45 research outputs found

    SLO-aware Colocation of Data Center Tasks Based on Instantaneous Processor Requirements

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    In a cloud data center, a single physical machine simultaneously executes dozens of highly heterogeneous tasks. Such colocation results in more efficient utilization of machines, but, when tasks' requirements exceed available resources, some of the tasks might be throttled down or preempted. We analyze version 2.1 of the Google cluster trace that shows short-term (1 second) task CPU usage. Contrary to the assumptions taken by many theoretical studies, we demonstrate that the empirical distributions do not follow any single distribution. However, high percentiles of the total processor usage (summed over at least 10 tasks) can be reasonably estimated by the Gaussian distribution. We use this result for a probabilistic fit test, called the Gaussian Percentile Approximation (GPA), for standard bin-packing algorithms. To check whether a new task will fit into a machine, GPA checks whether the resulting distribution's percentile corresponding to the requested service level objective, SLO is still below the machine's capacity. In our simulation experiments, GPA resulted in colocations exceeding the machines' capacity with a frequency similar to the requested SLO.Comment: Author's version of a paper published in ACM SoCC'1

    Toward sustainable serverless computing

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    Although serverless computing generally involves executing short-lived “functions,” the increasing migration to this computing paradigm requires careful consideration of energy and power requirements. serverless computing is also viewed as an economically-driven computational approach, often influenced by the cost of computation, as users are charged for per-subsecond use of computational resources rather than the coarse-grained charging that is common with virtual machines and containers. To ensure that the startup times of serverless functions do not discourage their use, resource providers need to keep these functions hot, often by passing in synthetic data. We describe the real power consumption characteristics of serverless, based on execution traces reported in the literature, and describe potential strategies (some adopted from existing VM and container-based approaches) that can be used to reduce the energy overheads of serverless execution. Our analysis is, purposefully, biased toward the use of machine learning workloads because: (1) workloads are increasingly being used widely across different applications; (2) functions that implement machine learning algorithms can range in complexity from long-running (deep learning) versus short-running (inference only), enabling us to consider serverless across a variety of possible execution behaviors. The general findings are easily translatable to other domains.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Cloud Index Tracking: Enabling Predictable Costs in Cloud Spot Markets

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    Cloud spot markets rent VMs for a variable price that is typically much lower than the price of on-demand VMs, which makes them attractive for a wide range of large-scale applications. However, applications that run on spot VMs suffer from cost uncertainty, since spot prices fluctuate, in part, based on supply, demand, or both. The difficulty in predicting spot prices affects users and applications: the former cannot effectively plan their IT expenditures, while the latter cannot infer the availability and performance of spot VMs, which are a function of their variable price. To address the problem, we use properties of cloud infrastructure and workloads to show that prices become more stable and predictable as they are aggregated together. We leverage this observation to define an aggregate index price for spot VMs that serves as a reference for what users should expect to pay. We show that, even when the spot prices for individual VMs are volatile, the index price remains stable and predictable. We then introduce cloud index tracking: a migration policy that tracks the index price to ensure applications running on spot VMs incur a predictable cost by migrating to a new spot VM if the current VM's price significantly deviates from the index price.Comment: ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing 201

    Towards An Efficient Cloud Computing System: Data Management, Resource Allocation and Job Scheduling

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    Cloud computing is an emerging technology in distributed computing, and it has proved to be an effective infrastructure to provide services to users. Cloud is developing day by day and faces many challenges. One of challenges is to build cost-effective data management system that can ensure high data availability while maintaining consistency. Another challenge in cloud is efficient resource allocation which ensures high resource utilization and high SLO availability. Scheduling, referring to a set of policies to control the order of the work to be performed by a computer system, for high throughput is another challenge. In this dissertation, we study how to manage data and improve data availability while reducing cost (i.e., consistency maintenance cost and storage cost); how to efficiently manage the resource for processing jobs and increase the resource utilization with high SLO availability; how to design an efficient scheduling algorithm which provides high throughput, low overhead while satisfying the demands on completion time of jobs. Replication is a common approach to enhance data availability in cloud storage systems. Previously proposed replication schemes cannot effectively handle both correlated and non-correlated machine failures while increasing the data availability with the limited resource. The schemes for correlated machine failures must create a constant number of replicas for each data object, which neglects diverse data popularities and cannot utilize the resource to maximize the expected data availability. Also, the previous schemes neglect the consistency maintenance cost and the storage cost caused by replication. It is critical for cloud providers to maximize data availability hence minimize SLA (Service Level Agreement) violations while minimize cost caused by replication in order to maximize the revenue. In this dissertation, we build a nonlinear programming model to maximize data availability in both types of failures and minimize the cost caused by replication. Based on the model\u27s solution for the replication degree of each data object, we propose a low-cost multi-failure resilient replication scheme (MRR). MRR can effectively handle both correlated and non-correlated machine failures, considers data popularities to enhance data availability, and also tries to minimize consistency maintenance and storage cost. In current cloud, providers still need to reserve resources to allow users to scale on demand. The capacity offered by cloud offerings is in the form of pre-defined virtual machine (VM) configurations. This incurs resource wastage and results in low resource utilization when the users actually consume much less resource than the VM capacity. Existing works either reallocate the unused resources with no Service Level Objectives (SLOs) for availability\footnote{Availability refers to the probability of an allocated resource being remain operational and accessible during the validity of the contract~\cite{CarvalhoCirne14}.} or consider SLOs to reallocate the unused resources for long-running service jobs. This approach increases the allocated resource whenever it detects that SLO is violated in order to achieve SLO in the long term, neglecting the frequent fluctuations of jobs\u27 resource requirements in real-time application especially for short-term jobs that require fast responses and decision making for resource allocation. Thus, this approach cannot fully utilize the resources to process data because they cannot quickly adjust the resource allocation strategy dealing with the fluctuations of jobs\u27 resource requirements. What\u27s more, the previous opportunistic based resource allocation approach aims at providing long-term availability SLOs with good QoS for long-running jobs, which ensures that the jobs can be finished within weeks or months by providing slighted degraded resources with moderate availability guarantees, but it ignores deadline constraints in defining Quality of Service (QoS) for short-lived jobs requiring online responses in real-time application, thus it cannot truly guarantee the QoS and long-term availability SLOs. To overcome the drawbacks of previous works, we adequately consider the fluctuations of unused resource caused by bursts of jobs\u27 resource demands, and present a cooperative opportunistic resource provisioning (CORP) scheme to dynamically allocate the resource to jobs. CORP leverages complementarity of jobs\u27 requirements on different resource types and utilizes the job packing to reduce the resource wastage and increase the resource utilization. An increasing number of large-scale data analytics frameworks move towards larger degrees of parallelism aiming at high throughput. Scheduling that assigns tasks to workers and preemption that suspends low-priority tasks and runs high-priority tasks are two important functions in such frameworks. There are many existing works on scheduling and preemption in literature to provide high throughput. However, previous works do not substantially consider dependency in increasing throughput in scheduling or preemption. Considering dependency is crucial to increase the overall throughput. Besides, extensive task evictions for preemption increase context switches, which may decrease the throughput. To address the above problems, we propose an efficient scheduling system Dependency-aware Scheduling and Preemption (DSP) to achieve high throughput in scheduling and preemption. First, we build a mathematical model to minimize the makespan with the consideration of task dependency, and derive the target workers for tasks which can minimize the makespan; second, we utilize task dependency information to determine tasks\u27 priorities for preemption; finally, we present a probabilistic based preemption to reduce the numerous preemptions, while satisfying the demands on completion time of jobs. We conduct trace driven simulations on a real-cluster and real-world experiments on Amazon S3/EC2 to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed system in comparison with other systems. The experimental results show the superior performance of our proposed system. In the future, we will further consider data update frequency to reduce consistency maintenance cost, and we will consider the effects of node joining and node leaving. Also we will consider energy consumption of machines and design an optimal replication scheme to improve data availability while saving power. For resource allocation, we will consider using the greedy approach for deep learning to reduce the computation overhead caused by the deep neural network. Also, we will additionally consider the heterogeneity of jobs (i.e., short jobs and long jobs), and use a hybrid resource allocation strategy to provide SLO availability customization for different job types while increasing the resource utilization. For scheduling, we will aim to handle scheduling tasks with partial dependency, worker failures in scheduling and make our DSP fully distributed to increase its scalability. Finally, we plan to use different workloads and real-world experiment to fully test the performance of our methods and make our preliminary system design more mature

    ACTiCLOUD: Enabling the Next Generation of Cloud Applications

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    Despite their proliferation as a dominant computing paradigm, cloud computing systems lack effective mechanisms to manage their vast amounts of resources efficiently. Resources are stranded and fragmented, ultimately limiting cloud systems' applicability to large classes of critical applications that pose non-moderate resource demands. Eliminating current technological barriers of actual fluidity and scalability of cloud resources is essential to strengthen cloud computing's role as a critical cornerstone for the digital economy. ACTiCLOUD proposes a novel cloud architecture that breaks the existing scale-up and share-nothing barriers and enables the holistic management of physical resources both at the local cloud site and at distributed levels. Specifically, it makes advancements in the cloud resource management stacks by extending state-of-the-art hypervisor technology beyond the physical server boundary and localized cloud management system to provide a holistic resource management within a rack, within a site, and across distributed cloud sites. On top of this, ACTiCLOUD will adapt and optimize system libraries and runtimes (e.g., JVM) as well as ACTiCLOUD-native applications, which are extremely demanding, and critical classes of applications that currently face severe difficulties in matching their resource requirements to state-of-the-art cloud offerings

    Using Workload Prediction and Federation to Increase Cloud Utilization

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    The wide-spread adoption of cloud computing has changed how large-scale computing infrastructure is built and managed. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds consolidate different separate workloads onto a shared platform and provide a consistent quality of service by overprovisioning capacity. This additional capacity, however, remains idle for extended periods of time and represents a drag on system efficiency.The smaller scale of private IaaS clouds compared to public clouds exacerbates overprovisioning inefficiencies as opportunities for workload consolidation in private clouds are limited. Federation and cycle harvesting capabilities from computational grids help to improve efficiency, but to date have seen only limited adoption in the cloud due to a fundamental mismatch between the usage models of grids and clouds. Computational grids provide high throughput of queued batch jobs on a best-effort basis and enforce user priorities through dynamic job preemption, while IaaS clouds provide immediate feedback to user requests and make ahead-of-time guarantees about resource availability.We present a novel method to enable workload federation across IaaS clouds that overcomes this mismatch between grid and cloud usage models and improves system efficiency while also offering availability guarantees. We develop a new method for faster-than-realtime simulation of IaaS clouds to make predictions about system utilization and leverage this method to estimate the future availability of preemptible resources in the cloud. We then use these estimates to perform careful admission control and provide ahead-of-time bounds on the preemption probability of federated jobs executing on preemptible resources. Finally, we build an end-to-end prototype that addresses practical issues of workload federation and evaluate the prototype's efficacy using real-world traces from big data and compute-intensive production workloads

    An efficient cloud scheduler design supporting preemptible instances

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    Maximizing resource utilization by performing an efficient resource provisioning is a key factor for any cloud provider: commercial actors can maximize their revenues, whereas scientific and non-commercial providers can maximize their infrastructure utilization. Traditionally, batch systems have allowed data centers to fill their resources as much as possible by using backfilling and similar techniques. However, in an IaaS cloud, where virtual machines are supposed to live indefinitely, or at least as long as the user is able to pay for them, these policies are not easily implementable. In this work we present a new scheduling algorithm for IaaS providers that is able to support preemptible instances, that can be stopped by higher priority requests without introducing large modifications in the current cloud schedulers. This scheduler enables the implementation of new cloud usage and payment models that allow more efficient usage of the resources and potential new revenue sources for commercial providers. We also study the correctness and the performace overhead of the proposed scheduler agains existing solutions