10 research outputs found

    A Model-Driven CASE tool for developing and verifying regulated open MAS

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    [EN] This paper describes a CASE tool for developing complex systems in which heterogeneous and autonomous agents may need to coexist in a complex social and legal framework. Model-Driven Technologies are used to integrate the design of systems of this kind with the verification of the models and with the generation of executable code from these models. The verification module is based on model-checking techniques to check the coherence of a modeled legal context at design time is presented and it is exemplified with a case studyThis work is partially supported by the TIN2008-04446, TIN2009-13839-C03-01, PROMETEO 2008/051 projects, CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 under grant CSD2007-00022 and FPU grant AP2007-01276 awarded to Emilia Garcia.Garcia Marques, ME.; Giret Boggino, AS.; Botti, V. (2013). A Model-Driven CASE tool for developing and verifying regulated open MAS. Science of Computer Programming. 78(6):695-704. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scico.2011.10.009S69570478

    A temporal epistemic logic with a reset operation

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    Analyzing the Interaction between Knowledge and Social Commitments in Multi-Agent Systems

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    Both knowledge and social commitments in Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) have long been under research independently, especially for agent communication. Plenty of work has been carried out to define their semantics. However, in concrete applications such as business settings and web-based applications, agents should reason about their knowledge and their social commitments at the same time, particularly when they are engaged in conversations. In fact, studying the interaction between knowledge and social commitments is still in its beginnings. Therefore, in this thesis, we aim to provide a practical and formal framework that analyzes the interaction between knowledge and communicative social commitments in MASs from the semantics, model checking, complexity, soundness and completeness perspectives. To investigate such an interaction, we, first, combine CTLK (an extension of computation Tree Logic (CTL) with modality for reasoning about knowledge) and CTLC (an extension of CTL with modalities for reasoning about commitments and their fulfillments) in one new logic named CTLKC. By so doing, we identify some paradoxes in the new logic showing that simply combining current versions of commitment and knowledge logics results in a language of logic that violates some fundamental intuitions. Consequently, we propose CTLKC+, a new consistent logic of knowledge and commitments that fixes the identified paradoxes and allows us to reason about social commitments and knowledge simultaneously in a consistent manner. Second, we use correspondence theory for modal logics to prove the soundness and completeness of CTLKC+. To do so, we develop a set of reasoning postulates in CTLKC+ and correspond them to certain classes of frames. The existence of such correspondence allows us to prove that the logic generated by any subset of these postulates is sound and complete, with respect to the models that are based on the corresponding frames. Third, we address the problem of model checking CTLKC+ by transforming it to the problem of model checking GCTL∗ (a generalized version of Extended Computation Tree Logic (CTL∗) with action formulas) and ARCTL (the combination of CTL with action formulas) in order to respectively use the CWB-NC automata-based model checker and the extended NuSMV symbolic model checker. Moreover, we prove that the transformation techniques are sound. Fourth, we analyze the complexity of the proposed model checking techniques. The results of this analysis reveal that the complexity of our transformation procedures is PSPACE-complete for local concurrent programs with respect to the size of these programs and the length of the formula being checked. From the time perspective, we prove that the complexity of the proposed approaches is P-complete with regard to the size of the model and length of the formula. Finally, we implement our model checking approaches and report some experimental results by verifying the well-known NetBell payment protocol against some desirable properties

    Transformations of specifications and proofs to support an evolutionary formal software development

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    Like other software engineering activities, formal modelling needs to deal with change: bugs and omissions need to be corrected, and changes from the outside need to be dealtwith. In the context of axiomatic specifications and (partly) interactive proofs, the main obstacle is that changes invalidate proofs, which then need to be rebuilt using an inhibitive amount of resources. This thesis proposes to solve the problem by considering the state of a formal development consisting of (potentially buggy) specification and (potentially partial) proofs as one entity and transforming it using preconceived transformations. These transformations are operationally motivated: how would one patch the proofs on paper given a consistent transformation for the specification? They are formulated in terms of the specification and logic language, so as to be usable for several application domains. In order to make the approach compatible with the architecture of existing support systems, development graphs are added as an intermediate concept between specification and proof obligations, and the transformations are extended to work in the presence of the indirection. This leads to a separation of a framework for propagating transformations through development graphs and a reference instantiation that commits to concrete languages and proof representation. The reference instantiation works for many practically relevant scenarios. Other instantiations can be based on the framework

    Logic-Based Agent Verification

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