559 research outputs found

    Manifold Learning Approaches to Compressing Latent Spaces of Unsupervised Feature Hierarchies

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    Field robots encounter dynamic unstructured environments containing a vast array of unique objects. In order to make sense of the world in which they are placed, they collect large quantities of unlabelled data with a variety of sensors. Producing robust and reliable applications depends entirely on the ability of the robot to understand the unlabelled data it obtains. Deep Learning techniques have had a high level of success in learning powerful unsupervised representations for a variety of discriminative and generative models. Applying these techniques to problems encountered in field robotics remains a challenging endeavour. Modern Deep Learning methods are typically trained with a substantial labelled dataset, while datasets produced in a field robotics context contain limited labelled training data. The primary motivation for this thesis stems from the problem of applying large scale Deep Learning models to field robotics datasets that are label poor. While the lack of labelled ground truth data drives the desire for unsupervised methods, the need for improving the model scaling is driven by two factors, performance and computational requirements. When utilising unsupervised layer outputs as representations for classification, the classification performance increases with layer size. Scaling up models with multiple large layers of features is problematic, as the sizes of subsequent hidden layers scales with the size of the previous layer. This quadratic scaling, and the associated time required to train such networks has prevented adoption of large Deep Learning models beyond cluster computing. The contributions in this thesis are developed from the observation that parameters or filter el- ements learnt in Deep Learning systems are typically highly structured, and contain related ele- ments. Firstly, the structure of unsupervised filters is utilised to construct a mapping from the high dimensional filter space to a low dimensional manifold. This creates a significantly smaller repre- sentation for subsequent feature learning. This mapping, and its effect on the resulting encodings, highlights the need for the ability to learn highly overcomplete sets of convolutional features. Driven by this need, the unsupervised pretraining of Deep Convolutional Networks is developed to include a number of modern training and regularisation methods. These pretrained models are then used to provide initialisations for supervised convolutional models trained on low quantities of labelled data. By utilising pretraining, a significant increase in classification performance on a number of publicly available datasets is achieved. In order to apply these techniques to outdoor 3D Laser Illuminated Detection And Ranging data, we develop a set of resampling techniques to provide uniform input to Deep Learning models. The features learnt in these systems outperform the high effort hand engineered features developed specifically for 3D data. The representation of a given signal is then reinterpreted as a combination of modes that exist on the learnt low dimensional filter manifold. From this, we develop an encoding technique that allows the high dimensional layer output to be represented as a combination of low dimensional components. This allows the growth of subsequent layers to only be dependent on the intrinsic dimensionality of the filter manifold and not the number of elements contained in the previous layer. Finally, the resulting unsupervised convolutional model, the encoding frameworks and the em- bedding methodology are used to produce a new unsupervised learning stratergy that is able to encode images in terms of overcomplete filter spaces, without producing an explosion in the size of the intermediate parameter spaces. This model produces classification results on par with state of the art models, yet requires significantly less computational resources and is suitable for use in the constrained computation environment of a field robot

    Distribution dependent adaptive learning

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    Learning to process with spikes and to localise pulses

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    In the last few decades, deep learning with artificial neural networks (ANNs) has emerged as one of the most widely used techniques in tasks such as classification and regression, achieving competitive results and in some cases even surpassing human-level performance. Nonetheless, as ANN architectures are optimised towards empirical results and departed from their biological precursors, how exactly human brains process information using these short electrical pulses called spikes remains a mystery. Hence, in this thesis, we explore the problem of learning to process with spikes and to localise pulses. We first consider spiking neural networks (SNNs), a type of ANN that more closely mimic biological neural networks in that neurons communicate with one another using spikes. This unique architecture allows us to look into the role of heterogeneity in learning. Since it is conjectured that the information is encoded by the timing of spikes, we are particularly interested in the heterogeneity of time constants of neurons. We then trained SNNs for classification tasks on a range of visual and auditory neuromorphic datasets, which contain streams of events (spike times) instead of the conventional frame-based data, and show that the overall performance is improved by allowing the neurons to have different time constants, especially on tasks with richer temporal structure. We also find that the learned time constants are distributed similarly to those experimentally observed in some mammalian cells. Besides, we demonstrate that learning with heterogeneity improves robustness against hyperparameter mistuning. These results suggest that heterogeneity may be more than the byproduct of noisy processes and perhaps serves a key role in learning in changing environments, yet heterogeneity has been overlooked in basic artificial models. While neuromorphic datasets, which are often captured by neuromorphic devices that closely model the corresponding biological systems, have enabled us to explore the more biologically plausible SNNs, there still exists a gap in understanding how spike times encode information in actual biological neural networks like human brains, as such data is difficult to acquire due to the trade-off between the timing precision and the number of cells simultaneously recorded electrically. Instead, what we usually obtain is the low-rate discrete samples of trains of filtered spikes. Hence, in the second part of the thesis, we focus on a different type of problem involving pulses, that is to retrieve the precise pulse locations from these low-rate samples. We make use of the finite rate of innovation (FRI) sampling theory, which states that perfect reconstruction is possible for classes of continuous non-bandlimited signals that have a small number of free parameters. However, existing FRI methods break down under very noisy conditions due to the so-called subspace swap event. Thus, we present two novel model-based learning architectures: Deep Unfolded Projected Wirtinger Gradient Descent (Deep Unfolded PWGD) and FRI Encoder-Decoder Network (FRIED-Net). The former is based on the existing iterative denoising algorithm for subspace-based methods, while the latter models directly the relationship between the samples and the locations of the pulses using an autoencoder-like network. Using a stream of K Diracs as an example, we show that both algorithms are able to overcome the breakdown inherent in the existing subspace-based methods. Moreover, we extend our FRIED-Net framework beyond conventional FRI methods by considering when the shape is unknown. We show that the pulse shape can be learned using backpropagation. This coincides with the application of spike detection from real-world calcium imaging data, where we achieve competitive results. Finally, we explore beyond canonical FRI signals and demonstrate that FRIED-Net is able to reconstruct streams of pulses with different shapes.Open Acces

    Investigation of open periodic structures of circular cross section and their transition to solid circular waveguide

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    Previous work has already modelled an open periodic cylindrical tube constructed from a Frequency-Selective Surface (FSS) to form the Frequency-Selective Guide (FSG). This model is used to expand the understanding of the FSG and known mode content that it can support. The results of the model have been authenticated directly by measurement techniques. The range of FSGs measurements undertaken was expanded to enable greater understanding of the structure utilising parameters that could not be included in the theoretical model. This extensive measurement set combines with the modelled data to provide a very comprehensive understanding of the FSG operation based on both physical and theoretical data. [Continues.

    Analogue neuromorphic systems.

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    This thesis addresses a new area of science and technology, that of neuromorphic systems, namely the problems and prospects of analogue neuromorphic systems. The subject is subdivided into three chapters. Chapter 1 is an introduction. It formulates the oncoming problem of the creation of highly computationally costly systems of nonlinear information processing (such as artificial neural networks and artificial intelligence systems). It shows that an analogue technology could make a vital contribution to the creation such systems. The basic principles of creation of analogue neuromorphic systems are formulated. The importance will be emphasised of the principle of orthogonality for future highly efficient complex information processing systems. Chapter 2 reviews the basics of neural and neuromorphic systems and informs on the present situation in this field of research, including both experimental and theoretical knowledge gained up-to-date. The chapter provides the necessary background for correct interpretation of the results reported in Chapter 3 and for a realistic decision on the direction for future work. Chapter 3 describes my own experimental and computational results within the framework of the subject, obtained at De Montfort University. These include: the building of (i) Analogue Polynomial Approximator/lnterpolatoriExtrapolator, (ii) Synthesiser of orthogonal functions, (iii) analogue real-time video filter (performing the homomorphic filtration), (iv) Adaptive polynomial compensator of geometrical distortions of CRT- monitors, (v) analogue parallel-learning neural network (backpropagation algorithm). Thus, this thesis makes a dual contribution to the chosen field: it summarises the present knowledge on the possibility of utilising analogue technology in up-to-date and future computational systems, and it reports new results within the framework of the subject. The main conclusion is that due to its promising power characteristics, small sizes and high tolerance to degradation, the analogue neuromorphic systems will playa more and more important role in future computational systems (in particular in systems of artificial intelligence)

    Truly Sparse Neural Networks at Scale

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    Recently, sparse training methods have started to be established as a de facto approach for training and inference efficiency in artificial neural networks. Yet, this efficiency is just in theory. In practice, everyone uses a binary mask to simulate sparsity since the typical deep learning software and hardware are optimized for dense matrix operations. In this paper, we take an orthogonal approach, and we show that we can train truly sparse neural networks to harvest their full potential. To achieve this goal, we introduce three novel contributions, specially designed for sparse neural networks: (1) a parallel training algorithm and its corresponding sparse implementation from scratch, (2) an activation function with non-trainable parameters to favour the gradient flow, and (3) a hidden neurons importance metric to eliminate redundancies. All in one, we are able to break the record and to train the largest neural network ever trained in terms of representational power -- reaching the bat brain size. The results show that our approach has state-of-the-art performance while opening the path for an environmentally friendly artificial intelligence era.Comment: 30 pages, 17 figure

    Applications of Non-Orthogonal Waveforms and Artificial Neural Networks in Wireless Vehicular Communications

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    Ph. D. ThesisWe live in an ever increasing world of connectivity. The need for highly robust, highly efficient wireless communication has never been greater. As we seek to squeeze better and better performance from our systems, we must remember; even though our computing devices are increasing in power and efficiency, our wireless spectrum remains limited. Recently there has been an increasing trend towards the implementation of machine learning based systems in wireless communications. By taking advantage of a neural networks powerful non-linear computational capability, communication systems have been shown to achieve reliable error free transmission over even the most dispersive of channels. Furthermore, in an attempt to make better use of the available spectrum, more spectrally efficient physical layer waveforms are gathering attention that trade increased interference for lower bandwidth requirements. In this thesis, the performance of neural networks that utilise spectrally efficient waveforms within harsh transmission environments are assessed. Firstly, we investigate and generate a novel neural network for use within a standards compliant vehicular network for vehicle-to-vehicle communication, and assess its performance practically in several of the harshest recorded empirical channel models using a hardware-in-the-loop testing methodology. The results demonstrate the strength of the proposed receiver, achieving a bit-error rate below 10−3 at a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 6dB. Secondly, this is then further extended to utilise spectrally efficient frequency division multiplexing (SEFDM), where we note a break away from the 802.11p vehicular communication standard in exchange for a more efficient use of the available spectrum that can then be utilised to service more users or achieve a higher data throughput. It is demonstrated that the proposed neural network system is able to act as a joint channel equaliser and symbol receiver with bandwidth compression of up to 60% when compared to orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). The effect of overfitting to the training environment is also tested, and the proposed system is shown to generalise well to unseen vehicular environments with no notable impact on the bit-error rate performance. Thirdly, methods for generating inputs and outputs of neural networks from complex constellation points are investigated, and it is reasoned that creating ‘split complex’ neural networks should not be preferred over ‘contatenated complex’ neural networks in most settings. A new and novel loss function, namely error vector magnitude (EVM) loss, is then created for the purposes of training neural networks in a communications setting that tightly couples the objective function of a neural network during training to the performance metrics of transmission when deployed practically. This loss function is used to train neural networks in complex environments and is then compared to popular methods from the literature where it is demonstrated that EVM loss translates better into practical applications. It achieved the lowest EVM error, thus bit-error rate, across all experiments by a margin of 3dB when compared to its closest achieving alternative. The results continue and show how in the experiment EVM loss was able to improve spectral efficiency by 67% over the baseline without affecting performance. Finally, neural networks combined with the new EVM loss function are further tested in wider communication settings such as visible light communication (VLC) to validate the efficacy and flexibility of the proposed system. The results show that neural networks are capable of overcoming significant challenges in wireless environments, and when paired with efficient physical layer waveforms like SEFDM and an appropriate loss function such as EVM loss are able to make good use of a congested spectrum. The authors demonstrated for the first time in practical experimentation with SEFDM that spectral efficiency gains of up to 50% are achievable, and that previous SEFDM limitations from the literature with regards to number of subcarriers and size of the transmit constellation are alleviated via the use of neural networksEPSRC, Newcastle Universit

    Entwicklung einer Fully-Convolutional-Netzwerkarchitektur für die Detektion von defekten LED-Chips in Photolumineszenzbildern

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    Nowadays, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) can be found in a large variety of applications, from standard LEDs in domestic lighting solutions to advanced chip designs in automobiles, smart watches and video walls. The advances in chip design also affect the test processes, where the execution of certain contact measurements is exacerbated by ever decreasing chip dimensions or even rendered impossible due to the chip design. As an instance, wafer probing determines the electrical and optical properties of all LED chips on a wafer by contacting each and every chip with a prober needle. Chip designs without a contact pad on the surface, however, elude wafer probing and while electrical and optical properties can be determined by sample measurements, defective LED chips are distributed randomly over the wafer. Here, advanced data analysis methods provide a new approach to gather defect information from already available non-contact measurements. Photoluminescence measurements, for example, record a brightness image of an LED wafer, where conspicuous brightness values indicate defective chips. To extract these defect information from photoluminescence images, a computer-vision algorithm is required that transforms photoluminescence images into defect maps. In other words, each and every pixel of a photoluminescence image must be classifed into a class category via semantic segmentation, where so-called fully-convolutional-network algorithms represent the state-of-the-art method. However, the aforementioned task poses several challenges: on the one hand, each pixel in a photoluminescence image represents an LED chip and thus, pixel-fine output resolution is required. On the other hand, photoluminescence images show a variety of brightness values from wafer to wafer in addition to local areas of differing brightness. Additionally, clusters of defective chips assume various shapes, sizes and brightness gradients and thus, the algorithm must reliably recognise objects at multiple scales. Finally, not all salient brightness values correspond to defective LED chips, requiring the algorithm to distinguish salient brightness values corresponding to measurement artefacts, non-defect structures and defects, respectively. In this dissertation, a novel fully-convolutional-network architecture was developed that allows the accurate segmentation of defective LED chips in highly variable photoluminescence wafer images. For this purpose, the basic fully-convolutional-network architecture was modifed with regard to the given application and advanced architectural concepts were incorporated so as to enable a pixel-fine output resolution and a reliable segmentation of multiple scaled defect structures. Altogether, the developed dense ASPP Vaughan architecture achieved a pixel accuracy of 97.5 %, mean pixel accuracy of 96.2% and defect-class accuracy of 92.0 %, trained on a dataset of 136 input-label pairs and hereby showed that fully-convolutional-network algorithms can be a valuable contribution to data analysis in industrial manufacturing.Leuchtdioden (LEDs) werden heutzutage in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen verbaut, angefangen bei Standard-LEDs in der Hausbeleuchtung bis hin zu technisch fortgeschrittenen Chip-Designs in Automobilen, Smartwatches und Videowänden. Die Weiterentwicklungen im Chip-Design beeinflussen auch die Testprozesse: Hierbei wird die Durchführung bestimmter Kontaktmessungen durch zunehmend verringerte Chip-Dimensionen entweder erschwert oder ist aufgrund des Chip-Designs unmöglich. Die sogenannteWafer-Prober-Messung beispielsweise ermittelt die elektrischen und optischen Eigenschaften aller LED-Chips auf einem Wafer, indem jeder einzelne Chip mit einer Messnadel kontaktiert und vermessen wird; Chip-Designs ohne Kontaktpad auf der Oberfläche können daher nicht durch die Wafer-Prober-Messung charakterisiert werden. Während die elektrischen und optischen Chip-Eigenschaften auch mittels Stichprobenmessungen bestimmt werden können, verteilen sich defekte LED-Chips zufällig über die Waferfläche. Fortgeschrittene Datenanalysemethoden ermöglichen hierbei einen neuen Ansatz, Defektinformationen aus bereits vorhandenen, berührungslosen Messungen zu gewinnen. Photolumineszenzmessungen, beispielsweise, erfassen ein Helligkeitsbild des LEDWafers, in dem auffällige Helligkeitswerte auf defekte LED-Chips hinweisen. Ein Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmus, der diese Defektinformationen aus Photolumineszenzbildern extrahiert und ein Defektabbild erstellt, muss hierzu jeden einzelnen Bildpunkt mittels semantischer Segmentation klassifizieren, eine Technik bei der sogenannte Fully-Convolutional-Netzwerke den Stand der Technik darstellen. Die beschriebene Aufgabe wird jedoch durch mehrere Faktoren erschwert: Einerseits entspricht jeder Bildpunkt eines Photolumineszenzbildes einem LED-Chip, so dass eine bildpunktfeine Auflösung der Netzwerkausgabe notwendig ist. Andererseits weisen Photolumineszenzbilder sowohl stark variierende Helligkeitswerte von Wafer zu Wafer als auch lokal begrenzte Helligkeitsabweichungen auf. Zusätzlich nehmen Defektanhäufungen unterschiedliche Formen, Größen und Helligkeitsgradienten an, weswegen der Algorithmus Objekte verschiedener Abmessungen zuverlässig erkennen können muss. Schlussendlich weisen nicht alle auffälligen Helligkeitswerte auf defekte LED-Chips hin, so dass der Algorithmus in der Lage sein muss zu unterscheiden, ob auffällige Helligkeitswerte mit Messartefakten, defekten LED-Chips oder defektfreien Strukturen korrelieren. In dieser Dissertation wurde eine neuartige Fully-Convolutional-Netzwerkarchitektur entwickelt, die die akkurate Segmentierung defekter LED-Chips in stark variierenden Photolumineszenzbildern von LED-Wafern ermöglicht. Zu diesem Zweck wurde die klassische Fully-Convolutional-Netzwerkarchitektur hinsichtlich der beschriebenen Anwendung angepasst und fortgeschrittene architektonische Konzepte eingearbeitet, um eine bildpunktfeine Ausgabeauflösung und eine zuverlässige Sementierung verschieden großer Defektstrukturen umzusetzen. Insgesamt erzielt die entwickelte dense-ASPP-Vaughan-Architektur eine Pixelgenauigkeit von 97,5 %, durchschnittliche Pixelgenauigkeit von 96,2% und eine Defektklassengenauigkeit von 92,0 %, trainiert mit einem Datensatz von 136 Bildern. Hiermit konnte gezeigt werden, dass Fully-Convolutional-Netzwerke eine wertvolle Erweiterung der Datenanalysemethoden sein können, die in der industriellen Fertigung eingesetzt werden