154 research outputs found

    High-Level Synthesis for Embedded Systems

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    High-level synthesis of VLSI circuits

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    Design of an asynchronous processor

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    Microsemi RTG4 Rev C Field Programmable Gate Array Single Event Effects (SEE) Heavy-Ion Test Report

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    The goal of this study was to perform an independent investigation of single event destructive and transient susceptibility of the Microsemi RTG4 device. The devices under test were the Microsemi RTG4 field programmable gate array (FPGA) Rev C. The devices under test will be referenced as the DUT or RTG4 Rev C throughout this document. The DUT was configured to have various test structures that are geared to measure specific potential susceptibilities of the device. DesignDevice susceptibility was determined by monitoring the DUT for Single Event Transient (SET) and Single Event Upset (SEU) induced faults by exposing the DUT to a heavy ion beam. Potential Single Event Latch-up (SEL) was checked throughout heavy-ion testing by monitoring device current

    A Dataflow Framework For Developing Flexible Embedded Accelerators A Computer Vision Case Study.

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    The focus of this dissertation is the design and the implementation of a computing platform which can accelerate data processing in the embedded computation domain. We focus on a heterogeneous computing platform, whose hardware implementation can approach the power and area efficiency of specialized designs, while remaining flexible across the application domain. The multi-core architectures require parallel programming, which is widely-regarded as more challenging than sequential programming. Although shared memory parallel programs may be fairly easy to write (using OpenMP, for example), they are quite hard to optimize; providing embedded application developers with optimizing tools and programming frameworks is a challenge. The heterogeneous specialized elements make the problem even more difficult. Dataflow is a parallel computation model that relies exclusively on message passing, and that has some advantages over parallel programming tools in wide use today: simplicity, graphical representation, and determinism. Dataflow model is also a good match to streaming applications, such as audio, video and image processing, which operate on large sequences of data and are characterized by abundant parallelism and regular memory access patterns. Dataflow model of computation has gained acceptance in simulation and signal-processing communities. This thesis evaluates the applicability of the dataflow model for implementing domain-specific embedded accelerators for streaming applications

    Extracting Data-Level Parallelism in High-Level Synthesis for Reconfigurable Architectures

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    High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools are a set of algorithms that allow programmers to obtain implementable Hardware Description Language (HDL) code from specifications written high-level, sequential languages such as C, C++, or Java. HLS has allowed programmers to code in their preferred language while still obtaining all the benefits hardware acceleration has to offer without them needing to be intimately familiar with the hardware platform of the accelerator. In this work we summarize and expand upon several of our approaches to improve the automatic memory banking capabilities of HLS tools targeting reconfigurable architectures, namely Field-Programmable Gate Arrays or FPGA\u27s. We explored several approaches to automatically find the optimal partition factor and a usable banking scheme for stencil kernels including a tessellation based approach using multiple families of hyperplanes to do the partitioning which was able to find a better banking factor than current state-of-the-art methods and a graph theory methodology that allowed us to mathematically prove the optimality of our banking solutions. For non-stencil kernels we relaxed some of the conditions in our graph-based model to propose a best-effort solution to arbitrarily reduce memory access conflicts (simultaneous accesses to the same memory bank). We also proposed a non-linear transformation using prime factorization to convert a small subset of non-stencil kernels into stencil memory accesses, allowing us to use all previous work in memory partition to them. Our approaches were able to obtain better results than commercial tools and state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of reduced resource utilization and increased frequency of operation. We were also able to obtain better partition factors for some stencil kernels and usable baking schemes for non-stencil kernels with better performance than any applicable existing algorithm

    FPGA Frequency Domain Based Gps Coarse Acquisition Processor using FFT

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    The Global Positioning System or GPS is a satellite based technology that has gained widespread use worldwide in civilian and military applications. Direct Sequence Spread spectrum (DSSS) is the method whereby the data transmitted by the satellite and received by user is kept secure, low power and relatively noise-immune. The first step required in the GPS operation is to perform a lock on the incoming signal, both with respect to time synchronization and frequency resolution. Because of the need for reduced time to lock and also reduced hardware, algorithms based in the frequency domain have been developed. These algorithms take advantage of the time to frequency matrix operation known as the fast Fourier transform or FFT. For this thesis, a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Coarse Acquisition code processor based on the FFT was implemented in VHDL and targeted to a Xilinx Virtex –II Pro Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The use of the FFT allows simultaneous lock on coarse acquisition (C/A) code and carrier frequency. Because of hardware limitations, a novel technique of sub-sampling is used in this system to obtain data block sizes that match hardware limitations. In addition, design challenges related to scheduling and timing were addressed, allowing a system with 19 pipeline stages to be built. The system, which fits on a Xilinx Virtex-II pro XC2VP70 FPGA, uses 10 ms of data to perform the lock with 5.5 ms of processing time at 100 MHz and theoretically can operate on signals 20 db below the noise floor