248 research outputs found

    Feasibility study and porting of the damped least square algorithm on FPGA

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    Modern embedded computing platforms used within Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are nowadays leveraging more and more often on heterogeneous computing substrates, such as newest Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices. Compared to general purpose platforms, which have a fixed datapath, FPGAs provide designers the possibility of customizing part of the computing infrastructure, to better shape the execution on the application needs/features, and offer high efficiency in terms of timing and power performance, while naturally featuring parallelism. In the context of FPGA-based CPSs, this article has a two fold mission. On the one hand, it presents an analysis of the Damped Least Square (DLS) algorithm for a perspective hardware implementation. On the other hand, it describes the implementation of a robotic arm controller based on the DLS to numerically solve Inverse Kinematics problems over a heterogeneous FPGA. Assessments involve a Trossen Robotics WidowX robotic arm controlled by a Digilent ZedBoard provided with a Xilinx Zynq FPGA that computes the Inverse Kinematic

    RobotPerf: An Open-Source, Vendor-Agnostic, Benchmarking Suite for Evaluating Robotics Computing System Performance

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    We introduce RobotPerf, a vendor-agnostic benchmarking suite designed to evaluate robotics computing performance across a diverse range of hardware platforms using ROS 2 as its common baseline. The suite encompasses ROS 2 packages covering the full robotics pipeline and integrates two distinct benchmarking approaches: black-box testing, which measures performance by eliminating upper layers and replacing them with a test application, and grey-box testing, an application-specific measure that observes internal system states with minimal interference. Our benchmarking framework provides ready-to-use tools and is easily adaptable for the assessment of custom ROS 2 computational graphs. Drawing from the knowledge of leading robot architects and system architecture experts, RobotPerf establishes a standardized approach to robotics benchmarking. As an open-source initiative, RobotPerf remains committed to evolving with community input to advance the future of hardware-accelerated robotics

    Reconfigurable Computing Applied to Latency Reduction for the Tactile Internet

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    Tactile internet applications allow robotic devices to be remotely controlled over a communication medium with an unnoticeable time delay. In a bilateral communication, the acceptable round trip latency is usually in the order of 1ms up to 10ms depending on the application requirements. It is estimated that 70% of the total latency is generated by the communication network, and the remaining 30% is produced by master and slave devices. Thus, this paper aims to propose a strategy to reduce 30% of the total latency that is produced by such devices. The strategy is to apply reconfigurable computation using FPGAs to minimize the execution time of device-associated algorithms. With this in mind, this work presents a hardware reference model for modules that implement nonlinear positioning and force calculations as well as a tactile system formed by two robotic manipulators. In addition to presenting the implementation details, simulations and experimental tests are performed in order to validate the proposed model. Results associated with the FPGA sampling rate, throughput, latency, and post-synthesis occupancy area are analyzed.Comment: 20 pages, 32 Figure

    High performance control of a multiple-DOF motion platform for driver seat vibration test in laboratory

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    Dynamic testing plays an important part in the vehicle seat suspension study. However, a large amount of research work on vibration control of vehicle seat suspension to date has been limited to simulations because the use of a full-size vehicle to test the device is an expensive and dangerous task. In order to decrease the product development time and cost as well as to improve the design quality, in this research, a vibration generation platform is developed for simulating the road induced vehicle vibration in laboratory. Different from existing driving simulation platforms, this research focuses on the vehicle chassis vibration simulation and the control of motion platform to make sure the platform can more accurately generate the actual vehicle vibration movement. A seven degree-of-freedom (DOF) full-vehicle model with varying road inputs is used to simulate the real vehicle vibration. Moreover, because the output vibration data of the vehicle model is all about the absolute heave, pitch and roll velocities of the sprung mass, in order to simulate the vibration in all dimensions, a Stewart multiple-DOF motion platform is designed to generate the required vibration. As a result, the whole vibration simulator becomes a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) system. The hardware consists of a computer used to calculate the required vibration signals, a Stewart platform used to generate the real movement, and a controller used to control the movement of the platform and implemented by a National Instruments (NI) CompactRIO board. The data, which is from the vehicle model, can be converted into the length of the six legs of the Stewart platform. Therefore, the platform can transfer into the same posture as the real vehicle chassis at that moment. The success of the developed platform is demonstrated by HIL experiments of actuators. As there are six actuators installed in the motion platform, the signals from six encoders are used as the feedback signals for the control of the length of the actuators, and advanced control strategies are developed to control the movement of the platform to make sure the platform can accurately generate the required motion even in heavy load situations. Theoretical study is conducted on how to generate the reasonable vibration signals suitable for vehicle seat vibration tests in different situations and how to develop advanced control strategies for accurate control of the motion platform. Both simulation and experimental studies are conducted to validate the proposed approaches

    Design of high-speed and low-power finite-word-length PID controllers.

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    International audienceASIC or FPGA implementation of a finite word-length PID controller requires a double expertise : in control system and hardware design. In this paper, we only focus on the hardware side of the problem. We show how to design configurable fixed-point PIDs to satisfy application srequiring minimal power consumption, or high control-rate, or both together. As multiply operation is the engine of PID, we experienced three algorithms : Booth, modified Booth, and a new recursive multi-bit multiplication algorithm. This later enables the construction of finely grained PID structures with bit-velvel and unit-time precsion. Such a feature permits to tailor the PID to the desired performance and power budget. All PIDs are emplemented at register-transfer-level (RTL) level as technology-independent reusable IP-cores. They are reconfigurable according to two compile-time constants : set-point word-length and latency. To make PID design easily reproducible, all necessary implementation details are provided and discussed

    Microfactory concept with bilevel modularity

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    There has been an increasing demand for miniaturization of products in the last decades. As a result of that, miniaturization and micro systems have become an important topic of research. As the technologies of micro manufacturing improve and are gradually started to be used, new devices have started to emerge in to the market. However, the miniaturization of the products is not paralleled to the sizes of the equipment used for their production. The conventional equipment for production of microparts is comparable in size and energy consumption to their counterparts in the macro world. The miniaturization of products and parts is slowly paving the way to the miniaturization of the production equipment and facilities, enabling efficient use of energy for production, improvement in material resource utilization and high speed and precision which in turn will lead to an increase in the amount of products produced more precisely. These led to the introduction of the microfactory concept which involves the miniaturization of the conventional production systems with all their features trying to facilitate the advantages that are given above. The aim of this thesis is to develop a module structure for production and assembly which can be cascaded with other modules in order to form a layout for the production of a specific product. The layout can also be changed in order to configure the microfactory for the production of another product. This feature brings flexibility to the system in the sense of product design and customization of products. Each module having its own control system, is able to perform its duty with the equipment placed into it. In order to form different layouts using the modules to build up a complete production chain, each module is equipped with necessary interface modules for the interaction and communication with the other process modules. In this work, the concept of process oriented modules with bilevel modularity is introduced for the development of microfactory modules. The first phase of the project is defined to be the realization of an assembly module and forms the content of this thesis. The assembly module contains parallel kinematics robots as manipulators which performs the assigned operations. One of the most important part here is to configure the structure of the module (control system/interface and communication units, etc.) which will in the future enable the easy integration of different process modules in order to form a whole microfactory which will have the ability to perform all phases of production necessary for the manufacturing of a product. The assembly module is a miniaturized version of the conventional factories (i.e. an assembly line) in such a way that the existing industrial standards are imitated within the modules of the microfactory. So that one who is familiar with the conventional systems can also be familiar with the construction of the realized miniature system and can easily setup the system according to the needs of the application. Thus, this is an important step towards the come in to use of the miniaturized production units in the industry. In order to achieve that kind of structure, necessary control hardware and software architecture are implemented which allows easy configuration of the system according to the processes. The modularity and reconfigurability in the software structure also have significant importance besides the modularity of the mechanical structure. The miniaturization process for the assembly cell includes the miniaturization of the parallel manipulators, transportation system in between the assembly nodes or in between different modules and the control system hardware. Visual sensor utilization for the visual feedback is enabled for the assembly process at the necessary nodes. The assembly module is developed and experiments are realized in order to test the performance of the module

    Design New Online Tuning Intelligent Chattering Free Fuzzy Compensator

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    Automation and Robotics: Latest Achievements, Challenges and Prospects

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    This SI presents the latest achievements, challenges and prospects for drives, actuators, sensors, controls and robot navigation with reverse validation and applications in the field of industrial automation and robotics. Automation, supported by robotics, can effectively speed up and improve production. The industrialization of complex mechatronic components, especially robots, requires a large number of special processes already in the pre-production stage provided by modelling and simulation. This area of research from the very beginning includes drives, process technology, actuators, sensors, control systems and all connections in mechatronic systems. Automation and robotics form broad-spectrum areas of research, which are tightly interconnected. To reduce costs in the pre-production stage and to reduce production preparation time, it is necessary to solve complex tasks in the form of simulation with the use of standard software products and new technologies that allow, for example, machine vision and other imaging tools to examine new physical contexts, dependencies and connections

    Design Intelligent Model base Online Tuning Methodology for Nonlinear System

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    Perception-motivated parallel algorithms for haptics

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    Negli ultimi anni l\u2019utilizzo di dispositivi aptici, atti cio\ue8 a riprodurre l\u2019interazione fisica con l\u2019ambiente remoto o virtuale, si sta diffondendo in vari ambiti della robotica e dell\u2019informatica, dai videogiochi alla chirurgia robotizzata eseguita in teleoperazione, dai cellulari alla riabilitazione. In questo lavoro di tesi abbiamo voluto considerare nuovi punti di vista sull\u2019argomento, allo scopo di comprendere meglio come riportare l\u2019essere umano, che \ue8 l\u2019unico fruitore del ritorno di forza, tattile e di telepresenza, al centro della ricerca sui dispositivi aptici. Allo scopo ci siamo focalizzati su due aspetti: una manipolazione del segnale di forza mutuata dalla percezione umana e l\u2019utilizzo di architetture multicore per l\u2019implementazione di algoritmi aptici e robotici. Con l\u2019aiuto di un setup sperimentale creato ad hoc e attraverso l\u2019utilizzo di un joystick con ritorno di forza a 6 gradi di libert\ue0, abbiamo progettato degli esperimenti psicofisici atti all\u2019identificazione di soglie differenziali di forze/coppie nel sistema mano-braccio. Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti abbiamo determinato una serie di funzioni di scalatura del segnale di forza, una per ogni grado di libert\ue0, che permettono di aumentare l\u2019abilit\ue0 umana nel discriminare stimoli differenti. L\u2019utilizzo di tali funzioni, ad esempio in teleoperazione, richiede la possibilit\ue0 di variare il segnale di feedback e il controllo del dispositivo sia in relazione al lavoro da svolgere, sia alle peculiari capacit\ue0 dell\u2019utilizzatore. La gestione del dispositivo deve quindi essere in grado di soddisfare due obbiettivi tendenzialmente in contrasto, e cio\ue8 il raggiungimento di alte prestazioni in termini di velocit\ue0, stabilit\ue0 e precisione, abbinato alla flessibilit\ue0 tipica del software. Una soluzione consiste nell\u2019affidare il controllo del dispositivo ai nuovi sistemi multicore che si stanno sempre pi\uf9 prepotentemente affacciando sul panorama informatico. Per far ci\uf2 una serie di algoritmi consolidati deve essere portata su sistemi paralleli. In questo lavoro abbiamo dimostrato che \ue8 possibile convertire facilmente vecchi algoritmi gi\ue0 implementati in hardware, e quindi intrinsecamente paralleli. Un punto da definire rimane per\uf2 quanto costa portare degli algoritmi solitamente descritti in VLSI e schemi in un linguaggio di programmazione ad alto livello. Focalizzando la nostra attenzione su un problema specifico, la pseudoinversione di matrici che \ue8 presente in molti algoritmi di dinamica e cinematica, abbiamo mostrato che un\u2019attenta progettazione e decomposizione del problema permette una mappatura diretta sulle unit\ue0 di calcolo disponibili. In aggiunta, l\u2019uso di parallelismo a livello di dati su macchine SIMD permette di ottenere buone prestazioni utilizzando semplici operazioni vettoriali come addizioni e shift. Dato che di solito tali istruzioni fanno parte delle implementazioni hardware la migrazione del codice risulta agevole. Abbiamo testato il nostro approccio su una Sony PlayStation 3 equipaggiata con un processore IBM Cell Broadband Engine.In the last years the use of haptic feedback has been used in several applications, from mobile phones to rehabilitation, from video games to robotic aided surgery. The haptic devices, that are the interfaces that create the stimulation and reproduce the physical interaction with virtual or remote environments, have been studied, analyzed and developed in many ways. Every innovation in the mechanics, electronics and technical design of the device it is valuable, however it is important to maintain the focus of the haptic interaction on the human being, who is the only user of force feedback. In this thesis we worked on two main topics that are relevant to this aim: a perception based force signal manipulation and the use of modern multicore architectures for the implementation of the haptic controller. With the help of a specific experimental setup and using a 6 dof haptic device we designed a psychophysical experiment aimed at identifying of the force/torque differential thresholds applied to the hand-arm system. On the basis of the results obtained we determined a set of task dependent scaling functions, one for each degree of freedom of the three-dimensional space, that can be used to enhance the human abilities in discriminating different stimuli. The perception based manipulation of the force feedback requires a fast, stable and configurable controller of the haptic interface. Thus a solution is to use new available multicore architectures for the implementation of the controller, but many consolidated algorithms have to be ported to these parallel systems. Focusing on specific problem, i.e. the matrix pseudoinversion, that is part of the robotics dynamic and kinematic computation, we showed that it is possible to migrate code that was already implemented in hardware, and in particular old algorithms that were inherently parallel and thus not competitive on sequential processors. The main question that still lies open is how much effort is required in order to write these algorithms, usually described in VLSI or schematics, in a modern programming language. We show that a careful task decomposition and design permit a mapping of the code on the available cores. In addition, the use of data parallelism on SIMD machines can give good performance when simple vector instructions such as add and shift operations are used. Since these instructions are present also in hardware implementations the migration can be easily performed. We tested our approach on a Sony PlayStation 3 game console equipped with IBM Cell Broadband Engine processor
