27 research outputs found

    COSMOS-7: Video-oriented MPEG-7 scheme for modelling and filtering of semantic content

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    MPEG-7 prescribes a format for semantic content models for multimedia to ensure interoperability across a multitude of platforms and application domains. However, the standard leaves it open as to how the models should be used and how their content should be filtered. Filtering is a technique used to retrieve only content relevant to user requirements, thereby reducing the necessary content-sifting effort of the user. This paper proposes an MPEG-7 scheme that can be deployed for semantic content modelling and filtering of digital video. The proposed scheme, COSMOS-7, produces rich and multi-faceted semantic content models and supports a content-based filtering approach that only analyses content relating directly to the preferred content requirements of the user

    DesignNet: a online knowledge gateway for industrial design education and research activities

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    This paper presents DesignNet, a knowledge-based system to the online digital display, retrieval and archiving of rich media resources for industrial design education and research. It addresses the needs of end-users (teachers, researchers and students) and content providers interacting with the School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano. The project moves from the assumption that traditional modalities of archiving and presentation currently adopted by the Politecnico and other academic institutions are not coherent with industrial design process and its need of project-support materials. The typical outputs of industrial design process are 3D models or 2D graphics, not just texts or simple images, the materials for which the usual method and technique of archiving and retrieval are conceived and developed. The challenges, philosophy and methodology in creating this evolving Web-based, cataloguing, multimedia knowledge-base to VR design resources are discussed. Finally, the related system and prototype are described

    Requirements for practical multimedia annotation

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    Applications that use annotated multimedia assets need to be able to process all the annotations about a specific media asset. At first sight, this seems almost trivial, but annotations are needed for different levels of description, these need to be related to each other in the appropriate way and, in particular on the Semantic Web, annotations may not all be stored in the same place. We distinguish between technical descriptions of a media asset from content-level descriptions. At both levels, the annotations needed in a single application may come from different vocabularies. In addition, the instantiated values for a term used from an ontology also need to be specified. We present a number of existing vocabularies related to multimedia

    On classifying digital accounting documents

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    Advances in computing and multimedia technologies allow many accounting documents to be digitized within little cost for effective storage and access. Moreover, the amount of accounting documents is increasing rapidly, this leads to the need of developing some mechanisms to effectively manage those (semi-structured) digital accounting documents for future accounting information systems (AIS). In general, accounting documents contains such as invoices, purchase orders, checks, photographs, charts, diagrams, etc. As a result, the major functionality of future AIS is to automatically classify digital accounting documents into different categories in an effective manner. The aim of this paper is to examine flat nonhierarchical and hierarchical classification schemes for automatic classification of different types of digital accounting documents. The experimental results show that non-hierarchical classification of digital accounting documents performs better than hierarchically classifying digital accounting documents.Los avances en informática y en las tecnologías multimedia permiten, que muchos documentos de contabilidad sean digitalizados por poco dinero para un almacenamiento y acceso efectivos. Además, la cantidad de documentos de contabilidad está incrementando de forma rápida, lo que lleva a la necesidad por desarrollar algunos mecanismos para dirigir efectivamente aquellos (semi-estructurados) documentos de contabilidad digitales para los futuros sistemas de información de contabilidad (AIS en inglés). En general, dichos documentos contienen por ejemplo, facturas, órdenes de compra, comprobaciones, fotografías, gráficos, diagramas, etc. Como resultado, la mayor funcionalidad de los futuros AIS es para clasificar automáticamente los documentos digitales de contabilidad en diferentes categorías de una forma efectiva. El objetivo de este artículo es el de examinar los esquemas de clasificación jerárquica y no jerárquica sin cambios para la clasificación automática de los diferentes tipos de dichos documentos. Los resultados experimentales demuestran que la clasificación no jerárquica de estos documentos tiene más éxito que la jerárquica

    Association rules implementation for affinity analysis between elements composing multimedia objects

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    The multimedia objects are a constantly growing resource in the world wide web, consequently it has generated as a necessity the design of methods and tools that allow to obtain new knowledge from the information analyzed. Association rules are a technique of Data Mining, whose purpose is to search for correlations between elements of a collection of data (data) as support for decision making from the identification and analysis of these correlations. Using algorithms such as: A priori, Frequent Parent Growth, QFP Algorithm, CBA, CMAR, CPAR, among others. On the other hand, multimedia applications today require the processing of unstructured data provided by multimedia objects, which are made up of text, images, audio and videos. For the storage, processing and management of multimedia objects, solutions have been generated that allow efficient search of data of interest to the end user, considering that the semantics of a multimedia object must be expressed by all the elements that composed of. In this article an analysis of the state of the art in relation to the implementation of the Association Rules in the processing of Multimedia objects is made, in addition the analysis of the consulted literature allows to generate questions about the possibility of generating a method of association rules for the analysis of these objects.Universidad de la Costa, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana


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    Abstract: Cloud computing is an emerging computing paradigm in which resources of the computing infrastructure are provided as services of the internet. Cloud computing allows consumers and businesses to use applications without installation and access their personal files at any computer with internet access

    Multimedia Information Retrieval nelle biblioteche

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    The paper aims to introduce libraries to the view that operating within the terms of traditional Information Retrieval (IR), only through textual language, is limitative, and that considering broader criteria, as those of Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR), is necessary. The paper stresses the story of MIR fundamental principles, from early years of questioning on documentation to today’s theories on semantic means. New issues for a LIS methodology of processing and searching multimedia documents are theoretically argued, introducing MIR as a holistic whole composed by content-based and semantic information retrieval methodologies. MIR offers a better information searching way: every kind of digital document can be analyzed and retrieved through the elements of language appropriate to its own nature. MIR approach directly handles the concrete content of documents, also considering semantic aspects. Paper conclusions remark the organic integration of the revolutionary contentual conception of information processing with an improved semantics conception, gathering and composing advantages of both systems for accessing to information.L'articolo vuole introdurre le biblioteche alla prospettiva che operare entro i termini dell'Information Retrieval (IR) tradizionale mediante il solo uso del linguaggio testuale è limitativo, e che prendere in considerazione i criteri più ampi del Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR) è invece necessario. L'articolo illustra la storia dei principi fondamentali del MIR, a partire dai primi anni di dibattito sulla documentazione fino alle teorie odierne sui significati semantici. Vengono dibattute nuovi argomentazioni teoriche per una metodologia LIS di trattamento e ricerca di documenti multimediali, proponendo il MIR come un tutto olistico composto da metolodogie di information retrieval semantico e basato sul contenuto. Il MIR offre modalità di ricerca migliori: ogni tipologia di documento digitale può essere analizzata e recuperata attraverso elementi del linguaggio appropriato alla sua specifica natura. L'approccio del MIR si basa sulla gestione diretta del contenuto dei documenti, considerando anche gli aspetti semantici. Le conclusioni dell'articolo rimarcano l'integrazione organica della rivoluzione della concezione di tipo contenutistico del trattamento dell'informazione con una concezione semantica migliorata, raccogliendo e componendo i vantaggi di entrambi i sistemi per l'accesso all'informazione

    Preventing duplication of digital audio file in personal divice using Biologically-Inspired Audio Storing Management Process (BIASMP)

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    This paper presents biologically-inspired audio storing management process (BiASMP) to prevent duplication of digital audio filein personal storage.There are certain digital music application tools that detect duplication and provide cleaning function. However duplication still happen until the software is executed by user.This paper inspires the biologically human concept to create a process that capable to prevent duplication of digital audio files from the start of the file is inserted into the personal device.The elements to establish BiASMP are analyzed and studied.Comparative analysis between current tools and BiASMP is made and the results of exemplar simulations are shown to authenticate the developed process