65 research outputs found

    Logical Characterization of Weighted Pebble Walking Automata

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    International audienceWeighted automata are a conservative quantitative extension of finite automata that enjoys applications, e.g., in language processing and speech recognition. Their expressive power, however, appears to be limited, especially when they are applied to more general structures than words, such as graphs. To address this drawback, weighted automata have recently been generalized to weighted pebble walking automata, which proved useful as a tool for the specification and evaluation of quantitative properties over words and nested words. In this paper, we establish the expressive power of weighted pebble walking automata in terms of transitive closure logic, lifting a similar result by Engelfriet and Hoogeboom from the Boolean case to a quantitative setting. This result applies to a general class of graphs that subsumes all the aforementioned classes

    Revisiting the growth of polyregular functions: output languages, weighted automata and unary inputs

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    Polyregular functions are the class of string-to-string functions definable by pebble transducers (an extension of finite automata) or equivalently by MSO interpretations (a logical formalism). Their output length is bounded by a polynomial in the input length: a function computed by a kk-pebble transducer or by a kk-dimensional MSO interpretation has growth rate O(nk)O(n^k). Boja\'nczyk has recently shown that the converse holds for MSO interpretations, but not for pebble transducers. We give significantly simplified proofs of those two results, extending the former to first-order interpretations by reduction to an elementary property of N\mathbb{N}-weighted automata. For any kk, we also prove the stronger statement that there is some quadratic polyregular function whose output language differs from that of any kk-fold composition of macro tree transducers (and which therefore cannot be computed by any kk-pebble transducer). In the special case of unary input alphabets, we show that kk pebbles suffice to compute polyregular functions of growth O(nk)O(n^k). This is obtained as a corollary of a basis of simple word sequences whose ultimately periodic combinations generate all polyregular functions with unary input. Finally, we study polyregular and polyblind functions between unary alphabets (i.e. integer sequences), as well as their first-order subclasses.Comment: 27 pages, not submitted ye

    Pebble Weighted Automata and Weighted Logics

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    34 pagesInternational audienceWe introduce new classes of weighted automata on words. Equipped with pebbles, they go beyond the class of recognizable formal power series: they capture weighted first-order logic enriched with a quantitative version of transitive closure. In contrast to previous work, this calculus allows for unrestricted use of existential and universal quantifications over positions of the input word. We actually consider both two-way and one-way pebble weighted automata. The latter class constrains the head of the automaton to walk left-to-right, resetting it each time a pebble is dropped. Such automata have already been considered in the Boolean setting, in the context of data words. Our main result states that two-way pebble weighted automata, one- way pebble weighted automata, and our weighted logic are expressively equivalent. We also give new logical characterizations of standard recognizable series

    Maximal Partition Logic: Towards a Logical Characterization of Copyless Cost Register Automata

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    It is highly desirable for a computational model to have a logic characterization like in the seminal work from Buchi that connects MSO with finite automata. For example, weighted automata are the quantitative extension of finite automata for computing functions over words and they can be naturally characterized by a subframent of weighted logic introduced by Droste and Gastin. Recently, cost register automata (CRA) were introduced by Alur et al. as an alternative model for weighted automata. In hope of finding decidable subclasses of weighted automata, they proposed to restrict their model with the so-called copyless restriction. Unfortunately, copyless CRA do not enjoy good closure properties and, therefore, a logical characterization of this class seems to be unlikely. In this paper, we introduce a new logic called maximal partition logic (MPL) for studying the expressiveness of copyless CRA. In contrast from the previous approaches (i.e. weighted logics), MPL is based on a new set of "regular" quantifiers that partition a word into maximal subwords, compute the output of a subformula over each subword separately, and then aggregate these outputs with a semiring operation. We study the expressiveness of MPL and compare it with weighted logics. Furthermore, we show that MPL is equally expressive to a natural subclass of copyless CRA. This shows the first logical characterization of copyless CRA and it gives a better understanding of the copyless restriction in weighted automata

    A Probabilistic Kleene Theorem

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    International audienceWe provide a Kleene Theorem for (Rabin) probabilistic automata over finite words. Probabilistic automata generalize deterministic finite automata and assign to a word an acceptance probability. We provide probabilistic expressions with probabilistic choice, guarded choice, concatenation, and a star operator. We prove that probabilistic expressions and probabilistic automata are expressively equivalent. Our result actually extends to two-way probabilistic automata with pebbles and corresponding expressions

    Weighted Automata and Expressions over Pre-Rational Monoids

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    The Kleene theorem establishes a fundamental link between automata and expressions over the free monoid. Numerous generalisations of this result exist in the literature; on one hand, lifting this result to a weighted setting has been widely studied. On the other hand, beyond the free monoid, different monoids can be considered: for instance, two-way automata, and even tree-walking automata, can be described by expressions using the free inverse monoid. In the present work, we aim at combining both research directions and consider weighted extensions of automata and expressions over a class of monoids that we call pre-rational, generalising both the free inverse monoid and graded monoids. The presence of idempotent elements in these pre-rational monoids leads in the weighted setting to consider infinite sums. To handle such sums, we will have to restrict ourselves to rationally additive semirings. Our main result is thus a generalisation of the Kleene theorem for pre-rational monoids and rationally additive semirings. As a corollary, we obtain a class of expressions equivalent to weighted two-way automata, as well as one for tree-walking automata

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 18. Number 3.

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    Multi-weighted Automata Models and Quantitative Logics

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    Recently, multi-priced timed automata have received much attention for real-time systems. These automata extend priced timed automata by featuring several price parameters. This permits to compute objectives like the optimal ratio between rewards and costs. Arising from the model of timed automata, the multi-weighted setting has also attracted much notice for classical nondeterministic automata. The present thesis develops multi-weighted MSO-logics on finite, infinite and timed words which are expressively equivalent to multi-weighted automata, and studies decision problems for them. In addition, a Nivat-like theorem for weighted timed automata is proved; this theorem establishes a connection between quantitative and qualitative behaviors of timed automata. Moreover, a logical characterization of timed pushdown automata is given

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 19. Number 2.

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