135,248 research outputs found

    Deep CNN-Based Automated Optical Inspection for Aerospace Components

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    ABSTRACT The defect detection problem is of outmost importance in high-tech industries such as aerospace manufacturing and is widely employed using automated industrial quality control systems. In the aerospace manufacturing industry, composite materials are extensively applied as structural components in civilian and military aircraft. To ensure the quality of the product and high reliability, manual inspection and traditional automatic optical inspection have been employed to identify the defects throughout production and maintenance. These inspection techniques have several limitations such as tedious, time- consuming, inconsistent, subjective, labor intensive, expensive, etc. To make the operation effective and efficient, modern automated optical inspection needs to be preferred. In this dissertation work, automatic defect detection techniques are tested on three levels using a novel aerospace composite materials image dataset (ACMID). First, classical machine learning models, namely, Support Vector Machine and Random Forest, are employed for both datasets. Second, deep CNN-based models, such as improved ResNet50 and MobileNetV2 architectures are trained on ACMID datasets. Third, an efficient defect detection technique that combines the features of deep learning and classical machine learning model is proposed for ACMID dataset. To assess the aerospace composite components, all the models are trained and tested on ACMID datasets with distinct sizes. In addition, this work investigates the scenario when defective and non-defective samples are scarce and imbalanced. To overcome the problems of imbalanced and scarce datasets, oversampling techniques and data augmentation using improved deep convolutional generative adversarial networks (DCGAN) are considered. Furthermore, the proposed models are also validated using one of the benchmark steel surface defects (SSD) dataset


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    Systematic literature review (SLR) research studies various classification models with deep learning algorithms on fruit with digital images. In recent years, computer vision and processing techniques are increasingly useful in the fruit industry, especially for quality and color inspection, sizing, and shape sorting applications. Research in this area demonstrates the feasibility of using a machine computer vision system to improve product quality. Utilizing deep learning in the field of image processing or digital image processing, Image Processing is used to assist humans in recognizing and/or classifying objects quickly, and precisely, and can process large amounts of data simultaneously. Classifying fruit through a computerized system using deep learning algorithms with CNN, MASK-RCNN, FASTER-RCNN, and SSD models. Developed on the multilayer perceptron (MLP) layer, the algorithm is processed into two-dimensional data, to the image and is capable of classifying images with larger classes

    Predictive model-based quality inspection using Machine Learning and Edge Cloud Computing

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    © 2020 The Authors The supply of defect-free, high-quality products is an important success factor for the long-term competitiveness of manufacturing companies. Despite the increasing challenges of rising product variety and complexity and the necessity of economic manufacturing, a comprehensive and reliable quality inspection is often indispensable. In consequence, high inspection volumes turn inspection processes into manufacturing bottlenecks. In this contribution, we investigate a new integrated solution of predictive model-based quality inspection in industrial manufacturing by utilizing Machine Learning techniques and Edge Cloud Computing technology. In contrast to state-of-the-art contributions, we propose a holistic approach comprising the target-oriented data acquisition and processing, modelling and model deployment as well as the technological implementation in the existing IT plant infrastructure. A real industrial use case in SMT manufacturing is presented to underline the procedure and benefits of the proposed method. The results show that by employing the proposed method, inspection volumes can be reduced significantly and thus economic advantages can be generated

    A probabilistic framework for product health monitoring in multistage manufacturing using Unsupervised Artificial Neural Networks and Gaussian Processes

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    The emergence of highly instrumented manufacturing systems has enabled the paradigm of smart manufacturing that provides high levels of prognostics functionality. Of particular interest is to precisely determine geometric conformance or non-conformance of workpieces during manufacturing. This paper presents a new dimensional product health monitoring system that learns from in-process sensor data and updates the prediction of the product quality as the product is manufactured. The system uses data from multiple manufacturing stages, unlike from a single stage at a time, to predict the dimensional quality of the finished product that is updated with subsequent measurements such as On-Machine Measurements (OMMs), in on-line incremental learning fashion. It is based on self-supervised neural networks for dimensionality reduction, Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) models for probabilistic prediction about the end product condition and the associated uncertainty, and Bayesian information fusion for updating the conditional probability distribution of the end product quality in the light of new information. The monitoring approach was tested on the prediction of diameter deviations with validation results showing its ability to achieve an average accuracy better than 5 Όm in terms of the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). Having obtained a Probability Density Function (PDF) for the measurand of interest, the conformance and non-conformance probabilities given the tolerance specifications are computed to support the principle of inspection by exception. This ability to construct a conformance probability-based product quality monitoring system using probabilistic machine learning methods constitute a step change to manufacturing prognostics

    Multistage quality control using machine learning in the automotive industry

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    Product dimensional variability is a crucial factor in the quality control of complex multistage manufacturing processes, where undetected defects can easily be propagated downstream. The recent advances in information technologies and consequently the increased volume of data that has become readily available provide an excellent opportunity for the development of automated defect detection approaches that are capable of extracting the implicit complex relationships in these multivariate data-rich environments. In this paper, several machine learning classiïŹers were trained and evaluated on varied metrics to predict dimensional defects in a real automotive multistage assembly line. The line encompasses two automated inspection stages with several human-operated assembly and pre-alignment stages in between. The results show that non-linear models like XGBoost and Random Forests are capable of modelling the complexity of such an environment, achieving a high true positive rate and showing promise for the improvement of existing quality control approaches, enabling defects and deviations to be addressed earlier and thus assist in reducing scrap and repair costs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Geometrical Product Specification and Verification as toolbox to meet up-to-date technical requirements

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    The ISO standards for the Geometrical Product Specification and Verification (GPS) define an internationally uniform description language, that allows expressing unambiguously and completely all requirements for the geometry of a product with the corresponding requirements for the inspection process in technical drawings, taking into account current possibilities of measurement and testing technology. The practice shows that the university curricula of the mechanical engineering faculties often include only limited classes on the GPS, mostly as part of curriculum of subjects like Metrology or Fundamentals of Machine Design. This does not allow students to gain enough knowledge on the subject. Currently there is no coherent EU-wide provision for vocational training (VET) in this area. Consortium, members of which are the authors of this paper, is preparing a proposal of an EU project aiming to develop appropriate course
