16 research outputs found

    Reducing the Sub-threshold and Gate-tunneling Leakage of SRAM Cells using Dual-Vt and Dual-Tox Assignment

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    Pareto Points in SRAM Design Using the Sleepy Stack Approach

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    Abstract. Leakage power consumption of current CMOS technology is already a great challenge. ITRS projects that leakage power consumption may come to dominate total chip power consumption as the technology feature size shrinks. Leakage is a serious problem particularly for SRAM which occupies large transistor count in most state-of-the-art chip designs. We propose a novel ultra-low leakage SRAM design which we call "sleepy stack SRAM." Unlike the straightforward sleep approach, sleepy stack SRAM can retain logic state during sleep mode, which is crucial for a memory element. Compared to the best alternative we could find, a 6-T SRAM cell with high-Vth transistors, the sleepy stack SRAM cell with 2xVth at 110°C achieves, using 0.07µ technology models, more than 2.77X leakage power reduction at a cost of 16% delay increase and 113% area increase. Alternatively, by widening wordline transistors and transistors in the pull-down network, the sleepy stack SRAM cell can achieve 2.26X leakage reduction without increasing delay at a cost of a 125% area penalty

    Accurate and complexity-effective spatial pattern prediction

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    Recent research suggests that there are large variations in a cache's spatial usage, both within and across programs. Unfortunately, conventional caches typically employ fixed cache line sizes to balance the exploitation of spatial and temporal locality, and to avoid prohibitive cache fill bandwidth demands. The resulting inability of conventional caches to exploit spatial variations leads to sub-optimal performance and unnecessary cache power dissipation. This paper describes the Spatial Pattern Predictor (SPP), a cost-effective hardware mechanism that accurately predicts reference patterns within a spatial group (i.e., a contiguous region of data in memory) at runtime. The key observation enabling an accurate, yet low-cost, SPP design is that spatial patterns correlate well with instruction addresses and data reference offsets within a cache line. We require only a small amount of predictor memory to store the predicted patterns. Simulation results for a 64-Kbyte 2-way set- associative L1 data cache with 64-byte lines show that: (1) a 256-entry tag- less direct-mapped SPP can achieve, on average, a prediction coverage of 95%, over-predicting the patterns by only 8%, (2) assuming a 70nm process technology, the SPP helps reduce leakage energy in the base cache by 41% on average, incurring less than 1% performance degradation, and (3) prefetching spatial groups of up to 512 bytes using SPP improves execution time by 33% on average and up to a factor of two

    ILP-based energy minimization techniques for banked memories

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    Main memories can consume a significant portion of overall energy in many data-intensive embedded applications. One way of reducing this energy consumption is banking, that is, dividing available memory space into multiple banks and placing unused (idle) memory banks into low-power operating modes. Prior work investigated code-restructuring- and data-layout-reorganization-based approaches for increasing the energy benefits that could be obtained from a banked memory architecture. This article explores different techniques that can potentially coexist within the same optimization framework for maximizing benefits of low-power operating modes. These techniques include employing nonuniform bank sizes, data migration, data compression, and data replication. By using these techniques, we try to increase the chances for utilizing low-power operating modes in a more effective manner, and achieve further energy savings over what could be achieved by exploiting low-power modes alone. Specifically, nonuniform banking tries to match bank sizes with application-data access patterns. The goal of data migration is to cluster data with similar access patterns in the same set of banks. Data compression reduces the size of the data used by an application, and thus helps reduce the number of memory banks occupied by data. Finally, data replication increases bank idleness by duplicating select read-only data blocks across banks. We formulate each of these techniques as an ILP (integer linear programming) problem, and solve them using a commercial solver. Our experimental analysis using several benchmarks indicates that all the techniques presented in this framework are successful in reducing memory energy consumption. Based on our experience with these techniques, we recommend to compiler writers for banked memories to consider data compression, replication, and migration. © 2008 ACM

    Robust low-power digital circuit design in nano-CMOS technologies

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    Device scaling has resulted in large scale integrated, high performance, low-power, and low cost systems. However the move towards sub-100 nm technology nodes has increased variability in device characteristics due to large process variations. Variability has severe implications on digital circuit design by causing timing uncertainties in combinational circuits, degrading yield and reliability of memory elements, and increasing power density due to slow scaling of supply voltage. Conventional design methods add large pessimistic safety margins to mitigate increased variability, however, they incur large power and performance loss as the combination of worst cases occurs very rarely. In-situ monitoring of timing failures provides an opportunity to dynamically tune safety margins in proportion to on-chip variability that can significantly minimize power and performance losses. We demonstrated by simulations two delay sensor designs to detect timing failures in advance that can be coupled with different compensation techniques such as voltage scaling, body biasing, or frequency scaling to avoid actual timing failures. Our simulation results using 45 nm and 32 nm technology BSIM4 models indicate significant reduction in total power consumption under temperature and statistical variations. Future work involves using dual sensing to avoid useless voltage scaling that incurs a speed loss. SRAM cache is the first victim of increased process variations that requires handcrafted design to meet area, power, and performance requirements. We have proposed novel 6 transistors (6T), 7 transistors (7T), and 8 transistors (8T)-SRAM cells that enable variability tolerant and low-power SRAM cache designs. Increased sense-amplifier offset voltage due to device mismatch arising from high variability increases delay and power consumption of SRAM design. We have proposed two novel design techniques to reduce offset voltage dependent delays providing a high speed low-power SRAM design. Increasing leakage currents in nano-CMOS technologies pose a major challenge to a low-power reliable design. We have investigated novel segmented supply voltage architecture to reduce leakage power of the SRAM caches since they occupy bulk of the total chip area and power. Future work involves developing leakage reduction methods for the combination logic designs including SRAM peripherals

    Power Management and SRAM for Energy-Autonomous and Low-Power Systems

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    We demonstrate the two first-known, complete, self-powered millimeter-scale computer systems. These microsystems achieve zero-net-energy operation using solar energy harvesting and ultra-low-power circuits. A medical implant for monitoring intraocular pressure (IOP) is presented as part of a treatment for glaucoma. The 1.5mm3 IOP monitor is easily implantable because of its small size and measures IOP with 0.5mmHg accuracy. It wirelessly transmits data to an external wand while consuming 4.7nJ/bit. This provides rapid feedback about treatment efficacies to decrease physician response time and potentially prevent unnecessary vision loss. A nearly-perpetual temperature sensor is presented that processes data using a 2.1μW near-threshold ARM°R Cortex- M3TM μP that provides a widely-used and trusted programming platform. Energy harvesting and power management techniques for these two microsystems enable energy-autonomous operation. The IOP monitor harvests 80nW of solar power while consuming only 5.3nW, extending lifetime indefinitely. This allows the device to provide medical information for extended periods of time, giving doctors time to converge upon the best glaucoma treatment. The temperature sensor uses on-demand power delivery to improve low-load dc-dc voltage conversion efficiency by 4.75x. It also performs linear regulation to deliver power with low noise, improved load regulation, and tight line regulation. Low-power high-throughput SRAM techniques help millimeter-scale microsystems meet stringent power budgets. VDD scaling in memory decreases energy per access, but also decreases stability margins. These margins can be improved using sizing, VTH selection, and assist circuits, as well as new bitcell designs. Adaptive Crosshairs modulation of SRAM power supplies fixes 70% of parametric failures. Half-differential SRAM design improves stability, reducing VMIN by 72mV. The circuit techniques for energy autonomy presented in this dissertation enable millimeter-scale microsystems for medical implants, such as blood pressure and glucose sensors, as well as non-medical applications, such as supply chain and infrastructure monitoring. These pervasive sensors represent the continuation of Bell’s Law, which accurately traces the evolution of computers as they become smaller, more numerous, and more powerful. The development of millimeter-scale massively-deployed ubiquitous computers ensures the continued expansion and profitability of the semiconductor industry. NanoWatt circuit techniques will allow us to meet this next frontier in IC design.Ph.D.Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86387/1/grgkchen_1.pd

    Low-Power Soft-Error-Robust Embedded SRAM

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    Soft errors are radiation-induced ionization events (induced by energetic particles like alpha particles, cosmic neutron, etc.) that cause transient errors in integrated circuits. The circuit can always recover from such errors as the underlying semiconductor material is not damaged and hence, they are called soft errors. In nanometer technologies, the reduced node capacitance and supply voltage coupled with high packing density and lack of masking mechanisms are primarily responsible for the increased susceptibility of SRAMs towards soft errors. Coupled with these are the process variations (effective length, width, and threshold voltage), which are prominent in scaled-down technologies. Typically, SRAM constitutes up to 90% of the die in microprocessors and SoCs (System-on-Chip). Hence, the soft errors in SRAMs pose a potential threat to the reliable operation of the system. In this work, a soft-error-robust eight-transistor SRAM cell (8T) is proposed to establish a balance between low power consumption and soft error robustness. Using metrics like access time, leakage power, and sensitivity to single event transients (SET), the proposed approach is evaluated. For the purpose of analysis and comparisons the results of 8T cell are compared with a standard 6T SRAM cell and the state-of-the-art soft-error-robust SRAM cells. Based on simulation results in a 65-nm commercial CMOS process, the 8T cell demonstrates higher immunity to SETs along with smaller area and comparable leakage power. A 32-kb array of 8T cells was fabricated in silicon. After functional verification of the test chip, a radiation test was conducted to evaluate the soft error robustness. As SRAM cells are scaled aggressively to increase the overall packing density, the smaller transistors exhibit higher degrees of process variation and mismatch, leading to larger offset voltages. For SRAM sense amplifiers, higher offset voltages lead to an increased likelihood of an incorrect decision. To address this issue, a sense amplifier capable of cancelling the input offset voltage is presented. The simulated and measured results in 180-nm technology show that the sense amplifier is capable of detecting a 4 mV differential input signal under dc and transient conditions. The proposed sense amplifier, when compared with a conventional sense amplifier, has a similar die area and a greatly reduced offset voltage. Additionally, a dual-input sense amplifier architecture is proposed with corroborating silicon results to show that it requires smaller differential input to evaluate correctly.1 yea

    Low power predictable memory and processing architectures

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    Great demand in power optimized devices shows promising economic potential and draws lots of attention in industry and research area. Due to the continuously shrinking CMOS process, not only dynamic power but also static power has emerged as a big concern in power reduction. Other than power optimization, average-case power estimation is quite significant for power budget allocation but also challenging in terms of time and effort. In this thesis, we will introduce a methodology to support modular quantitative analysis in order to estimate average power of circuits, on the basis of two concepts named Random Bag Preserving and Linear Compositionality. It can shorten simulation time and sustain high accuracy, resulting in increasing the feasibility of power estimation of big systems. For power saving, firstly, we take advantages of the low power characteristic of adiabatic logic and asynchronous logic to achieve ultra-low dynamic and static power. We will propose two memory cells, which could run in adiabatic and non-adiabatic mode. About 90% dynamic power can be saved in adiabatic mode when compared to other up-to-date designs. About 90% leakage power is saved. Secondly, a novel logic, named Asynchronous Charge Sharing Logic (ACSL), will be introduced. The realization of completion detection is simplified considerably. Not just the power reduction improvement, ACSL brings another promising feature in average power estimation called data-independency where this characteristic would make power estimation effortless and be meaningful for modular quantitative average case analysis. Finally, a new asynchronous Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) with a ripple carry adder implemented using the logically reversible/bidirectional characteristic exhibiting ultra-low power dissipation with sub-threshold region operating point will be presented. The proposed adder is able to operate multi-functionally

    Modeling and Mitigation of Soft Errors in Nanoscale SRAMs

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    Energetic particle (alpha particle, cosmic neutron, etc.) induced single event data upset or soft error has emerged as a key reliability concern in SRAMs in sub-100 nanometre technologies. Low operating voltage, small node capacitance, high packing density, and lack of error masking mechanisms are primarily responsible for the soft error susceptibility of SRAMs. In addition, since SRAM occupies the majority of die area in system-on-chips (SoCs) and microprocessors, different leakage reduction techniques, such as, supply voltage reduction, gated grounding, etc., are applied to SRAMs in order to limit the overall chip leakage. These leakage reduction techniques exponentially increase the soft error rate in SRAMs. The soft error rate is further accentuated by process variations, which are prominent in scaled-down technologies. In this research, we address these concerns and propose techniques to characterize and mitigate soft errors in nanoscale SRAMs. We develop a comprehensive analytical model of the critical charge, which is a key to assessing the soft error susceptibility of SRAMs. The model is based on the dynamic behaviour of the cell and a simple decoupling technique for the non-linearly coupled storage nodes. The model describes the critical charge in terms of NMOS and PMOS transistor parameters, cell supply voltage, and noise current parameters. Consequently, it enables characterizing the spread of critical charge due to process induced variations in these parameters and to manufacturing defects, such as, resistive contacts or vias. In addition, the model can estimate the improvement in critical charge when MIM capacitors are added to the cell in order to improve the soft error robustness. The model is validated by SPICE simulations (90nm CMOS) and radiation test. The critical charge calculated by the model is in good agreement with SPICE simulations with a maximum discrepancy of less than 5%. The soft error rate estimated by the model for low voltage (sub 0.8 V) operations is within 10% of the soft error rate measured in the radiation test. Therefore, the model can serve as a reliable alternative to time consuming SPICE simulations for optimizing the critical charge and hence the soft error rate at the design stage. In order to limit the soft error rate further, we propose an area-efficient multiword based error correction code (MECC) scheme. The MECC scheme combines four 32 bit data words to form a composite 128 bit ECC word and uses an optimized 4-input transmission-gate XOR logic. Thus MECC significantly reduces the area overhead for check-bit storage and the delay penalty for error correction. In addition, MECC interleaves two composite words in a row for limiting cosmic neutron induced multi-bit errors. The ground potentials of the composite words are controlled to minimize leakage power without compromising the read data stability. However, use of composite words involves a unique write operation where one data word is written while other three data words are read to update the check-bits. A power efficient word line signaling technique is developed to facilitate the write operation. A 64 kb SRAM macro with MECC is designed and fabricated in a commercial 90nm CMOS technology. Measurement results show that the SRAM consumes 534 μW at 100 MHz with a data latency of 3.3 ns for a single bit error correction. This translates into 82% per-bit energy saving and 8x speed improvement over recently reported multiword ECC schemes. Accelerated neutron radiation test carried out at TRIUMF in Vancouver confirms that the proposed MECC scheme can correct up to 85% of soft errors