17,886 research outputs found

    On-line planning and scheduling: an application to controlling modular printers

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    We present a case study of artificial intelligence techniques applied to the control of production printing equipment. Like many other real-world applications, this complex domain requires high-speed autonomous decision-making and robust continual operation. To our knowledge, this work represents the first successful industrial application of embedded domain-independent temporal planning. Our system handles execution failures and multi-objective preferences. At its heart is an on-line algorithm that combines techniques from state-space planning and partial-order scheduling. We suggest that this general architecture may prove useful in other applications as more intelligent systems operate in continual, on-line settings. Our system has been used to drive several commercial prototypes and has enabled a new product architecture for our industrial partner. When compared with state-of-the-art off-line planners, our system is hundreds of times faster and often finds better plans. Our experience demonstrates that domain-independent AI planning based on heuristic search can flexibly handle time, resources, replanning, and multiple objectives in a high-speed practical application without requiring hand-coded control knowledge

    Research issues in real-time database systems

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Today's real-time systems are characterized by managing large volumes of data. Efficient database management algorithms for accessing and manipulating data are required to satisfy timing constraints of supported applications. Real-time database systems involve a new research area investigating possible ways of applying database systems technology to real-time systems. Management of real-time information through a database system requires the integration of concepts from both real-time systems and database systems. Some new criteria need to be developed to involve timing constraints of real-time applications in many database systems design issues, such as transaction/query processing, data buffering, CPU, and IO scheduling. In this paper, a basic understanding of the issues in real-time database systems is provided and the research efforts in this area are introduced. Different approaches to various problems of real-time database systems are briefly described, and possible future research directions are discussed

    Advanced information processing system: Inter-computer communication services

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    The purpose is to document the functional requirements and detailed specifications for the Inter-Computer Communications Services (ICCS) of the Advanced Information Processing System (AIPS). An introductory section is provided to outline the overall architecture and functional requirements of the AIPS and to present an overview of the ICCS. An overview of the AIPS architecture as well as a brief description of the AIPS software is given. The guarantees of the ICCS are provided, and the ICCS is described as a seven-layered International Standards Organization (ISO) Model. The ICCS functional requirements, functional design, and detailed specifications as well as each layer of the ICCS are also described. A summary of results and suggestions for future work are presented

    Managing contamination delay to improve Timing Speculation architectures

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    Timing Speculation (TS) is a widely known method for realizing better-than-worst-case systems. Aggressive clocking, realizable by TS, enable systems to operate beyond specified safe frequency limits to effectively exploit the data dependent circuit delay. However, the range of aggressive clocking for performance enhancement under TS is restricted by short paths. In this paper, we show that increasing the lengths of short paths of the circuit increases the effectiveness of TS, leading to performance improvement. Also, we propose an algorithm to efficiently add delay buffers to selected short paths while keeping down the area penalty. We present our algorithm results for ISCAS-85 suite and show that it is possible to increase the circuit contamination delay by up to 30% without affecting the propagation delay. We also explore the possibility of increasing short path delays further by relaxing the constraint on propagation delay and analyze the performance impact

    Proceedings Work-In-Progress Session of the 13th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium

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    The Work-In-Progress session of the 13th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS\u2707) presents papers describing contributions both to state of the art and state of the practice in the broad field of real-time and embedded systems. The 17 accepted papers were selected from 19 submissions. This proceedings is also available as Washington University in St. Louis Technical Report WUCSE-2007-17, at http://www.cse.seas.wustl.edu/Research/FileDownload.asp?733. Special thanks go to the General Chairs – Steve Goddard and Steve Liu and Program Chairs - Scott Brandt and Frank Mueller for their support and guidance

    The adoption of e-business technology by SMEs

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    The paper examines the key factors influencing the adoption ofe-business technology by SMEs. To this end, the paper draws on a rangeof literatures on the diffusion of new information and communicationtechnologies (ICTs), many of which have hitherto been treated asseparate. The reasons for this are two-fold. First, e-businesstechnologies are the latest in a line of new ICT technologies. Whenexploited successfully, ICTs have increased firm competitiveness eitherby raising the efficiency of internal communication and organisationand/or supply chain relationships, or by facilitating the development ofnew/improved products and services. Second, it is hypothesised that manyof the factors affecting the successful adoption of new technologies aregeneric in nature. With regards to SMEs specifically, consideration ofearlier research may assist us in identifying a set of enablers andbarriers to e-business adoption. Hence, by explicitly acknowledging thecontext and prior history of research in the area, we are able to mapout the dimensions of future theoretical and empirical research ine-business adoption by SMEs. In addition to drawing together factors identified by existing research,the paper highlights the implications of network externalities for thetiming of technology investments and the returns that accrue to earlyand late adopters. It also draws attention to a number of problemsassociated with the analytical concept of ‘the SME’ when it is appliedto this area. The research proceeds by clearly defining thetechnological and organisational characteristics of the e-business modeland a brief consideration of the trends in adoption in the UK vis-à-visadoption in the other G7 countries. Together these set up a detailedconsideration of the internal and external factors influencing adoption.A qualitative approach, in the form of a detailed case study, is thenused to explore the potential usefulness of the factors that have beenidentified. The results of these findings are then drawn together in theconcluding section of the paper.economics of technology ;
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