23 research outputs found

    MIMO UWB Systems based on Linear Precoded OFDM for Home Gigabit Applications

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    International audienceIn this paper, we investigate the use of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques with linear precoded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (LP-OFDM) waveform for high data rate ultra-wideband (UWB) systems. This scheme is an evolution of the multiband OFDM (MB-OFDM) solution supported by the WiMedia Alliance. The aim of this paper is to obtain a very high data rate of around one gigabit for home access networks (HAN) and to improve the system range for lower data rates, while not significantly increasing the system complexity compared to the WiMedia solution. Firstly, a single-input single-output (SISO) LP-OFDM system study is led to high-light the benefits of adding a precoding function to an OFDM signal in the UWB context. In an analytical study, different sys-tem choices and parameterization strategies are proposed in or-der to minimize the mean bit-error-rate (BER) and consequently improve the system range. Secondly, a MIMO scheme is added and global system simulations are performed on a proposed new geometric statistic MIMO channel model. We show that the pro-posed system can considerably improve the system range at low data rates, and can reach very high data rates up to 1 Gbit/s with comparable BER performances to WiMedia

    Short Range Gigabit Wireless Communications Systems: Potentials, Challenges and Techniques

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    In this paper, we discuss multi-gigabits per second wireless networks in the 60GHz millimeter wave frequency band. Despite the large unlicensed bandwidth offered by the 60GHz frequency band, severe technical challenges exist towards making multi-Gbps a reality. We discuss the challenges in three different layers: PHY, MAC and the application layers. We also discuss some important technologies in overcoming these challenges, including antenna array beamforming, baseband modulation, data aggregation. The worldwide 60GHz regulatory and the ongoing standardization efforts are reviewed as well

    Integrating dual antennas with hybrid DC32-QAM modulation to increase the coverage area for wireless sensor networks

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    WSN’s and WPAN technologies continue to develop rapidly with integration into numerous applications. The ever increasing demands on these systems require that radio transceiver extended their coverage area and adopt more efficient algorithms to full fill the requirements of new applications. In this paper, a unique application of Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technology is applied to the application of WSN’s in order to dynamically extend range and thus overall coverage area. The scheme incorporates multiple antennas with Dual Circular 32-QAM modulation for MB-OFDM based systems in order to increase the wireless communication range. Simulation results are then presented that have shown a significant improvement in the system performance in terms of the bit error rate and also signal to noise power rati

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing for optical access networks

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    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a modulation scheme with numerous advantages that has for years been employed as the leading physical interface in many wired and wireless communication systems. Recently, with advancements made in digital signal processing, there has been a surge of interest in applying OFDM techniques for optical communications. This thesis presents extensive research on optical OFDM and how it is being applied in access networks. With the aid of theoretical analysis, simulations and experiments, it is shown that the system performance of direct-detection optical OFDM (DD-OOFDM) in the presence of MZM non-linear distortion can be improved by proper biasing and selection of appropriate drive to the MZM. Investigations are conducted to illustrate how a variation in the number of subcarriers and the modulation format influences the sensitivity of the DD-OOFDM system to the MZM non-linear distortion. The possibility of improving the spectral efficiency by reduction of the width of the guard band is also investigated. This thesis also looks into the radio-over-fibre (RoF) transmission of Multiband OFDM UWB as a transparent and low-cost solution for distributing multi-Gbit/s data to end-users in FTTH networks. Due to relaxed regulatory requirements and the wide bandwidth available, UWB operation in the 60-GHz band is also considered for this FTTH application scenario. Four techniques for enabling MB-OFDM UWB RoF operation in the 60-GHz band are experimentally demonstrated. The impacts of various parameters on the performance of the techniques as well as the limitations imposed by fibre distribution are illustrated. Finally, a digital pre-distorter is proposed for compensating for the MZM non-linearity. Experimental demonstration of this digital pre-distortion in an UWB over fibre transmission system shows an increased tolerance to the amplitude of the driving OFDM signal as well as an increase in the optimum modulation index of the OFDM signal

    Caractérisation et modélisation du canal et du bruit pour les réseaux CPL MIMO domestiques

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    Power Line Communication (PLC) technology provides the omnipresence of high speed data services without requiring the installation of new infrastructure. The existing household electrical wiring which is used to deliver the electrical energy to the house is utilized by the PLC technology as a transmission channel. The data rates of several hundreds of Mbps are realized by the PLC technology. In most developed countries the cable used for household electrical wiring consists of three wires: Phase (P), Neutral (N) and Protective Earth (PE). The existing PLC systems use the P-N port to transmit and receive the signals. It is a typical single input single output (SISO) transmission. The inclusion of the PE wire at transmit and receive outlets leads to the availability of multiple transmit/receive ports which in turn leads to the realization of a MIMO communication channel. The principle objective of this thesis is to study and explore the inhome PLC channels in the MIMO context. The main objectives of the thesis are categorized as the following: ¿ Development of a channel sounding protocol to perform extensive channel and noise measurements on the inhome PLC networks, with the objective of generating a rich and realistic database. Evaluation of the MIMO PLC channel capacity by utilizing the database obtained from the measurements. ¿ Characterization and modeling of the inhome MIMO PLC channel through a set of parameter by utilizing the measured channel data. Evaluation of the performance of the channel model by comparing the simulated channels parameters with the measured ones. ¿ Characterization and modeling of the MIMO power line noise through various parameters by utilizing the measured noise data. Evaluation of the performance of the noise model by comparing the simulated noise characteristics with the measured noise.La technologie Courants Porteurs en Ligne (CPL) répond aux besoins de couverture des services à haut débit sans nécessiter l'installation de nouvelle infrastructure. Dans la plupart des pays développés, le câble utilisé pour construire le réseau domestique d'énergie est constitué de trois fils : le fil de Phase (P), le fil de Neutre (N) et le fil de Terre (en anglais, Protective Earth, PE). Les systèmes CPL actuels utilisent les fils P et N (que l'on notera port P-N) pour émettre et recevoir des signaux de manière différentielle. Typiquement, il s'agit d'un mode transmission utilisant un capteur à l'émission et un capteur à la réception, ce que l'on nomme généralement transmission Single Input Single Output (SISO). Dans le domaine de la communication sans fil, les techniques Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) sont largement employées pour augmenter la capacité du canal. Elles consistent à utiliser plusieurs antennes à l'émission et plusieurs antennes à la réception et bénéficier ainsi de la diversité du canal. Dans le contexte CPL, la présence du fil PE dans les prises électriques de transmission et de réception permet d'envisager la possibilité d'utiliser plusieurs ports d'émission et de réception, ce qui constitue un canal de communication MIMO. Des mesures et des simulations réalisées pour les canaux de transmission CPL ont montré une nette augmentation de la capacité du canal en utilisant les techniques MIMO par rapport aux systèmes traditionnels SISO. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est l'étude et l'exploration des canaux CPL domestiques dans le contexte MIMO. Il s'agit d'une étude détaillée des technologies CPL existantes et d'une investigation des caractéristiques des canaux CPL MIMO. Les objectifs principaux de la thèse sont : Le développement d'un protocole de sondage afin de réaliser des mesures intensives du canal de transmission et du bruit électromagnétique sur les réseaux CPL domestiques. L'objectif est de générer une base de données riche et réaliste. La base de données obtenue par les mesures permettra d'évaluer la capacité du canal CPL MIMO. La caractérisation et la modélisation du canal de transmission CPL MIMO domestique via un ensemble de paramètres, en utilisant les mesures de canal obtenues par la campagne de mesure. La performance du modèle de canal sera évaluée par la comparaison entre les canaux simulés et les canaux mesurés. La caractérisation et la modélisation du bruit électromagnétique CPL MIMO via plusieurs paramètres, en utilisant les mesures de bruit obtenues par la campagne de mesure. La performance du modèle de bruit sera évaluée par la comparaison entre le bruit simulé et le bruit mesuré

    The use of multiple antenna techniques for uwb wireless personal area networks (UWB-MIMO WPANS)

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    The research activities over the three years were presented in this thesis. The work centred on the use of multiple spatial elements for Ultra wide band wireless system in order to increase the throughput, and for wireless range requirement applications, increases the coverage area. The challenges and problems of this type of implementation are identified and analysed when considered at the physical layer. The study presents a model design that integrates the multiple antenna configurations on the short range wireless communication systems. As the demand for capacity increases in Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN); to address this issue, the framework of the Wi-Media Ultra Wide Band (UWB) standard has been implemented in many WPAN systems. However, challenging issues still remain in terms of increasing throughput, as well as extending cellular coverage range. Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technology is a well-established antenna technology that can increase system capacity and extend the link coverage area for wireless communication systems. The work started by carrying out an investigation into integrated MIMO technology for WPANs based on the Wi-Media framework using Multi-band Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MB-OFDM). It considered an extensive review of applicable research, the potential problems posed by some approaches and some novel approaches to resolve these issues. The proposed ECMA-368 standard was considered, and a UWB system with a multiple antenna configuration was undertaken as a basis for the analysis. A novel scheme incorporating Dual Circular 32 - QAM was proposed for MB-OFDM based systems in order to enhance overall throughput, and could be modified to increase the coverage area at compromise of the data rate. The scheme was incorporated into a spatial multiplexing model with measured computational complexity and practical design issues. This way the capacity could be increased to twice the theoretical levels, which could pay the way to high speed multi-media wireless indoor communication between devices. Furthermore, the range of the indoor wireless network could be increased in practical wireless sensor networks. The inherent presence of spatial and frequency diversity that is associated with this multiple radiators configuration enlarge the signal space, by introducing additional degrees of freedom that provide a linear increase in the system capacity, for the same available spectrum. By incorporating the spatial elements with a Dual Circular modulation that is specified within the standard, it can be shown that a substantial gain in spectral efficiency could be possible. A performance analysis of this system and the use of spatial multiplexing for potential data rates above Gigabit per second transmission were considered. In this work, a model design was constructed that increases the throughput of indoor wireless network systems with the use of dual radiating elements at the both transmitter and receiver. A simulation model had been developed that encapsulate the proposed design. Tests were carried out which investigate the performance characteristics of various spatial and modulation proposals and identifies the challenges surrounding their deployments. Results analysis based on various simulation tests including the IEEE802.15.3a UWB channel model had shown a lower error rate performance in the implementation of the model. The proposed model can be integrated in commercial indoor wireless networks and devices with relatively low implementation cost. Further, the design used in future work to address the current challenges in this field and provides a framework for future systems development

    Framework for a Perceptive Mobile Network using Joint Communication and Radar Sensing

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    In this paper, we develop a framework for a novel perceptive mobile/cellular network that integrates radar sensing function into the mobile communication network. We propose a unified system platform that enables downlink and uplink sensing, sharing the same transmitted signals with communications. We aim to tackle the fundamental sensing parameter estimation problem in perceptive mobile networks, by addressing two key challenges associated with sophisticated mobile signals and rich multipath in mobile networks. To extract sensing parameters from orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) and spatial division multiple access (SDMA) communication signals, we propose two approaches to formulate it to problems that can be solved by compressive sensing techniques. Most sensing algorithms have limits on the number of multipath signals for their inputs. To reduce the multipath signals, as well as removing unwanted clutter signals, we propose a background subtraction method based on simple recursive computation, and provide a closed-form expression for performance characterization. The effectiveness of these methods is validated in simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, Journal pape

    Transmission haut-débit sur les réseaux d'énergie: principes physiques et compatibilité électromagnétique

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    Power Line Communications consist of transmitting data by reusing the existing powerline as a propagation medium. Powerline networks represent a challenging environment for broadband communications, since they have not been designed for the transmission of high frequency signals. This Habilitation degree thesis presents our research on transmission physics and electromagnetic compatibility for in-home powerline networks. This research has been conducted since 2007 in the framework of a collaboration between Orange Labs and Telecom Bretagne, involving my supervision of three Ph.D. theses defended in 2012, 2013 and 2015, as the principal advisor.La technologie Courant Porteur en Ligne consiste à transmettre des données en réutilisant le réseau électrique classique en tant que support de propagation. Les réseaux d'énergie sont des environnements difficiles pour les communications à haut débit, car ils n'ont pas été conçus pour la transmission d'un signal à haute fréquence. Ce mémoire d'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches présente mes travaux concernant la physique de la transmission et les aspects de Compatibilité Electro-Magnétique (CEM) pour le réseau électrique domestique. Ils ont été réalisés à partir de 2007 dans le cadre d'une collaboration entre Orange Labs et Telecom Bretagne, notamment à travers trois thèses soutenues en 2012, 2013 et 2015. Après une introduction générale à la technologie CPL, le manuscrit décrit l'environnement de propagation dans les réseaux d'énergie en termes de canal et de bruit électromagnétique. Les principes de la modélisation du canal CPL sont illustrés à partir de la problématique d'identification des trajets de propagation. L'une des principales évolutions du domaine concerne l'application de la technologie Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) aux communications sur réseaux d'énergie. Nos études expérimentales ont démontré que l'adaptation de cette technique issue du domaine de la radio permet un doublement de la capacité de transmission. Nous présentons les campagnes de mesure réalisées au sein d'Orange Labs et du groupe Specialist Task Force 410 de l'ETSI. A partir de ces données, des modèles statistiques de canal de propagation MIMO et de bruit multi-capteurs ont été élaborés. En termes d'émission électromagnétique, la bande utilisée par les systèmes CPL est déjà occupée par d'autres services (radio amateur, radiodiffusion en ondes courtes). Nous décrivons les contraintes CEM des systèmes CPL et abordons les techniques de CEM cognitive, consistant à optimiser les ressources spectrales en tenant compte de la connaissance de l'environnement du système. En particulier, la technique de retournement temporel est étudiée pour la mitigation du rayonnement involontaire et sa performance est étudiée de manière expérimentale. Enfin, le manuscrit présente la problématique de l'efficacité énergétique des systèmes CPL. Nous présentons les mesures expérimentales réalisées afin de modéliser la consommation de modems classiques et MIMO. D'autre part, la configuration de communication en relais a été étudiée, afin d'évaluer le gain de ce mode de transmission en termes de consommation énergétique. A l'avenir, ces travaux pourront être étendus aux réseaux de distribution en basse et moyenne tension, pour le développement et l'optimisation des réseaux d'énergie intelligents, ou Smart Grids

    Retournement temporel : application aux réseaux mobiles

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    This thesis studies the time reversal technique to improve the energy efficiency of future mobile networks and reduce the cost of future mobile devices. Time reversal technique consists in using the time inverse of the propagation channel impulse response (between a transceiver and a receiver) as a prefilter. Such pre-filtered signal is received with a stronger power (this is spatial focusing) and with a strong main echo, relatively to secondary echoes (this is time compression). During a previous learning phase, the transceiver estimates the channel by measuring the pilot signal emitted by the receiver. Space-time focusing is obtained only at the condition that the propagation remains identical between the learning phase and the data transmission phase: this is the ‘channel reciprocity’ condition. Numerous works show that spatial focusing allows for the reduction of the required transmit power for a given target received power, on the one hand, and that time compression allow for the reduction of the required complexity at the receiver side to handle multiple echoes, on the other hand. However, studies on complexity reduction are limited to ultra wideband. Some works of this thesis (based on simulations and experimental measurements) show that, for bands which are more typical for future networks (a carrier frequency of 1GHz and a spectrum of 30 MHz to 100 MHz), thanks to time reversal, a simple receiver and a mono-carrier signal are sufficient to reach high data rates. Moreover, the channel reciprocity condition is not verified in two scenarios which are typical from mobile networks. Firstly, in most European mobile networks, the frequency division duplex mode is used. This mode implies that the transceiver and the receiver communicate on distinct carriers, and therefore through different propagation channels. Secondly, when considering a receiver on a moving connected vehicle, the transceiver and the receiver communicate one with each other at distinct instants, corresponding to distinct positions of the vehicles, and therefore through different propagation channels. Some works of this thesis propose solutions to obtain space-time focusing for these two scenarios. Finally, some works of this thesis explore the combination of time reversal with other recent signal processing techniques (spatial modulation, on the one hand, a new multi-carrier waveform, on the other hand), or new deployment scenarios (millimeter waves and large antenna arrays to interconnect the nodes of an ultra dense network) or new applications (guidance and navigation) which can be envisaged for future mobile networks.Cette thèse étudie la technique dite de ‘Retournement Temporel’ afin d’améliorer l’efficacité énergétique des futurs réseaux mobiles d’une part, et réduire le coût des futurs terminaux mobiles, d’autre part. Le retournement temporel consiste à utiliser l’inverse temporel de la réponse impulsionnelle du canal de propagation entre un émetteur et un récepteur pour préfiltrer l’émission d’un signal de données. Avantageusement, le signal ainsi préfiltré est reçu avec une puissance renforcée (c’est la focalisation spatiale) et un écho principal qui est renforcé par rapport aux échos secondaires (c’est la compression temporelle). Lors d’une étape préalable d’apprentissage, l’émetteur estime le canal en mesurant un signal pilote provenant du récepteur. La focalisation spatiotemporelle n’est obtenue qu’à condition que la propagation demeure identique entre la phase d’apprentissage et la phase de transmission de données : c’est la condition de ‘réciprocité du canal’. De nombreux travaux montrent que la focalisation spatiale permet de réduire la puissance émise nécessaire pour atteindre une puissance cible au récepteur d’une part, et que la compression temporelle permet de réduire la complexité du récepteur nécessaire pour gérer l’effet des échos multiples, d’autre part. Cependant, les études sur la réduction de la complexité du récepteur se limitent à l’ultra large bande. Des travaux de cette thèse (basés sur des simulations et des mesures expérimentales) montrent que pour des bandes de fréquences plus typiques des futurs réseaux mobiles (fréquence porteuse à 1GHz et spectre de 30 MHz à 100 MHz), grâce au retournement temporel, un récepteur simple et un signal monoporteuse suffisent pour atteindre de hauts débits. En outre, la condition de réciprocité du canal n’est pas vérifiée dans deux scénarios typiques des réseaux mobiles. Tout d’abord, dans la plupart des réseaux mobiles européens, le mode de duplex en fréquence est utilisé. Ce mode implique que l’émetteur et le récepteur communiquent l’un avec l’autre sur des fréquences porteuses distinctes, et donc à travers des canaux de propagations différents. De plus, lorsqu’on considère un récepteur sur un véhicule connecté en mouvement, l’émetteur et le récepteur communiquent l’un avec l’autre à des instants distincts, correspondants à des positions distinctes du véhicule, et donc à travers des canaux de propagations différents. Des travaux de cette thèse proposent des solutions pour obtenir la focalisation spatio-temporelle dans ces deux scenarios. Enfin, des travaux de la thèse explorent la combinaison du retournement temporel avec d’autres techniques de traitement de signal récentes (la modulation spatiale, d’une part, et une nouvelle forme d’onde multiporteuse, d’autre part), ou des scenarios de déploiement nouveaux (ondes millimétriques et très grands réseaux d’antennes pour inter-connecter les noeuds d’un réseau ultra dense) ou de nouvelles applications (guidage et navigation) envisageables pour les futurs réseaux mobiles