1,076 research outputs found

    Surface waves in solar granulation observed with {\sc Sunrise}

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    Solar oscillations are expected to be excited by turbulent flows in the intergranular lanes near the solar surface. Time series recorded by the IMaX instrument aboard the {\sc Sunrise} observatory reveal solar oscillations at high resolution, which allow studying the properties of oscillations with short wavelengths. We analyze two times series with synchronous recordings of Doppler velocity and continuum intensity images with durations of 32\thinspace min and 23\thinspace min, resp., recorded close to the disk center of the Sun to study the propagation and excitation of solar acoustic oscillations. In the Doppler velocity data, both the standing acoustic waves and the short-lived, high-degree running waves are visible. The standing waves are visible as temporary enhancements of the amplitudes of the large-scale velocity field due to the stochastic superposition of the acoustic waves. We focus on the high-degree small-scale waves by suitable filtering in the Fourier domain. Investigating the propagation and excitation of ff- and p1p_1-modes with wave numbers k>1.4k > 1.4\thinspace 1/Mm we find that also exploding granules contribute to the excitation of solar pp-modes in addition to the contribution of intergranular lanes.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, to appear in a special volume on Sunrise in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Coherent strong-coupling of terahertz magnons and phonons in a Van der Waals antiferromagnetic insulator

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    Emergent cooperative motions of individual degrees of freedom, i.e. collective excitations, govern the low-energy response of system ground states under external stimulations and play essential roles for understanding many-body phenomena in low-dimensional materials. The hybridization of distinct collective modes provides a route towards coherent manipulation of coupled degrees of freedom and quantum phases. In magnets, strong coupling between collective spin and lattice excitations, i.e., magnons and phonons, can lead to coherent quasi-particle magnon polarons. Here, we report the direct observation of a series of terahertz magnon polarons in a layered zigzag antiferromagnet FePS3 via far-infrared (FIR) transmission measurements. The characteristic avoided-crossing behavior is clearly seen as the magnon-phonon detuning is continuously changed via Zeeman shift of the magnon mode. The coupling strength g is giant, achieving 120 GHz (0.5 meV), the largest value reported so far. Such a strong coupling leads to a large ratio of g to the resonance frequency (g/{\omega}) of 4.5%, and a value of 29 in cooperativity (g^2/{\gamma}_{ph}{\gamma}_{mag}). Experimental results are well reproduced by first-principle calculations, where the strong coupling is identified to arise from phonon-modulated anisotropic magnetic interactions due to spin-orbit coupling. These findings establish FePS3 as an ideal testbed for exploring hybridization-induced topological magnonics in two dimensions and the coherent control of spin and lattice degrees of freedom in the terahertz regime

    Magnetomotive ultrasound for nanomedicine : a mechanistic approach to detection, evaluation and safety assessment

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    Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, but reliable diagnosis and staging can contribute to optimal treatment planning, and is a crucial factor in reducing mortality and maintaining quality of life. Soft tissue mechanical properties are promising indicators of cancer that can be assessed non-invasively using functional imaging. Additionally, lymphatic involvement is considered a key aspect in staging of many types, including colorectal and breast cancer. Magnetomotive ultrasound, MMUS, is an imaging technique proposed for cancer staging and treatment. It relies on magnetically induced motion, transferred from a contrast agent to the tissue of interest. The tissue response to this perturbation is related to its mechanical properties, and thereby to cancer progression. Typically, the contrast agent consists of magnetic nanoparticles; These can be incorporated into microbubbles, that could allow for drug transport and site-specific delivery. Exploring these properties and possibilities of MMUS clarifies its clinical potential. The aim of this work was therefore to examine (a) the relation between tissue mechanical properties and magnetomotion, (b) the feasibility of magnetic microbubbles as a contrast agent and (c) the cellular response to magnetic nanoparticles and forces. Points (a) and (b) were addressed by comparing MMUS images conducted on real and phantom tissue to finite element analysis outputs; Transmission electron microscopy and quantitative cell based assays were used in exploring point (c). Magnetomotion was found to depend on tissue compressibility and elasticity, both potential cancer indicators. Tissue elasticity was also found to affect the tissue deformations induced by magnetic microbubbles. Furthermore, lymphatic drainage of magnetic microbubbles was demonstrated, validating their potential as a contrast agent in cancer imaging. Finally, cells were confirmed to take up nanoparticles, and no adverse effects of magnetic excitation was detected. In summary, there is merit to further development of MMUS for cancer diagnostics and treatment

    Characterization of Magnetization Dynamics in Structured Magnetic Films

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    The focus of this thesis is investigating of the magnetization dynamics in patterned magnetic films by time-resolved Kerr microscopy (TR-MOKE). Therefore, various magnetic films and structures are studied using the developed TR-MOKE and inductive microwave magnetometry setup. The results of this thesis reveal new aspects of complicated magnetization dynamics in such magnetic systems. Also, it provides the knowledge of tailoring dynamic magnetic properties of modern magnetic structures. Initially, the magneto-dynamic response of Landau-like magnetic domain configurations are examined and a method to separate the in- and out-of-plane Kerr signals is proposed. This method indicates a more elaborated model for fast magnetization processes in soft magnetic elements. In addition, the direct observation of spin-wave generation and propagation from oscillating pinned magnetic structures is reported, and the fundamental properties of them are analyzed. Using this knowledge, an alternative way to generate and propagate spin waves that do not require any artificial structure (e.g., antenna or wave-guide) is proposed. Moreover, the results of experimental TR-MOKE imaging together with complementary micromagnetic simulations were used to design an experiment, where the spin waves are emitting from magnetic elements corners and edges. The frequencies of such spin waves shown to be tunable by the excitation frequency. Finally, the dynamic magnetic response of weak antiferromagnetically coupled and structured magnetic films are presented. The multilayer film dynamic properties are compared to the single-layer film, and the impact of patterning on magnetization dynamics is shown

    Magnetomotive Ultrasound Imaging to Estimate Tissue Elastic Properties - Experiments and Simulations

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    Magnetomotoriskt ultraljud Àr en ny bildgivande teknik som kombinerar vanligt ultraljud med ett pÄlagt tidsvarierande magnetfÀlt för att Ästadkomma en detekterbar rörelse i vÀvnad. Genom att injicera magnetiska nanopartiklar i omrÄdet man vill undersöka kan pÄ sÄ sÀtt viktig information tillgodogöras. Superparamagnetiska jÀrnoxidpartiklar har i drygt ett Ärtionde varit ett godkÀnt kontrastmedel för andra bildgivande system och har visat sig kunna utnyttjas Àven för magnetomotoriskt ultraljud. I denna rapport undersöktes möjligheterna för denna nya bildgivande teknik att, i samband med superparamagnetiska jÀrnoxidpartiklar, anvÀndas för bÄde förundersökningar och under operationer för att identifiera den s.k. portvaktskörteln. Magnetomotoriska ultraljudsundersökningar genomfördes i denna rapport pÄ egentillverkade vÀvnadsfantomer. Fantomerna preparerades för att fÄ liknande egenskaper som de i litteratur funna elasticitetsvÀrden för frisk respektive tumörvÀvnad. Ett mjukvaruprogram anvÀndes för att numeriskt modellera och analysera utgÄngen av experimenten och jÀmföra dessa med de uppmÀtta vÀrdena. Resultaten i rapporten visar att man med magnetomotoriskt ultraljud, i kombination med nanopartiklar som kontrastmedel, kan detektera en vÀvnadsrespons som beror pÄ elasticitetsparametrar hos vÀvnaden. För tvÄ olika uppstÀllningar med elasticitetsvÀrden pÄ 2.5 kPa respektive 2.8 kPa kunde en relativ rörelseskillnad pÄ 30 % detekteras. För att denna metoden ska vara av vÀrde i kliniska sammanhang behöver den evalueras ytterligare.Magnetomotive ultrasound imaging is an imaging technique that utilizes regular ultrasound in combination with an applied time varying magnetic field to induce motion of magnetic nanoparticles injected in the region. This motion can be detected and give valuable information about the particle laden region. Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles have been approved for over a decade for use with other imaging techniques and are now utilized for magnetomotive ultrasound imaging research as well. In this report, the possibilities for the use of magnetomotve ultrasound imaging as a pre- and intraoperative method for detecting metastases in the sentinel lymph node was investigated. In this report magnetomotive ultrasound measurements were performed on tissue mimicking phantoms with elastic properties simulating healthy and cancerous tissue. A model of the setup was created in a multi physics software tool and used to confirm and explain the observed behavior. The results in this report indicate that a difference in tissue response exists and can be detected. For two different setups with elastic properties of 2.5 kPa and 2.8 kPa we see a relative change in detected displacement of about 30 %. However, for this approach to be utilized clinically, more studies are needed.Detektion av cancermetastaser med en ny ultraljudsbaserad metod Bröstcancer och hudcancer Àr tvÄ av de vanligaste cancerformerna i Sverige. BÄda kan spridas via lymfsystemet och skulle dÀrför dra nytta av en metod som undersöker just metastaser i detta system. Dagens metoder för att göra detta Àr omstÀndliga och dyra, men pÄ senare tid har man fÄtt upp ögonen för fördelarna med att utnyttja ultraljud istÀllet. Genom att kombinera traditionellt ultraljud, en bildgivande metod med mÄnga fördelar, med ett magnetiskt fÀlt och magnetiska nanopartiklar öppnas en vÀrld av möjligheter för att undersöka sjukdomsförlopp pÄ molekylÀr nivÄ. Frisk vÀvnad skiljer sig frÄn tumörvÀvnad pÄ sÄ vis att de uppvisar olika elastiska egenskaper. För att undersöka om cancer har spridit sig i kroppen Àr det av intresse att detektera dessa elasticitetsskillnader. BÄde bröst- och hudcancer sprids metodiskt och frÀmst via lymfsystemet. Den s.k. portvaktskörteln Àr den lymfkörtel dÀr det Àr mest troligt att finna metastaser om cancern har spridit sig, dÄ lymfvÀtska filtreras i lymfkörtlarna och portvaktskörteln Àr den första som lymfvÀtska frÄn tumöromrÄdet kommer till. Genom att dÀrför undersöka just denna körtel kan man direkt avgöra risken för spridning. Helst bör detta göras pÄ ett vis som undviker onödiga operationer för patienterna. En alternativ metod med potential för mycket hög upplösning Àr traditionellt ultraljud i kombination med en magnet och ett kontrastmedel. Detta kontrastmedel Àr magnetiska nanopartiklar som injiceras i lymfsystemet och söker sig till portvaktskörteln. Magneten sÀtter dessa nanopartiklar i rörelse och efter databehandling av ultraljudsbilderna kan man tillgodogöra sig information som berÀttar nÄgot om elasticitetsvÀrdena i den undersökta regionen. För att undersöka detta fenomen tillverkades smÄ bitar av en vÀvnadsliknande substans, PVA. PVA, eller polyvinylalkohol, Àr en lösning som har samma elastiska egenskaper som vÀvnad. De magnetiska nanopartiklarna injicerades i PVA-bitarna och sedan undersöktes dessa med ultraljud. Detta fenomen simulerades Àven i ett datorprogram, dÀr modellen byggdes upp för att efterlikna den experimentella situationen. Simuleringen möjliggjorde fler och snabbare undersökningar jÀmfört med de verkliga experimenten. Resultaten frÄn de experimentella och de simulerade processerna visade pÄ att man faktiskt kan se en rörelseskillnad pÄ vÀvnad med olika elasticitet. Man kunde se ett mönster dÀr symboliserad mjukare vÀvnad har en större rörelseförÀndring jÀmfört med symboliserad hÄrdare vÀvnad

    Novel Approaches for Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation

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    Nondestructive testing and evaluation (NDT&E) is one of the most important techniques for determining the quality and safety of materials, components, devices, and structures. NDT&E technologies include ultrasonic testing (UT), magnetic particle testing (MT), magnetic flux leakage testing (MFLT), eddy current testing (ECT), radiation testing (RT), penetrant testing (PT), and visual testing (VT), and these are widely used throughout the modern industry. However, some NDT processes, such as those for cleaning specimens and removing paint, cause environmental pollution and must only be considered in limited environments (time, space, and sensor selection). Thus, NDT&E is classified as a typical 3D (dirty, dangerous, and difficult) job. In addition, NDT operators judge the presence of damage based on experience and subjective judgment, so in some cases, a flaw may not be detected during the test. Therefore, to obtain clearer test results, a means for the operator to determine flaws more easily should be provided. In addition, the test results should be organized systemically in order to identify the cause of the abnormality in the test specimen and to identify the progress of the damage quantitatively
