same time visual and intuitive comparison with the surrounding reference systems. The protocol resulting from this research constitutes a pipeline solution intended for the implementation by public administrations and privates companies for precisely evaluating restoration dynamics in an expedient manner at a very affordable budget. Furthermore, the proposed solution prevents subjective interpretations by providing objective data, which integrate new technologies at the service of scientists, environmental managers and decision makers

    Cloud removal from optical remote sensing images

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    Optical remote sensing images used for Earth surface observations are constantly contaminated by cloud cover. Clouds dynamically affect the applications of optical data and increase the difficulty of image analysis. Therefore, cloud is considered as one of the sources of noise in optical image data, and its detection and removal need to be operated as a pre-processing step in most remote sensing image processing applications. This thesis investigates the current cloud detection and removal algorithms and develops three new cloud removal methods to improve the accuracy of the results. A thin cloud removal method based on signal transmission principles and spectral mixture analysis (ST-SMA) for pixel correction is developed in the first contribution. This method considers not only the additive reflectance from the clouds but also the energy absorption when solar radiation passes through them. Data correction is achieved by subtracting the product of the cloud endmember signature and the cloud abundance and rescaling according to the cloud thickness. The proposed method has no requirement for meteorological data and does not rely on reference images. The experimental results indicate that the proposed approach is able to perform effective removal of thin clouds in different scenarios. In the second study, an effective cloud removal method is proposed by taking advantage of the noise-adjusted principal components transform (CR-NAPCT). It is found that the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of cloud data is higher than data without cloud contamination, when spatial correlation is considered and are shown in the first NAPCT component (NAPC1) in the NAPCT data. An inverse transformation with a modified first component is then applied to generate the cloud free image. The effectiveness of the proposed method is assessed by performing experiments on simulated and real data to compare the quantitative and qualitative performance of the proposed approach. The third study of this thesis deals with both cloud and cloud shadow problems with the aid of an auxiliary image in a clear sky condition. A new cloud removal approach called multitemporal dictionary learning (MDL) is proposed. Dictionaries of the cloudy areas (target data) and the cloud free areas (reference data) are learned separately in the spectral domain. An online dictionary learning method is then applied to obtain the two dictionaries in this method. The removal process is conducted by using the coefficients from the reference image and the dictionary learned from the target image. This method is able to recover the data contaminated by thin and thick clouds or cloud shadows. The experimental results show that the MDL method is effective from both quantitative and qualitative viewpoints

    MODIS: Moderate-resolution imaging spectrometer. Earth observing system, volume 2B

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    The Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS), as presently conceived, is a system of two imaging spectroradiometer components designed for the widest possible applicability to research tasks that require long-term (5 to 10 years), low-resolution (52 channels between 0.4 and 12.0 micrometers) data sets. The system described is preliminary and subject to scientific and technological review and modification, and it is anticipated that both will occur prior to selection of a final system configuration; however, the basic concept outlined is likely to remain unchanged

    Multi-feature combined cloud and cloud shadow detection in GaoFen-1 wide field of view imagery

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    The wide field of view (WFV) imaging system onboard the Chinese GaoFen-1 (GF-1) optical satellite has a 16-m resolution and four-day revisit cycle for large-scale Earth observation. The advantages of the high temporal-spatial resolution and the wide field of view make the GF-1 WFV imagery very popular. However, cloud cover is an inevitable problem in GF-1 WFV imagery, which influences its precise application. Accurate cloud and cloud shadow detection in GF-1 WFV imagery is quite difficult due to the fact that there are only three visible bands and one near-infrared band. In this paper, an automatic multi-feature combined (MFC) method is proposed for cloud and cloud shadow detection in GF-1 WFV imagery. The MFC algorithm first implements threshold segmentation based on the spectral features and mask refinement based on guided filtering to generate a preliminary cloud mask. The geometric features are then used in combination with the texture features to improve the cloud detection results and produce the final cloud mask. Finally, the cloud shadow mask can be acquired by means of the cloud and shadow matching and follow-up correction process. The method was validated using 108 globally distributed scenes. The results indicate that MFC performs well under most conditions, and the average overall accuracy of MFC cloud detection is as high as 96.8%. In the contrastive analysis with the official provided cloud fractions, MFC shows a significant improvement in cloud fraction estimation, and achieves a high accuracy for the cloud and cloud shadow detection in the GF-1 WFV imagery with fewer spectral bands. The proposed method could be used as a preprocessing step in the future to monitor land-cover change, and it could also be easily extended to other optical satellite imagery which has a similar spectral setting.Comment: This manuscript has been accepted for publication in Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 191, pp.342-358, 2017. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S003442571730038X

    Investigation of Coastal Vegetation Dynamics and Persistence in Response to Hydrologic and Climatic Events Using Remote Sensing

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    Coastal Wetlands (CW) provide numerous imperative functions and provide an economic base for human societies. Therefore, it is imperative to track and quantify both short and long-term changes in these systems. In this dissertation, CW dynamics related to hydro-meteorological signals were investigated using a series of LANDSAT-derived normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data and hydro-meteorological time-series data in Apalachicola Bay, Florida, from 1984 to 2015. NDVI in forested wetlands exhibited more persistence compared to that for scrub and emergent wetlands. NDVI fluctuations generally lagged temperature by approximately three months, and water level by approximately two months. This analysis provided insight into long-term CW dynamics in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Long-term studies like this are dependent on optical remote sensing data such as Landsat which is frequently partially obscured due to clouds and this can that makes the time-series sparse and unusable during meteorologically active seasons. Therefore, a multi-sensor, virtual constellation method is proposed and demonstrated to recover the information lost due to cloud cover. This method, named Tri-Sensor Fusion (TSF), produces a simulated constellation for NDVI by integrating data from three compatible satellite sensors. The visible and near-infrared (VNIR) bands of Landsat-8 (L8), Sentinel-2, and the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) were utilized to map NDVI and to compensate each satellite sensor\u27s shortcomings in visible coverage area. The quantitative comparison results showed a Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Coefficient of Determination (R2) of 0.0020 sr-1 and 0.88, respectively between true observed and fused L8 NDVI. Statistical test results and qualitative performance evaluation suggest that TSF was able to synthesize the missing pixels accurately in terms of the absolute magnitude of NDVI. The fusion improved the spatial coverage of CWs reasonably well and ultimately increases the continuity of NDVI data for long term studies

    Modeling Vegetation Cover at Mount St Helens Using Highly Correlated Vegetation Indices

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    The eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 devastated the landscape and obliterated all ground vegetation within a 620 km2 blast zone radius. The destructive forces of the lateral blast, debris avalanche, tephra plume, and lahar flow created a complex mosaic of disturbance zones, that subsequently yielded various rates of landscape recovery. Remote sensing is an efficient method for monitoring landscape-scale changes by recording the distinct spectral reflectance of vegetation. Based on statistically significant correlations between Vegetation Indices and vegetation parameters, an empirical model can be developed for vegetation cover predictions. This capstone analysis found that NDVI holds the strongest relationship to vegetation cover when compared to other indices. Linear regression found that NDVI can account for 97.8% of vegetation cover variability when using a quadratic model (VegCover = 136.21(NDVI2) - 20.255(NDVI) - 0.1962)

    Earth Resources. A continuing bibliography with indexes, issue 34, July 1982

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    This bibliography lists 567 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System between April 1, and June 30, 1982. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economic analysis

    Geo-rectification and cloud-cover correction of multi-temporal Earth observation imagery

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    Over the past decades, improvements in remote sensing technology have led to mass proliferation of aerial imagery. This, in turn, opened vast new possibilities relating to land cover classification, cartography, and so forth. As applications in these fields became increasingly more complex, the amount of data required also rose accordingly and so, to satisfy these new needs, automated systems had to be developed. Geometric distortions in raw imagery must be rectified, otherwise the high accuracy requirements of the newest applications will not be attained. This dissertation proposes an automated solution for the pre-stages of multi-spectral satellite imagery classification, focusing on Fast Fourier Shift theorem based geo-rectification and multi-temporal cloud-cover correction. By automatizing the first stages of image processing, automatic classifiers can take advantage of a larger supply of image data, eventually allowing for the creation of semi-real-time mapping applications
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