12 research outputs found


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    Kemajuan teknologi yang memunculkan inovasi pada bidang layanan keuangan, termasuk e-wallet. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat intensitas kontinuitas mahasiswa pengguna e-wallet dengan menggunakan teori (UAUT2). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Uji hipotesis analisis regresi berganda. Metode analisis data menggunakan SPSS. Sampel untuk survei ini terdiri dari 371 responden dengan pengalaman ≄ 3 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel kondisi pendukung, motivasi hedonis, nilai harga, dan kebiasaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap intensitas kontinuitas. Variabel kondisi pendukung memperoleh nilai thitung sebesar 3,320 > ttabel 1,9665 sig 0,0001 ttabel 1,9665  sig 0,000 ttabel 1,9665 sig 0,000 ttabel 1,9665  sig 0,000 0,05, harapan usaha sebesar -1,578 0,05, dan pengaruh sosial sebesar thitung 0,009 0,05. Nilai R2 sebesar 0,648 berarti 64,8% variabel dalam model teoritis UTAUT2 mempengaruhi kekuatan intensitas kontinuitas

    Behavioral Intention of e-Learning: A Case Study of Distance Learning at a Junior High School in Indonesia due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The spread of COVID-19 caused schools that previously used only a face-to-face system to deliver instruction online from home, a method commonly called e-learning. e-Learning is extremely beneficial in providing cost-effective education irrespective of time and geographical boundaries. Despite the benefit of e-learning, there are many problems associated with its use in Indonesia. Based on the results of research by Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), the application of e-learning in secondary schools in Indonesia is quite challenging. There is currently an education gap between the able and disadvantaged groups in Indonesia currently created by e-learning. This study aims to assess the behavior intention of e-learning at junior high schools in Jakarta and Tangerang, Indonesia, due to the impact of COVID19. The research model is based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of a technology framework. The behavioral intention of performance expectation, effort expectancy, attitude, facilitating condition, social influence, and cost were examined. Data were collected by administering questionnaires to respondents who studied at the junior high schools in Jakarta and Tangerang. Data analysis was performed using structural equation modeling. The results showed that the social influence of e-learning has a strong positive relationship with behavioral intention. The findings of the study contribute to the understanding of behavioral beliefs about e-learning in Jakarta and Tangerang due to COVID-19. This contribution could be a reference for the government in improving the education system for e-learning during COVID-19

    Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Continuance Intention pada Penggunaan Mobile Payment dengan Metode Structural Equation Modeling

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    Saat ini, pengguna mobile payment di Indonesia semakin bertambah dari tahun ke tahun. Hadirnya teknologi yang baru ini menghasilkan perspektif yang berbeda dari laki-laki maupun perempuan. Permasalahan yang ditemukan adalah apakah mobile payment platform berpengaruh pada continuance intention terhadap penggunaan layanan mobile payment berdasarkan model riset yang dibuat oleh Z. Shao, L. Zhang, X. Li dan Y. Guo. Berdasarkan model riset terdapat variabel moderasi gender dan variabel mediasi perceived risk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan hubungan struktural pengaruh mobile payment platform terhadap penggunaan mobile payment dengan pertimbangan pengaruh variabel moderasi gender dan variabel mediasi perceived risk berdasarkan model riset, mendapatkan cara peningkatan variabel terukur pada model riset, (mobile payment platform, trust in the platform, gender dan perceived risk) yang bisa mempengaruhi penggunaan mobile payment serta mendapatkan variabel lain dalam model riset yang bisa mempengaruhi penggunaan mobile payment. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), dimana metode ini cocok untuk menampilkan korelasi dari tiap variabel yang diuji. Dalam pengambilan data, kuesioner diberikan kepada 1000 responden dengan gender yang berbeda. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepercayaan pengguna terhadap continuance intention pada layanan mobile payment di Indonesia secara signifikan, yakni reputation dengan nilai 8,72 pada perempuan dan 4,32 pada laki-laki, security dengan nilai 4,35 pada perempuan dan 2,82 pada laki-laki. Diharapkan dengan adanya penelitian ini dapat membantu perusahaan penyedia layanan mobile payment dalam mengidentifikasi faktor yang dapat dijadikan pertimbangan dalam pengembangan layanan mobile payment di masa mendatang

    Examining the Role of Usability, Compatibility and Social Influence in Mobile Banking Adoption in Indonesia

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    Adaptation to the internet and advances in mobile technology has become key to the survival of industries, including the banking industry. One of the latest electronic banking channels is mobile banking. While mobile banking offers various advantages, many banks in Indonesia are facing the problem of low adoption. This paper reports on the findings of our research project, which examines mobile banking adoption behavior in Indonesia from an interaction perspective. Specifically, the paper examines the role of usability, compatibility and social influence in explaining people’s intention to continue using mobile banking in Indonesia. Using an interaction perspective framework, a research model is proposed. Ten hypotheses are suggested, examining six constructs: satisfaction, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived learnability, compatibility and social influence. From a theoretical perspective, this paper is the first to combine usability, compatibility and social influence in a mobile banking adoption study. Data from 319 valid respondents were used to test the proposed model using partial least squares structural equation modeling. The results show that all the hypotheses are supported, and it was found that people’s intention to continue using mobile banking is significantly affected by satisfaction, compatibility, perceived usefulness, perceived learnability and social influence

    Implicaciones del adecuamiento del sistema pensional chileno al modelo colombiano

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    El presente proyecto surgiĂł en el marco de investigaciĂłn de la Universidad de La Salle, bajo la lĂ­nea de investigaciĂłn Equidad y Desarrollo. Desde esta perspectiva, se buscĂł responder a la pregunta: ÂżCuĂĄles son las ventajas principales del sistema multipilar chileno y quĂ© beneficios deberĂ­an implementar en el sistema pensional colombiano? Para lograr dicho propĂłsito, se abordĂł un enfoque mixto con diseño exploratorio secuencial de tipo derivativo; el cual implica una etapa inicial cualitativa que da la base para la sustentaciĂłn cuantitativa, es decir, en un primer momento, se recolectĂł informaciĂłn para identificar las principales ventajas y desventajas del sistema pensional chileno mediante un enfoque cualitativo y, posteriormente, se determinaron los beneficios de su implementaciĂłn en el sistema pensional colombiano a travĂ©s de un enfoque cuantitativo. Asimismo, los datos fueron recolectados por medio del mĂ©todo AnĂĄlisis Secundario y se lograron su clasificaciĂłn, codificaciĂłn y categorizaciĂłn a travĂ©s del programa de modelaciĂłn economĂ©trico Eviews. Finalmente, los resultados evidencian beneficios considerables al implementar el sistema de pensiones chileno en Colombia como Ășnico model

    Strategic capability through business intelligence applications

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    This thesis analyzes the potential strategic capability that can be improved from the deployment of business intelligence (BI) applications. AOK Niedersachsen (AOKN), a German health insurance company in the north of Germany (Lower-Saxony), is used as the case study for primary qualitative research and analysis. For many years, information and data have been considered even “factors of production” for companies; but data and information have become more complex, requiring processing and structural analysis to get the needed transparency in the company. Data from different operational sources must be extracted and structured to provide information for management accounting employees, top management, and end-users throughout an organization. In the healthcare industry, BI systems have played a crucial role for decades. For organizations such as AOKN, the application of BI tools and technologies can create and support sustainable capability. Several research questions are answered in this thesis through structured one-to-one interviews with different AOKN employees, and the resulting analysis of interview data. A qualitative approach to this case study is used, allowing the researcher to get in-depth information about a specific context. When case studies are conducted, the one-to-one interview is considered to be an optimal instrument and a significant source of evidence. BI technologies and tools are classified within an appropriate conceptual framework which integrates the complex BI demands and structures of AOKN, identifying different components as part of the framework - systems infrastructure, data provision, reporting, and information receiver. The framework is further enhanced by four factors of a competitive advantage model drawn from existing literature to develop capabilities. The use and integration of BI technologies and tools in the strategy development process are then analyzed. Different BI tools, that have an important function during the whole strategy process, are recommended for each strategy phase. The final area of research examines the possible addition of new functions and solutions to current BI technologies and tools to enhance the potential of these systems in gaining capabilities. Research findings encompass system access, report characteristics, and BI end users profiles and capabilities. To this end, a structured model gives examples of practical AOKN BI projects that have generated strategic capabilities for the organization. At the end, the conclusion chapter stresses the needs of contribution to knowledge (theory and practice)

    As motivaçÔes subjacentes à reserva de alojamento peer-to-peer: o caso Airbnb

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    O impacto da economia partilhada no Ăąmbito do alojamento e a criação de plataformas com base do modelo de negĂłcio P2P, como a Airbnb, tem sido bastante significativo no setor turĂ­stico. O crescimento do nĂșmero de utilizadores destas plataformas de partilha de bens ou serviços tem sido exponencial. Esta investigação aborda os vĂĄrios conceitos associados Ă  economia partilhada e procura perceber quais as razĂ”es que estĂŁo na base do seu crescimento. Pretende-se tambĂ©m perceber quais sĂŁo as principais motivaçÔes de um indivĂ­duo para hospedar-se num alojamento P2P, mais concretamente atravĂ©s da Airbnb. Durante a revisĂŁo de literatura percebemos que o sucesso deste modelo de negĂłcio prende-se com a mudança do perfil do consumidor e com a alteração das suas preferĂȘncias e interesses. Contudo, os avanços da tecnologia representam um papel fulcral como fio condutor para o desenvolvimento destas plataformas. AtravĂ©s da aplicação de um inquĂ©rito foi possĂ­vel concluir que estas motivaçÔes estĂŁo relacionadas principalmente com fatores econĂłmicos e tecnolĂłgicos. O facto de a Airbnb ser uma solução mais barata e a eficiĂȘncia desta plataforma representam grande influĂȘncia na intenção de reserva. O fator social tambĂ©m representa alguma importĂąncia para os inquiridos na medida em que, atravĂ©s dos residentes locais, conseguem obter informaçÔes privilegiadas acerca de uma cidade.The impact of the shared economy on accommodation rental services and the creation of platforms based on the P2P business model, such as Airbnb, have been quite significant in the tourism sector. The growth of people using these platforms that enables the sharing of goods and services has been exponential. This research approaches several concepts associated to sharing economy and it tries to understand the underlying reasons for its growth. It is also intended to notice which are an individual's main motivations to accommodate in P2P lodging, more concretely on Airbnb. Through the literature we noticed that the success of this business model is related to changes in the consumer behaviour as well as their preferences and interests. However, advances in technology play a key role in the development of these platforms. This investigation also tried to notice which motivations drive a person to make a reservation in a P2P accommodation, more specifically on Airbnb. Through the application of a survey it was possible to determine that these motivations are related mainly to economic and technological factors. Because of the cheaper price of Airbnb and its efficiency, there is great intent to reserve using this platform. There is also a social factor that represents importance to the users of Airbnb since they are able to get privileged information concerning the city through local residents

    Kivijalkaliikkeen, verkkokaupan ja hybridin menestystekijÀt - kolme tapausta terveystuotealalta

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    JÀlleenmyynti on murroksessa. Kivijalkaliikkeiden valta on murenemassa verkkokauppojen yhÀ kasvattaessa suosiotaan. Kuluttajien valta ja tietoisuus on myös kasvanut. JÀlleenmyyjien onkin yhÀ vaikeampaa tehdÀ voittoa. Yksi jÀlleenmyynnin nopeimmin kasvavia aloja on terveystuoteala. Koska ihmisten kiinnostus terveyttÀ kohtaan on lisÀÀntynyt, terveystuotealankin merkitys on yhÀ kasvussa. TÀmÀ tutkimus pyrkii kolmen tapauksen avulla löytÀmÀÀn terveystuotealan jÀlleenmyyjien menestyksen taustalla olevia tekijöitÀ. Tutkimuksessa vertaillaan kolmea toimimuotoa: kivijalkaliikettÀ, verkkokauppaa ja hybridiÀ, joka sisÀltÀÀ sekÀ kivijalkaliikkeen ettÀ verkkokaupan. PyrkimyksenÀ on lisÀksi antaa konkreettisia neuvoja terveystuotealan jÀlleenmyyjille ja ymmÀrtÀÀ miten toimimuodot tulevat menestymÀÀn tulevaisuudessa. KyseessÀ on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, jonka tutkimusaineisto kerÀttiin teemahaastatteluilla terveystuotealalta, kolmen eri toimimuodon jÀlleenmyyjÀltÀ. Teoreettinen viitekehys koostuu kahdesta kokonaisuudesta: jÀlleenmyynnissÀ yleisesti keskeisistÀ viidestÀ menestystekijÀstÀ (hinnoittelu, tuotevalikoima, palvelutarjonta, ostaminen ja varastonhallinta) ja kolmen eri toimimuodon menestystekijöistÀ. Kunkin toimimuodon kohdalla kÀsitellÀÀn sekÀ kiinteitÀ ettÀ muuttuvia menestystekijöitÀ. Haastattelujen mukaan terveystuotealalla on useita ominaispiirteitÀ, jotka tulee huomioida alalla työskennellessÀ. Eri toimimuotojen menestystekijÀt saattavat poiketa hyvinkin paljon toisistaan. Tutkimuksen johtopÀÀtöksenÀ voidaan todeta, ettÀ kaikkien toimimuotojen tulee varmistua ensinnÀkin siitÀ, ettÀ tietyt perusmenestystekijÀt on hoidettu riittÀvÀn hyvin. NÀmÀ tekijÀt vastaavat pitkÀlti jÀlleenmyynnin yleisiÀ menestystekijöitÀ. TuotetietÀmys nousi esiin uutena perusmenestystekijÀnÀ. Toisekseen toimimuotojen omat menestystekijÀt tulee olla kunnossa. MenestystÀ saavuttaakseen on kaikkien toimimuotojen kuitenkin erittÀin olennaista erottautua kilpailijoistaan. Erottautumiseen on useita keinoja. Hybridiksi siirtyminen voidaan nÀhdÀ yhtenÀ mahdollisena erottautumiskeinona ja myös kehityssuuntana. Asiasanat:jÀlleenmyynti, menestystekijÀt, luontaistuoteala, myymÀlÀt, verkkokauppa, tapaustutkimu