19,115 research outputs found

    Impact of scalability in video transmission in promotion-capable differentiated services networks

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    Transmission of high quality video over the Internet faces many challenges including unpredictable packet loss characteristics of the current Internet and the heterogeneity of receivers in terms of their bandwidth and processing capabilities. To address these challanges, we propose an architecture in this paper that is based on the temporally scalable and error resilient video coding mode of the H.263+ codec. In this architecture, the video frames will be transported over a new generation IP network that supports differentiated services (Diffserv). We also propose a novel Two Rate Three Color Promotion-Capable Marker (trTCPCM) to be used at the edge of the diffserv network. Our simulation study demonstrates that an average of 30 dB can be achieved in case of highly congested links

    Error-resilient performance of Dirac video codec over packet-erasure channel

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    Video transmission over the wireless or wired network requires error-resilient mechanism since compressed video bitstreams are sensitive to transmission errors because of the use of predictive coding and variable length coding. This paper investigates the performance of a simple and low complexity error-resilient coding scheme which combines source and channel coding to protect compressed bitstream of wavelet-based Dirac video codec in the packet-erasure channel. By partitioning the wavelet transform coefficients of the motion-compensated residual frame into groups and independently processing each group using arithmetic and Forward Error Correction (FEC) coding, Dirac could achieves the robustness to transmission errors by giving the video quality which is gracefully decreasing over a range of packet loss rates up to 30% when compared with conventional FEC only methods. Simulation results also show that the proposed scheme using multiple partitions can achieve up to 10 dB PSNR gain over its existing un-partitioned format. This paper also investigates the error-resilient performance of the proposed scheme in comparison with H.264 over packet-erasure channel

    Layered Wyner-Ziv video coding: a new approach to video compression and delivery

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    Following recent theoretical works on successive Wyner-Ziv coding, we propose a practical layered Wyner-Ziv video coder using the DCT, nested scalar quantiza- tion, and irregular LDPC code based Slepian-Wolf coding (or lossless source coding with side information at the decoder). Our main novelty is to use the base layer of a standard scalable video coder (e.g., MPEG-4/H.26L FGS or H.263+) as the decoder side information and perform layered Wyner-Ziv coding for quality enhance- ment. Similar to FGS coding, there is no performance di®erence between layered and monolithic Wyner-Ziv coding when the enhancement bitstream is generated in our proposed coder. Using an H.26L coded version as the base layer, experiments indicate that Wyner-Ziv coding gives slightly worse performance than FGS coding when the channel (for both the base and enhancement layers) is noiseless. However, when the channel is noisy, extensive simulations of video transmission over wireless networks conforming to the CDMA2000 1X standard show that H.26L base layer coding plus Wyner-Ziv enhancement layer coding are more robust against channel errors than H.26L FGS coding. These results demonstrate that layered Wyner-Ziv video coding is a promising new technique for video streaming over wireless networks. For scalable video transmission over the Internet and 3G wireless networks, we propose a system for receiver-driven layered multicast based on layered Wyner-Ziv video coding and digital fountain coding. Digital fountain codes are near-capacity erasure codes that are ideally suited for multicast applications because of their rate- less property. By combining an error-resilient Wyner-Ziv video coder and rateless fountain codes, our system allows reliable multicast of high-quality video to an arbi- trary number of heterogeneous receivers without the requirement of feedback chan- nels. Extending this work on separate source-channel coding, we consider distributed joint source-channel coding by using a single channel code for both video compression (via Slepian-Wolf coding) and packet loss protection. We choose Raptor codes - the best approximation to a digital fountain - and address in detail both encoder and de- coder designs. Simulation results show that, compared to one separate design using Slepian-Wolf compression plus erasure protection and another based on FGS coding plus erasure protection, the proposed joint design provides better video quality at the same number of transmitted packets

    Cross layer techniques for flexible transport protocol using UDP-Lite over a satellite network

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    Traditional real-time multimedia and streaming services have utilised UDP over RTP. Wireless transmission, by its nature, may introduce a variable, sometimes high bit error ratio. Current transport layer protocols drop all corrupted packets, in contrast, protocols such as UDP-Lite allow error-resilient applications to be supported in the networking stack. This paper presents experimental quantitative performance metrics using H.264 and UDP Lite for the next generation transport of IP multimedia, and discusses the architectural implications for enhancing performance of a wireless and/or satellite environment

    Optimal packetisation of MPEG-4 using RTP over mobile networks

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    The introduction of third-generation wireless networks should result in real-time mobile video communications becoming a reality. Delivery of such video is likely to be facilitated by the realtime transport protocol (RTP). Careful packetisation of the video data is necessary to ensure the optimal trade-off between channel utilisation and error robustness. Theoretical analyses for two basic schemes of MPEG-4 data encapsulation within RTP packets are presented. Simulations over a GPRS (general packet radio service) network are used to validate the analysis of the most efficient scheme. Finally, a motion adaptive system for deriving MPEG-4 video packet sizes is presented. Further simulations demonstrate the benefits of the adaptive system

    Overlay networks for smart grids

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    Robust multi-view video streaming through adaptive intra refresh video transcoding

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    A multi-view video (MVV) transcoder has been designed. The objective is to deliver maximum quality 3D video data from the source to the 2D video destination, through a wireless communication channel using all of its available bandwidth. This design makes use of the spatial and view downscaling algorithm. The method involves the reuse of motion information obtained from both the reference frames and views. Consequently, highly compressed MVV is converted into low bit rate single view video that is compliant with H.264/AVC format. Adaptive intra refresh (AIR) error resilience tool is configured to mitigate the error propagation resulting from channel conditions. Experimental results indicate that error resilience plus transcoding performed better than the cascaded technique. Simulation results demonstrated an efficient 3D video streaming service applied to low power mobile devices

    Research and developments of distributed video coding

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.The recent developed Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is typically suitable for the applications such as wireless/wired video sensor network, mobile camera etc. where the traditional video coding standard is not feasible due to the constrained computation at the encoder. With DVC, the computational burden is moved from encoder to decoder. The compression efficiency is achieved via joint decoding at the decoder. The practical application of DVC is referred to Wyner-Ziv video coding (WZ) where the side information is available at the decoder to perform joint decoding. This join decoding inevitably causes a very complex decoder. In current WZ video coding issues, many of them emphasise how to improve the system coding performance but neglect the huge complexity caused at the decoder. The complexity of the decoder has direct influence to the system output. The beginning period of this research targets to optimise the decoder in pixel domain WZ video coding (PDWZ), while still achieves similar compression performance. More specifically, four issues are raised to optimise the input block size, the side information generation, the side information refinement process and the feedback channel respectively. The transform domain WZ video coding (TDWZ) has distinct superior performance to the normal PDWZ due to the exploitation in spatial direction during the encoding. However, since there is no motion estimation at the encoder in WZ video coding, the temporal correlation is not exploited at all at the encoder in all current WZ video coding issues. In the middle period of this research, the 3D DCT is adopted in the TDWZ to remove redundancy in both spatial and temporal direction thus to provide even higher coding performance. In the next step of this research, the performance of transform domain Distributed Multiview Video Coding (DMVC) is also investigated. Particularly, three types transform domain DMVC frameworks which are transform domain DMVC using TDWZ based 2D DCT, transform domain DMVC using TDWZ based on 3D DCT and transform domain residual DMVC using TDWZ based on 3D DCT are investigated respectively. One of the important applications of WZ coding principle is error-resilience. There have been several attempts to apply WZ error-resilient coding for current video coding standard e.g. H.264/AVC or MEPG 2. The final stage of this research is the design of WZ error-resilient scheme for wavelet based video codec. To balance the trade-off between error resilience ability and bandwidth consumption, the proposed scheme emphasises the protection of the Region of Interest (ROI) area. The efficiency of bandwidth utilisation is achieved by mutual efforts of WZ coding and sacrificing the quality of unimportant area. In summary, this research work contributed to achieves several advances in WZ video coding. First of all, it is targeting to build an efficient PDWZ with optimised decoder. Secondly, it aims to build an advanced TDWZ based on 3D DCT, which then is applied into multiview video coding to realise advanced transform domain DMVC. Finally, it aims to design an efficient error-resilient scheme for wavelet video codec, with which the trade-off between bandwidth consumption and error-resilience can be better balanced