124 research outputs found

    Transmitter precoding for multi-antenna multi-user communications

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    Emerging wireless sensor networks and existing wireless cellular and ad hoc networks motivate the design of low-power receivers. Multi-user interference drastically reduces the energy efficiency of wireless multi-user communications by introducing errors in the bits being detected at the receiver. Interference rejection algorithms and multiple antenna techniques can significantly reduce the bit-error-rate at the receiver. Unfortunately, while interference rejection algorithms burden the receiver with heavy signal processing functionalities, thereby increasing the power consumption at the receiver, the small size of receivers, specifically in sensor networks and in downlink cellular communications, prohibits the use of multiple receive antennas. In a broadcast channel, where a central transmitter is transmitting independent streams to decentralized receivers, it is possible for the transmitter to have a priori knowledge of the interference. Multiple antennas can be used at the transmitter to enhance energy efficiency. In some systems, the transmitter has access to virtually an infinite source of power. A typical example would be the base station transmitter for the downlink of a cellular system. The power consumption at receivers can be reduced if some of the signal processing functionality of the receiver is moved to the transmitter.;In this thesis, we consider a wireless broadcast channel with a transmitter equipped with multiple antennas and having a priori knowledge of interference. Our objective is to minimize the receiver complexity by adding extra signal processing functions to the transmitter. We need to determine the optimal signal that should be transmitted so that interference is completely eliminated, and the benefits that can be obtained by using multiple transmit antennas can be maximized. We investigate the use of linear precoders, linear transformations made on the signal before transmission, for this purpose

    Técnicas de pré-codificação para sistemas multicelulares coordenados

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    Doutoramento em TelecomunicaçõesCoordenação Multicélula é um tópico de investigação em rápido crescimento e uma solução promissora para controlar a interferência entre células em sistemas celulares, melhorando a equidade do sistema e aumentando a sua capacidade. Esta tecnologia já está em estudo no LTEAdvanced sob o conceito de coordenação multiponto (COMP). Existem várias abordagens sobre coordenação multicélula, dependendo da quantidade e do tipo de informação partilhada pelas estações base, através da rede de suporte (backhaul network), e do local onde essa informação é processada, i.e., numa unidade de processamento central ou de uma forma distribuída em cada estação base. Nesta tese, são propostas técnicas de pré-codificação e alocação de potência considerando várias estratégias: centralizada, todo o processamento é feito na unidade de processamento central; semidistribuída, neste caso apenas parte do processamento é executado na unidade de processamento central, nomeadamente a potência alocada a cada utilizador servido por cada estação base; e distribuída em que o processamento é feito localmente em cada estação base. Os esquemas propostos são projectados em duas fases: primeiro são propostas soluções de pré-codificação para mitigar ou eliminar a interferência entre células, de seguida o sistema é melhorado através do desenvolvimento de vários esquemas de alocação de potência. São propostas três esquemas de alocação de potência centralizada condicionada a cada estação base e com diferentes relações entre desempenho e complexidade. São também derivados esquemas de alocação distribuídos, assumindo que um sistema multicelular pode ser visto como a sobreposição de vários sistemas com uma única célula. Com base neste conceito foi definido uma taxa de erro média virtual para cada um desses sistemas de célula única que compõem o sistema multicelular, permitindo assim projectar esquemas de alocação de potência completamente distribuídos. Todos os esquemas propostos foram avaliados em cenários realistas, bastante próximos dos considerados no LTE. Os resultados mostram que os esquemas propostos são eficientes a remover a interferência entre células e que o desempenho das técnicas de alocação de potência propostas é claramente superior ao caso de não alocação de potência. O desempenho dos sistemas completamente distribuídos é inferior aos baseados num processamento centralizado, mas em contrapartida podem ser usados em sistemas em que a rede de suporte não permita a troca de grandes quantidades de informação.Multicell coordination is a promising solution for cellular wireless systems to mitigate inter-cell interference, improving system fairness and increasing capacity and thus is already under study in LTE-A under the coordinated multipoint (CoMP) concept. There are several coordinated transmission approaches depending on the amount of information shared by the transmitters through the backhaul network and where the processing takes place i.e. in a central processing unit or in a distributed way on each base station. In this thesis, we propose joint precoding and power allocation techniques considering different strategies: Full-centralized, where all the processing takes place at the central unit; Semi-distributed, in this case only some process related with power allocation is done at the central unit; and Fulldistributed, where all the processing is done locally at each base station. The methods are designed in two phases: first the inter-cell interference is removed by applying a set of centralized or distributed precoding vectors; then the system is further optimized by centralized or distributed power allocation schemes. Three centralized power allocation algorithms with per-BS power constraint and different complexity tradeoffs are proposed. Also distributed power allocation schemes are proposed by considering the multicell system as superposition of single cell systems, where we define the average virtual bit error rate (BER) of interference-free single cell system, allowing us to compute the power allocation coefficients in a distributed manner at each BS. All proposed schemes are evaluated in realistic scenarios considering LTE specifications. The numerical evaluations show that the proposed schemes are efficient in removing inter-cell interference and improve system performance comparing to equal power allocation. Furthermore, fulldistributed schemes can be used when the amounts of information to be exchanged over the backhaul is restricted, although system performance is slightly degraded from semi-distributed and full-centralized schemes, but the complexity is considerably lower. Besides that for high degrees of freedom distributed schemes show similar behaviour to centralized ones

    Signal Processing in Arrayed MIMO Systems

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    Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems, using antenna arrays at both receiver and transmitter, have shown great potential to provide high bandwidth utilization efficiency. Unlike other reported research on MIMO systems which often assumes independent antennas, in this thesis an arrayed MIMO system framework is proposed, which provides a richer description of the channel charac- teristics and additional degrees of freedom in designing communication systems. Firstly, the spatial correlated MIMO system is studied as an array-to-array system with each array (Tx or Rx) having predefined constrained aperture. The MIMO system is completely characterized by its transmit and receive array man- ifolds and a new spatial correlation model other than Kronecker-based model is proposed. As this model is based on array manifolds, it enables the study of the effect of array geometry on the capacity of correlated MIMO channels. Secondly, to generalize the proposed arrayed MIMO model to a frequency selective fading scenario, the framework of uplink MIMO DS-CDMA (Direct- Sequence Code Division Multiple Access) systems is developed. DOD estimation is developed based on transmit beamrotation. A subspace-based joint DOA/TOA estimation scheme as well as various spatial temporal reception algorithms is also proposed. Finally, the downlink MIMO-CDMA systems in multiple-access multipath fading channels are investigated. Linear precoder and decoder optimization problems are studied under different criterions. Optimization approaches with different power allocation schemes are investigated. Sub-optimization approaches with close-form solution and thus less computation complexity are also proposed

    Performance Optimization Over Wireless Links With Operating Constraints

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    Wireless communication is one of the most active areas of technological innovations and groundbreaking research ranging from simple cellular phones to highly complex military monitoring devices. The emergence of radios with cognitive capabilities like software defined radios has revolutionized modern communication systems by providing transceivers which can vary their output waveforms as well as their demodulation methods. This adaptability plays a pivotal role in efficient utilization of radio spectrum in an intelligent way while simultaneously not interfering with other radio devices operating on the same frequency band. Thus, it is safe to say that current and future wireless systems and networks depend on their adaptation capability which in turn presents many new technical challenges in hardware and protocol design, power management, interference metrics, distributed algorithms, Quality of Service (QoS) requirements arid security issues. Transmitter adaptation methods have gained importance, and numerous transmitter optimization algorithms have been proposed in recent years. The main idea behind these algorithms is to optimize the transmitted signals according to the patterns of interference in the operating environment such that some specific criterion is optimized. In this context, the objective of this dissertation is to propose transmitter adaptation algorithms in conjunction with power control for wireless systems focusing on performance optimization based on operating constraints. Specifically, this dissertation achieves joint transmitter adaptation and power control in the uplink and downlink of wireless systems with applications to Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) wireless systems and cognitive radio networks. In addition, performance of the proposed algorithms are evaluated in the context of fading channels, taking into consideration the time-varying nature of wireless channels

    Downlink Massive MIMO Systems: Reduction of Pilot Contamination for Channel Estimation with Perfect Knowledge of Large-Scale Fading

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    Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology is considered crucial for the development of future fifth-generation (5G) systems. However, a limitation of massive MIMO systems arises from the lack of orthogonality in the pilot sequences transmitted by users from a single cell to neighboring cells. To address this constraint, a proposed solution involves utilizing orthogonal pilot reuse sequences (PRS) and zero forced (ZF) pre-coding techniques. The primary objective of these techniques is to eradicate channel interference and improve the experience of end users who are afflicted by low-quality channels. The assessment of the channel involves evaluating its quality through channel assessment, conducting comprehensive evaluations of large-scale shutdowns, and analyzing the maximum transmission efficiency. By assigning PRS to a group of users, the proposed approach establishes lower bounds for the achievable downlink data rate (DR) and signal-to-interference noise ratio (SINR). These bounds are derived by considering the number of antennas approaches infinity which helps mitigate interference. Simulation results demonstrate that the utilization of improved channel evaluation and reduced loss leads to higher DR. When comparing different precoding techniques, the ZF method outperforms maximum ratio transmission (MRT) precoders in achieving a higher DR, particularly when the number of cells reaches . &nbsp

    Downlink Massive MIMO Systems: Reduction of Pilot Contamination for Channel Estimation with Perfect Knowledge of Large-Scale Fading

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    Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology is considered crucial for the development of future fifth-generation (5G) systems. However, a limitation of massive MIMO systems arises from the lack of orthogonality in the pilot sequences transmitted by users from a single cell to neighboring cells. To address this constraint, a proposed solution involves utilizing orthogonal pilot reuse sequences (PRS) and zero forced (ZF) pre-coding techniques. The primary objective of these techniques is to eradicate channel interference and improve the experience of end users who are afflicted by low-quality channels. The assessment of the channel involves evaluating its quality through channel assessment, conducting comprehensive evaluations of large-scale shutdowns, and analyzing the maximum transmission efficiency. By assigning PRS to a group of users, the proposed approach establishes lower bounds for the achievable downlink data rate (DR) and signal-to-interference noise ratio (SINR). These bounds are derived by considering the number of antennas approaches infinity which helps mitigate interference. Simulation results demonstrate that the utilization of improved channel evaluation and reduced loss leads to higher DR. When comparing different precoding techniques, the ZF method outperforms maximum ratio transmission (MRT) precoders in achieving a higher DR, particularly when the number of cells reaches . &nbsp

    Design of limited feedback for robust MMSE precoding in multiuser MISO systems

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    [Resumen] En este trabajo consideramos un sistema multiusuario con múltiples antenas en transmisión y una única antena en cada uno de los usuarios receptores y que se denota por brevedad como MU-MISO, del inglés Multi–User Multiple–Input/Single–Output. Este modelo MU–MISO se ajusta perfectamente al enlace descendente de un sistema de comunicaciones móviles, donde múltiples antenas situadas en la estación base envían información a varios usuarios dentro de su zona de cobertura y cuyos terminales móviles disponen generalmente de una única antena. Este canal descendente se denomina también canal de difusión (BC, del inglés Broadcast Channel). Cuando se considera un canal de difusión, el transmisor centralizado tiene claramente más grados de libertad que cada uno de los receptores descentralizados, por lo que es más apropiado separar las señales aplicando precodificación en transmisión. Para poder realizar el diseño de los parámetros del precodificador, el transmisor necesita conocer la información de canal (CSI, en inglés Channel State Information) correspondiente a los distintos usuarios receptores. En el caso de sistemas FDD (del inglés, Frequency Division Duplex), esta información puede obtenerse (al menos parcialmente) mediante realimentación, siempre tras haber aplicado un proceso de cuantificación de la información enviada con el objetivo de adaptarse a las condiciones de ancho de banda limitado del canal de retorno