125,019 research outputs found

    Advances in understanding genome maintenance

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    A report from the Abcam genome stability conference 'Maintenance of Genome Stability', Jolly Beach Resort, Antigua, 8-11 March 2010

    Roles of the Bloom's syndrome helicase in the maintenance of genome stability

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    The RecQ family of DNA helicases is highly conserved in evolution from bacteria to humans. Of the five known human RecQ family members, three (BLM, WRN and RECQ4, which cause Bloom's syndrome, Werner's syndrome and Rothmund-Thomson syndrome respectively) are mutated in distinct clinical disorders associated with cancer predisposition and/or premature aging. BLM forms part of a multienzyme complex including topoisomerase IIIalpha, replication protein A and a newly identified factor called BLAP75. Together, these proteins play a role in the resolution of DNA structures that arise during the process of homologous recombination repair. In the absence of BLM, cells show genomic instability and a high incidence of sister-chromatid exchanges. In addition to a DNA structure-specific helicase activity, BLM also catalyses Holliday-junction branch migration and the annealing of complementary single-stranded DNA molecules

    Centrosomes are multifunctional regulators of genome stability

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    The maintenance of genome stability is critical for proper cell function, and loss of this stability contributes to many human diseases and developmental disorders. Therefore, cells have evolved partially redundant mechanisms to monitor and protect the genome. One subcellular organelle implicated in the maintenance of genome stability is the centrosome, best known as the primary microtubule organizing center of most animal cells. Centrosomes serve many different roles throughout the cell cycle, and many of those roles, including mitotic spindle assembly, nucleation of the interphase microtubule array, DNA damage response, and efficient cell cycle progression, have been proposed to help maintain genome stability. As a result, the centrosome is itself a highly regulated entity. Here, we review evidence concerning the significance of the centrosome in promoting genome integrity. Recent advances permitting acute and persistent centrosome removal suggest we still have much to learn regarding the specific function and actual importance of centrosomes in different contexts, as well as how cells may compensate for centrosome dysfunction to maintain the integrity of the genome. Although many animal cells survive and proliferate in the absence of centrosomes, they do so aberrantly. Based on these and other studies, we conclude that centrosomes serve as critical, multifunctional organelles that promote genome stability

    Conditional genome engineering reveals canonical and divergent roles for the Hus1 component of the 9-1-1 complex in the maintenance of the plastic genome of Leishmania.

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    Leishmania species are protozoan parasites whose remarkably plastic genome limits the establishment of effective genetic manipulation and leishmaniasis treatment. The strategies used by Leishmania to maintain its genome while allowing variability are not fully understood. Here, we used DiCre-mediated conditional gene deletion to show that HUS1, a component of the 9-1-1 (RAD9- RAD1-HUS1) complex, is essential and is required for a G2/M checkpoint. By analyzing genome wide instability in HUS1 ablated cells, HUS1 is shown to have a conserved role, by which it preserves genome stability, and also a divergent role, by which it promotes genome variability. These roles of HUS1 are related to distinct patterns of formation and resolution of single-stranded DNA and γH2A, throughout the cell cycle. Our findings suggest that Leishmania 9-1-1 subunits have evolved to co-opt canonical genomic maintenance and genomic variation functions. Hence, this study reveals a pivotal function of HUS1 in balancing genome stability and transmission in Leishmania. These findings may be relevant to understanding the evolution of genome maintenance and plasticity in other pathogens and eukaryote

    SbcCD regulation and localization in Escherichia coli

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    The SbcCD complex and its homologues play important roles in DNA repair and in the maintenance of genome stability. In Escherichia coli, the in vitro functions of SbcCD have been well characterized, but its exact cellular role remains elusive. This work investigates the regulation of the sbcDC operon and the cellular localization of the SbcC and SbcD proteins. Transcription of the sbcDC operon is shown to be dependent on starvation and RpoS protein. Overexpressed SbcC protein forms foci that colocalize with the replication factory, while overexpressed SbcD protein is distributed through the cytoplasm

    Replication fork reversal and the maintenance of genome stability

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    The progress of replication forks is often threatened in vivo, both by DNA damage and by proteins bound to the template. Blocked forks must somehow be restarted, and the original blockage cleared, in order to complete genome duplication, implying that blocked fork processing may be critical for genome stability. One possible pathway that might allow processing and restart of blocked forks, replication fork reversal, involves the unwinding of blocked forks to form four-stranded structures resembling Holliday junctions. This concept has gained increasing popularity recently based on the ability of such processing to explain many genetic observations, the detection of unwound fork structures in vivo and the identification of enzymes that have the capacity to catalyse fork regression in vitro. Here, we discuss the contexts in which fork regression might occur, the factors that may promote such a reaction and the possible roles of replication fork unwinding in normal DNA metabolism

    Maintenance of genome stability by Fanconi anemia proteins

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    Homologous recombination: from model organisms to human disease

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    Recent experiments show that properly controlled recombination between homologous DNA molecules is essential for the maintenance of genome stability and for the prevention of tumorigenesis

    Methylation of histone H3 lysine 9 occurs during translation

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    Histone post-translational modifications are key contributors to chromatin structure and function, and participate in the maintenance of genome stability. Understanding the establishment and maintenance of these marks, along with their misregulation in pathologies is thus a major focus in the field. While we have learned a great deal about the enzymes regulating histone modifications on nucleosomal histones, much less is known about the mechanisms establishing modifications on soluble newly synthesized histones. This includes methylation of lysine 9 on histone H3 (H3K9),a mark that primes the formation of heterochromatin, a critical chromatin landmark for genome stability. Here, we report that H3K9 mono- and dimethylation is imposed during translation by the methyltransferase SetDB1. We discuss the importance of these results in the context of heterochromatin establishment and maintenance and new therapeutic opportunities in pathologies where heterochromatin is perturbed

    Methylation of histone H3 lysine 9 occurs during translation

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    Histone post-translational modifications are key contributors to chromatin structure and function, and participate in the maintenance of genome stability. Understanding the establishment and maintenance of these marks, along with their misregulation in pathologies is thus a major focus in the field. While we have learned a great deal about the enzymes regulating histone modifications on nucleosomal histones, much less is known about the mechanisms establishing modifications on soluble newly synthesized histones. This includes methylation of lysine 9 on histone H3 (H3K9),a mark that primes the formation of heterochromatin, a critical chromatin landmark for genome stability. Here, we report that H3K9 mono- and dimethylation is imposed during translation by the methyltransferase SetDB1. We discuss the importance of these results in the context of heterochromatin establishment and maintenance and new therapeutic opportunities in pathologies where heterochromatin is perturbed