10 research outputs found

    A Review on Multilevel wrApper Verification System with maintenance Model Enhancement

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    The online data sources have prompted to an expanded utilization of wrappers for extract data from Web sources. We present a unique idea, to explain the expressed problems and formally demonstrate its accuracy. Conventional research techniques have concentrated on snappy and effective era of wrappers; the advancement of devices for wrapper support has gotten less consideration and no arrangement to self upkeep. This empowers us to learn wrappers in a totally unsupervised way from consequently and inexpensively preparing information, e.g., utilizing word references and standard expressions. This turns into a research issue since Web sources frequently change progressively in ways that keep the wrappers from removing data accurately. We will probably help programming engineers develop wrapping operators that translate questions written in abnormal state organized language. Work introduces a proficient idea for auxiliary data about information from positive cases alone. Framework utilizes this data for wrapper upkeep applications: utilizing wrapper check and enlistment component planning a support show. The wrapper verification framework identifies when a wrapper is not extricating right information, for the most part on the grounds that the Web source has changed its organization. Sites are constantly advancing, upgrading and basic changes happen with no cautioning, which for the most part results in wrappers working mistakenly. Tragically, wrappers may flop in the undertaking of separating information from a Web page, if its structure changes, once in a while even marginally, in this way requiring the abusing of new procedures to be naturally held to adjust the wrapper to the new structure of the page, in the event of disappointment

    Integrating Deep-Web Information Sources

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    Deep-web information sources are difficult to integrate into automated business processes if they only provide a search form. A wrapping agent is a piece of software that allows a developer to query such information sources without worrying about the details of interacting with such forms. Our goal is to help soft ware engineers construct wrapping agents that interpret queries written in high-level structured languages. We think that this shall definitely help reduce integration costs because this shall relieve developers from the burden of transforming their queries into low-level interactions in an ad-hoc manner. In this paper, we report on our reference framework, delve into the related work, and highlight current research challenges. This is intended to help guide future research efforts in this area.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007-64119Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-2602Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-4100Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2008-04718-

    Change Management in Large-Scale Enterprise Information Systems

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    Abstract. The information infrastructure in today’s businesses consists of many interoperating autonomous systems. Changes to a single system can therefore have an unexpected impact on other, dependent systems. In our Caro approach we try to cope with this problem by observing each system participating in the infrastructure and analyzing the impact of any change that occurs. The analysis process is driven by declaratively defined rules and works with a generic and ex-tensible graph model to represent the relevant metadata that is subject to changes. This makes Caro applicable to heterogeneous scenarios and customizable to spe-cial needs.

    BlogForever D2.6: Data Extraction Methodology

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    This report outlines an inquiry into the area of web data extraction, conducted within the context of blog preservation. The report reviews theoretical advances and practical developments for implementing data extraction. The inquiry is extended through an experiment that demonstrates the effectiveness and feasibility of implementing some of the suggested approaches. More specifically, the report discusses an approach based on unsupervised machine learning that employs the RSS feeds and HTML representations of blogs. It outlines the possibilities of extracting semantics available in blogs and demonstrates the benefits of exploiting available standards such as microformats and microdata. The report proceeds to propose a methodology for extracting and processing blog data to further inform the design and development of the BlogForever platform

    Fault-tolerant Semantic Mappings Among Heterogeneous and Distributed Local Ontologies

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    ABSTRACT Overcoming semantic mapping faults, i.e. semantic incompatibility, is a vital issue for the success of semantic-based peer-to-peer systems. There are various research efforts which address the classification and the resolution of the semantic mapping fault problem, i.e. translation errors. All of the precedent research related to semantic mapping faults demonstrates one significant shortcoming. This flaw is the inability to discriminate between non-permanent and permanent semantic mapping faults, i.e. how long do semantic incompatibilities stay effective and are the semantic incompatibilities permanent or temporary? The current research examines the destructive effect of semantic mapping faults on the Emerging Semantics, i.e. bottom-up construction of ontology and proposes a solution to detect temporal semantic mapping faults. The current research also demonstrates that fault-tolerant semantic mapping will result in Emerging Semantics which are more complete and agreeable than those domain ontologies that are built without consideration for fault-tolerant semantic mapping

    Understanding and Managing Medical Data and Knowledge Dynamics

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    For several decades, Artificial Intelligence is concerned with the definition of the concept of knowledge in order to exploit it for various purposes such as information retrieval, decision support or semantic interoperability. This is mainly done thanks to knowledge representation models such as ontologies aiming at representing and organising the concepts of a given domain. However, the evolution of these models and its impact on depending artefacts remain open research problems.The biomedical domain is specific in a sense that its associated knowledge is complex and constantly evolving as underlined by the ever increasing number of published scientific communications. This is why I have focus on this domain and its specificities have been the various lines I have followed during my research work.Three main thematics have focused my efforts over the past years:1- Biomedical knowledge representation2- The management of the evolution of biomedical knowledge representation models 3- The validation of biomedical knowledge representation models These topics are more largely detailed in this manuscriptDepuis plusieurs décennies, le domaine de l’Intelligence Artificielle s’intéresse à définir la notion de connaissance afin de l’exploiter à des fins diverses dans plusieurs cadres d’application tels que la recherche d’information, l’aide à la décision ou encore l’interopérabilité sémantique. Ceci est en partie réalisé grâce à l’utilisation de modèles de représentation des connaissances tels que les ontologies permettant la spécification d’une conceptualisation. Cependant, les aspects liés à l'évolution des connaissances et des modèles qui leur sont associés restent largement inexplorés et demeurent des problèmes de recherche ouverts.Le domaine biomédical est un domaine très riche dans la mesure où les connaissances qu’il intègre sont complexes et en perpétuelle évolution comme le démontre le nombre sans cesse croissant de communications scientifiques publiées au quotidien. C’est pour ces raisons qu’il a suscité mon intérêt et ses spécificités ont constitué la ligne directrice de mes activités de recherche.Trois grandes thématiques ont focalisé mes efforts au cours de ces dernières années et ont concentré la majeure partie de mes contributions scientifiques et collaborations dans ce domaine particulier.1- La représentation des connaissances en santé.2- La gestion de l'évolution des modèles de représentation des connaissances biomédicales.3- La validation des modèles de représentation des connaissances biomédicales.Mes travaux autour de ces trois thématiques sont détaillés dans ce manuscrit

    Mejorando las técnicas de verificación de wrappers web mediante técnicas bioinspiradas y de clasificación

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    Muchas Aplicaciones Empresariales necesitan de los wrappers para poder tratar con información proveniente de la web profunda. Los wrappers son sistemas automáticos que permiten navegar, extraer, estructurar y verificar información relevante proveniente de la web. Uno de sus elementos, el extractor de información, está formado por una serie de reglas de extracción que suelen estar basadas en etiquetas HTML. Por tanto, si las fuentes cambian, el wrapper, en algunos casos, puede devolver información no deseada por la empresa y provocar, en el mejor de los casos, retrasos en sus tomas de decisión. Diversos sistemas de verificación de wrappers se han desarrollado con el objetivo de detectar automáticamente cuándo un wrapper está extrayendo datos incorrectos. Estos sistemas presentan una serie de carencias cuyo origen radica en asumir que los datos a verificar siguen una serie de características estadísticas preestablecidas. En esta disertación se analizan estos sistemas, se diseña un marco de trabajo para desarrollar verificadores y se aborda el problema de la verificación desde dos puntos de vista distintos. Inicialmente lo ubicaremos dentro de la rama de la optimización computacional y lo resolveremos aplicando metaheúristicas bioinspiradas como es la basada en colonias en hormigas, en concreto aplicaremos el algoritmo BWAS; con posterioridad, lo formularemos y resolveremos como si de un problema de clasificación no supervisada se tratara. Fruto de este segundo enfoque surge MAVE, un verificador multinivel cuya base principal son los clasificadores de una única clase.Many Enterprise Applications require wrappers to deal with information from the deep web. Wrappers are automated systems that allow you to navigate, extract, reveal structures and verify information from the web. One of its elements, the information extractor, is formed by extraction rules series that are usually based on HTML tags. Therefore, if you change sources, the wrapper, in some cases, may return unwanted information by the company and cause, at the best, delays in their decision-making process. Some wrappers verification systems have been developed to automatically detect when a wrapper is taking out incorrect data. These systems have a number of shortcomings whose origin lies in assuming that the data to verify follow a series of pre statistics. This dissertation analyzes these systems, a framework is designed to develop verifiers and the verification problem is approached from two different points of view. Initially, we place it within the branch of computational optimization and solve it applying bio-inspired metaheuristic as it is found in ant colonies, specifically we will apply the BWAS algorithm. Subsequently we will formulate and solve as if it were a unsupervised classification problem. The result of this second approach is MAVE, a multilevel verifier whose main base are the unique class classifiers

    Reconciling Schema Matching Networks

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    Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Mapping Maintenance for Data Integration Systems

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    To answer user queries, a data integration system employs a set of semantic mappings between the mediated schema and the schemas of data sources. In dynamic environments sources often undergo changes that invalidate the mappings. Hence, once the system is deployed, the administrator must monitor it over time, to detect and repair broken mappings