64 research outputs found

    Adjustment processes in chronic aphasia after stroke: Exploring multiple perspectives in the context of a community-based intervention

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    Background: The impact of chronic aphasia following stroke on quality of life (QOL) is widely acknowledged, with improved QOL recognised as an important outcome in aphasia recovery and supported by emerging quantitative measures. One of the key constructs recognised as contributing to QOL in other chronic conditions is psychosocial adjustment, the mechanisms of which are little understood for the person with aphasia. Aims: This study addressed adjustment processes in aphasia by exploring multiple perspectives from people engaged in the Communication Hub for Aphasia in North Tyneside (CHANT), a two-year community intervention for long-term aphasia. The study aimed to explore the adjustment process over time in people with aphasia using thematic analysis of personal narratives derived from a combination of sources: semi-structured interviews with reflections on experiences, quantitative measures of change in QOL and self-assessments of change. Methods & Procedures: Three people with mild or moderate chronic aphasia and three people without aphasia involved in CHANT were recruited (a carer, a volunteer, and a local government employee) to participate in semi-structured interviews at two- to three-month intervals over a 12-month period. A total of 28 semi-structured interviews were transcribed and analysed thematically by a small team using NVivo8 software. Narrative data were interpreted within the broader context of QOL measures and self-assessments of living with aphasia (Mumby & Whitworth, 2012).Outcomes & Results: Changes over time that reflected evidence of psychosocial adjustment from the multiple perspectives of the participants covered five core themes: Intervention type, Effectiveness, Barriers, Facilitators, and QOL. A model is proposed to encapsulate the barriers and facilitators that impacted on the process of adjustment and contributed to QOL for individuals involved in the intervention. This model is consistent with the domains from other classifications based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF; World Health Organization, 2001), viewing adjustment as a progression towards “wholeness”. The processes involved in personal (and specifically, emotional) adjustment to aphasia are explored, including three stages in rationalisation—Looking back, Looking around, and Looking forward—and the process of transforming negative emotional reactions into positive outcomes. Conclusions: The processes of adjustment in chronic aphasia are complex and vary both over time and according to individual perspectives and circumstances. This preliminary longitudinal study identified commonalities in participants engaged in long-term intervention over 12 months, enabling models of adjustment to be proposed for further exploration and evaluation

    The Decline of Black Catholicism: What’s Racial Slavery To Do With It?

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    This essay links the current decline of black Catholicism to the racial slavery practiced in Roman Catholicism at its settlement in the USA. Employing missiological anthropological analysis, Assenyoh, S.V.D., argues that the racism that characterized the beginning of New World slavery remains in the Church and accounts for the decline of black Catholicism. Assenyoh calls for persistent critiques of racial slavery in the Church’s history if there must be transformation rather than reformation

    Kemampuan Mengajukan Masalah Direlasikan dengan Kemampuan Berpikir Logis Matematik

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    This study presents a mathematical problem posing ability related to the ability to logical thinking mathematically. The ability mathematical problem posing and logical thinking is an essential capability owned and developed by students to deal with advances in science and technology that rapidly. Since both the ability it becomes important, then needed the capability development guidance if it is associated with the other. In this study also present how the rubric assessment mathematical problem posing to related with the ability logical thinking. It is expected to be a stimulus to develop mathematical problem posing capability optimally. Keyword: Mathematical problem posing, logical thinking


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    AbstrakKajian ini memaparkan tentang kemampuan mengajukan masalah matematis direlasikan dengan kemampuan berpikir logis matematis. Kemampuan mengajukan masalah serta berpikir matematis merupakan kemampuan esensial yang dimiliki dan dikembangkan oleh siswa untuk bisa menghadapi kemajuan IPTEK yang semakin pesat. Karena kedua kemampuan tersebut menjadi hal yang penting, maka diperlukan panduan pengembangan kemampuan tersebut jika dikaitkan satu dengan yang lainnya. Pada kajian ini juga menyajikan bagaimana rubrik penilaian mengajukan masalah direlasikan dengan kemampuan berpikir logis. Hal ini diharapkan dapat menjadi stimulus untuk mengembangkan kemampuan mengajukan masalah matematis secara optimal. AbstractThis study presents a mathematical problem posing ability related to the ability to logical thinking mathematically. The ability mathematical problem posing and logical thinking is an essential capability owned and developed by students to deal with advances in science and technology that rapidly. Since both the ability it becomes important, then needed the capability development guidance if it is associated with the other. In this study also present how the rubric assessment mathematical problem posing to related with the ability logical thinking. It is expected to be a stimulus to develop mathematical problem posing capability optimally

    Development of Student Worksheets to Improve the Ability of Mathematical Problem Posing

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    Activities posing and solving a problem are important parts in mathematics, so the problem posing is an activity that was instrumental in mathematical thinking and become an important part in solving the problem. This type of research is research and development that aims to develop student worksheets through scientific approach with what if not strategy. The research method consists of stages: literature study, observation, interviews, development of student worksheets, assessment of two experts, and restricted trial to the eleventh grade students in SMAN 2 Cimahi, SMAN 3 Cimahi, and SMAN 4 Cimahi. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the student worksheets through scientific approach with what if not strategy load some activities including observing, questioning, trying, reasoning, and concluding. The activity of questioning using what if not strategy involves changing data, adding data, changing data with the same question, or changing question with the same data. The student worksheets also presented some contextual problems in accordance with the experience of students. After tested using worksheet, the improvement of student mathematical problem posing in the three schools was in moderate criteria

    Determination of The GALT Gene in Galactosemic Cataract Patients in Azerbaijan

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    Galactosemia is one of the genetic diseases that can be treated thanks to early detection by genetic screening test. Galactosemia is a hereditary metabolic disease. This disease is heterogeneous and controlled by GALT, GALK, GALE and GALM genes. The presented article is dedicated to galactosemic disease among Azerbaijani patients as a result of GALT (galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase) gene mutations. This study reviews discusses the type of cataracts associated with galactosemia. The genetics of galactosemic patients are evaluated and details of galactose metabolism are described. This study describes the results of the GALT gene analysis of two Azerbaijanian patients with Galactosemic cataract. In one of the patients the heterzygous form of the same mutation, and the homozygous form in the other patient were found. In this study, control and experimental groups were determined, and DNA extracted from the peripheral blood of patients belonging to both groups was subjected to PCR amplification according to standard protocols and sequenced by Sanger sequence method. The symptoms of the disease were reviewed in these patients. Patients presented with jaundice, diarrhea, vomiting, malnutrition, seizures, allergies and more cataracts in the neonatal period. Commonly, Cataract disease is idiopathic origin. Also, patients with cataracts may have an underlying genetic abnormality of galactose metabolism. Elevated levels of galactose and galactose-1-phosphate and absence of GALT activity were diagnosed in the studied patients. Early biochemical and molecular-genetic diagnosis and genetic counseling of patients and their family members are extremely important in the treatment of galactosemia. We selected 25 cataract patients aged 0-45 years and 25 age and sex-matched controls for the study. Blood samples taken from the experimental and control groups, were biochemically and then molecular-genetically analyzed. Mutations Q188R, K285N and N314D were investigated in patients. Of these mutations, only the N314D mutation was detected in two patients. Both heterozygous and homozygous forms of N314D mutation were detected

    Making Meaning of Creativity and Mathematics Teaching

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    Mathematics Problem Solving Skill Acquisition: Learning by Problem Posing or by Problem Solving?

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    Problem posing is an instructional method where students are asked to create problems based on the given information, then solve them. While in an instructional method of problem solving, students learn by solving given problems. The aim of this study was to test: (1) the differences of efficacy between learning by problem posing and the problemsolving method of individual and small group instruction strategies; (2) the interaction effect of learning methods and grouping strategies.With regard to the independent variables, problemsolving skill or cognitive load, a quasi experiment with post-test-only-non-equivalent control group designwas used. Year 7 contextual mathematics problems were tested in this experiment, and one hundreds students, who had sufficient prior knowledge, participated. A 2 by 2 anova was employed for data analysis. The results showed that: (1) problem posing method was significantly more effective than problem-solving method; (2) there was no significant difference in efficacy between individualized instruction and small group instruction strategies; (3) the interaction between learning methods and grouping strategies, where it is more likely that learning problem posing was better than problem solving for individual instruction

    Mathematics problem solving skill acquisition: Learning by problem posing or by problem solving

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    Problem posing is an instructional method where students are asked to create problems based on the given information, then solve them. While in an instructional method of problem solving, students learn by solving given problems. The aim of this study was to test: (1) the differences of efficacy between learning by problem posing and the problem solving method of individual and small group instruction strategies; (2) the interaction effect of learning methods and grouping strategies.With regard to the independent variables, problem solving skill or cognitive load, a quasi experiment with post-test-onlynon-equivalent control group design was used. Year 7 contextual mathematics problems were tested in this experiment, and one hundreds students, who had sufficient prior knowledge, participated. A 2 by 2 anova was employed for data analysis. The results showed that: (1) problem posing method was significantly more effective than problem-solving method; (2) there was no significant difference in efficacy between individualized instruction and small group instruction strategies; (3) the interaction between learning methods and grouping strategies, where it is more likely that learning problem posing was better than problem solving for individual instruction

    Reconocimiento de niveles de algebrización en una tarea de proporcionalidad por futuros profesores de matemáticas de secundaria

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    Se realiza el análisis a priori de la resolución de una tarea de proporcionalidad por varios métodos, identificando los conocimientos puestos en juego e identificando los niveles de algebrización implicados. Además, se analizan las respuestas dadas a la tarea por una muestra de 33 estudiantes de un máster de formación de profesores de matemáticas de secundaria, interpretándolas mediante el análisis a priori realizado. Los resultados indican que los conocimientos y competencias especializadas de los estudiantes sobre proporcionalidad presentan lagunas específicas que pueden dificultar la enseñanza del tema. Como implicación para la formación de profesores, el análisis a priori presentado de la tarea se revela como un instrumento clave, que permite al formador realizar análisis pormenorizados de la actividad matemática escolar e identificar conflictos, potenciales y efectivos, de aprendizaje