25,184 research outputs found

    Signal Spectrum-Based Machine Learning Approach for Fault Prediction and Maintenance of Electrical Machines

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    Industrial revolution 4.0 has enabled the advent of new technological advancements, including the introduction of information technology with physical devices. The implementation of information technology in industrial applications has helped streamline industrial processes and make them more cost-efficient. This combination of information technology and physical devices gave birth to smart devices, which opened up a new research area known as the Internet of Things (IoT). This has enabled researchers to help reduce downtime and maintenance costs by applying condition monitoring on electrical machines utilizing machine learning algorithms. Although the industry is trying to move from scheduled maintenance towards predictive maintenance, there is a significant lack of algorithms related to fault prediction of electrical machines. There is quite a lot of research going on in this area, but it is still underdeveloped and needs a lot more work. This paper presents a signal spectrum-based machine learning approach toward the fault prediction of electrical machines. The proposed method is a new approach to the predictive maintenance of electrical machines. This paper presents the details regarding the algorithm and then validates the accuracy against data collected from working electrical machines for both cases. A comparison is also presented at the end of multiple machine learning algorithms used for training based on this approach.Signal Spectrum-Based Machine Learning Approach for Fault Prediction and Maintenance of Electrical MachinespublishedVersio

    Reduced Data Volumes through Hybrid Machine Learning Compared to Conventional Machine Learning Demonstrated on Bearing Fault Classification

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    n some real-world problems, machine learning is faced with little data due to limited resources such as sensors, time, and budget. In this case, the conventional machine learning approach may fail or perform badly. To develop a well-functioning model with a small training set the hybrid machine learning approach, the combination of different methods can be applied. Especially in the machine industry where Industry 4.0 is one of the most important topics—including condition monitoring, predictive maintenance, and automated data analyses—data are limited and costly. In this work, the conventional and hybrid approach are compared to the application of ball bearing fault classification. The dataset contains 12 different classes (11 with faults and 1 undamaged). For each approach, two different LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) models are developed and trained on various training sets (different sensors). The hybrid model is realised by adding physical knowledge through applying fast Fourier transformation and frequency selection to the raw data. This study shows that the additional physical knowledge in the hybrid model results in a better performance of the hybrid machine learning than the conventional

    Detecting Production Phases Based on Sensor Values using 1D-CNNs

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    In the context of Industry 4.0, the knowledge extraction from sensor information plays an important role. Often, information gathered from sensor values reveals meaningful insights for production levels, such as anomalies or machine states. In our use case, we identify production phases through the inspection of sensor values with the help of convolutional neural networks. The data set stems from a tempering furnace used for metal heat treating. Our supervised learning approach unveils a promising accuracy for the chosen neural network that was used for the detection of production phases. We consider solutions like shown in this work as salient pillars in the field of predictive maintenance


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    The availability of manufacturing machinery is crucial for having a productive production line. So, for industrialists, being successful in the field of maintenance is crucial if they want to make sure that key equipment is performing as it should and that unscheduled downtime is kept to a minimum. Predictive maintenance skills are viewed as being essential with the rise of complex industrial processes. The assistance that contemporary value chains may provide for a company's maintenance role is another area of focus. The development of sensors and Industry 4.0 technologies has greatly improved access to data from equipment, processes, and products. Electric motor condition monitoring and predictive maintenance help the industry avoid significant financial losses brought on by unforeseen motor breakdowns and significantly increase system dependability. This research offers Enhanced Nave Bayes Artificial Neural Network-based machine learning architecture for Predictive Maintenance. The system was tested in an industrial setting by building a data collection and analysis system using sensors, analyzing the data with a machine learning approach, and comparing the results to those generated by a simulation tool. With the help of the Azure Cloud, the Data Analysis Tool may access information collected by a wide variety of sensors, machine PLCs, and communication protocols. Preliminary results show that the method correctly predicts a wide range of machine states

    A predictive model for the maintenance of industrial machinery in the context of industry 4.0

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    The Industry 4.0 paradigm is being increasingly adopted in the production, distribution and commercialization chains worldwide. The integration of the cutting-edge techniques behind it entails a deep and complex revolution –changing from scheduled-based processes to smart, reactive ones– that has to be thoroughly applied at different levels. Aiming to shed some light on the path towards such evolution, this work presents an Industry 4.0 based approach for facing a key aspect within factories: the health assessment of critical assets. This work is framed in the context of the innovative project SiMoDiM, which pursues the design and integration of a predictive maintenance system for the stainless steel industry. As a case of study, it focuses on the machinery involved in the production of high-quality steel sheets, i.e. the Hot Rolling Process, and concretely on predicting the degradation of the drums within the heating coilers of Steckel mills (parts with an expensive replacement that work under severe mechanical and thermal stresses). This paper describes a predictive model based on a Bayesian Filter, a tool from the Machine Learning field, to estimate and predict the gradual degradation of such machinery, permitting the operators to make informed decisions regarding maintenance operations. For achieving that, the proposed model iteratively fuses expert knowledge with real time information coming from the hot rolling processes carried out in the factory. The predictive model has been fitted and evaluated with real data from ∼118k processes, proving its virtues for promoting the Industry 4.0 era.Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo (OTRI-8.06/5.56.4826, IC4-030000-2016-3), MInisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (DPI2014-55826-R). Universidad de Málaga (I-PPIT-UMA

    Requirements for an Intelligent Maintenance System for Industry 4.0

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    comprobación paso "titulo publicación " - Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future[EN] Recent advances in the development of technological devices and software for Industry 4.0 have pushed a change in the maintenance management systems and processes. Nowadays, in order to maintain a company competitive, a computerised management system is required to help in its maintenance tasks. This paper presents an analysis of the complexities and requirements for maintenance of Industry 4.0. It focuses on intelligent systems that can help to improve the intelligent management of maintenance. Finally, it presents a summary of lessons learned specified as guidelines for the design of such intelligent systems that can be applied horizontally to any company in the Industry.This work is supported by the FEDER/Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities - State Research Agency RTC-2017-6401-7Garcia, E.; Araujo, A.; Palanca Cámara, J.; Giret Boggino, AS.; Julian Inglada, VJ.; Botti, V. (2019). Requirements for an Intelligent Maintenance System for Industry 4.0. Springer. 340-351. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-27477-1_26S340351CEN, European Committee for Standardization: EN 13306:2017. Maintenance Terminology. European Standard (2017)Chen, B., Wan, J., Shu, L., Li, P., Mukherjee, M., Yin, B.: Smart factory of Industry 4.0: key technologies, application case, and challenges. IEEE Access 6, 6505–6519 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1109/access.2017.2783682Crespo Marquez, A., Gupta, J.N.: Contemporary maintenance management: process, framework and supporting pillars. Omega 34(3), 313–326 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.omega.2004.11.003Ferreira, L.L., Albano, M., Silva, J., Martinho, D., Marreiros, G., di Orio, G., Malo, P., Ferreira, H.: A pilot for proactive maintenance in Industry 4.0. In: 2017 IEEE 13th International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS). IEEE (2017). https://doi.org/10.1109/wfcs.2017.7991952Goh, K., Tjahjono, B., Baines, T., Subramaniam, S.: A review of research in manufacturing prognostics. In: 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, Singapore, pp. 417–422. IEEE (2006). https://doi.org/10.1109/INDIN.2006.275836Hashemian, H.M., Bean, W.C.: State-of-the-art predictive maintenance techniques. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 60(10), 3480–3492 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1109/TIM.2009.2036347Lee, W.J., Wu, H., Yun, H., Kim, H., Jun, M.B., Sutheralnd, J.W.: Predictive maintenance of machine tool systems using artificial intelligence techniques applied to machine condition data. Procedia CIRP 80, 506–511 (2019)Lu, B., Durocher, D., Stemper, P.: Predictive maintenance techniques. IEEE Ind. Appl. Mag. 15(6), 52–60 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1109/MIAS.2009.934444Mrugalska, B., Wyrwicka, M.K.: Towards lean production in Industry 4.0. Procedia Eng. 182, 466–473 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.03.135O’Donoghue, C., Prendergast, J.: Implementation and benefits of introducing a computerised maintenance management system into a textile manufacturing company. J. Mater. Process. Technol. 153, 226–232 (2004)Paolanti, M., Romeo, L., Felicetti, A., Mancini, A., Frontoni, E., Loncarski, J.: Machine learning approach for predictive maintenance in Industry 4.0. In: 2018 14th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA). IEEE (2018). https://doi.org/10.1109/mesa.2018.8449150Patil, R.B., Mhamane, D.A., Kothavale, P.B., Kothavale, B.: Fault tree analysis: a case study from machine tool industry. Available at SSRN 3382241 (2018)Potes Ruiz, P.A., Kamsu-Foguem, B., Noyes, D.: Knowledge reuse integrating the collaboration from experts in industrial maintenance management. Knowl. Based Syst. 50, 171–186 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2013.06.005Razmi-Farooji, A., Kropsu-Vehkaperä, H., Härkönen, J., Haapasalo, H.: Advantages and potential challenges of data management in e-maintenance. J. Qual. Maint. Eng. (2019)Rüßmann, M., Lorenz, M., Gerbert, P., Waldner, M., Justus, J., Harnisch, M.: Industry 4.0: the future of productivity and growth in manufacturing industries. Boston Consult. Group 9(1), 54–89 (2015)Wan, J., Tang, S., Li, D., Wang, S., Liu, C., Abbas, H., Vasilakos, A.V.: A manufacturing big data solution for active preventive maintenance. IEEE Trans. Ind. Inform. 13(4), 2039–2047 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1109/tii.2017.267050

    Automatic anomaly detection in vibration analysis based on Machine Learning Algorithms

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    This paper presents an approach for automatic anomaly detection through vibration analysis based on machine learning algorithms.The study focuses on induction motors in a predictive maintenance context, but can be applied to other domains. Vibration analysis is an important diagnostic tool in industrial data analysis to predict anomaliescaused by equipment defects or in its use, allowing to increase its lifetime.It is not a new technique and is widely used in the industry, however withthe Industry 4.0 paradigm and the need to digitize any process, it gainsrelevance to automatic fault detection. The Isolation Forest algorithm isimplemented to detect anomalies in vibration datasets measured in anexperimental apparatus composed of an induction motor and a coupling system with shaft alignment/misalignment capabilities. The results showthat it is possible to detect anomalies automatically with a high level ofprecision and accuracy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Industrial internet of things platform for predictive maintenance

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    POCI-01-0247-FEDER-038436Industry 4.0, allied with the growth and democratization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the advent of IoT, is paving the way for the complete digitization and automation of industrial processes. Maintenance is one of these processes, where the introduction of a predictive approach, as opposed to the traditional techniques, is expected to considerably improve the industry maintenance strategies with gains such as reduced downtime, improved equipment effectiveness, lower maintenance costs, increased return on assets, risk mitigation, and, ultimately, profitable growth. With predictive maintenance, dedicated sensors monitor the critical points of assets. The sensor data then feed into machine learning algorithms that can infer the asset health status and inform operators and decision-makers. With this in mind, in this paper, we present TIP4.0, a platform for predictive maintenance based on a modular software solution for edge computing gateways. TIP4.0 is built around Yocto, which makes it readily available and compliant with Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) or proprietary hardware. TIP4.0 was conceived with an industry mindset with communication interfaces that allow it to serve sensor networks in the shop floor and modular software architecture that allows it to be easily adjusted to new deployment scenarios. To showcase its potential, the TIP4.0 platform was validated over COTS hardware, and we considered a public data-set for the simulation of predictive maintenance scenarios. We used a Convolution Neural Network (CNN) architecture, which provided competitive performance over the state-of-the-art approaches, while being approximately four-times and two-times faster than the uncompressed model inference on the Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Graphical Processing Unit, respectively. These results highlight the capabilities of distributed large-scale edge computing over industrial scenarios.publishersversionpublishe

    Machine Learning-Oriented Predictive Maintenance (PdM) Framework for Autonomous Vehicles (AVs): Adopting Blockchain for PdM Solution

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    Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) refers to smart, connected and multimedia cars with technological megatrends of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) and have gained huge strive in today\u27s world. AVs adopt automated driving systems (ADS) technique that permits the vehicle to manage and control driving points without human drivers by utilizing advanced equipment including a combination of sensors, controllers, onboard computers, actuators, algorithms, and advanced software embedded in the different parts of the vehicle. These advanced sensors provide unique inputs to the ADS to generate a path from point A to point B. Ensuring the safety of sensors by limiting maintenance costs has become a major challenge for AVs community. The predictive maintenance (PdM) approach has the potential to address the AVs failures. In this paper, we propose a novel, conceptual, and high-level domain-specific software architecture for the machine learning-oriented predictive maintenance (PdM) framework that shall enable predicting early malfunctioning, quality, safety, and performance deficiencies of AVs. The novel framework collects the data from sensors and major equipment and stores the collected data in immutable and transparent blockchain technology. Collected data shall be validated, extracted, and classified by adopting machine learning (ML) techniques. ML module shall predict the possible malfunctioning of the sensors while providing potential solutions from the stored data in the blockchain network. In this paper, our effort was to conduct a feasibility study, elicit and specify all the requirements for the proposed framework. In future research, we aim to extend the conceptual work and implement a prototype in real-world scenarios