11 research outputs found

    New Mixed Integer Programming for Facility Layout Design without Loss of Department Area

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    This paper proposes a New Mixed Integer Programming (NMIP) for solving facility layout problem (FLP). The formulation is extensively tested on problems from literature to minimize material handling cost when addresses on the shop floor. Every department and shop floor in tested problem were fixed dimension of length and width. Classic Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) solves FLP with fixed layout area and preset each department’s lower-upper limit of length and width. As a result, there might be some departments with 5-10% area less than initial layout design requirements which leads to problem in design and construction process. It is infeasible to address the department on the actual shop floor thus adjustment of result from MIP is required. The main purpose of NMIP is to eliminate such infeasibility and show the efficiency of this model. Keywords: mixed integer programing, facility layout design, facility layout problem, heuristic


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    This study examined the application of facility layout and materials handling management for operational performance as case study of a manufacturing company. Three specific objectives were established and data were collected from respondents using an open-ended question survey. The findings revealed that facility layout improves operational performance of production lines, decreases bottleneck rate, minimizes materials handling cost, reduces idle time, increases the efficiency and utilization of labour, equipment and space. Therefore, concluded that facility layout redesign and materials handling management resulted in significant reduction of the following indicators: amount of total workflow, material handling cost, total travel distance of goods, space used for assembly, number of workers, labor cost of workers and the number of stops. We recommended organizations should strictly adhere to management policy on facility layout and computerize their materials management system in line with the global changes for ease to track the movement of materials in the store

    Facility Planning and Associated Problems: A Survey

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    In this study, we have classified and reviewed different types of problems which are related to facility planning and layout design for different types of manufacturing processes. The main problems which are related to location of  facilities which also affects the system performance  such as distribution of man, material and machine in a plant or a factory and their optimization technique while using of mathematical models, their solutions and application related to whole problems is presented. For solving this type of problems, intelligent techniques such as expert systems, fuzzy logic and neutral networks have been used. In this paper the recent analysis on facility layout is incorporated and facility layout problem is surveyed. Many intelligent techniques and conventional algorithms for solving FLP are presented. In our discussion different research direction, general remarks and tendencies have been mentioned Keywords—Facility Planning, Material handling Optimization metho

    The material handling procedures in cafeterias at Dewan Penginapan Pelajar (DPP)

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    Material Handling is the movement, storage, control and protection of materials, goods and products throughout the process of manufacturing, distribution, consumption and disposal.The focus is on the methods, mechanical equipment, systems and related controls used to achieve these functions.The material handling industry manufactures and distributes the equipment and services required to implement material handling systems.So to compare the material handling management within to the student cafeteria in Universiti Utara Malaysia, we need to go and see what actually happen in the cafeteria system movement. We have a four student cafeteria in the ‘laluan A’.The first one is a Karisma Jati Cafeteria at DPP MAS, second is a Food Court Sri Bemban at DPP TNB, third is DPP PROTON cafe, and lastly is a DPP TRADEWINDS Cafeteria

    Penggunaan Metode Algoritma Craft dan Blocplan untuk Perbaikan Tata Letak Fasilitas Lantai Produksi pada Industri Sparepart Sepeda Motor

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    Performance and productivity of production line system are very influenced by facility layout planning. Facilities composition which is appropriate with flow of materials between departments, certainly would sustain the continuity of the system. PT. X is one of the subsidiaries of PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. which manufactures motorcycle chains. Composition of the current layout facilities on the 1st Plant has not fully optimized well and indeed has a potential possibility to be developed further in the future. This statement is supported from the result of existing MHPS which gives Rp 1,047,678.49 for total cost of material handling, 463.1 meters for total distance, and 1,617.24 minutes for total time of material movements. Also, the total area of empty spaces that can be utilized by the company in the current layout is only 89.74 m2. As for the purposes of this research are: analyzing the performance of current layout, developing new layout designs to improve the current one, and comparing the current with proposed improvement layouts. The process of designing proposed layouts is done by using improvement-based algorithm (CRAFT) and hybrid/composite algorithm (BLOCPLAN) that both of the algorithms need same inputs, which are: current facility layout and the flow of material. Based from the results of MHPS calculation for both proposed layouts, show that layout from BLOCPLAN algorithm gives maximal reduction to the total cost of material handling so that the amounts will be decreased to Rp 1,022,419.91 (reducing 2.4% from total cost of current layout), 434.62 meters for total distance (reducing 6.2%), and 1,506.23 minutes for total time of material movements (reducing 6.86%). As for the total area of empty spaces, BLOCPLAN layout gives 110.74 m2 (23.4%) to be minimized than the current layout

    Analysis of OM-Based Literature Reviews on Facility Layout Planning

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    This work consists of a systematized review of the state of the art of reviews for the problem of Facility Layout Planning (FLP) within the Operations Management (OM) field to support the decisions taken for the improvement of the manufacturing and logistics in a factory environment. The first phase begins by defining the search strategies for obtaining the scientific literature, for which we used ten databases. With these, a base of 112 articles was obtained, but after the systematized process was reduced to 32 directly related articles. In the second phase, we executed a Dimensional analysis of these literature review articles employing a quantitative analysis of the sections and subsections of the selected articles. The third phase comprises the identification of gaps and future research lines. Finally, the conclusions obtained from the systematized review process are presented

    Ansatz zur dreidimensionalen Layoutplanung bei heterogener Raumgröße

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    Layoutplanungsprobleme können in zahlreichen Bereichen beobachtet werden, wobei Beziehungen zwischen einzelnen Komponenten zu beachten sind. Für die Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Anwendungsformen existiert eine ebenso große Zahl an unterschiedlichen Optimierungsmodellen. In dieser Arbeit liegt der Fokus auf der Layoutplanung großtechnischer Anlagen. Als Charakteristika werden dabei die variierende Größe der Komponenten, sowie technische und wirtschaftliche Nebenbedingungen berücksichtigt

    Modélisation et conception de boucles d'approvisionnement : contexte multi-produit, multi-état et multi-alternative de traitement :application à un service dans le domaine de la santé

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    Cette thèse propose une méthodologie générique de conception de réseaux logistiques intégrant la logistique inversée à une chaîne régulière d’approvisionnement. Le type de réseaux abordé prévoit la récupération des produits inutilisés des utilisateurs finaux, leur traitement et leur redistribution vers de nouveaux utilisateurs. Suivant leur état, les produits récupérés peuvent être réparés, désassemblés pour la récupération de pièces de rechange ou ultimement être disposés. Les produits réutilisables obtenus suite au traitement sont désignés comme des produits valorisés. Ils représentent une source économique d’approvisionnement, mais dont le standard de qualité est inférieur à ceux offerts à l’état neuf. L’objectif de la méthodologie est de supporter les décisions de localisation et de définition de la mission des unités d’affaires au sein d’un réseau logistique. Elles se prennent à l’égard de la portion de logistique inversée du réseau, particulièrement à l’égard des centres de récupération et de traitement ainsi que des entrepôts de produits valorisés, tout en considérant le fonctionnement courant de la chaîne d’approvisionnement. Elles abordent également l’orientation stratégique des produits vers les alternatives de traitement suivant les possibilités de récupération de produits et la condition du réseau, soit en accord avec les volumes de demande et de récupération, les capacités des sites et les coûts d’opération du réseau. Le réseau est abordé sous un environnement stochastique à l’égard des volumes de demande, de récupération et de traitement, suivant l’état des produits récupérés. Des approches de modélisation sont proposées pour définir les paramètres clés du modèle de programmation mathématique devant servir à la conception d’un tel réseau. Une heuristique basée sur la méthode d’approximation de la moyenne d’échantillonnages (« Sample Average Approximation - SAA »), impliquant les techniques d’échantillonnage de Monte Carlo, est proposée pour résoudre le modèle stochastique. La méthodologie est appliquée au contexte d’attribution, de maintenance, de récupération, de traitement et de redistribution des fauteuils roulants dans la province de Québec, au Canada, régi et administré par la Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ).This thesis proposes a generic methodology for designing logistics networks integrating reverse logistics into a current supply chain. Such networks involve the recovery of unused products from the end-users, and their processing and redistribution toward new users. According to their state, recovered products may be repaired, disassembled for the recovery of parts and disposed. Reusable products resulting from processing are indicated as valorised products. They represent an economical supply source, which meets a lower quality standard compared to new products. The methodology aims at supporting decisions on location and definition of mission of business units. They relate to the reverse logistics portion of a network, particularly as regards recovery and processing centres as well as warehouses for valorised products, while considering the current operating context of a supply chain. Decisions also tackle the strategic proportion of products to be directed toward processing alternatives according to the product recovery possibilities and network conditions, which relate to the recovery and demand volumes with respect to the capacity constraints and operating costs. The network is evaluated in a stochastic environment with regard to the demand, recovery and processing volumes, according to recovered product states. Modeling approaches are proposed to define key parameters for the related mathematical programming model. A heuristics based on the Sample Average Approximation (SAA) method, involving the Monte Carlo sampling methods, is proposed to solve the stochastic model. The methodology is validated with the wheelchair allocation, maintenance, recovery, processing and redistribution context in the Province of Quebec, Canada, governed and managed by the Quebec Health Insurance Board (Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec - RAMQ)