127 research outputs found

    Senior High School Teachers Knowledge in the use of Information Communication Technology: A Survey in Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District

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    The purpose of the Study was to examine the use of ICT in teaching and learning among Senior High School teachers in Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District. The descriptive survey design was used for the study. The target population for this study consisted of all Senior High Schools in Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District. Simple random sampling was used to select 169 teachers from all Senior High Schools in Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwas District. A questionnaire was deemed most appropriate for the study. The study found that most of the Senior High School teachers do not have much knowledge when it comes to the use of ICT in facilitating teaching and learning. Results further shows that Senior High School teachers perceive that frequent power cut, limited expertise in computer skills, not having access to a computer at home with software installed for use and inadequate training opportunities for teachers to acquire new computer knowledge/skills for teaching are the challenges they face. Furthermore, the study revealed that male teachers are more knowledgeable in the use of ICT than the female teachers. Notwithstanding, the younger teachers are also more knowledgeable in the use of ICT than the older teachers. The study recommended that Government should organise seminars and workshop for teachers to equip them with skill and knowledge in the use of ICT to facilitate effective teaching and learning. The Government should provide more reliable access to the internet to teachers to facilitate effective teaching and learning. The head teachers of the various senior high schools should also collaborate with Past Students Associations and the Parent Teachers Association to solicit for fund to purchase computers for their school to enhance the use of ICT in teaching. Keywords: Senior High School, Teachers, ICT , Knowledge DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-21-15 Publication date:July 31st 201


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    The study examined the impact of ICT on student-learning in public sector universities of Peshawar division, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It sought out the relationship between ICT and student-learning particularly looking at the user- ability of ICT and their effects on students learning. The study was conducted through multistage sampling technique; data was collected through questionnaires, from a sample of 300 respondent students and 75 teachers out of a target population of 1400 students and 245 teachers. Majority of the students and teachers were of the view that using ICT tools have affected their learning. It was concluded from the findings that most of the teachers were capable up to some extent and students were proficient to use different ICT tools and perform various application in them that are helpful for their effective teaching and learning process. It is recommended that user in-ability of ICT resources has also significantly affected students learning at University level which shows that in-ability of ICT have negative effect on their learning

    The Association Between IT Related Trainings and IT Investments in Malaysia

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    This study aims to examine whether there are association between IT related trainings and IT investment in the Malaysian technology based companies. This study uses two types of IT related trainings namely intermediate IT trainings, advanced IT trainings which have never been tested with IT investments in previous studies. The data were collected via annual reports in 2010 from 104 technology based companies listed in Bursa Malaysia. Univariate and multivariate such as independent sample test and linear regression were utilized to analyze the data. Results from univariate test show that IT based companies are actively involved in IT investments compared to engineering based companies. Result for intermediate IT trainings fiom linear regression shows, non significant but result for advanced IT trainings is significant but with a weak association. Thus, result for second hypothesis it is partially supported, but weak association with IT investments. From the same regression, result for third hypothesis also can be concluded that advanced IT trainings are significant but weak association with IT investments

    Barriers in adopting blended learning in a private university of Pakistan and East Africa: Faculty members’ perspective

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    Background: Education methods have undergone transformation over the centuries. Use of technology is the cornerstone for innovation in teaching methods. Hence, blended learning which includes face to face and online modalities is being increasingly explored as effective method for learning. This pilot study determines the perceptions of faculty members in a private international university on barriers influencing adoption of technology for teaching and learning. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted through a self-reported questionnaire using ‘survey monkey’. The data was entered and analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 20). Frequencies and proportions are reported. Results: Findings indicated that 51.6% faculty members perceived the importance of integration of technology in their teaching. Around 54% of the participants recognized that they do possess the ability and accessibility to integrate information communication technology (ICT) in teaching and learning, but there is a need to hone the basic information technology (IT) skills to initiate technology driven teaching. Findings revealed that 55% faculty members acknowledged the constraint of not getting protective time to develop and deliver technology driven courses. Further, results showed that 45% faculty members perceived that their innovation efforts in terms of teaching as blended learning do not count towards their professional promotion or recognition, as usually priority is given to research over teaching innovation. The findings also indicated that 54.5% participants asserted that university lack mentorship in the field of blended learning. Conclusions: Therefore, study suggests that universities should provide adequate mentorship programmes for the faculty members in enhancing their skills of integrating technology in their teaching

    Teacher design teams as a strategy for professional development : the role of the facilitator

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    The goal of the current study was to explore the role and importance of the facilitator in Teacher Design Teams. The study took place in the context of a pre-service teacher education institution in Belgium, where teacher design teams were set up to facilitate the professional development of teacher educators. The findings from focus group discussions with team members and semi-structured interviews with facilitators confirm that the perceived importance of a facilitator depends on several factors, such as team characteristics and the design phase. Moreover, we found that a facilitator can fulfil three roles in a dynamic way: 1) providing logistic support, 2) scaffolding the design process and 3) monitoring the design process. The discussion centers on how these results can be used to support facilitators for successful Teacher Design Teams

    Conditions for the successful implementation of teacher educator design teams for ICT integration : a Delphi study

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    Teacher educators often struggle to model effective integration of technology. Several studies suggest that the involvement of teacher educators in collaborative design is effective in developing the competences necessary for integrating information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching. In a teacher educator design team (TeDT), two or more teacher educators (re-)design curriculum materials together. For the successful implementation of TeDTs, conditions at both team and institutional levels have to be taken into account. However, there is little consensus among stakeholders about which of these conditions are of highest priority. Most studies present priority or critical conditions from the viewpoint of just one group (e.g., school leaders). A Delphi study was set up aiming at synthesising the knowledge and views of various stakeholders about the conditions for the successful implementation of TeDTs for ICT integration. Consensus about the importance of ten conditions was reached in the entire sample after three rounds. These conditions include a long-term vision, trust, ownership, time and supportive institutional policies

    Pre-Service Teachers’ Computer Literacy and Attitude: Gender Perspective of Freshers in the Colleges of Education

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    Empirical evidence has revealed that affective-motivational variables such as pre-service teachers’ attitudes, computer literacy skills, self-efficacy, self-concept and concerns play a key role in their pedagogical decisions regarding how to integrate technology within classroom practices. This study sought to investigate pre-service teachers’ computer literacy skills and attitude when they first enter the teacher training institutions. By means of hierarchical cluster analysis, this study also examined the relationship between male and female pre-service teachers’ attitudes as well as their respective computer literacy skills. A total of 449 pre-service teachers participated voluntarily in the study through a multistage sampling procedure. The results revealed that pre-service teachers’ computer literacy skills is generally basic. Also, respondents in the study indicated a positive attitude regarding the use of technology in classroom instruction. Lastly, findings in this study further indicated that there is no significant difference between male and female students in terms of computer literacy and attitude to use computers for teaching and learning. These findings will contribute to stakeholders’ realization that gender disparity is being bridged. It will afford stakeholders the opportunity to consolidate the gains that have been achieved by giving male and female equal opportunities to the access and use technology in schools

    Perbedaan Kematangan Pedagogical Content Knowledge Guru IPA Berdasarkan Gender dan Masa Mengabdi

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    TPACK maturity is an important quality of a modern professional teacher, especially in the current state of the pandemic which requires certain level of technological mastery from teachers. There remain questions as to what variables contributed to TPACK maturity of teachers. The research objective was to examine TPACK maturity among teachers along different tenure lengths and gender. The research was conducted in Tanjungpinang City with a sample of 32 science junior high school teachers consisting of 26 female teachers and 6 male teachers. Data was collected through a questionnaire, assessing 7 aspects of teacher’s TPACK. The results show that teachers with less than 12 years tenure length scored higher in TPACK maturity than teachers with 12 to 24 years tenure length, while teachers with more than 24 years tenure length score the lowest. We suggest this result is moderated by the age group variables from the samples. Based on genders, there is no significant difference in TPACK maturity between male teachers and female teachers. The conclusion is that there are differences in the teacher’s TPACK maturity based on tenure lengths, but there is no significant difference based on gender
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