1,733 research outputs found

    MorphoCluster: Efficient Annotation of Plankton Images by Clustering

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    In this work, we present MorphoCluster, a software tool for data-driven, fast, and accurate annotation of large image data sets. While already having surpassed the annotation rate of human experts, volume and complexity of marine data will continue to increase in the coming years. Still, this data requires interpretation. MorphoCluster augments the human ability to discover patterns and perform object classification in large amounts of data by embedding unsupervised clustering in an interactive process. By aggregating similar images into clusters, our novel approach to image annotation increases consistency, multiplies the throughput of an annotator, and allows experts to adapt the granularity of their sorting scheme to the structure in the data. By sorting a set of 1.2 M objects into 280 data-driven classes in 71 h (16 k objects per hour), with 90% of these classes having a precision of 0.889 or higher. This shows that MorphoCluster is at the same time fast, accurate, and consistent; provides a fine-grained and data-driven classification; and enables novelty detection

    Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks in Terms of Category-Level Attributes

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    Abstract. It has been recently reported that convolutional neural net-works (CNNs) show good performances in many image recognition tasks. They significantly outperform the previous approaches that are not based on neural networks particularly for object category recognition. These performances are arguably owing to their ability of discovering better image features for recognition tasks through learning, resulting in the acquisition of better internal representations of the inputs. However, in spite of the good performances, it remains an open question why CNNs work so well and/or how they can learn such good representations. In this study, we conjecture that the learned representation can be interpreted as category-level attributes that have good properties. We conducted sev-eral experiments by using the dataset AwA (Animals with Attributes) and a CNN trained for ILSVRC-2012 in a fully supervised setting to ex-amine this conjecture. We report that there exist units in the CNN that can predict some of the 85 semantic attributes fairly accurately, along with a detailed observation that this is true only for visual attributes and not for non-visual ones. It is more natural to think that the CNN may discover not only semantic attributes but non-semantic ones (or ones that are difficult to represent as a word). To explore this possibility, we perform zero-shot learning by regarding the activation pattern of upper layers as attributes describing the categories. The result shows that it outperforms the state-of-the-art with a significant margin.

    On the Significance of Distance in Machine Learning

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    Avstandsbegrepet er grunnleggende i maskinlæring. Hvordan vi velger å måle avstand har betydning, men det er ofte utfordrende å finne et passende avstandsmål. Metrisk læring kan brukes til å lære funksjoner som implementerer avstand eller avstandslignende mål. Vanlige dyplæringsmodeller er sårbare for modifikasjoner av input som har til hensikt å lure modellen (adversarial examples, motstridende eksempler). Konstruksjon av modeller som er robuste mot denne typen angrep er av stor betydning for å kunne utnytte maskinlæringsmodeller i større skala, og et passende avstandsmål kan brukes til å studere slik motstandsdyktighet. Ofte eksisterer det hierarkiske relasjoner blant klasser, og disse relasjonene kan da representeres av den hierarkiske avstanden til klasser. I klassifiseringsproblemer som må ta i betraktning disse klasserelasjonene, kan hierarkiinformert klassifisering brukes. Jeg har utviklet en metode kalt /distance-ratio/-basert (DR) metrisk læring. I motsetning til den formuleringen som normalt anvendes har DR-formuleringen to gunstige egenskaper. For det første er det skala-invariant med hensyn til rommet det projiseres til. For det andre har optimale klassekonfidensverdier på klasserepresentantene. Dersom rommet for å konstruere modifikasjoner er tilstrekklig stort, vil man med standard adversarial accuracy (SAA, standard motstridende nøyaktighet) risikere at naturlige datapunkter blir betraktet som motstridende eksempler. Dette kan være en årsak til SAA ofte går på bekostning av nøyaktighet. For å løse dette problemet har jeg utviklet en ny definisjon på motstridende nøyaktighet kalt Voronoi-epsilon adversarial accuracy (VAA, Voronoi-epsilon motstridende nøyaktighet). VAA utvider studiet av lokal robusthet til global robusthet. Klassehierarkisk informasjon er ikke tilgjengelig for alle datasett. For å håndtere denne utfordringen har jeg undersøkt om klassifikasjonsbaserte metriske læringsmodeller kan brukes til å utlede klassehierarkiet. Videre har jeg undersøkt de mulige effektene av robusthet på feature space (egenskapsrom). Jeg fant da at avstandsstrukturen til et egenskapsrom trent for robusthet har større likhet med avstandsstrukturen i rådata enn et egenskapsrom trent uten robusthet.The notion of distance is fundamental in machine learning. The choice of distance matters, but it is often challenging to find an appropriate distance. Metric learning can be used for learning distance(-like) functions. Common deep learning models are vulnerable to the adversarial modification of inputs. Devising adversarially robust models is of immense importance for the wide deployment of machine learning models, and distance can be used for the study of adversarial robustness. Often, hierarchical relationships exist among classes, and these relationships can be represented by the hierarchical distance of classes. For classification problems that must take these class relationships into account, hierarchy-informed classification can be used. I propose distance-ratio-based (DR) formulation for metric learning. In contrast to the commonly used formulation, DR formulation has two favorable properties. First, it is invariant of the scale of an embedding. Secondly, it has optimal class confidence values on class representatives. For a large perturbation budget, standard adversarial accuracy (SAA) allows natural data points to be considered as adversarial examples. This could be a reason for the tradeoff between accuracy and SAA. To resolve the issue, I proposed a new definition of adversarial accuracy named Voronoi-epsilon adversarial accuracy (VAA). VAA extends the study of local robustness to global robustness. Class hierarchical information is not available for all datasets. To handle this challenge, I investigated whether classification-based metric learning models can be used to infer class hierarchy. Furthermore, I explored the possible effects of adversarial robustness on feature space. I found that the distance structure of robustly trained feature space resembles that of input space to a greater extent than does standard trained feature space.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Potentials and Limits of Bayesian Networks to Deal with Uncertainty in the Assessment of Climate Change Adaptation Policies

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    Bayesian networks (BNs) have been increasingly applied to support management and decision-making processes under conditions of environmental variability and uncertainty, providing logical and holistic reasoning in complex systems since they succinctly and effectively translate causal assertions between variables into patterns of probabilistic dependence. Through a theoretical assessment of the features and the statistical rationale of BNs, and a review of specific applications to ecological modelling, natural resource management, and climate change policy issues, the present paper analyses the effectiveness of the BN model as a synthesis framework, which would allow the user to manage the uncertainty characterising the definition and implementation of climate change adaptation policies. The review will let emerge the potentials of the model to characterise, incorporate and communicate the uncertainty, with the aim to provide an efficient support to an informed and transparent decision making process. The possible drawbacks arising from the implementation of BNs are also analysed, providing potential solutions to overcome them.Adaptation to Climate Change, Bayesian Network, Uncertainty

    Application of the YOLOv5 Model for the Detection of Microobjects in the Marine Environment

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    The efficiency of using the YOLOV5 machine learning model for solving the problem of automatic de-tection and recognition of micro-objects in the marine environment is studied. Samples of microplankton and microplastics were prepared, according to which a database of classified images was collected for training an image recognition neural network. The results of experiments using a trained network to find micro-objects in photo and video images in real time are presented. Experimental studies have shown high efficiency, comparable to manual recognition, of the proposed model in solving problems of detect-ing micro-objects in the marine environment.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Inspecting class hierarchies in classification-based metric learning models

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    Most classification models treat all misclassifications equally. However, different classes may be related, and these hierarchical relationships must be considered in some classification problems. These problems can be addressed by using hierarchical information during training. Unfortunately, this information is not available for all datasets. Many classification-based metric learning methods use class representatives in embedding space to represent different classes. The relationships among the learned class representatives can then be used to estimate class hierarchical structures. If we have a predefined class hierarchy, the learned class representatives can be assessed to determine whether the metric learning model learned semantic distances that match our prior knowledge. In this work, we train a softmax classifier and three metric learning models with several training options on benchmark and real-world datasets. In addition to the standard classification accuracy, we evaluate the hierarchical inference performance by inspecting learned class representatives and the hierarchy-informed performance, i.e., the classification performance, and the metric learning performance by considering predefined hierarchical structures. Furthermore, we investigate how the considered measures are affected by various models and training options. When our proposed ProxyDR model is trained without using predefined hierarchical structures, the hierarchical inference performance is significantly better than that of the popular NormFace model. Additionally, our model enhances some hierarchy-informed performance measures under the same training options. We also found that convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with random weights correspond to the predefined hierarchies better than random chance.Comment: The main manuscript is 22 pages. The whole paper is 49 pages. The codes for our experiments will be available in https://github.com/hjk92g/Inspecting_Hierarchies_ML . The plankton datasets are available from the Norwegian Marine Data Center (MicroS: https://doi.org/10.21335/NMDC-2102309336 , MicroL: https://doi.org/10.21335/NMDC-573815973 , MesoZ: https://doi.org/10.21335/NMDC-1805578916

    Semantic Attributes for Transfer Learning in Visual Recognition

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    Angetrieben durch den Erfolg von Deep Learning Verfahren wurden in Bezug auf künstliche Intelligenz erhebliche Fortschritte im Bereich des Maschinenverstehens gemacht. Allerdings sind Tausende von manuell annotierten Trainingsdaten zwingend notwendig, um die Generalisierungsfähigkeit solcher Modelle sicherzustellen. Darüber hinaus muss das Modell jedes Mal komplett neu trainiert werden, sobald es auf eine neue Problemklasse angewandt werden muss. Dies führt wiederum dazu, dass der sehr kostenintensive Prozess des Sammelns und Annotierens von Trainingsdaten wiederholt werden muss, wodurch die Skalierbarkeit solcher Modelle erheblich begrenzt wird. Auf der anderen Seite bearbeiten wir Menschen neue Aufgaben nicht isoliert, sondern haben die bemerkenswerte Fähigkeit, auf bereits erworbenes Wissen bei der Lösung neuer Probleme zurückzugreifen. Diese Fähigkeit wird als Transfer-Learning bezeichnet. Sie ermöglicht es uns, schneller, besser und anhand nur sehr weniger Beispiele Neues zu lernen. Daher besteht ein großes Interesse, diese Fähigkeit durch Algorithmen nachzuahmen, insbesondere in Bereichen, in denen Trainingsdaten sehr knapp oder sogar nicht verfügbar sind. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir Transfer-Learning im Kontext von Computer Vision. Insbesondere untersuchen wir, wie visuelle Erkennung (z.B. Objekt- oder Aktionsklassifizierung) durchgeführt werden kann, wenn nur wenige oder keine Trainingsbeispiele existieren. Eine vielversprechende Lösung in dieser Richtung ist das Framework der semantischen Attribute. Dabei werden visuelle Kategorien in Form von Attributen wie Farbe, Muster und Form beschrieben. Diese Attribute können aus einer disjunkten Menge von Trainingsbeispielen gelernt werden. Da die Attribute eine doppelte, d.h. sowohl visuelle als auch semantische, Interpretation haben, kann Sprache effektiv genutzt werden, um den Übertragungsprozess zu steuern. Dies bedeutet, dass Modelle für eine neue visuelle Kategorie nur anhand der sprachlichen Beschreibung erstellt werden können, indem relevante Attribute selektiert und auf die neue Kategorie übertragen werden. Die Notwendigkeit von Trainingsbildern entfällt durch diesen Prozess jedoch vollständig. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir neue Lösungen vor, semantische Attribute zu modellieren, zu übertragen, automatisch mit visuellen Kategorien zu assoziieren, und aus sprachlichen Beschreibungen zu erkennen. Zu diesem Zweck beleuchten wir die attributbasierte Erkennung aus den folgenden vier Blickpunkten: 1) Anders als das gängige Modell, bei dem Attribute global gelernt werden müssen, stellen wir einen hierarchischen Ansatz vor, der es ermöglicht, die Attribute auf verschiedenen Abstraktionsebenen zu lernen. Wir zeigen zudem, wie die Struktur zwischen den Kategorien effektiv genutzt werden kann, um den Lern- und Transferprozess zu steuern und damit diskriminative Modelle für neue Kategorien zu erstellen. Mit einer gründlichen experimentellen Analyse demonstrieren wir eine deutliche Verbesserung unseres Modells gegenüber dem globalen Ansatz, insbesondere bei der Erkennung detailgenauer Kategorien. 2) In vorherrschend attributbasierten Transferansätzen überwacht der Benutzer die Zuordnung zwischen den Attributen und den Kategorien. Wir schlagen in dieser Arbeit vor, die Verbindung zwischen den beiden automatisch und ohne Benutzereingriff herzustellen. Unser Modell erfasst die semantischen Beziehungen, welche die Attribute mit Objekten koppeln, um ihre Assoziationen vorherzusagen und unüberwacht auszuwählen welche Attribute übertragen werden sollen. 3) Wir umgehen die Notwendigkeit eines vordefinierten Vokabulars von Attributen. Statt dessen schlagen wir vor, Enyzklopädie-Artikel zu verwenden, die Objektkategorien in einem freien Text beschreiben, um automatisch eine Menge von diskriminanten, salienten und vielfältigen Attributen zu entdecken. Diese Beseitigung des Bedarfs eines benutzerdefinierten Vokabulars ermöglicht es uns, das Potenzial attributbasierter Modelle im Kontext sehr großer Datenmengen vollends auszuschöpfen. 4) Wir präsentieren eine neuartige Anwendung semantischer Attribute in der realen Welt. Wir schlagen das erste Verfahren vor, welches automatisch Modestile lernt, und vorhersagt, wie sich ihre Beliebtheit in naher Zukunft entwickeln wird. Wir zeigen, dass semantische Attribute interpretierbare Modestile liefern und zu einer besseren Vorhersage der Beliebtheit von visuellen Stilen im Vergleich zu anderen Darstellungen führen