11,288 research outputs found

    A study on multi-trip vehicle routing problem with time windows and meal break considerations

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    In the manpower scheduling problem with multiple trips vehicle routing and time windows consideration, a group of staff workers has to be assigned to a number of jobs in such a way that the total number of staff required is minimised, and each job’s requirements for manpower, transportation time, and time windows must be respected. Furthermore, if several staff is requested to cooperate, they must work on the job at the same time. The problem originates from manpower scheduling for the in-flight food loading operations and could be modeled as Multiple Trips Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problem with Time Windows and meal break considerations (MTVRSPTW-MB). In this thesis, we present a mathematical model of MTVRSPTW-MB and show that even for a reduced problem; it is intractable on this small sample size of data. Therefore, we developed an original two-stage scheduling heuristic algorithm to cope with this complicated combinatorial optimisation problem. This heuristic uses some simple laxity scheduling and priority rules to do the job assignment and scheduling in two stages. The heuristic is tested on real-life problem instances supplied by one of the in-flight caterers from Malaysia. On top of that, a pre-processing data algorithm was developed to spread the demand as evenly as possible. We obtained excellent solutions in reduction manpower in all the cases within three seconds. We also evaluated the heuristic further by comparing it with a popular heuristic insertion algorithm. The computational results report the effectiveness and robustness of our proposed heuristics. Our heuristic algorithm has also proved computational bounded

    Optimization Model for Base-Level Delivery Routes and Crew Scheduling

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    In the U.S. Air Force, a Logistic Readiness Squadron (LRS) provides material management, distribution, and oversight of contingency operations. Dispatchers in the LRS must quickly prepare schedules that meet the needs of their customers while dealing with real-world constraints, such as time windows, delivery priorities, and intermittent recurring missions. Currently, LRS vehicle operation elements are faced with a shortage of manpower and lack an efficient scheduling algorithm and tool. The purpose of this research is to enhance the dispatchers\u27 capability to handle flexible situations and produce good schedules within current manpower restrictions. In this research, a new scheduling model and algorithm are provided as an approach to crew scheduling for a base-level delivery system with a single depot. A Microsoft Excel application, the Daily Squadron Scheduler (DSS), was built to implement the algorithm. DSS combines generated duties with the concept of a set covering problem. It utilizes a Linear Programming pricing algorithm and Excel Solver as the primary engine to solve the problem. Reduced costs and shadow prices from subproblems are used to generate a set of feasible duties from which an optimal solution to the LP relaxation can be found. From these candidate duties the best IP solution is then found. The culmination of this effort was the development of both a scheduling tool and an analysis tool to guide the LRS dispatcher toward efficient current and future schedules

    Short-term manpower management in manufacturing systems: new requirements and DSS prototyping

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    The short-term planning and scheduling of discrete manufacturing systems has mostly focused in the past on the management of machines, implicitly considered as the critical resources of the workshops. Some of the present schedulers claim to also manage human resources, but perform most of the time a local allocation of operators to machines, these operators having regular working hours. However, it seems clear that the workforce has a specificity that should be better taken into account by short-term planning facilities. Moreover, the variability of the weekly working hours through the year will shortly become a rule and not anymore an exception. On the base of a questionnaire answered by 19 French companies of different sizes and industrial sectors, we have tried to identify more precisely some industrial requirements concerning the short-term management of human resources. The growing interest in annualised hours together with the lack of software tools that allow to implement it practically is one of the results of this questionnaire. We suggest in this article the specification of a decision support system for short-term manpower management under annualised hours, taking into account the competence of the operators. A software prototype has been developed according to these specifications; the results of a simple but representative example are described

    Management techniques - A compilation

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    Engineering, finance, and personnel management methods and computer techniques for cost reduction and reliability in project plannin

    A survey of workforce scheduling and routing

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    In the context of workforce scheduling, there are many scenarios in which personnel must carry out tasks at different locations hence requiring some form of transportation. Examples of these type of scenarios include nurses visiting patients at home, technicians carrying out repairs at customers' locations, security guards performing rounds at different premises, etc. We refer to these scenarios as Workforce Scheduling and Routing Problems (WSRP) as they usually involve the scheduling of personnel combined with some form of routing in order to ensure that employees arrive on time to the locations where tasks need to be performed. This kind of problems have been tackled in the literature for a number of years. This paper presents a survey which attempts to identify the common attributes of WSRP scenarios and the solution methods applied when tackling these problems. Our longer term aim is to achieve an in-depth understanding of how to model and solve workforce scheduling and routing problems and this survey represents the first step in this quest

    A survey of workforce scheduling and routing

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    In the context of workforce scheduling, there are many scenarios in which personnel must carry out tasks at different locations hence requiring some form of transportation. Examples of these type of scenarios include nurses visiting patients at home, technicians carrying out repairs at customers' locations, security guards performing rounds at different premises, etc. We refer to these scenarios as Workforce Scheduling and Routing Problems (WSRP) as they usually involve the scheduling of personnel combined with some form of routing in order to ensure that employees arrive on time to the locations where tasks need to be performed. This kind of problems have been tackled in the literature for a number of years. This paper presents a survey which attempts to identify the common attributes of WSRP scenarios and the solution methods applied when tackling these problems. Our longer term aim is to achieve an in-depth understanding of how to model and solve workforce scheduling and routing problems and this survey represents the first step in this quest

    Deep space network resource scheduling approach and application

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    Deep Space Network (DSN) resource scheduling is the process of distributing ground-based facilities to track multiple spacecraft. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory has carried out extensive research to find ways of automating this process in an effort to reduce time and manpower costs. This paper presents a resource-scheduling system entitled PLAN-IT with a description of its design philosophy. The PLAN-IT's current on-line usage and limitations in scheduling the resources of the DSN are discussed, along with potential enhancements for DSN application

    Workforce scheduling and routing problems: literature survey and computational study

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    In the context of workforce scheduling, there are many scenarios in which personnel must carry out tasks at different locations hence requiring some form of transportation. Examples of these type of scenarios include nurses visiting patients at home, technicians carrying out repairs at customers’ locations and security guards performing rounds at different premises, etc. We refer to these scenarios as workforce scheduling and routing problems (WSRP) as they usually involve the scheduling of personnel combined with some form of routing in order to ensure that employees arrive on time at the locations where tasks need to be performed. The first part of this paper presents a survey which attempts to identify the common features of WSRP scenarios and the solution methods applied when tackling these problems. The second part of the paper presents a study on the computational difficulty of solving these type of problems. For this, five data sets are gathered from the literature and some adaptations are made in order to incorporate the key features that our survey identifies as commonly arising in WSRP scenarios. The computational study provides an insight into the structure of the adapted test instances, an insight into the effect that problem features have when solving the instances using mathematical programming, and some benchmark computation times using the Gurobi solver running on a standard personal computer
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