672,725 research outputs found

    Universiti Teknologi Petronas Virtual FYP Communities An Online Knowledge Sharing and Resource Centre

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    The emergence of knowledge management (KM) has made individual and organization realized the importance of managing knowledge as it should be. It allows community to acquire tacit knowledge of human expert and transfer it into explicit knowledge before document it and share among community. Information and knowledge is crucial asset the organization strain to obtain particularly from other competitor. However they sometimes overlooked the important asset which is information and knowledge that lies inside the organization itself. The objective of the proposal projectis to provide a means of organization like Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) Computer and Information Science (CIS) department to manage their intellectual capital via KM approach. In addition this system focuses on developing KM application that aims to create a virtual workplace for their community, where they can manage (upload, delete, edit, download, view and comment) the content and discover information. The development project will provide a means of collecting, managing, sharing, locating information and discover of knowledge within community. Through the concept that people learn by asking and getting answer, announcement and latest news update, The "UTP Virtual FYP Community" is being developed as a remarkably easy to use, yet highly effective KM tools. Lacking of knowledge sharing might as well affect the community performance. "UTP Virtual FYP Community" will provide a way for information and knowledge can be spread widely among community including students and lecturers. By having such knowledge management system, there will be a systematic way in storing and managing knowledge. It is hopedthat this method ofKM created can be leveraged by community and others. By using information technology, this project helps create the opportunities to capture knowledge which may require collaborative environment

    Personalised E-Learning: The Assessment of Students Prior Knowledge in Higher Education

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    Society’s use of mobile applications that instantaneously dynamically adapt to input has had the effect of users expecting immediate feedback from all applications based on their specific needs. The traditional concept of a one size fits all approach to managing an online learning environment could perhaps be improved by the inclusion of personalised learning experiences for students based on their prior knowledge. The purpose of personalised e-learning is to tailor learning content to the specific learning requirements of individual students. The focus of this chapter is to review the topic of personalised e-learning and discuss the issues and problems educators may encounter in assessing students’ prior knowledge. Information on students’ prior knowledge is required to inform the process to facilitate personalised e-learning experiences based on prior knowledge

    Determinan Keputusan Mahasiswa Dalam Berinvestasi

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    Investment decisions are decisions made by managing assets or income owned to get profits in the future. This research was conducted by observing 110 students who are currently studying at Pattimura University, Faculty of Economics and Business, majoring in Accounting and Management. The research analysis uses quantitative analysis by looking at the relationship between the Independent variables Investment Knowledge, Investment Motivation, Investment Interest, Information Technology, Investor Behavior, Investor Perception and Financial Literacy on Investment Decisions. The results of the study show that Investment Knowledge, Investment Interest, Information Technology, Investor Perception and Financial Literacy have a positive and significant influence on Investment Decisions. Meanwhile, Investment Motivation and Investor Behavior have no influence on Investment Decisions

    Digital Literacy Competence Levels of Indonesian Junior High School Students Based on Activities Through The 5m Approach

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    Students’ competence to utilize digital technology to access information as learning sources has become a necessity as experienced during the covid-19 pandemic. Students should have the digital literacy competence to support the students’ learning processes. This research was conducted to reveal the digital competence levels covering internet searching, hypertextual navigation, content evaluation, and knowledge assembly based on activities made by the students of Junior High Schools in Singkawang. The samples were selected using a proportional random sampling technique and 75 respondents were selected representing the students of Junior High Schools in Singkawang. The collected data were then processed using a descriptive statistical analysis with a quantitative approach. The statistical test was conducted using mini-step Program with Rasch modeling to measure the students’ digital literacy competence levels at Junior High Schools in Singkawang. The research results showed that the digital literacy competence level test measuring instrument was considered valid and reliable. The digital literacy competence level with high logit value of +3.78 logit also showed high problem-solving competence level. The students’ digital literacy competence level based on activities was classified into high category. Meanwhile, the activities made by the students included 5M: searching and selecting information (M1), managing information (M2), analyzing information (M3), utilizing information (M4), and sharing information (M5)

    Perceptions on Awareness, Knowledge and Confidence in Providing Information and Management of Snake-related Injuries by Medical Students in Sarawak, Malaysia

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) has categorised snake-related injuries as a neglected tropical disease which can cause permanent disability, or worse, can lead to death if not treated timely and appropriately. Medical students are exposed to snakebite patients predominantly in their clinical years and depending on the location of their medical postings. This study aimed to determine the perceived awareness, knowledge and confidence level of medical students in providing information and managing snake-related injuries. A quantitative cross-sectional study was designed and the data were collected using a Likert scale questionnaire. The perceived awareness, knowledge and confidence level between pre-clinical and clinical students were tested by an independent sample t-test. A p-value of ≤ .05 was interpreted as statistically significant. Analysis revealed a statistically significant difference of perceived knowledge (p= .009) and perception of confidence level (p= .025) between clinical and pre-clinical students. However, no difference was found in terms of perceived awareness (p> .05). Clinical medical students have a better perception of knowledge and confidence level in providing information and managing snake-related injuries than pre-clinical students. An indepth study on this topic should be conducted to include all medical students in Malaysia. Steps should be taken to improve the knowledge and confidence level of medical students in managing snake-related injuries in Malaysia

    Perceptions on awareness, knowledge and confidence in providing information and management of snake-related injuries by medical students in Sarawak, Malaysia

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) has categorised snake-related injuries as a neglected tropical disease which can cause permanent disability, or worse, can lead to death if not treated timely and appropriately. Medical students are exposed to snakebite patients predominantly in their clinical years and depending on the location of their medical postings. This study aimed to determine the perceived awareness, knowledge and confidence level of medical students in providing information and managing snake-related injuries. A quantitative cross-sectional study was designed and the data were collected using a Likert scale questionnaire. The perceived awareness, knowledge and confidence level between pre-clinical and clinical students were tested by an independent sample t-test. A p-value of ≤ .05 was interpreted as statistically significant. Analysis revealed a statistically significant difference of perceived knowledge (p= .009) and perception of confidence level (p= .025) between clinical and pre-clinical students. However, no difference was found in terms of perceived awareness (p> .05). Clinical medical students have a better perception of knowledge and confidence level in providing information and managing snake-related injuries than pre-clinical students. An indepth study on this topic should be conducted to include all medical students in Malaysia. Steps should be taken to improve the knowledge and confidence level of medical students in managing snake-related injuries in Malaysia

    Mind Mapping: A Strategy to Promote Interprofessional Collaboration among Health Science Students

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    Purpose/Background: This presentation will provide participants with an understanding of what mind mapping is and engage participants in a discussion and hands on experience of how mind mapping can be used to prepare students for interprofessional collaborative practice and integrate patient centered models of care. Managing a patient’s plan of care requires health care practitioners to share and integrate data in order to formulate a plan of care. How to engage with other disciplines is often developed during student’s clinical educational experiences. Assisting and engaging students during the academic portion are essential to prepare them for interprofessional collaborative practice. Mind Mapping is an innovative instructional strategy which focuses on integrating information using a 360 non-linear approach. Mind maps require learners to think not only in a curvilinear manner but also use visuospatial relationships which flow from a central concept. For students, using this 360 approach to explore and connect concepts and themes a rich environment for content integration emerges. Mind mapping is emerging as a positive teaching and learning strategy for health science students however there has been limited evidence supporting its efficacy in interprofessional education. Descriptions of Program Mind mapping can be infused at several points within an interprofessional curriculum. Faculty can model for students their own integration of knowledge by creating and sharing their mind maps. Alternately, IPE student groups can create mind maps and thereby engage in self-directed active learning. These options provide rich experiences for students to work on integrating content knowledge across disciplines for the development of robust interprofessional patient-centered care. Preliminary Result on Mind Mapping used in an interprofessional curriculum as well as students’ perceptions will be shared. Conclusion /Relevance to interprofessional education or practice Using a mind maps non-linear approach to learning provides may further aid student’s ability to critically reflect upon and analyze the necessary information, to develop and modify a patient’s interprofessional plan of care. This model of infusion of mind maps can be utilized in interprofessional curricular to prepare students for collaborative practice. Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to: describe the tenets associated with the development of a mind map for IPE discuss a model of infusion of mind maps for interprofessional education and collaborations recognize how to integrate mind maps into their interprofessional curricular model

    Knowledge Management Portal for Student Industrial Internship Programme

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    As a student in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), it is compulsory to undergo eight months industrial training in order to complete course requirement. This experience will provide students with valuable knowledge and skills in the designated area. However, the university does not provide a suitable environment for sharing knowledge that had been gained by these students. The current method made it hard to leverage and record the knowledge and lead to knowledge dissipation. As to date, there is no specific Knowledge Management System (KMS) that has been developed for Student Industrial Internship Programme and thus conventional method of keeping all the hardcopy documentations for Internship Final Report and Logbook Information Resource Centre (IRC) is still being used. Realizing this problem, thought was derived to develop a system that will overcome the affirmed situation. Industrial Internship Portal (IIP) is a Knowledge Management Portal for Student Industrial Internship Programme. IIP serve the functions of knowledge sharing medium, reuse of knowledge, store and record the knowledge and to transfer of knowledge among the students especially for those undergoing industrial training. The portal provides support for several purposes including knowledge sharing, promotes continuous collaboration, acquisition and also facilitates “self-kiosk” to the students, lecturers and Student Industrial Internship Unit (SIIU). The portal hosted a range of applications such as forum, discussion, blog, survey, wiki, document workflow and few other pertinent applications. This project will follow a structured approach methodology with a series of questionnaire were being created in order to accumulate relevant feedbacks and information from the aimed scope, which is the students of UTP. The IIP will be beneficial for students, lecturers and SIIU in order to improve the knowledge access and sharing as well as communication through effective collaboration, enhancing the knowledge environment and managing knowledge as an asset for the academic community

    Efficiency of e-learning in an information literacy course for medical students at the Masaryk University

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    Purpose: The main goal of this paper is to argue E-learning can be a viable alternative teaching method for Information Literacy according to a comparation of librarian’s time spent face-to-face teaching with tutoring the E-learning course, average time spent a week on learning by the students, time flexibility of E-learning, students’ satisfaction with E-learning and students’ ability to gain practical skills and theoretical knowledge through E-learning. Design/methodology/approach: Satisfaction of medical students with E-learning and their average weekly time spent learning was assessed through surveys designed in Google Documents. Weekly time spent by students learning in class and the number of librarian teaching hours were set by the university schedule and time spent on tutoring E-learning was measured. Details of accesses to study materials and submission of tasks as well as exam results were collected from Masaryk University Learning Management System. Findings: In 2011 50% less time was expended on tutoring E-learning than time spent with the same number of students in the previous three years in the classroom. One third of the students learned for more hours a week with E-learning than students in class. No significant difference in gained theoretical knowledge between these students was found. On average 90% of tasks submitted to E-learning were correct the first time. E-learning was appreciated by the students for its time (93%) and space (83 %) flexibility, the online materials (62%) and self-managing learning time (55%). Details of access to the study materials confirmed time flexibility. Originality/value: Due to time saved and considering the lack of any significant difference in the knowledge gained by students, E-learning can be a viable alternative teaching method for Information Literacy

    Implementation of health checking tools using lean method for managing final year project / Siti Izniwafaa Azizan

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    Good project management includes continuous attention to make sure a project is running well. Currently, most of students of Bachelor in Information Technology (Hons.) Information Systems Engineering had problems in managing their Final Year Project (FYP) as they find difficulty to take an objective view of current state of their FYP. This phenomenon results to ineffective FYP deliverables which lead to failure. This research study is about Project Health Check (PHC) approach to better enables the students to deliver a successful FYP outcome. The PHC templates provide students with early indications of looming problems during the life of a project by checking true status of running task and also encourage students to maintain good practices from start to finish through a simple scheduling approach. The research study focused on Lean method that help in aligning and redesign process workflow through removing waste in the project. Lean management methods helps in increasing the performance of PHC to deliver better FYP report for submission purposed. Both qualitative and quantitative method is used to identify problem, gaining knowledge and achieved result findings. The results show the application of PHC templates in visualization form of checking project health status and checking project compliance. These benefits to a certain extent contribute in managing students’ FYP report compliance and monitoring health status of FYP and indirectly ease supervision task to supervisors
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