1,018 research outputs found

    Television and Movie Viewing Predict Adults’ Romantic Ideals and Relationship Satisfaction

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    The current study examined the associations between television and movie use, romantic ideals (belief in love conquers all and soul mates), and relationship satisfaction amongst adults who were currently in romantic relationships. Participants were 306 individuals aged 18 to 64. They were asked about their media use, their romantic beliefs, and their current relationship. In addition to overall time spent watching television and movies, seven specific genres were measured. Results indicated that viewing each genre of television and movie analyzed (including relationship reality TV, TV drama, TV comedy, soap opera, and romantic movie) was positively associated with romantic ideals. The results for television were not in the hypothesized direction or consistent with prior studies. Television drama and romantic movie viewing were the strongest predictors of belief in love conquers all and relationship satisfaction whereas soap opera viewing was the strongest predictor of belief in soul mates. None of these associations were moderated by age or relationship length. Additionally, mediation analyses showed that specific genres of viewing were positively associated with relationship satisfaction via romantic ideals. The implications of viewing television and movies for adults’ romantic relationships are discussed.https://digitalcommons.snc.edu/faculty_staff_works/1022/thumbnail.jp

    More Than Love: Eugenics and the Future of Loving v. Virginia

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    This Symposium is dedicated to celebrating how Loving v. Virginia paved the way for greater acceptance of multiracial families and interracial intimacy. Loving is largely understood as a case that rejected the bigotry and hatred experienced by interracial couples and affirmed the idea that law supports love across racial lines. With this narrative comes the popular understanding that Loving stands for the notion that love conquers all. This idea has shaped other legal strategies and social movements, such as the effort to have same-sex marriage legally recognized. Thus, Loving is thought of as drawing attention to the importance of romantic notions of love in creating a more inclusive society. But, in this brief Essay, allow me to explore one simple provocation: Loving was not simply about love

    In the Hours between You and Me

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    This creative writing thesis incorporates memoir writing and fiction by Amanda Mattern. Introduction Chapter 1: The France Chronicles Obligatoire Le Bus [untitled] Chapter 2: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Relationships are a Bitch Love Conquers All Alone Isn\u27t Lonely, It\u27s Safety My Bottom Line The Relationship Agreement Chapter 3: It All Comes Down to Family Preggers 10500 NW Greenview Lane I\u27ll Be Loving You Always The Game of LIFE Chapter 4: Happily Ever Afters Hiding Come to Our Wedding, It\u27s in a Mausoleum Perfectly Buttered Toas

    Love Conquers All: The Power of the Indian Film to Free the Audience from Orientalism

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    Indian film and the way it interacts with the non-Indian fan community for Indian film presents an alternative to Oriantalist discourses by reaching out on an emotional level. Through surveys and interviews, this study shows how the fans find the films, find a community, and build a connection to India based on their initial massive emotional reaction to the films. By first looking at other scholarship on the topic, then the history of Indian film, it becomes apparent that this connection is outside of Said’s “network of interests” (3) that controls how the Orient is viewed, as the films have always been denigrated and ignored by the powerful both in India and abroad. Further, a study of the demographics of the fans and their history with the films shows how the emotional content allows the films to spread outside of their original audience and therefore introduce westerners to a human connection with India through the films

    Does Movie Viewing Cultivate Unrealistic Expectations about Love and Marriage?

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    The present study investigated the connection between romantic movie viewing frequency and endorsement of dysfunctional beliefs for romantic relationships in a university-based sample of 228 participants. Respondents completed a questionnaire in which they reported demographic information as well as responses to the several scales that measure endorsement of romantic ideals. I base this investigation of Segrin and Nabi’s (2002) examination of television viewing habits and proclivity for unrealistic expectations of sex, love, and marriage. Both the current study and the investigation conducted by Segrin and Nabi (2002) support the supposition that media play a part in reinforcing beliefs about coupleships. Frequent viewing of romantic comedy and drama films seems intimately tied to affirmation of love myths and idealistic expectations. Results, implications, and suggestions for future research are addressed

    Herald of Holiness Volume 78 Number 06 (1989)

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    Cover Photo Credit: Norman Poole ARTICLES 4 What Makes A Church Grow?, Artie H. Whitworth 5 Giving To Keep, Charles Gailey 6 Love Conquers All, Albert Lown 10 Holiness and Eternal Things, J. Melton Thomas 11 The Hayford Street Gang, Russell Metcalfe 12 Our Help Comes From God, Dorothy Boone Kidney 14 Brokering the True Power, Stan Meek 16 Caring For the Homosexual, Paul D. Tarrant 17 Am I Dodging Accountability?, Dellora West POEMS 9 Simon Peter Speaks, Virgie Mae Webber-Klein 15 Soldiers Are A’marching, Richard A. Miller 17 Gravesight, E. Ruth Glover COLUMNS 2 The Paradox of the Cross, General Superintendent William M. Greathouse 7 “Because You Gave ...”, From the Pit to the Pulpit— Kathie Ketchum 8 Life on the Boundary with Linda Stevens…, Al Truesdale 13 Nazarene Roots: Dividing the Ranks, Part 2 18 The Editor’s Standpoint, W. E. McCumber 21 By All Means, Forgiving and Forgiven— Newman Sheldon DEPARTMENTS 20 Answer Corner 20 Letters 22 In the News 33 News of Religion 35 Late Newshttps://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh/1113/thumbnail.jp

    The Effects of Film Viewing on Young Adults’ Perceptions on Love and Intimacy

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    Herald of Holiness Volume 78 Number 06 (1989)

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    Cover Photo Credit: Norman Poole ARTICLES 4 What Makes A Church Grow?, Artie H. Whitworth 5 Giving To Keep, Charles Gailey 6 Love Conquers All, Albert Lown 10 Holiness and Eternal Things, J. Melton Thomas 11 The Hayford Street Gang, Russell Metcalfe 12 Our Help Comes From God, Dorothy Boone Kidney 14 Brokering the True Power, Stan Meek 16 Caring For the Homosexual, Paul D. Tarrant 17 Am I Dodging Accountability?, Dellora West POEMS 9 Simon Peter Speaks, Virgie Mae Webber-Klein 15 Soldiers Are A’marching, Richard A. Miller 17 Gravesight, E. Ruth Glover COLUMNS 2 The Paradox of the Cross, General Superintendent William M. Greathouse 7 “Because You Gave ...”, From the Pit to the Pulpit— Kathie Ketchum 8 Life on the Boundary with Linda Stevens…, Al Truesdale 13 Nazarene Roots: Dividing the Ranks, Part 2 18 The Editor’s Standpoint, W. E. McCumber 21 By All Means, Forgiving and Forgiven— Newman Sheldon DEPARTMENTS 20 Answer Corner 20 Letters 22 In the News 33 News of Religion 35 Late Newshttps://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh/1113/thumbnail.jp

    The teenage love: Do Spanish early-middle adolescents believe in the romantic love?

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    Romantic beliefs are associated to attachment anxiety, acceptability of abusive relationships and justification of violent behavior. Adolescence is a crucial stage for the consolidation of identity. The aim of this study is to analyze the myths of romantic love and examine gender differences among 448 Span-ish early-middle adolescents (M = 12.92; SD = 0.85) that were attending the first and second year of the Spanish secondary education. The Myths, Fallacies and Misconceptions about Romantic Love Scale by Luzón et al. (2011) was administered in the classrooms during tutoring hours and was supervised by a group of psychologists. Results showed that out of the total of 18 myths of romantic love in the evaluation, the average number that the adolescents said they believed in was 9.03 (SD = 3.13). The highest scores were obtained in factors named “Love implies possession and exclusivity” and “True love is predestined”. The better-half myth, the myth of jealousy and the idea of love between couples is the fundamental reason behind the ex-istence were the most frequent beliefs. Statistically significant gender differences were found. Adolescent males reported that they believed in a higher number of myths of romantic love and obtained the highest percentages in most beliefs in myths. Findings show shows that biases and fallacies related to romantic love have already been formed in early adolescence and that appears differentially according to gender. These results can be useful in the planning and design of preventive programs.El amor adolescente: ¿Creen los adolescentes españoles en el amor romántico?. Las creencias románticas están asociadas al apego ansioso, la aceptación de las relaciones abusivas y la justificación de la conducta violenta. La adolescencia es una etapa crucial para la consolidación de la iden-tidad. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los mitos del amor romántico y examinar las diferencias de género en 448 adolescentes españoles tem-pranos-medios (M = 12,92; DT = 0,85) que cursaban primer y segundo año de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Se administró la Escala de mitos, falacias y conceptos erróneos sobre el amor romántico de Luzón et al. (2011) en las aulas. Los resultados mostraron que, del total de 18 mitos de amor romántico evaluados, el número promedio en el que los adolescentes dijeron creer fue de 9,03 (DT = 3,13). Las puntuaciones más altas se obtuvieron en los factores denominados “El amor implica posesión y exclusividad” y “El verdadero amor está predestinado”. El mito de la media naranja, el mito de los celos y la idea de que el amor entre parejas es la razón fundamental de la existencia fueron las creencias más frecuentes. Se encontraron diferencias de género estadísticamente significativas. Los adolescentes varones informaron que creían en un mayor número de mitos de amor romántico y obtuvieron los porcentajes más altos en la mayoría de mitos. Los resultados muestran que los prejuicios y falacias relacionados con el amor romántico ya se han formado en la adolescencia temprana y eso aparece de manera diferencial según el género. Estos hallazgos pueden ser útiles en la planificación y diseño de programas preventivos

    a.k.a. Pablo: Mexican American Images for Television

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    The study of minority group images in mass media has been of considerable interest both to humanities and social science writers in the ethnic and media fields. Most investigations have focused upon the descriptive content of the minority portrayals, though a few have also dealt with related aspects of minority group reactions to images. Among the large volume of varied writings have been those which have considered minority group images in films, [1] images of Asian Americans in print and electronic media, [2] dissections of single television shows about minorities, [3] and responses of minority audiences and media critics to television portrayals of their group. [4] In general, studies have tended to find minority media images inaccurate, inadequate, and too infrequent. Explanations for these tendencies have usually emphasized how mass media reflect prejudices existing in the culture of the larger society, the faulty perceptions or decisions of the image·makers (writers, producers, directors, executive programmers), and the underrepresentation of minority persons in important and powerful image-shaping mass media positions
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