3,350 research outputs found

    Liaison interpreting from theory to practice: a project to help students develop their interpreting skills

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    The aim of this thesis is that of discussing the studies of scholars and researchers in the field of interpreting, first through an analysis of the definitions that they have given of ‘interpreting’, followed by an analysis of the different modes of interpreting and the skills and competences an interpreter should possess in order to become a professional in this field. Finally, the role of the liaison interpreter is analysed and the specific challenges he/she has to deal with. Then the thesis explores how interpreting training involves the development of language competence, focusing therefore on the description of the four basic skills of a language, namely speaking, writing, listening and reading. The theoretical part will be followed by a final practical part which consists in a project aimed at helping students practicing some liaison interpreting dialogues in order to improve their skills in interpreting.The aim of this thesis is that of discussing the studies of scholars and researchers in the field of interpreting, first through an analysis of the definitions that they have given of ‘interpreting’, followed by an analysis of the different modes of interpreting and the skills and competences an interpreter should possess in order to become a professional in this field. Finally, the role of the liaison interpreter is analysed and the specific challenges he/she has to deal with. Then the thesis explores how interpreting training involves the development of language competence, focusing therefore on the description of the four basic skills of a language, namely speaking, writing, listening and reading. The theoretical part will be followed by a final practical part which consists in a project aimed at helping students practicing some liaison interpreting dialogues in order to improve their skills in interpreting

    The language of dementia science and the science of dementia language: linguistic interpretations of an interdisciplinary research field

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    Language is a balance of precision and flexibility, and scientific dialogue across disciplines faces challenges in how terms are used and how phenomena, including language itself, are described and explained. Taking dementia as its focus, this article offers linguistic perspectives on causes of inherent difficulty with terminological exactness. Attention is paid to the interface between the positivist imperatives of clinical evaluation and the relativist interpretations that help make sense of uses of terms across contexts. Two types of reason are examined for why the language produced by people with dementia is sometimes hard to characterize and predict: the theoretical challenges inherent in analyzing the language of dementia and the social variables that affect how that language is manifested. The article concludes with the vision of linguistic research using corpus-based discourse analysis to underpin and catalyze communication-bridging activities in interdisciplinary projects, within and beyond the dementia contex

    Graphic displays of managerial business logistics

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    According to the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), logistics management can be defined as ―that part of supply chain management that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers' requirements.‖ The history of logistics is rooted in its military application. Since WWII it has developed into an important function of business as it became evident that logistics and transportation add place and time value to products and enhance the form and possession value added by manufacturing and marketing. One definition of business logistics speaks of "having the right item in the right quantity at the right time at the right place for the right price in the right condition to the right customer". Business logistics incorporates all industry sectors and aims to manage the fruition of project life cycles, supply chains, and resultant efficiencies. The term "business logistics" has evolved since the 1960s due to the increasing complexity of supplying businesses with materials and shipping out products in an increasingly globalized supply chain, leading to a call for professionals called "supply chain logisticians". In business, logistics may have either an internal focus (inbound logistics) or an external focus (outbound logistics), covering the flow and storage of materials from point of origin to point of consumption (see supply-chain management). The main functions of a qualified logistician include inventory management, purchasing, transportation, warehousing, consultation, and the organizing and planning of these activities. Logisticians combine a professional knowledge of each of these functions to coordinate resources in an organization. There are two fundamentally different forms of logistics: one optimizes a steady flow of material through a network of transport links and storage nodes, while the other coordinates a sequence of resources to carry out some project (e.g., restructuring a warehouse)

    Media Language Planning During a Pandemic – the Influence of Covid-19 on Language Recommendations to Swedish Media in Finland

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    A global crisis, like the Covid-19 pandemic, can change not only societies but also languages by a great input of new terminology. For speakers of a minority language, media is in a key position to provide them with these new words in their own language. In the case of Finland-Swedish, the Swedish media in Finland is helped by professional language advisers in this language planning task. This study analyses the media language management in Finland-Swedish media, through a content analysis of language recommendations published between February 2020 and April 2021, as well as interviews with media language advisers. The analysis shows that about a quarter of the language recommendations published during these 15 months are coronavirus-related. The topics in the recommendations follow the development of the outbreak in Finland, showing how closely the language advisers work with the news organizations. Contrary to normal situations, the Finland-Swedish media language advisers could not fully rely on the language recommendations from Sweden, due to their different Covid-19 strategies. Instead, the norm authorities were experts in ministries and official institutions, illustrating how language planning is done collectively. The Finland-Swedish journalists rely heavily on the media language recommendations, showing a certain linguistic insecurity, which according to Muhr (2012) is typical for speakers of non-dominant varieties of a pluricentric language.Peer reviewe

    The Localisation of Video Games

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    The present thesis is a study of the translation of video games with a particular emphasis on the Spanish-English language pair, although other languages are brought into play when they offer a clearer illustration of a particular point in the discussion. On the one hand, it offers a descriptive analysis of the video game industry understood as a global phenomenon in entertainment, with the aim of understanding the norms governing present game development and publishing practices. On the other hand, it discusses particular translation issues that seem to be unique to these entertainment products due to their multichannel and polysemiotic nature, in which verbal and nonverbal signs are intimately interconnected in search of maximum game interactivity. Although this research positions itself within the theoretical framework of Descriptive Translation Studies, it actually goes beyond the mere accounting of current processes to propose changes whenever professional practice seems to be unable to rid itself of old unsatisfactory habits. Of a multidisciplinary nature, the present thesis is greatly informed by various areas of knowledge such as audiovisual translation, software localisation, computer assisted translation and translation memory tools, comparative literature, and video game production and marketing, amongst others. The conclusions are an initial breakthrough in terms of research into this new area, challenging some of the basic tenets current in translation studies thanks to its multidisciplinary approach, and its solid grounding on current game localisation industry practice. The results can be useful in order to boost professional quality and to promote the training of translators in video game localisation in higher education centres.Open Acces

    Current issues of the Russian language teaching XIV

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    Collection of papers “Current issues of the Russian language teaching XIV” is devoted to issues of methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language, to issues of linguistics and literary science and includes papers related to the use of online tools and resources in teaching Russian. This collection of papers is a result of the international scientific conference “Current issues of the Russian language teaching XIV”, which was scheduled for 8–10 May 2020, but due to the pandemic COVID-19 took place remotely

    Contributions of an integrated genre theory of text and context to teaching LSP

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    International audienceThe role the genre approach may continue to play in the development of LSP competence is the central issue raised in this paper. If LSP competence means possessing multiple knowledge structures, in addition to linguistic knowledge, then it is suggested that a genre approach, especially as an integration of text-and-context, is particularly well-suited to developing LSP needs. To understand what contributions integrated genre may make, this article first reviews genre theory's recent reconceptualization of context. Using an integrated view of genre as a frame for understanding the conditions for specialized language emergence, it then describes an approach to teaching LSP, called Directed Communicative Modeling. This approach seeks to develop the wide range of competencies needed by students in LSP.Quelles peuvent ĂȘtre aujourd'hui les contributions d'une approche de genre Ă  l'enseignement des compĂ©tences en LSP ? Cet article rĂ©pond Ă  cette question en suggĂ©rant que l'approche de genre y est bien adaptĂ©e, surtout si ce que l'on comprend par genre est texte-et-contexte. Afin de mieux comprendre la dualitĂ© de genre, la rĂ©cente reconceptualisation du contexte par des chercheurs en genre sera discutĂ©e. Ensuite, s'appuyant sur une vision intĂ©grĂ©e de genre afin de mieux cerner et comprendre les conditions du dĂ©veloppement de la compĂ©tence langagiĂšre spĂ©cialisĂ©e, une approche pour l'enseignement des LSP, appelĂ©e la " modĂ©lisation communicative dirigĂ©e ", sera dĂ©crite. Cette approche cherche Ă  dĂ©velopper les multiples compĂ©tences nĂ©cessaires en LSP, en intĂ©grant les suppositions gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es par l'unification du texte et du contexte

    Quality aspects in institutional translation

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    "The purpose of this volume is to explore key issues, approaches and challenges to quality in institutional translation by confronting academics’ and practitioners’ perspectives. What the reader will find in this book is an interplay of two approaches: academic contributions providing the conceptual and theoretical background for discussing quality on the one hand, and chapters exploring selected aspects of quality and case studies from both academics and practitioners on the other. Our aim is to present these two approaches as a breeding ground for testing one vis-à-vis the other. This book studies institutional translation mostly through the lens of the European Union (EU) reality, and, more specifically, of EU institutions and bodies, due to the unprecedented scale of their multilingual operations and the legal and political importance of translation. Thus, it is concerned with the supranational (international) level, deliberately leaving national and other contexts aside. Quality in supranational institutions is explored both in terms of translation processes and their products – the translated texts.
