110 research outputs found

    Whole-body integration of gene expression and single-cell morphology

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    Animal bodies are composed of cell types with unique expression programs that implement their distinct locations, shapes, structures, and functions. Based on these properties, cell types assemble into specific tissues and organs. To systematically explore the link between cell-type-specific gene expression and morphology, we registered an expression atlas to a whole-body electron microscopy volume of the nereid Platynereis dumerilii. Automated segmentation of cells and nuclei identifies major cell classes and establishes a link between gene activation, chromatin topography, and nuclear size. Clustering of segmented cells according to gene expression reveals spatially coherent tissues. In the brain, genetically defined groups of neurons match ganglionic nuclei with coherent projections. Besides interneurons, we uncover sensory-neurosecretory cells in the nereid mushroom bodies, which thus qualify as sensory organs. They furthermore resemble the vertebrate telencephalon by molecular anatomy. We provide an integrated browser as a Fiji plugin for remote exploration of all available multimodal datasets

    Innovations in ex vivo light sheet fluorescence microscopy

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    Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM) has revolutionized how optical imaging of biological specimens can be performed as this technique allows to produce 3D fluorescence images of entire samples with a high spatiotemporal resolution. In this manuscript, we aim to provide readers with an overview of the field of LSFM on ex vivo samples. Recent advances in LSFM architectures have made the technique widely accessible and have improved its acquisition speed and resolution, among other features. These developments are strongly supported by quantitative analysis of the huge image volumes produced thanks to the boost in computational capacities, the advent of Deep Learning techniques, and by the combination of LSFM with other imaging modalities. Namely, LSFM allows for the characterization of biological structures, disease manifestations and drug effectivity studies. This information can ultimately serve to develop novel diagnostic procedures, treatments and even to model the organs physiology in healthy and pathological conditions.This work was produced with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (TEC2016-78052-R, RTC-2017-6600-1, PID2019-109820RB-100, FPU19/02854)

    Advanced Image Acquisition, Processing Techniques and Applications

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    "Advanced Image Acquisition, Processing Techniques and Applications" is the first book of a series that provides image processing principles and practical software implementation on a broad range of applications. The book integrates material from leading researchers on Applied Digital Image Acquisition and Processing. An important feature of the book is its emphasis on software tools and scientific computing in order to enhance results and arrive at problem solution


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    Biometrics-Unique and Diverse Applications in Nature, Science, and Technology provides a unique sampling of the diverse ways in which biometrics is integrated into our lives and our technology. From time immemorial, we as humans have been intrigued by, perplexed by, and entertained by observing and analyzing ourselves and the natural world around us. Science and technology have evolved to a point where we can empirically record a measure of a biological or behavioral feature and use it for recognizing patterns, trends, and or discrete phenomena, such as individuals' and this is what biometrics is all about. Understanding some of the ways in which we use biometrics and for what specific purposes is what this book is all about

    Conceptualization of Computational Modeling Approaches and Interpretation of the Role of Neuroimaging Indices in Pathomechanisms for Pre-Clinical Detection of Alzheimer Disease

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    With swift advancements in next-generation sequencing technologies alongside the voluminous growth of biological data, a diversity of various data resources such as databases and web services have been created to facilitate data management, accessibility, and analysis. However, the burden of interoperability between dynamically growing data resources is an increasingly rate-limiting step in biomedicine, specifically concerning neurodegeneration. Over the years, massive investments and technological advancements for dementia research have resulted in large proportions of unmined data. Accordingly, there is an essential need for intelligent as well as integrative approaches to mine available data and substantiate novel research outcomes. Semantic frameworks provide a unique possibility to integrate multiple heterogeneous, high-resolution data resources with semantic integrity using standardized ontologies and vocabularies for context- specific domains. In this current work, (i) the functionality of a semantically structured terminology for mining pathway relevant knowledge from the literature, called Pathway Terminology System, is demonstrated and (ii) a context-specific high granularity semantic framework for neurodegenerative diseases, known as NeuroRDF, is presented. Neurodegenerative disorders are especially complex as they are characterized by widespread manifestations and the potential for dramatic alterations in disease progression over time. Early detection and prediction strategies through clinical pointers can provide promising solutions for effective treatment of AD. In the current work, we have presented the importance of bridging the gap between clinical and molecular biomarkers to effectively contribute to dementia research. Moreover, we address the need for a formalized framework called NIFT to automatically mine relevant clinical knowledge from the literature for substantiating high-resolution cause-and-effect models

    Development of a complete advanced computational workflow for high-resolution LDI-MS metabolomics imaging data processing and visualization

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    La imatge per espectrometria de masses (MSI) mapeja la distribució espacial de les molècules en una mostra. Això permet extreure informació Metabolòmica espacialment corralada d'una secció de teixit. MSI no s'usa àmpliament en la metabolòmica espacial a causa de diverses limitacions relacionades amb les matrius MALDI, incloent la generació d'ions que interfereixen en el rang de masses més baix i la difusió lateral dels compostos. Hem desenvolupat un flux de treball que millora l'adquisició de metabòlits en un instrument MALDI utilitzant un "sputtering" per dipositar una nano-capa d'Au directament sobre el teixit. Això minimitza la interferència dels senyals del "background" alhora que permet resolucions espacials molt altes. S'ha desenvolupat un paquet R per a la visualització d'imatges i processament de les dades MSI, tot això mitjançant una implementació optimitzada per a la gestió de la memòria i la programació concurrent. A més, el programari desenvolupat inclou també un algoritme per a l'alineament de masses que millora la precisió de massa.La imagen por espectrometría de masas (MSI) mapea la distribución espacial de las moléculas en una muestra. Esto permite extraer información metabolòmica espacialmente corralada de una sección de tejido. MSI no se usa ampliamente en la metabolòmica espacial debido a varias limitaciones relacionadas con las matrices MALDI, incluyendo la generación de iones que interfieren en el rango de masas más bajo y la difusión lateral de los compuestos. Hemos desarrollado un flujo de trabajo que mejora la adquisición de metabolitos en un instrumento MALDI utilizando un “sputtering” para depositar una nano-capa de Au directamente sobre el tejido. Esto minimiza la interferencia de las señales del “background” a la vez que permite resoluciones espaciales muy altas. Se ha desarrollado un paquete R para la visualización de imágenes y procesado de los datos MSI, todo ello mediante una implementación optimizada para la gestión de la memoria y la programación concurrente. Además, el software desarrollado incluye también un algoritmo para el alineamiento de masas que mejora la precisión de masa.Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) maps the spatial distributions of molecules in a sample. This allows extracting spatially-correlated metabolomics information from tissue sections. MSI is not widely used in spatial metabolomics due to several limitations related with MALDI matrices, including the generation of interfering ions and in the low mass range and the lateral compound delocalization. We developed a workflow to improve the acquisition of metabolites using a MALDI instrument. We sputter an Au nano-layer directly onto the tissue section enabling the acquisition of metabolites with minimal interference of background signals and ultra-high spatial resolution. We developed an R package for image visualization and MSI data processing, which is optimized to manage datasets larger than computer’s memory using a mutli-threaded implementation. Moreover, our software includes a label-free mass alignment algorithm for mass accuracy enhancement

    Supporting Quantitative Visual Analysis in Medicine and Biology in the Presence of Data Uncertainty

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