900 research outputs found

    Design and Control Modeling of Novel Electro-magnets Driven Spherical Motion Generators

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    Electromagnetic fields and interactions in 3D cylindrical structures : modeling and application

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    The demand for more efficient and compact actuation systems results in a search for new electromagnetic actuator configurations. To obtain actuators that meet these challenging specifications, accurate modeling of the electromagnetic fields is often a prerequisite. To date, analytical modeling techniques are widely used to predict electromagnetic fields in classical rotary and linear machines represented in two dimensional coordinate systems. This thesis presents the extension of an analytical modeling technique to predict the 3D field distribution in new cylindrical actuator configurations. One specific technique that is used to analyze and design electromagnetic devices is based on Fourier series to describe sources and the resultingmagnetic fields. In this research, the harmonic modeling technique is extended to describe electromagnetic fields due to presence of permanent magnets in regular and irregular shaped 3D cylindrical structures. The researched modeling technique can be applied to current-free cylindrical problems exhibiting periodicity or a soft-magnetic boundary in the axial direction. The cylindrical structure can posses either circumferential slots, axial slots or rectangular cavities. The assignment and a method to solve the various boundary conditions are discussed in a generic manner to enable model application to a wide range of 3D cylindrical structures. The magnetic field solutions are provided, and the model implementation is presented in matrix form. Model validation is presented by means of a comparison of the magnetic fields in a cylindrical structure with a rectangular cavity calculated using the analytical model and a finite element model. To calculate the magnetic interactions, e.g., attraction and cogging forces due to permanent magnets, the Maxwell stress tensor is analytically evaluated. The harmonic magnetic field solution is used in this evaluation resulting in compact force equations describing the 3D force components between concentric cylinders

    A general framework for the analysis and design of tubular linear permanent magnet machines

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    A general framework for the analysis and design of a class of tubular linear permanent magnet machines is described. The open-circuit and armature reaction magnetic field distributions are established analytically in terms of a magnetic vector potential and cylindrical coordinate formulation, and the results are validated extensively by comparison with finite element analyses. The analytical field solutions allow the prediction of the thrust force, the winding emf, and the self- and mutual-winding inductances in closed forms. These facilitate the characterization of tubular machine topologies and provide a basis for comparative studies, design optimization, and machine dynamic modeling. Some practical issues, such as the effects of slotting and fringing, have also been accounted for and validated by measurement

    A Magnetic Actuated Fully Insertable Robotic Camera System for Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery

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    Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) is a common surgical procedure which makes tiny incisions in the patients anatomy, inserting surgical instruments and using laparoscopic cameras to guide the procedure. Compared with traditional open surgery, MIS allows surgeons to perform complex surgeries with reduced trauma to the muscles and soft tissues, less intraoperative hemorrhaging and postoperative pain, and faster recovery time. Surgeons rely heavily on laparoscopic cameras for hand-eye coordination and control during a procedure. However, the use of a standard laparoscopic camera, achieved by pushing long sticks into a dedicated small opening, involves multiple incisions for the surgical instruments. Recently, single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) and natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) have been introduced to reduce or even eliminate the number of incisions. However, the shared use of a single incision or a natural orifice for both surgical instruments and laparoscopic cameras further reduces dexterity in manipulating instruments and laparoscopic cameras with low efficient visual feedback. In this dissertation, an innovative actuation mechanism design is proposed for laparoscopic cameras that can be navigated, anchored and orientated wirelessly with a single rigid body to improve surgical procedures, especially for SILS. This design eliminates the need for an articulated design and the integrated motors to significantly reduce the size of the camera. The design features a unified mechanism for anchoring, navigating, and rotating a fully insertable camera by externally generated rotational magnetic field. The key component and innovation of the robotic camera is the magnetic driving unit, which is referred to as a rotor, driven externally by a specially designed magnetic stator. The rotor, with permanent magnets (PMs) embedded in a capsulated camera, can be magnetically coupled to a stator placed externally against or close to a dermal surface. The external stator, which consists of PMs and coils, generates 3D rotational magnetic field that thereby produces torque to rotate the rotor for desired camera orientation, and force to serve as an anchoring system that keeps the camera steady during a surgical procedure. Experimental assessments have been implemented to evaluate the performance of the camera system

    Modeling and Analysis of Permanent Magnet Spherical Motors by A Multi-task Gaussian Process Method and Finite Element Method for Output Torque

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    Permanent magnet spherical motors (PMSMs) operate on the principle of the dc excitation of stator coils and three freedom of motion in the rotor. Each coil generates the torque in a specific direction, collectively they move the rotor to a direction of motion. Modeling and analysis of the output torque are of critical importance for precise position control applications. The control of these motors requires precise output torques by all coils at a specific rotor position, which is difficult to achieve in the three-dimension space. This article is the first to apply the Gaussian process to establish the relationship of the rotor position and the output torque for PMSMs. Traditional methods are difficult to resolve such a complex three-dimensional problem with a reasonable computational accuracy and time. This article utilizes a data-driven method using only input and output data validated by experiments. The multitask Gaussian process is developed to calculate the total torque produced by multiple coils at the full operational range. The training data and test data are obtained by the finite-element method. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated and compared with existing data-driven approaches. The results exhibit superior performance of accuracy

    Development of a magnetic intra-uterine manipulator

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    Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Uterine manipulation is integral to obtaining adequate access to the uterus during a laparoscopic procedure. A variety of mechanical manipulators have been developed to aid the surgeon with the dissection of the uterus during laparoscopic hysterectomies. Limitations of existing manipulators are that they require an additional assistant during surgery, are expensive and may cause tissue trauma to the vaginal or cervical canal. This study introduces the novel concept of a magnetic uterine manipulator, intended to overcome existing devices’ shortcomings and enabling non-invasive uterine manipulation. The first goal of the study was to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of existing mechanical manipulators and compare them to those of a magnetic device. Analysis showed that a magnetic manipulator would not be able to compete in terms of the range of motion of existing devices. A limited anteriorsagittal rotation range of 60 was seen in the magnetic manipulator compared to a range of 140 in mechanical devices. However, the magnetic manipulator could eliminate the need for an extra assistant, is reusable and thus also more economical. The second goal was to investigate which type of setup would be most successful at effective uterine manipulation. Through concept analysis a cart-on-arch system was deemed most effective. To lift an effective load of 1 N over an air-gap of 150 mm rare-earth N38 Neodymium (NdFeBr) magnets showed the most promise as magnetic actuators. FEA (Finite Element Analysis) simulations of the magnetic setup were validated experimentally which produced an acceptable MAE (mean absolute error) of 0.15 N. Furthermore, a comparative simulation study of shielded and unshielded magnets was done which concluded that shielded magnets produce a slightly higher attraction force and would be safer to use due to less magnetic flux fringing. Thirdly and lastly, potential safety hazards and risks of using magnetic actuators in surgical environments were identified. The literature research revealed that connections between magnetic fields and health risks to patients have not been conclusively proven in clinical studies to date, but nonetheless, great care should be taken in situations where the patient has a pace-maker or orthopaedic implants, as these might interact with the magnetic field. Recommendations for future work include further research into the geometry and scaling effects of magnetic shielding as well as electromagnetic actuator design. Electromagnetic actuators could replace rare-earth magnets, if coil and cooling systems are optimized, resulting in magnets that can be reversed or switched off and which are therefore easier to control and safer to handle.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ontwikkeling van ’n Magnetiese Intra-Uteriene Manipuleerder Baarmoedermanipulasie is van uiterste belang om sodoende voldoende toegang te kry tot die baarmoeder gedurende ’n laparoskopiese prosedure. Daar is reeds ’n verskeidenheid meganiese manipuleerders ontwikkel as hulpmiddel vir die chirurg in die ontleding van die uterus tydens laparoskopiese histerektomies. Beperkings van bestaande manipuleerders is dat ’n bykomende assistent tydens chirurgie benodig word. Die manipuleerders is ook duur en kan weefseltrauma veroorsaak aan die vaginale of servikale kanale. Die studie stel ’n nuwe konsep bekend: ’n magnetiese baarmoedermanipuleerder, gemik daarop om bestaande toestelle se tekortkominge te oorkom en nie-indringende baarmoedermanipulasie moontlik te maak. Die eerste doel van die studie was om die voordele en nadele van bestaande meganiese manipuleerders te ondersoek en dit te vergelyk met dié van die magnetiese toestel. Analise het getoon dat ’n magnetiese manipuleerder nie met bestaande toestelle sal kan kompeteer waar dit gaan om beweegruimte nie. Daar is ’n beperkte anterior-sagitale rotasiespeling van 60 in die magnetiese manipuleerder, terwyl die meganiese toestel ’n rotasiespeling van 140 het. Die magnetiese manipuleerder kan egter die nodigheid van ’n bykomende assistant uitskakel, is herbruikbaar en dus ook meer ekonomies. Die tweede doel van die studie was om die tipe opstelling wat meer suksesvol sal wees tydens doeltreffende baarmoeder manipulasie te ondersoek. Konsep-analise het getoon dat ’n "cart-on-arch"stelsel die beste sal werk. N38 Neodimium (NdFeBr) magnete het die beste vertoon as magnetiese aandrywer om ’n werklike belasting van 1 N oor ’n lugspasie van 150 mm te lig. EEA (Eindige Element Analise) simulasies van die magnetiese opstelling is eksperimenteel bekragtig en het ’n aanvaarbare gemene absolute fout (GAF) van 0.15 N gelewer. ’n Vergelykende simulasie studie het verder gewys dat beskutte magnete ’n effens hoër aantrekkingskrag oplewer en sal dus veiliger wees om te gebruik vanweë die verminderde magnetiese stromingsrand. Derdens en laastens is potensiële veiligheidsrisikos en gevare in die gebruik van magnetiese drywers in chirurgiese omgewings geïdentifiseer. Literatuurnavorsing het onthul dat die verband tussen magneetvelde en gesondheidsrisikos aan pasiënte nog nie voldoende bewys is in kliniese studies tot op datum nie. Gevalle waar pasiënte ’n pasaangeër of ortopediese inplantings het moet met groot sorg hanteer word aangesien dit dalk kan reageer met die magneetvelde. Aanbevelings vir toekomstige werk sluit verdere navorsing in in die rigting van die geometrie en die afskilferingseffek van magnetiese beskutting en ook elektromagnetiese drywer ontwerp. Elektromagnetiese drywers kan moontlik rou aarde magnete vervang indien winding en afkoelstelsels ge-optimeer word wat kan lei tot magnete wat omgekeer of afgeskakel kan word en dus makliker beheerbaar is en veiliger om te hanteer

    Design, Optimization, and Experimental Characterization of a Novel Magnetically Actuated Finger Micromanipulator

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    The ability of external magnetic fields to precisely control micromanipulator systems has received a great deal of attention from researchers in recent years due to its off-board power source. As these micromanipulators provide frictionless motion, and precise motion control, they have promising potential applications in many fields. Conversely, major drawbacks of electromagnetic micromanipulators, include a limited motion range compared to the micromanipulator volume, the inability to handle heavy payloads, and the need for a large drive unit compared to the size of the levitated object, and finally, a low ratio of the generated magnetic force to the micromanipulator weight. To overcome these limitations, we designed a novel electromagnetic finger micromanipulator that was adapted from the well-known spherical robot. The design and optimization procedures for building a three Degree of Freedoms (DOF) electromagnetic finger micromanipulator are firstly introduced. This finger micromanipulator has many potential applications, such as cell manipulation, and pick and place operations. The system consists of two main subsystems: a magnetic actuator, and an electromagnetic end-effector that is connected to the magnetic actuator by a needle. The magnetic actuator consists of four permanent magnets and four electromagnetic coils that work together to guide the micromanipulator finger in the xz plane. The electromagnetic end-effector consists of a rod shape permanent magnet that is aligned along the y axis and surrounded by an electromagnetic coil. The optimal configuration that maximizes the micromanipulator actuation force, and a closed form solution for micromanipulator magnetic actuation force are presented. The model is verified by measuring the interaction force between an electromagnet and a permanent magnet experimentally, and using Finite Element Methods (FEM) analysis. The results show an agreement between the model, the experiment, and the FEM results. The error difference between the FEM, experimental, and model data was 0.05 N. The micromanipulator can be remotely operated by transferring magnetic energy from outside, which means there is no mechanical contact between the actuator and the micromanipulator. Moreover, three control algorithms are designed in order to compute control input currents that are able to control the position of the end-effector in the x, y, and z axes. The proposed controllers are: PID controller, state-feedback controller, and adaptive controller. The experimental results show that the micromanipulator is able to track the desired trajectory with a steady-state error less than 10 µm for a payload free condition. Finally, the ability of the micromanipulator to pick-and-place unknown payloads is demonstrated. To achieve this objective, a robust model reference adaptive controller (MRAC) using the MIT rule for an adaptive mechanism to guide the micromanipulator in the workspace is implemented. The performance of the MRAC is compared with a standard PID controller and state-feedback controller. For the payload free condition, the experimental results show the ability of the micromanipulator to follow a desired motion trajectory in all control strategies with a root mean square error less than 0.2 mm. However, while there is payload variation, the PID controller response yields a non smooth motion with a large overshoot and undershoot. Similarly, the state-feedback controller suffers from variability of dynamics and disturbances due to the payload variation, which yields to non-smooth motion and large overshoot. The micromanipulator motion under the MRAC control scheme conversely follows the desired motion trajectory with the same accuracy. It is found that the micromanipulator can handle payloads up to 75 grams and it has a motion range of ∓ 15 mm in all axes

    Excitation device for high frequency vibration analysis: Design and test results

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    In the present paper, the design and optimization of a high frequency excitation source is presented. The device was developed for a harmonic response analysis test bench, aimed at dynamic characterization and resonance prediction of mechanical structures. A wide frequency range must be covered, depending on the analyzed structure: the range 1–10 kHz was considered in the present work. The device was designed for a test bench aimed at investigating the vibrational response of centrifugal compressor bladed wheels. A really compact solution was needed since the final test bench provides one exciter for each blade (up to 20 devices on the circumference hoop). Both contact and contactless solutions were considered, but only the contact solution was found to fulfill all the specifications. Finally, different stinger solutions were proposed and compared in the paper. The investigated solutions were: a beam stinger (diameter 1 mm); a wire stinger (diameter 0.2 mm); and a ball stinger (diameter 3 mm) with two different support solutions. Experimental tests performed on a device prototype allowed to verify the specifications fulfillment and to choose the best stinger solution for the application
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