2,278 research outputs found

    Orchard mapping and mobile robot localisation using on-board camera and laser scanner data fusion

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    Agricultural mobile robots have great potential to effectively implement different agricultural tasks. They can save human labour costs, avoid the need for people having to perform risky operations and increase productivity. Automation and advanced sensing technologies can provide up-to-date information that helps farmers in orchard management. Data collected from on-board sensors on a mobile robot provide information that can help the farmer detect tree or fruit diseases or damage, measure tree canopy volume and monitor fruit development. In orchards, trees are natural landmarks providing suitable cues for mobile robot localisation and navigation as trees are nominally planted in straight and parallel rows. This thesis presents a novel tree trunk detection algorithm that detects trees and discriminates between trees and non-tree objects in the orchard using a camera and 2D laser scanner data fusion. A local orchard map of the individual trees was developed allowing the mobile robot to navigate to a specific tree in the orchard to perform a specific task such as tree inspection. Furthermore, this thesis presents a localisation algorithm that does not rely on GPS positions and depends only on the on-board sensors of the mobile robot without adding any artificial landmarks, respective tapes or tags to the trees. The novel tree trunk detection algorithm combined the features extracted from a low cost camera's images and 2D laser scanner data to increase the robustness of the detection. The developed algorithm used a new method to detect the edge points and determine the width of the tree trunks and non-tree objects from the laser scan data. Then a projection of the edge points from the laser scanner coordinates to the image plane was implemented to construct a region of interest with the required features for tree trunk colour and edge detection. The camera images were used to verify the colour and the parallel edges of the tree trunks and non-tree objects. The algorithm automatically adjusted the colour detection parameters after each test which was shown to increase the detection accuracy. The orchard map was constructed based on tree trunk detection and consisted of the 2D positions of the individual trees and non-tree objects. The map of the individual trees was used as an a priority map for mobile robot localisation. A data fusion algorithm based on an Extended Kalman filter was used for pose estimation of the mobile robot in different paths (midway between rows, close to the rows and moving around trees in the row) and different turns (semi-circle and right angle turns) required for tree inspection tasks. The 2D positions of the individual trees were used in the correction step of the Extended Kalman filter to enhance localisation accuracy. Experimental tests were conducted in a simulated environment and a real orchard to evaluate the performance of the developed algorithms. The tree trunk detection algorithm was evaluated under two broad illumination conditions (sunny and cloudy). The algorithm was able to detect the tree trunks (regular and thin tree trunks) and discriminate between trees and non-tree objects with a detection accuracy of 97% showing that the fusion of both vision and 2D laser scanner technologies produced robust tree trunk detection. The mapping method successfully localised all the trees and non-tree objects of the tested tree rows in the orchard environment. The mapping results indicated that the constructed map can be reliably used for mobile robot localisation and navigation. The localisation algorithm was evaluated against the logged RTK-GPS positions for different paths and headland turns. The average of the RMS of the position error in x, y coordinates and Euclidean distance were 0.08 m, 0.07 m and 0.103 m respectively, whilst the average of the RMS of the heading error was 3:32°. These results were considered acceptable while driving along the rows and when executing headland turns for the target application of autonomous mobile robot navigation and tree inspection tasks in orchards

    Current status and future trends of mechanized fruit thinning devices and sensor technology

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    This paper reviews the different concepts that have been investigated concerning the mechanization of fruit thinning as well as multiple working principles and solutions that have been developed for feature extraction of horticultural products, both in the field and industrial environments. The research should be committed towards selective methods, which inevitably need to incorporate some kinds of sensor technology. Computer vision often comes out as an obvious solution for unstructured detection problems, although leaves despite the chosen point of view frequently occlude fruits. Further research on non-traditional sensors that are capable of object differentiation is needed. Ultrasonic and Near Infrared (NIR) technologies have been investigated for applications related to horticultural produce and show a potential to satisfy this need while simultaneously providing spatial information as time of flight sensors. Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) technology also shows a huge potential but it implies much greater costs and the related equipment is usually much larger, making it less suitable for portable devices, which may serve a purpose on smaller unstructured orchards. Portable devices may serve a purpose on these types of orchards. In what concerns sensor methods, on-tree fruit detection, major challenge is to overcome the problem of fruits’ occlusion by leaves and branches. Hence, nontraditional sensors capable of providing some type of differentiation should be investigated.This work was developed as part of +Pêssego project which purpose is to promote the innovation and development of peach tree culture in the region of Beira Interior, Portugal. This project was financed by a national rural development and support program, PRODER.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    LiDAR based multi-sensor fusion for localization, mapping, and tracking

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    Viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana täysin itseohjautuvien ajoneuvojen kehitys on herättänyt laajaa kiinnostusta niin teollisuudessa kuin tiedemaailmassakin, mikä on merkittävästi edistänyt tilannetietoisuuden ja anturiteknologian kehitystä. Erityisesti LiDAR-anturit ovat nousseet keskeiseen rooliin monissa havainnointijärjestelmissä niiden tarjoaman pitkän kantaman havaintokyvyn, tarkan 3D-etäisyystiedon ja luotettavan suorituskyvyn ansiosta. LiDAR-teknologian kehittyminen on mahdollistanut entistä luotettavampien ja kustannustehokkaampien antureiden käytön, mikä puolestaan on osoittanut suurta potentiaalia parantaa laajasti käytettyjen kuluttajatuotteiden tilannetietoisuutta. Uusien LiDAR-antureiden hyödyntäminen tarjoaa tutkijoille monipuolisen valikoiman tehokkaita työkaluja, joiden avulla voidaan ratkaista paikannuksen, kartoituksen ja seurannan haasteita nykyisissä havaintojärjestelmissä. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan LiDAR-pohjaisia sensorifuusioalgoritmeja. Tutkimuksen pääpaino on tiheässä kartoituksessa ja globaalissa paikan-nuksessa erilaisten LiDAR-anturien avulla. Tutkimuksessa luodaan kattava tietokanta uusien LiDAR-, IMU- ja kamera-antureiden tuottamasta datasta. Tietokanta on välttämätön kehittyneiden anturifuusioalgoritmien ja yleiskäyttöisten paikannus- ja kartoitusalgoritmien kehittämiseksi. Tämän lisäksi väitöskirjassa esitellään innovatiivisia menetelmiä globaaliin paikannukseen erilaisissa ympäristöissä. Esitellyt menetelmät kartoituksen tarkkuuden ja tilannetietoisuuden parantamiseksi ovat muun muassa modulaarinen monen LiDAR-anturin odometria ja kartoitus, toimintavarma multimodaalinen LiDAR-inertiamittau-sjärjestelmä ja tiheä kartoituskehys. Tutkimus integroi myös kiinteät LiDAR -anturit kamerapohjaisiin syväoppimismenetelmiin kohteiden seurantaa varten parantaen kartoituksen tarkkuutta dynaamisissa ympäristöissä. Näiden edistysaskeleiden avulla autonomisten järjestelmien luotettavuutta ja tehokkuutta voidaan merkittävästi parantaa todellisissa käyttöympäristöissä. Väitöskirja alkaa esittelemällä innovatiiviset anturit ja tiedonkeruualustan. Tämän jälkeen esitellään avoin tietokanta, jonka avulla voidaan arvioida kehittyneitä paikannus- ja kartoitusalgoritmeja hyödyntäen ainutlaatuista perustotuuden kehittämismenetelmää. Työssä käsitellään myös kahta haastavaa paikannusympäristöä: metsä- ja kaupunkiympäristöä. Lisäksi tarkastellaan kohteen seurantatehtäviä sekä kameraettä LiDAR-tekniikoilla ihmisten ja pienten droonien seurannassa. ---------------------- The development of fully autonomous driving vehicles has become a key focus for both industry and academia over the past decade, fostering significant progress in situational awareness abilities and sensor technology. Among various types of sensors, the LiDAR sensor has emerged as a pivotal component in many perception systems due to its long-range detection capabilities, precise 3D range information, and reliable performance in diverse environments. With advancements in LiDAR technology, more reliable and cost-effective sensors have shown great potential for improving situational awareness abilities in widely used consumer products. By leveraging these novel LiDAR sensors, researchers now have a diverse set of powerful tools to effectively tackle the persistent challenges in localization, mapping, and tracking within existing perception systems. This thesis explores LiDAR-based sensor fusion algorithms to address perception challenges in autonomous systems, with a primary focus on dense mapping and global localization using diverse LiDAR sensors. The research involves the integration of novel LiDARs, IMU, and camera sensors to create a comprehensive dataset essential for developing advanced sensor fusion and general-purpose localization and mapping algorithms. Innovative methodologies for global localization across varied environments are introduced. These methodologies include a robust multi-modal LiDAR inertial odometry and a dense mapping framework, which enhance mapping precision and situational awareness. The study also integrates solid-state LiDARs with camera-based deep-learning techniques for object tracking, refining mapping accuracy in dynamic environments. These advancements significantly enhance the reliability and efficiency of autonomous systems in real-world scenarios. The thesis commences with an introduction to innovative sensors and a data collection platform. It proceeds by presenting an open-source dataset designed for the evaluation of advanced SLAM algorithms, utilizing a unique ground-truth generation method. Subsequently, the study tackles two localization challenges in forest and urban environments. Furthermore, it highlights the MM-LOAM dense mapping framework. Additionally, the research explores object-tracking tasks, employing both camera and LiDAR technologies for human and micro UAV tracking

    Fruit Detection and Tree Segmentation for Yield Mapping in Orchards

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    Accurate information gathering and processing is critical for precision horticulture, as growers aim to optimise their farm management practices. An accurate inventory of the crop that details its spatial distribution along with health and maturity, can help farmers efficiently target processes such as chemical and fertiliser spraying, crop thinning, harvest management, labour planning and marketing. Growers have traditionally obtained this information by using manual sampling techniques, which tend to be labour intensive, spatially sparse, expensive, inaccurate and prone to subjective biases. Recent advances in sensing and automation for field robotics allow for key measurements to be made for individual plants throughout an orchard in a timely and accurate manner. Farmer operated machines or unmanned robotic platforms can be equipped with a range of sensors to capture a detailed representation over large areas. Robust and accurate data processing techniques are therefore required to extract high level information needed by the grower to support precision farming. This thesis focuses on yield mapping in orchards using image and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data captured using an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV). The contribution is the framework and algorithmic components for orchard mapping and yield estimation that is applicable to different fruit types and orchard configurations. The framework includes detection of fruits in individual images and tracking them over subsequent frames. The fruit counts are then associated to individual trees, which are segmented from image and LiDAR data, resulting in a structured spatial representation of yield. The first contribution of this thesis is the development of a generic and robust fruit detection algorithm. Images captured in the outdoor environment are susceptible to highly variable external factors that lead to significant appearance variations. Specifically in orchards, variability is caused by changes in illumination, target pose, tree types, etc. The proposed techniques address these issues by using state-of-the-art feature learning approaches for image classification, while investigating the utility of orchard domain knowledge for fruit detection. Detection is performed using both pixel-wise classification of images followed instance segmentation, and bounding-box regression approaches. The experimental results illustrate the versatility of complex deep learning approaches over a multitude of fruit types. The second contribution of this thesis is a tree segmentation approach to detect the individual trees that serve as a standard unit for structured orchard information systems. The work focuses on trellised trees, which present unique challenges for segmentation algorithms due to their intertwined nature. LiDAR data are used to segment the trellis face, and to generate proposals for individual trees trunks. Additional trunk proposals are provided using pixel-wise classification of the image data. The multi-modal observations are fine-tuned by modelling trunk locations using a hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM), within which prior knowledge of tree spacing is incorporated. The final component of this thesis addresses the visual occlusion of fruit within geometrically complex canopies by using a multi-view detection and tracking approach. Single image fruit detections are tracked over a sequence of images, and associated to individual trees or farm rows, with the spatial distribution of the fruit counting forming a yield map over the farm. The results show the advantage of using multi-view imagery (instead of single view analysis) for fruit counting and yield mapping. This thesis includes extensive experimentation in almond, apple and mango orchards, with data captured by a UGV spanning a total of 5 hectares of farm area, over 30 km of vehicle traversal and more than 7,000 trees. The validation of the different processes is performed using manual annotations, which includes fruit and tree locations in image and LiDAR data respectively. Additional evaluation of yield mapping is performed by comparison against fruit counts on trees at the farm and counts made by the growers post-harvest. The framework developed in this thesis is demonstrated to be accurate compared to ground truth at all scales of the pipeline, including fruit detection and tree mapping, leading to accurate yield estimation, per tree and per row, for the different crops. Through the multitude of field experiments conducted over multiple seasons and years, the thesis presents key practical insights necessary for commercial development of an information gathering system in orchards

    Proceedings of the 4th Baltic Mechatronics Symposium - Tallinn April 25, 2019

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    The Baltic Mechatronics Symposium is annual symposium with the objective to provide a forum for young scientists from Baltic countries to exchange knowledge, experience, results and information in large variety of fields in mechatronics. The symposium was organized in co-operation with Taltech and Aalto University. The venue of the symposium was Nordic Hotel Forum Tallinn.The symposium was organized parallel to the 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. The selected papers are published in Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sciences indexed in ISI Web of Science. The content of the proceedings: 1. Continuous wet spinning of cellulose nanofibrils 2. Development of motor efficiency test setup for direct driven hydraulic actuator 3. Development of pressure former for continuous nanopaper manufacturing 4. Device for tree volume measurements 5. Effect of external load on rotor vibration 6. Granular jamming based gripper for heavy objects 7. Integrated car camera system for monitoring inner cabin and outer traffic 8. Inverted pendulum controlled with CNC control system 9. Multi-material mixer and extruder for 3D printing 10. Object detection and trajectory planning using a LIDAR for an automated overhead cran

    Field-based Robot Phenotyping of Sorghum Plant Architecture using Stereo Vision

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    Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is known as a major feedstock for biofuel production. To improve its biomass yield through genetic research, manually measuring yield component traits (e.g. plant height, stem diameter, leaf angle, leaf area, leaf number, and panicle size) in the field is the current best practice. However, such laborious and time‐consuming tasks have become a bottleneck limiting experiment scale and data acquisition frequency. This paper presents a high‐throughput field‐based robotic phenotyping system which performed side‐view stereo imaging for dense sorghum plants with a wide range of plant heights throughout the growing season. Our study demonstrated the suitability of stereo vision for field‐based three‐dimensional plant phenotyping when recent advances in stereo matching algorithms were incorporated. A robust data processing pipeline was developed to quantify the variations or morphological traits in plant architecture, which included plot‐based plant height, plot‐based plant width, convex hull volume, plant surface area, and stem diameter (semiautomated). These image‐derived measurements were highly repeatable and showed high correlations with the in‐field manual measurements. Meanwhile, manually collecting the same traits required a large amount of manpower and time compared to the robotic system. The results demonstrated that the proposed system could be a promising tool for large‐scale field‐based high‐throughput plant phenotyping of bioenergy crops

    Mechanical Description of a Hyper-Redundant Robot Joint Mechanism Used for a Design of a Biomimetic Robotic Fish

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    A biologically inspired robot in the form of fish (mackerel) model using rubber (as the biomimetic material) for its hyper-redundant joint is presented in this paper. Computerized simulation of the most critical part of the model (the peduncle) shows that the rubber joints will be able to take up the stress that will be created. Furthermore, the frequency-induced softening of the rubber used was found to be critical if the joints are going to oscillate at frequency above 25 Hz. The robotic fish was able to attain a speed of 0.985 m/s while the tail beats at a maximum of 1.7 Hz when tested inside water. Furthermore, a minimum turning radius of 0.8 m (approximately 2 times the fish body length) was achieved

    Enhancing forestry supply chain through innovative integration of digital tools and techniques

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    Online communities allow problem drinkers to seek help anonymously without the judgement present in the face-to-face world. This article investigates peer to peer online support in an online community of self-identified problem drinkers. A content analysis was performed on a Stop Drinking Reddit.com community and 26 themes of interaction, belonging to 9 categories were identified as key interactions likely to provide value to those seeking to instantiate or maintain sobriety. These themes were arranged into a conceptual model consisting of three dimensions of interaction namely: goal-based interaction; relationship-based interactions; and platform-interactions. The conceptual model created by this research should help those in recovery utilize online communities more effectively and provide insight into how peer to peer online social support can be deliberately utilized to promote sobriety