21,800 research outputs found

    Distributed algorithms for low stretch spanning trees

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    Given an undirected graph with integer edge lengths, we study the problem of approximating the distances in the graph by a spanning tree based on the notion of stretch. Our main contribution is a distributed algorithm in the CONGEST model of computation that constructs a random spanning tree with the guarantee that the expected stretch of every edge is O(log3 n), where n is the number of nodes in the graph. If the graph is unweighted, then this algorithm can be implemented to run in O(D) rounds, where D is the hop-diameter of the graph, thus being asymptotically optimal. In the weighted case, the run-time of our algorithm matches the currently best known bound for exact distance computations, i.e., Õ(min{√nD, √nD1/4 + n3/5 + D}). We stress that this is the first distributed construction of spanning trees leading to poly-logarithmic expected stretch with non-trivial running time

    Low-Stretch Spanning Trees of Graphs with Bounded Width

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    We study the problem of low-stretch spanning trees in graphs of bounded width: bandwidth, cutwidth, and treewidth. We show that any simple connected graph GG with a linear arrangement of bandwidth bb can be embedded into a distribution T\mathcal T of spanning trees such that the expected stretch of each edge of GG is O(b2)O(b^2). Our proof implies a linear time algorithm for sampling from T\mathcal T. Therefore, we have a linear time algorithm that finds a spanning tree of GG with average stretch O(b2)O(b^2) with high probability. We also describe a deterministic linear-time algorithm for computing a spanning tree of GG with average stretch O(b3)O(b^3). For graphs of cutwidth cc, we construct a spanning tree with stretch O(c2)O(c^2) in linear time. Finally, when GG has treewidth kk we provide a dynamic programming algorithm computing a minimum stretch spanning tree of GG that runs in polynomial time with respect to the number of vertices of GG

    An Efficient Parallel Solver for SDD Linear Systems

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    We present the first parallel algorithm for solving systems of linear equations in symmetric, diagonally dominant (SDD) matrices that runs in polylogarithmic time and nearly-linear work. The heart of our algorithm is a construction of a sparse approximate inverse chain for the input matrix: a sequence of sparse matrices whose product approximates its inverse. Whereas other fast algorithms for solving systems of equations in SDD matrices exploit low-stretch spanning trees, our algorithm only requires spectral graph sparsifiers

    Single failure resiliency in greedy routing

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    Using greedy routing, network nodes forward packets towards neighbors which are closer to their destination. This approach makes greedy routers significantly more memory-efficient than traditional IP-routers using longest-prefix matching. Greedy embeddings map network nodes to coordinates, such that greedy routing always leads to the destination. Prior works showed that using a spanning tree of the network topology, greedy embeddings can be found in different metric spaces for any graph. However, a single link/node failure might affect the greedy embedding and causes the packets to reach a dead end. In order to cope with network failures, existing greedy methods require large resources and cause significant loss in the quality of the routing (stretch loss). We propose efficient recovery techniques which require very limited resources with minor effect on the stretch. As the proposed techniques are protection, the switch-over takes place very fast. Low overhead, simplicity and scalability of the methods make them suitable for large-scale networks. The proposed schemes are validated on large topologies with properties similar to the Internet. The performances of the schemes are compared with an existing alternative referred as gravity pressure routing
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