740 research outputs found

    perspective of a course of a higher education institution

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    The word MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) has its origins in an experience carried out by George Siemens and Stephen Downes in 2008 based on the theory of connectivism and social constructivism. This worldwide phenomenon appeared as an evolution of the Open Educational Resources (OER) movement. They are a new style of online classes that allow any person with web access, anywhere, usually free of charge, to participate through video lectures, computer graded tests and discussion forums which have been taking the attention of many higher education institutions around the world. The purpose of this paper is to give us an overview of how MOOCs and Blended Learning can be used with as an educational strategy in a Mathematics Course of “non Mathematic” degree programs. The pedagogical strategy embraced in this venture, was to combine the potentialities of some, already available, “good” OER, with a blended working scheme established side by side with the course development, regarding fundamental issues considered as prerequisites to it. We will explain the specific contents involved, as well as the general and specific objectives and outcomes, the evaluation procedures established for the course support and development, finishing with a summary of the complete results. We did not want to discover the “wheel”, it is from common knowledge for decades, but to present alternative ways to make a good use of it.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Admitting Students through an Open Online Course in Programming: A Multi-year Analysis of Study Success

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    Since 2012, part of computer science student body at the University of Helsinki has been selected by using a massively open online version of the same introductory programming course that our freshmen take. In this multi-year study, we compare study success between students accepted through the online course (MOOC intake) and students accepted through the traditional entrance exam and high school matriculation exam based intake (normal intake). Our findings indicate that the MOOC intake perform better in computer science studies when looking at completed credits and grade point average, but there is no difference when considering other courses. Retention among the MOOC intake is better than among the normal intake. Additionally, students in the MOOC intake are more likely to complete their capstone project and Bachelor's thesis in the studied time-frame. However, the MOOC intake makes the already skewed gender balance more pronounced.Peer reviewe

    Study success at the Turku University of Applied Sciences : Comparison between students of path studies background and joint-application background and comparison between different study fields

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    This thesis examines the study success of different student groups of Turku University of Applied Sciences. Study success is measured in this research with the amount of credits and weighted grade point average. Two research questions are presented to explore the phenomenon, first one concerns the possible difference in the study success of path students and students with joint-application background. The second research question looks at the differences between the study success of four different study fields. The data has been collected from the groups of students starting their studies in the Turku University of applied sciences in four semesters: autumn 2017, spring 2018, autumn 2018, and spring 2019. Theoretical background of the thesis is based on the previous studies on the factors which affect study success in higher education. Results of this study show that there are no statistically significant differences between the study success of students with path studies background in comparison with students with joint application background. Nevertheless, when looking at the differences between different study fields, statistically significant differences can be found. Results provide new knowledge about the study success of the students studying in the universities of applied sciences. Results show that the way of access to universities of applied sciences does not seem to relevant for the later success in studies and that instead, other factors, such as study field, explain the differences in study success

    Immersive Telepresence: A framework for training and rehearsal in a postdigital age

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    Validation of Non-formal MOOC-based Learning: An Analysis of Assessment and Recognition Practices in Europe (OpenCred)

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    This report presents the outcomes of research, conducted between May 2014 and November 2015, into emerging practices in assessment, credentialisation and recognition in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Following extensive research on MOOCs in European Member States, it provides a snapshot of how European Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) recognise (or not) non-formal learning (particularly MOOC-based), and how some employers recognise open badges and MOOC certificates for continuing professional development. We analyse the relationship between forms of assessment used and credentials awarded, from badges for self-assessment to ECTS credits for on-site examinations, and consider the implications for recognition. Case studies provide deeper insights into existing practices. The report introduces a model which guides MOOC conveners in positioning and shaping their offers, and also helps institutions and employers to make recognition decisions. It concludes with a set of recommendations to European HEIs and policy makers to enable wider recognition of open learning in higher education and at the workplace.JRC.J.3-Information Societ

    Retention in Introductory Programming

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    The introductory programming course is one of the very first courses that computer science students encounter. The course is challenging not only because of the content, but also due to the challenges related to finding a place in a new community. Many have little knowledge of what to expect from university studies, some struggle to adjust their study behavior to match the expected pace, and a few simply cannot attend instruction due to e.g. family or work constraints. As a consequence, a considerable number of students end up failing the course, or pass the course with substandard knowledge. This leads to students failing to proceed in their studies at a desirable pace, to students who struggle with the subsequent courses, and to students who completely drop out from their studies. This thesis explores the issue of retention in introductory programming courses through multiple viewpoints. We first analyze how the teaching approaches reported in literature affect introductory programming course pass rates. Then, changes on the retention at the University of Helsinki are studied using two separate approaches. The first approach is the use of a contemporary variant of Cognitive Apprenticeship called the Extreme Apprenticeship method, and the second approach is the use of a massive open online course (MOOC) in programming for recruiting students before they enter their university studies. Furthermore, data from an automatic assessment system implemented for the purposes of this thesis is studied to determine how novices write their first lines of code, and what factors contribute to the feeling of difficulty in learning programming. On average, the teaching approaches described in the literature improve the course pass rates by one third. However, the literature tends to neglect the effect of intervention on the subsequent courses. In both studies at the University of Helsinki, retention improved considerably, and the students on average also fare better in subsequent courses. Finally, the data that has been gathered with the automatic assessment system provides an excellent starting point for future research.Ohjelmointi on nykyajan käsityöläistaito, jolle on akuutti tarve työelämässä. Tämän taidon opettelua harkitseva tietää harvoin, kuinka riippuvainen yhteiskuntamme on ohjelmoinnin tuotoksista eli ohjelmistoista. Ilman ohjelmointia esimerkiksi yhteydenpito, kaupankäynti, matkustaminen ja terveydenhuolto olisivat heikommalla tasolla. Puhelimet eivät toimisi, internettiä ei olisi, eikä lääketeollisuus pystyisi käsittelemään yhtä suuria datamassoja uusia parannuskeinoja etsiessä. Kukaan ei olisi kirjoittanut ohjelmaa, joka auttoi avaruuteen pääsemisessä. Väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan ohjelmoinnin opetusmenetelmiä ja niiden toimivuutta korkeakouluissa sekä esitellään kognitiiviseen oppipoikamalliin (Cognitive Apprenticeship) perustuva “ajatuskäsityöläisten” opetusmenetelmä tehostettu kisällioppiminen (Extreme Apprenticeship). Tehostetussa kisällioppimisessa oppimista edesauttava yksilöllinen ohjaus on mahdollista skaalata satoja opiskelijoita sisältäville kursseille. Väitöskirjatyössä ehdotetaan lisäksi kaikille avoimen verkkokurssin (MOOC) käyttöä yliopisto-opiskelijoiden valintaan sekä tarkastellaan tällaisen valintaväylän toimivuutta tietojenkäsittelytieteen alalla. Väitöskirja käsittelee myös ohjelmointitehtävien automaattista arviointia ja esittelee tähän tarkoitetun Test My Code -järjestelmän, jota voidaan käyttää askeleittaisten ohjeiden ja palautteen antamiseen aloitteleville ohjelmoijille sekä tiedon keräämiseen ohjelmointiprosessissa esiintyvistä ongelmista. Tällaista tietoa voidaan tutkia oppimisanalytiikan menetelmin. Väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan myös aloittelevien ohjelmoijien ensimmäisten ohjelmien kirjoittamisessa esiintyviä ongelmia sekä esitellään ohjelmointitehtävien vaikeuden ennustamiseen sopivia menetelmiä

    Artificial Intelligence methodologies to early predict student outcome and enrich learning material

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    L'abstract è presente nell'allegato / the abstract is in the attachmen

    ICT for Quality Education in India

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    36-40ICT, if used creatively, can make a big difference in the way teachers teach and students learn and can help students acquire 21st-century skills

    Of two contrasting philosophies that underpin openness in education and what that entails

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    From the conclusion: The ultimate question is a normative one: Which way do we want that openness in education to go? That question concerns educational resources, open educational practices and what other forms the educational system may spawn. For ultimately, we as stakeholders, in the learning of our children and grandchildren, in the professional development and Bildung of ourselves, should get the educational systems that we want, including appropriate forms of openness therein. Every individual then should decide for herself or himself to what extent this requires education as a public good and to what extent education as a private good, that is, as a commodity subject to market forces. It should not come as a surprise that we side with the humanitarian elaboration of openness. Indeed, we feel that governments as guardians of the public space should actively get involved in promoting this kind of openness, indeed, much as Delors in 1996 advocated for education as a whole