2,272 research outputs found

    Exploration of a Polarized Surface Bidirectional Reflectance Model Using the Ground-Based Multiangle Spectropolarimetric Imager

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    Accurate characterization of surface reflection is essential for retrieval of aerosols using downward-looking remote sensors. In this paper, observations from the Ground-based Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (GroundMSPI) are used to evaluate a surface polarized bidirectional reflectance distribution function (PBRDF) model. GroundMSPI is an eight-band spectropolarimetric camera mounted on a rotating gimbal to acquire pushbroom imagery of outdoor landscapes. The camera uses a very accurate photoelastic-modulator-based polarimetric imaging technique to acquire Stokes vector measurements in three of the instrument's bands (470, 660, and 865 nm). A description of the instrument is presented, and observations of selected targets within a scene acquired on 6 January 2010 are analyzed. Data collected during the course of the day as the Sun moved across the sky provided a range of illumination geometries that facilitated evaluation of the surface model, which is comprised of a volumetric reflection term represented by the modified Rahman-Pinty-Verstraete function plus a specular reflection term generated by a randomly oriented array of Fresnel-reflecting microfacets. While the model is fairly successful in predicting the polarized reflection from two grass targets in the scene, it does a poorer job for two manmade targets (a parking lot and a truck roof), possibly due to their greater degree of geometric organization. Several empirical adjustments to the model are explored and lead to improved fits to the data. For all targets, the data support the notion of spectral invariance in the angular shape of the unpolarized and polarized surface reflection. As noted by others, this behavior provides valuable constraints on the aerosol retrieval problem, and highlights the importance of multiangle observations.NASAJPLCenter for Space Researc

    PAGaN I: Multi-Frequency Polarimetry of AGN Jets with KVN

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    Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) with bright radio jets offer the opportunity to study the structure of and physical conditions in relativistic outflows. For such studies, multi-frequency polarimetric very long baseline interferometric (VLBI) observations are important as they directly probe particle densities, magnetic field geometries, and several other parameters. We present results from first-epoch data obtained by the Korean VLBI Network (KVN) within the frame of the Plasma Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei (PAGaN) project. We observed seven radio-bright nearby AGN at frequencies of 22, 43, 86, and 129 GHz in dual polarization mode. Our observations constrain apparent brightness temperatures of jet components and radio cores in our sample to >108.01>10^{8.01} K and >109.86>10^{9.86} K, respectively. Degrees of linear polarization mLm_{L} are relatively low overall: less than 10%. This indicates suppression of polarization by strong turbulence in the jets. We found an exceptionally high degree of polarization in a jet component of BL Lac at 43 GHz, with mL∼m_{L} \sim 40%. Assuming a transverse shock front propagating downstream along the jet, the shock front being almost parallel to the line of sight can explain the high degree of polarization.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures, 4 tables. To appear in JKAS (received 2015 July 27; accepted 2015 October 25). Note the PAGaN II companion paper by J. Oh et a

    On the calibration of the relation between geometric albedo and polarimetric properties for the asteroids

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    We present a new extensive analysis of the old problem of finding a satisfactory calibration of the relation between the geometric albedo and some measurable polarization properties of the asteroids. To achieve our goals, we use all polarimetric data at our disposal. For the purposes of calibration, we use a limited sample of objects for which we can be confident to know the albedo with good accuracy, according to previous investigations of other authors. We find a new set of updated calibration coefficients for the classical slope - albedo relation, but we generalize our analysis and we consider also alternative possibilities, including the use of other polarimetric parameters, one being proposed here for the first time, and the possibility to exclude from best-fit analyzes the asteroids having low albedos. We also consider a possible parabolic fit of the whole set of data.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    Performance of the Gemini Planet Imager Non-Redundant Mask and spectroscopy of two close-separation binaries HR 2690 and HD 142527

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    The Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) contains a 10-hole non-redundant mask (NRM), enabling interferometric resolution in complement to its coronagraphic capabilities. The NRM operates both in spectroscopic (integral field spectrograph, henceforth IFS) and polarimetric configurations. NRM observations were taken between 2013 and 2016 to characterize its performance. Most observations were taken in spectroscopic mode with the goal of obtaining precise astrometry and spectroscopy of faint companions to bright stars. We find a clear correlation between residual wavefront error measured by the AO system and the contrast sensitivity by comparing phase errors in observations of the same source, taken on different dates. We find a typical 5-σ\sigma contrast sensitivity of 2−3 × 10−32-3~\times~10^{-3} at ∼λ/D\sim\lambda/D. We explore the accuracy of spectral extraction of secondary components of binary systems by recovering the signal from a simulated source injected into several datasets. We outline data reduction procedures unique to GPI's IFS and describe a newly public data pipeline used for the presented analyses. We demonstrate recovery of astrometry and spectroscopy of two known companions to HR 2690 and HD 142527. NRM+polarimetry observations achieve differential visibility precision of σ∼0.4%\sigma\sim0.4\% in the best case. We discuss its limitations on Gemini-S/GPI for resolving inner regions of protoplanetary disks and prospects for future upgrades. We summarize lessons learned in observing with NRM in spectroscopic and polarimetric modes.Comment: Accepted to AJ, 22 pages, 14 figure

    Observing---and Imaging---Active Galactic Nuclei with the Event Horizon Telescope

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    Originally developed to image the shadow region of the central black hole in Sagittarius A* and in the nearby galaxy M87, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) provides deep, very high angular resolution data on other AGN sources too. The challenges of working with EHT data have spurred the development of new image reconstruction algorithms. This work briefly reviews the status of the EHT and its utility for observing AGN sources, with emphasis on novel imaging techniques that offer the promise of better reconstructions at 1.3 mm and other wavelengths.Comment: 10 pages, proceedings contribution for Blazars through Sharp Multi-Wavelength Eyes, submitted to Galaxie

    Polarimetric modeling of remotely sensed scenes in the thermal infrared

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    This dissertation develops a polarimetric thermal infrared (IR) framework within the Digital Image and Remote Sensing Image Generation (DIRSIG) software tool enabling users in the remote sensing community to conduct system level trades and phenomenology studies. To support polarized reflection and emission modeling within DIRSIG, a generalized bi-directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) is presented. This generalized form is a 4x4 element Mueller matrix that may be configured to resemble the commonly utilized Beard-Maxwell or Priest-Germer BRDF models. A polarized emissivity model is derived that leverages a hemispherical integration of the polarized BRDF and Kirchoff\u27s Law. A portable experimental technique for measuring polarized long-wave IR emissivity is described. Experimental results for sixteen target and background materials are fit to the polarized emissivity model. The resulting model fit parameters are ingested by DIRSIG to simulate polarized long-wave infrared scene phenomenology. Thermally emitted radiance typically has a vertical polarization orientation, while reflected background radiance is polarized horizontally. The balance between these components dictates what polarized signature (if any) is detected for a given target. In general, specular targets have a stronger emission polarization signature compared to diffusely scattering targets consistent with visible polarimetry findings. However, the influence of reflected background radiance can reduce the polarimetric signature of specular targets below a detectable threshold. In these situations, a diffusely scattering target may actually exhibit a polarization signature stronger than a specular target material. This interesting phenomenology is confirmed by experimental scene collections and DIRSIG simulations. Understanding polarimetric IR phenomenology with this level of detail is not only key for system design, but also for determining optimal collection geometries for specific tactical missions

    Contribution to ground-based and UAV SAR systems for Earth observation

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    Mankind's way of life is the main driver of a planetary-scale change that is marked by the growing of human population's demand of energy, food, goods, services and information. As a result, it have emerged new ecological, economical, social and geopolitical concerns. In this scenario, SAR remote sensing is a potential tool that provides unique information about the Earth's properties and processes that can be used to solve societal challenges of local and global dimension. SARs, which are coherent systems that are able to provide high resolution images with weather independence, represent a suitable alternative for EO with diverse applications. Some examples of SAR application areas are topography (DEM generation with interferometry), agriculture (crop classification or soil moisture), or geology (monitoring surface deformation). In this framework, the encompassing objective of the present doctoral work has been part of the implementation and the subsequent evaluation of capabilities of two X-band SAR sensors. On the one hand, the RISKSAR-X radar designed to be operated at ground to monitor small-scale areas of observation and, on the other, the ARBRES-X sensor designed to be integrated into small UAVs. Despite its inherently dissimilar conception, the concurrence of both sensors has been evidenced along this manuscript. By taking advantage of the similarities between them, it has been possible to analogously assess both sensors to obtain conclusions. In this context, the common link has been the development of the polarimetric OtF operation mode of the RISKSAR-X, allowing this sensor to be operated equivalently to the ARBRES-X. Regarding the RISKSAR-X SAR sensor, several hardware contributions have been developed during part of this Ph.D. with the aim of improving the system performance. By endowing the system with the capability to operate in the fully polarimetric OtF acquisition mode, the relative long scanning time has been reduced. It is of great interest since the measured scatterers that present a short term variable reflectivity during the scanning time, such as moving vegetation, may degrade the extracted parameters from the retrieved data and the SAR image reconstruction. During this doctoral activity, it has been studied the image blurring, the decorrelation and the coherence degradation introduced by this effect. Furthermore, a new term in the differential interferometric coherence that takes into account the image blurring has been introduced. Concerning the ARBRES-X SAR system, one of the main objectives pursued during this Ph.D. has been the integration of the sensor into a small UAV MP overcoming restrictions of weight, size and aerodynamics of the platform. The use of this type of platforms is expected to open up new possibilities in airborne SAR remote sensing, since it offers much more versatility than the commonly used fixed wings UAVs. Different innovative flight strategies with this type of platforms have been assessed and some preliminary results have been obtained with the use of the ARBRES-X SAR system. During the course of the present doctoral work, much effort has been devoted to achieve the first experimental repeat-pass interfereometric results obtained with the UAV MP together with the ARBRES-X. Moreover, the sensor has been endowed with fully polarimetric capabilities by applying the improvements developed to the RISKSAR-X radar, which is another example of the duality between both systems. Finally, a vertical and a semicircular aperture have been successfully performed obtaining SLC images of the scenario, which envisages the capability of the UAV MP to perform tomographic images and complete circular apertures in the future. In conclusion, the UAV MP is a promising platform that opens new potentials for several applications, such as repeat-pass interferometry or differential tomography imaging with the realization of almost arbitrary trajectories.El mode de viure de la humanitat és el principal motor d'un canvi a escala planetària que està marcat per la creixent demanda d'energia, d'aliment, de béns, de serveis i d'informació de les poblacions humanes. Com a resultat, han sorgit noves inquietuds ecològiques, econòmiques, socials i geopolítiques. En aquest escenari, la detecció remota SAR és una eina potencial que proporciona informació única sobre les propietats i processos de la Terra que es pot utilitzar per resoldre reptes socials de dimensió local i global. Els SARs, que són sistemes coherents que poden proporcionar imatges d'alta resolució amb independència del temps, representen una alternativa adequada per a l'observació de la Terra. Alguns exemples d'àrees d'aplicació SAR són la topografia (generació de DEM amb interferometria), l'agricultura (classificació de cultius o humitat del sòl) o la geologia (monitoratge de deformació superficial). En aquest context, l'objectiu general del present doctorat ha estat part de la implementació i posterior avaluació de les capacitats de dos sensors SAR de banda X. D'una banda, el radar RISKSAR-X dissenyat per funcionar a terra i monitoritzar àrees d'observació a petita escala i, d'altra, el sensor ARBRES-X dissenyat per ser integrat en petits UAVs. Malgrat la seva concepció inherentment diferent, la concurrència d'ambdós sensors s'ha evidenciat al llarg d'aquest manuscrit. Aprofitant les similituds entre ells, s'han pogut avaluar de forma anàloga els dos sensors per obtenir conclusions. En aquest sentit, el vincle comú ha estat el desenvolupament del mode de funcionament polimètric OtF del RISKSAR-X, permetent que aquest sensor operi de forma equivalent a l'ARBRES-X. Pel que fa al sensor RISKSAR-X, s'han desenvolupat diverses contribucions hardware durant part d'aquest doctorat amb l'objectiu de millorar el rendiment del sistema. En dotar el sistema de la possibilitat d'operar en el mode d'adquisició totalment polarimètric OtF, s'ha reduït el relatiu llarg temps d'escaneig. Això és de gran interès ja que els blancs mesurats que presenten una reflectivitat variable a curt termini, com ara la vegetació en moviment, poden degradar els paràmetres extrets de les dades recuperades i la reconstrucció d'imatges SAR. Durant aquesta activitat doctoral s'ha estudiat el desenfocat de la imatge, la decorrelació i la degradació de la coherència introduïts per aquest efecte. A més, s'ha introduït un nou terme en la coherència interferomètrica diferencial que té en compte el desenfocat de la imatge. Pel que fa al sistema ARBRES-X, un dels principals objectius perseguits durant aquest doctorat ha estat la integració del sensor en un petit UAV MP superant les restriccions de pes, grandària i aerodinàmica de la plataforma. S'espera que l'ús d'aquest tipus de plataformes obri noves possibilitats en la detecció remota SAR aerotransportada, ja que ofereix molta més versatilitat que els UAV d'ales fixes habituals. S'han avaluat diferents estratègies de vol innovadores amb aquest tipus de plataformes i s'han obtingut resultats preliminars amb l'ús del sistema ARBRES-X. Durant el transcurs del present treball, s'ha dedicat molt esforç a assolir els primers resultats experimentals d'interferometria de múltiple passada obtinguts amb l'UAV MP conjuntament amb l'ARBRES-X. A més, el sensor ha estat dotat de capacitats totalment polarimètriques aplicant les millores desenvolupades al radar RISKSAR-X, el qual constitueix un altre exemple de la dualitat entre ambdós sistemes. Finalment, s'han realitzat amb èxit una apertura vertical i semicircular obtenint imatges SLC de l'escenari, el qual permet preveure la capacitat de l'UAV MP per a realitzar imatges tomogràfiques i apertures circulars completes en el futur. En conclusió, l'UAV MP és una plataforma prometedora que obre nous potencials per a diverses aplicacions, com ara la interferometria de múltiple passada o la tomografia diferencial amb la realització de trajectòries gairebé arbitràries
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