398 research outputs found

    User-defined data types and operators in occam

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    This paper describes the addition of user-defined monadic and dyadic operators to occam* [1], together with some libraries that demonstrate their use. It also discusses some techniques used in their implementation in KRoC [2] for a variety of target machines

    Study of Various Motherboards

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    Hierarchical N-Body problem on graphics processor unit

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    Galactic simulation is an important cosmological computation, and represents a classical N-body problem suitable for implementation on vector processors. Barnes-Hut algorithm is a hierarchical N-Body method used to simulate such galactic evolution systems. Stream processing architectures expose data locality and concurrency available in multimedia applications. On the other hand, there are numerous compute-intensive scientific or engineering applications that can potentially benefit from such computational and communication models. These applications are traditionally implemented on vector processors. Stream architecture based graphics processor units (GPUs) present a novel computational alternative for efficiently implementing such high-performance applications. Rendering on a stream architecture sustains high performance, while user-programmable modules allow implementing complex algorithms efficiently. GPUs have evolved over the years, from being fixed-function pipelines to user programmable processors. In this thesis, we focus on the implementation of Barnes-Hut algorithm on typical current-generation programmable GPUs. We exploit computation and communication requirements present in Barnes-Hut algorithm to expose their suitability for user-programmable GPUs. Our implementation of the Barnes-Hut algorithm is formulated as a fragment shader targeting the selected GPU. We discuss implementation details, design issues, results, and challenges encountered in programming the fragment shader

    Design and evaluation of multimedia extensions for the DLX architecture

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    Multimedia computer architecture extensions for Hennessy and Patterson\u27s DLX architecture are developed following the study of multimedia applications and existing multimedia architecture extensions. Support for the extensions is added to a VHDL superscalar DLX CPU model as well as a DLX assembler. Key functions used in digital video encoding and decoding are modified to use the extensions, and simulations are undertaken using the VHDL model to determine the speedup offered by the extensions for these functions. The results of the simulations are used to calculate the application speedup based on the function speedup and the fraction of the time that each application spends executing each function. It is shown that the superscalar CPU design limits the performance gain offered by the extensions, and concluded that the effectiveness of the extensions is further limited by the fraction of the application code that can make use of them

    Efficient Human Facial Pose Estimation

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    Pose estimation has become an increasingly important area in computer vision and more specifically in human facial recognition and activity recognition for surveillance applications. Pose estimation is a process by which the rotation, pitch, or yaw of a human head is determined. Numerous methods already exist which can determine the angular change of a face, however, these methods vary in accuracy and their computational requirements tend to be too high for real-time applications. The objective of this thesis is to develop a method for pose estimation, which is computationally efficient, while still maintaining a reasonable degree of accuracy. In this thesis, a feature-based method is presented to determine the yaw angle of a human facial pose using a combination of artificial neural networks and template matching. The artificial neural networks are used for the feature detection portion of the algorithm along with skin detection and other image enhancement algorithms. The first head model, referred to as the Frontal Position Model, determines the pose of the face using two eyes and the mouth. The second model, referred to as the Side Position Model, is used when only one eye can be viewed and determines pose based on a single eye, the nose tip, and the mouth. The two models are presented to demonstrate the position change of facial features due to pose and to provide the means to determine the pose as these features change from the frontal position. The effectiveness of this pose estimation method is examined by looking at both the manual and automatic feature detection methods. Analysis is further performed on how errors in feature detection affect the resulting pose determination. The method resulted in the detection of facial pose from 30 to -30 degrees with an average error of 4.28 degrees for the Frontal Position Model and 5.79 degrees for the Side Position Model with correct feature detection. The Intel(R) Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) technology was employed to enhance the performance of floating point operations. The neural networks used in the feature detection process require a large amount of floating point calculations, due to the computation of the image data with weights and biases. With SSE optimization the algorithm becomes suitable for processing images in a real-time environment. The method is capable of determining features and estimating the pose at a rate of seven frames per second on a 1.8 GHz Pentium 4 computer

    SIMD code generation in data-parallel programming

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    Today';s desktop PCs feature a variety of parallel processing units. Developing applications that exploit this parallelism is a demanding task, and a programmer has to obtain detailed knowledge about the hardware for efficient implementation. CGiS is a data-parallel programming language providing a unified abstraction for two parallel processing units: graphics processing units (GPUs) and the vector processing units of CPUs. The CGiS compiler framework fully virtualizes the differences in capability and accessibility by mapping an abstract data-parallel programming model on those targets. The applicability of CGiS for GPUs has been shown in previous work; this work focuses on applying the abstract programming model of CGiS to CPUs with SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) instruction sets. We have identified, adapted and implemented a set of program analyses to expose and access the available parallelism. The code generation phase is based on selected optimization algorithms tailored to SIMD code generation. Via code generation profiles, it is possible to adapt the code generation strategy to different target architectures. To assess the effectiveness of our approach, we have implemented backends for the two most widespread SIMD instruction sets, namely Intel';s Streaming SIMD Extensions and Freescale';s AltiVec. Additionally, we integrated a prototypical backend for the Cell Broadband Engine as an example for a multi-core architecture. Our experimental results show excellent average performance gains by a factor of 3 compared to standard scalar C++ implementations and underline the viability of this approach: real-world applications can be implemented easily with CGiS and result in efficient code.Parallelverarbeitung wird heutzutage in handelsüblichen PCs von einer Reihe verschiedener Komponenten unterstützt. Grafikprozessoren (GPUs) und Vektoreinheiten in CPUs sind zwei dieser Komponenten. Da die Entwicklung von Anwendungen, die diese Parallelität nutzen, eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe ist, muss sich ein Programmierer detaillierte Kenntnisse der internen Hardwarestruktur aneignen. Mit CGiS stellen wir eine datenparallele Programmiersprache vor, die eine gemeinsame Abstraktion für Grafikprozessoren und Vektoreinheiten in CPUs bietet und ein einheitliches Programmiermodell für beide bereitstellt. In vorherigen Arbeiten haben wir bereits die Nutzbarkeit von CGiS für GPUs gezeigt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit bilden wir das abstrakte Programmiermodel von CGiS auf CPUs mit SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) Instruktionssatz ab. Wir haben eine Reihe relevanter Programmanalysen angepasst und implementiert um Parallelität aufzudecken und zu nutzen. Die Codegenerierungsphase basiert auf ausgewählten Optimierungsalgorithmen, die speziell auf die Generierung von SIMD-Code zugeschnitten sind. Durch Profile für verschiedene Architekturen ist es uns möglich, die Codegenierung zu steuern. Um die Effektivität unseres Ansatzes unter Beweis zu stellen, haben wir Backends für die beiden am weitesten verbreiteten SIMD-Instruktionssätze implementiert: Die "Streaming SIMD Extensions" von Intel und AltiVec von Freescale. Zusätzlich haben wir ein prototypisches Backend für den Cell Prozessor von IBM, als Beispiel für eine Multi-Core-Architektur, integriert. Die Ergebnisse unserer Experimente belegen eine ausgezeichnete durchschnittliche Beschleunigung um einen Faktor von 3 im Vergleich zu handgeschriebenen C++-Implementierungen. Diese Resultate untermauern unseren Ansatz: Mittels CGiS lässt sich leistungsstarker Code für SIMD- und Multi-Core-Applikationen generieren

    A high-performance inner-product processor for real and complex numbers.

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    A novel, high-performance fixed-point inner-product processor based on a redundant binary number system is investigated in this dissertation. This scheme decreases the number of partial products to 50%, while achieving better speed and area performance, as well as providing pipeline extension opportunities. When modified Booth coding is used, partial products are reduced by almost 75%, thereby significantly reducing the multiplier addition depth. The design is applicable for digital signal and image processing applications that require real and/or complex numbers inner-product arithmetic, such as digital filters, correlation and convolution. This design is well suited for VLSI implementation and can also be embedded as an inner-product core inside a general purpose or DSP FPGA-based processor. Dynamic control of the computing structure permits different computations, such as a variety of inner-product real and complex number computations, parallel multiplication for real and complex numbers, and real and complex number division. The same structure can also be controlled to accept redundant binary number inputs for multiplication and inner-product computations. An improved 2's-complement to redundant binary converter is also presented