123 research outputs found

    Low-Noise Micro-Power Amplifiers for Biosignal Acquisition

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    There are many different types of biopotential signals, such as action potentials (APs), local field potentials (LFPs), electromyography (EMG), electrocardiogram (ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG), etc. Nerve action potentials play an important role for the analysis of human cognition, such as perception, memory, language, emotions, and motor control. EMGs provide vital information about the patients which allow clinicians to diagnose and treat many neuromuscular diseases, which could result in muscle paralysis, motor problems, etc. EEGs is critical in diagnosing epilepsy, sleep disorders, as well as brain tumors. Biopotential signals are very weak, which requires the biopotential amplifier to exhibit low input-referred noise. For example, EEGs have amplitudes from 1 μV [microvolt] to 100 μV [microvolt] with much of the energy in the sub-Hz [hertz] to 100 Hz [hertz] band. APs have amplitudes up to 500 μV [microvolt] with much of the energy in the 100 Hz [hertz] to 7 kHz [hertz] band. In wearable/implantable systems, the low-power operation of the biopotential amplifier is critical to avoid thermal damage to surrounding tissues, preserve long battery life, and enable wirelessly-delivered or harvested energy supply. For an ideal thermal-noise-limited amplifier, the amplifier power is inversely proportional to the input-referred noise of the amplifier. Therefore, there is a noise-power trade-off which must be well-balanced by the designers. In this work I propose novel amplifier topologies, which are able to significantly improve the noise-power efficiency by increasing the effective transconductance at a given current. In order to reject the DC offsets generated at the tissue-electrode interface, energy-efficient techniques are employed to create a low-frequency high-pass cutoff. The noise contribution of the high-pass cutoff circuitry is minimized by using power-efficient configurations, and optimizing the biasing and dimension of the devices. Sufficient common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) and power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) are achieved to suppress common-mode interferences and power supply noises. Our design are fabricated in standard CMOS processes. The amplifiers’ performance are measured on the bench, and also demonstrated with biopotential recordings

    Noise Efficient Integrated Amplifier Designs for Biomedical Applications

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    The recording of neural signals with small monolithically integrated amplifiers is of high interest in research as well as in commercial applications, where it is common to acquire 100 or more channels in parallel. This paper reviews the recent developments in low-noise biomedical amplifier design based on CMOS technology, including lateral bipolar devices. Seven major circuit topology categories are identified and analyzed on a per-channel basis in terms of their noise-efficiency factor (NEF), input-referred absolute noise, current consumption, and area. A historical trend towards lower NEF is observed whilst absolute noise power and current consumption exhibit a widespread over more than five orders of magnitude. The performance of lateral bipolar transistors as amplifier input devices is examined by transistor-level simulations and measurements from five different prototype designs fabricated in 180 nm and 350 nm CMOS technology. The lowest measured noise floor is 9.9 nV/√Hz with a 10 µA bias current, which results in a NEF of 1.2

    Amplifiers in Biomedical Engineering: A Review from Application Perspectives

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    Continuous monitoring and treatment of various diseases with biomedical technologies and wearable electronics has become significantly important. The healthcare area is an important, evolving field that, among other things, requires electronic and micro-electromechanical technologies. Designed circuits and smart devices can lead to reduced hospitalization time and hospitals equipped with high-quality equipment. Some of these devices can also be implanted inside the body. Recently, various implanted electronic devices for monitoring and diagnosing diseases have been presented. These instruments require communication links through wireless technologies. In the transmitters of these devices, power amplifiers are the most important components and their performance plays important roles. This paper is devoted to collecting and providing a comprehensive review on the various designed implanted amplifiers for advanced biomedical applications. The reported amplifiers vary with respect to the class/type of amplifier, implemented CMOS technology, frequency band, output power, and the overall efficiency of the designs. The purpose of the authors is to provide a general view of the available solutions, and any researcher can obtain suitable circuit designs that can be selected for their problem by reading this survey

    Ultra-low power mixed-signal frontend for wearable EEGs

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    Electronics circuits are ubiquitous in daily life, aided by advancements in the chip design industry, leading to miniaturised solutions for typical day to day problems. One of the critical healthcare areas helped by this advancement in technology is electroencephalography (EEG). EEG is a non-invasive method of tracking a person's brain waves, and a crucial tool in several healthcare contexts, including epilepsy and sleep disorders. Current ambulatory EEG systems still suffer from limitations that affect their usability. Furthermore, many patients admitted to emergency departments (ED) for a neurological disorder like altered mental status or seizures, would remain undiagnosed hours to days after admission, which leads to an elevated rate of death compared to other conditions. Conducting a thorough EEG monitoring in early-stage could prevent further damage to the brain and avoid high mortality. But lack of portability and ease of access results in a long wait time for the prescribed patients. All real signals are analogue in nature, including brainwaves sensed by EEG systems. For converting the EEG signal into digital for further processing, a truly wearable EEG has to have an analogue mixed-signal front-end (AFE). This research aims to define the specifications for building a custom AFE for the EEG recording and use that to review the suitability of the architectures available in the literature. Another critical task is to provide new architectures that can meet the developed specifications for EEG monitoring and can be used in epilepsy diagnosis, sleep monitoring, drowsiness detection and depression study. The thesis starts with a preview on EEG technology and available methods of brainwaves recording. It further expands to design requirements for the AFE, with a discussion about critical issues that need resolving. Three new continuous-time capacitive feedback chopped amplifier designs are proposed. A novel calibration loop for setting the accurate value for a pseudo-resistor, which is a crucial block in the proposed topology, is also discussed. This pseudoresistor calibration loop achieved the resistor variation of under 8.25%. The thesis also presents a new design of a curvature corrected bandgap, as well as a novel DDA based fourth-order Sallen-Key filter. A modified sensor frontend architecture is then proposed, along with a detailed analysis of its implementation. Measurement results of the AFE are finally presented. The AFE consumed a total power of 3.2A (including ADC, amplifier, filter, and current generation circuitry) with the overall integrated input-referred noise of 0.87V-rms in the frequency band of 0.5-50Hz. Measurement results confirmed that only the proposed AFE achieved all defined specifications for the wearable EEG system with the smallest power consumption than state-of-art architectures that meet few but not all specifications. The AFE also achieved a CMRR of 131.62dB, which is higher than any studied architectures.Open Acces

    A Two Channel Analog Front end Design AFE Design with Continuous Time Σ-Δ Modulator for ECG Signal

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    In this context, the AFE with 2-channels is described, which has high impedance for low power application of bio-medical electrical activity. The challenge in obtaining accurate recordings of biomedical signals such as EEG/ECG to study the human body in research work. This paper is to propose Multi-Vt in AFE circuit design cascaded with CT modulator. The new architecture is anticipated with two dissimilar input signals filtered from 2-channel to one modulator. In this methodology, the amplifier is low powered multi-VT Analog Front-End which consumes less power by applying dual threshold voltage. Type -I category 2 channel signals of the first mode: 50 and 150 Hz amplified from AFE are given to 2nd CT sigma-delta ADC. Depict the SNR and SNDR as 63dB and 60dB respectively, consuming the power of 11mW. The design was simulated in a 0.18 um standard UMC CMOS process at 1.8V supply. The AFE measured frequency response from 50 Hz to 360 Hz, depict the SNR and SNDR as 63dB and 60dB respectively, consuming the power of 11mW. The design was simulated in 0.18 m standard UMC CMOS process at 1.8V supply. The AFE measured frequency response from 50 Hz to 360 Hz, programmable gains from 52.6 dB to 72 dB, input referred noise of 3.5 μV in the amplifier bandwidth, NEF of 3

    Multi-Modal Wireless Flexible Gel-Free Sensors with Edge Deep Learning for Detecting and Alerting Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Patients

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    Freezing of gait (FoG) is a debilitating symptom of Parkinson's disease (PD). This work develops flexible wearable sensors that can detect FoG and alert patients and companions to help prevent falls. FoG is detected on the sensors using a deep learning (DL) model with multi-modal sensory inputs collected from distributed wireless sensors. Two types of wireless sensors are developed, including: (1) a C-shape central node placed around the patient's ears, which collects electroencephalogram (EEG), detects FoG using an on-device DL model, and generates auditory alerts when FoG is detected; (2) a stretchable patch-type sensor attached to the patient's legs, which collects electromyography (EMG) and movement information from accelerometers. The patch-type sensors wirelessly send collected data to the central node through low-power ultra-wideband (UWB) transceivers. All sensors are fabricated on flexible printed circuit boards. Adhesive gel-free acetylene carbon black and polydimethylsiloxane electrodes are fabricated on the flexible substrate to allow conformal wear over the long term. Custom integrated circuits (IC) are developed in 180 nm CMOS technology and used in both types of sensors for signal acquisition, digitization, and wireless communication. A novel lightweight DL model is trained using multi-modal sensory data. The inference of the DL model is performed on a low-power microcontroller in the central node. The DL model achieves a high detection sensitivity of 0.81 and a specificity of 0.88. The developed wearable sensors are ready for clinical experiments and hold great promise in improving the quality of life of patients with PD. The proposed design methodologies can be used in wearable medical devices for the monitoring and treatment of a wide range of neurodegenerative diseases

    A high-performance 8 nV/root Hz 8-channel wearable and wireless system for real-time monitoring of bioelectrical signals

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    Background: It is widely accepted by the scientific community that bioelectrical signals, which can be used for the identification of neurophysiological biomarkers indicative of a diseased or pathological state, could direct patient treatment towards more effective therapeutic strategies. However, the design and realisation of an instrument that can precisely record weak bioelectrical signals in the presence of strong interference stemming from a noisy clinical environment is one of the most difficult challenges associated with the strategy of monitoring bioelectrical signals for diagnostic purposes. Moreover, since patients often have to cope with the problem of limited mobility being connected to bulky and mains-powered instruments, there is a growing demand for small-sized, high-performance and ambulatory biopotential acquisition systems in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and in High-dependency wards. Finally, to the best of our knowledge, there are no commercial, small, battery-powered, wearable and wireless recording-only instruments that claim the capability of recording electrocorticographic (ECoG) signals. Methods: To address this problem, we designed and developed a low-noise (8 nV/√Hz), eight-channel, battery-powered, wearable and wireless instrument (55 × 80 mm2). The performance of the realised instrument was assessed by conducting both ex vivo and in vivo experiments. Results: To provide ex vivo proof-of-function, a wide variety of high-quality bioelectrical signal recordings are reported, including electroencephalographic (EEG), electromyographic (EMG), electrocardiographic (ECG), acceleration signals, and muscle fasciculations. Low-noise in vivo recordings of weak local field potentials (LFPs), which were wirelessly acquired in real time using segmented deep brain stimulation (DBS) electrodes implanted in the thalamus of a non-human primate, are also presented. Conclusions: The combination of desirable features and capabilities of this instrument, namely its small size (~one business card), its enhanced recording capabilities, its increased processing capabilities, its manufacturability (since it was designed using discrete off-the-shelf components), the wide bandwidth it offers (0.5 – 500 Hz) and the plurality of bioelectrical signals it can precisely record, render it a versatile and reliable tool to be utilized in a wide range of applications and environments

    Integrated circuits for wearable systems based on flexible electronics

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    Integrated circuits for wearable systems based on flexible electronics

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    Design trade-offs in amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin film transistor based bio-signal sensing front-ends

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    With the advent of the Internet of things, wearable sensing devices are gaining importance in our daily lives for applications like vital signal monitoring during sport and health diagnostics. Amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide (a-IGZO) thin film transistors (TFTs) fabricated on flexible large-area substrates are a very interesting platform to build wearable sensing devices due to their flexibility, conformability to the human body, and low cost. For this paper four different bio-signal sensing front-end circuits based on a-IGZO TFTs are designed, fabricated, measured and compared, focusing on three performance indicators which are in a trade-off: power efficiency factor (PEF), area occupation and input impedance. Considering a 200 Hz bandwidth, the measured PEF varies between 4.7 × 105 and 7.5 × 106. The area occupation spans from 4.2 to 37 mm2, while the input impedance at 1 Hz varies from 5.3 to 55.3 MΩ. The front-ends based on diode-load amplifiers are compact but have the lowest input impedance and need external capacitors; a front-end exploiting positive feedback impedance boosting has the highest input impedance and is fully integrated on foil, but occupies the largest area
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