4,540 research outputs found

    Baseline free structural health monitoring using modified time reversal method and wavelet spectral finite element models

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    The Lamb wave based, non-contact damage detection techniques are developed using the Modified Time Reversal (MTR) method and the model based inverse problem approach. In the first part of this work, the Lamb wave-based MTR method along with the non-contacting sensors is used for structural damage detection. The use of non-contact measurements for MTR method is validated through experimental results and finite element simulations. A novel technique in frequency-time domain is developed to detect linear damages using the MTR method. The technique is highly suitable for the detection of damages in large metallic structures, even when the damage is superficial, and the severity is low. In this technique, no baseline data are used, and all the wave motion measurements are made remotely using a laser vibrometer. Additionally, this novel MTR based technique is not affected due to changes in the material properties of a structure, environmental conditions, or structural loading conditions. Further, the MTR method is improved for two-dimensional damage imaging. The damage imaging technique is successfully tested through experimental results and finite element simulations. In the second part of this work, an inverse problem approach is developed for the detection and estimation of major damage types experienced in adhesive joints. The inverse problem solution is obtained through an optimization algorithm wherein the objective function is formulated using the Lamb wave propagation data. The technique is successfully used for the detection/estimation of cohesive damages, micro-voids, debonds, and weak bonds. Further, the inverse problem solution is separately obtained through a fully connected artificial neural network. The neural network is trained using the Lamb wave propagation data generated from Wavelet Spectral Finite Element (WSFE) model which is computationally much faster than a conventional finite element model. This inverse problem approach technique requires a single point measurement for the inspection of the entire width of the adhesive joint. The proposed technique can be used as an automated quality assurance tool during the manufacturing process, and as an inspection tool during the operational life of adhesively bonded structures

    Magnetic turbulence in the plasma sheet

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    Small-scale magnetic turbulence observed by the Cluster spacecraft in the plasma sheet is investigated by means of a wavelet estimator suitable for detecting distinct scaling characteristics even in noisy measurements. The spectral estimators used for this purpose are affected by a frequency dependent bias. The variances of the wavelet coefficients, however, match the power-law shaped spectra, which makes the wavelet estimator essentially unbiased. These scaling characteristics of the magnetic field data appear to be essentially non-steady and intermittent. The scaling properties of bursty bulk flow (BBF) and non-BBF associated magnetic fluctuations are analysed with the aim of understanding processes of energy transfer between scales. Small-scale (∌0.08−0.3\sim 0.08-0.3 s) magnetic fluctuations having the same scaling index α∌2.6\alpha \sim 2.6 as the large-scale (∌0.7−5\sim 0.7-5 s) magnetic fluctuations occur during BBF-associated periods. During non-BBF associated periods the energy transfer to small scales is absent, and the large-scale scaling index α∌1.7\alpha \sim 1.7 is closer to Kraichnan or Iroshnikov-Kraichnan scalings. The anisotropy characteristics of magnetic fluctuations show both scale-dependent and scale-independent behavior. The former can be partly explained in terms of the Goldreich-Sridhar model of MHD turbulence, which leads to the picture of Alfv\'{e}nic turbulence parallel and of eddy turbulence perpendicular to the mean magnetic field direction. Nonetheless, other physical mechanisms, such as transverse magnetic structures, velocity shears, or boundary effects can contribute to the anisotropy characteristics of plasma sheet turbulence. The scale-independent features are related to anisotropy characteristics which occur during a period of magnetic reconnection and fast tailward flow.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figure

    Nonlinear brain dynamics as macroscopic manifestation of underlying many-body field dynamics

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    Neural activity patterns related to behavior occur at many scales in time and space from the atomic and molecular to the whole brain. Here we explore the feasibility of interpreting neurophysiological data in the context of many-body physics by using tools that physicists have devised to analyze comparable hierarchies in other fields of science. We focus on a mesoscopic level that offers a multi-step pathway between the microscopic functions of neurons and the macroscopic functions of brain systems revealed by hemodynamic imaging. We use electroencephalographic (EEG) records collected from high-density electrode arrays fixed on the epidural surfaces of primary sensory and limbic areas in rabbits and cats trained to discriminate conditioned stimuli (CS) in the various modalities. High temporal resolution of EEG signals with the Hilbert transform gives evidence for diverse intermittent spatial patterns of amplitude (AM) and phase modulations (PM) of carrier waves that repeatedly re-synchronize in the beta and gamma ranges at near zero time lags over long distances. The dominant mechanism for neural interactions by axodendritic synaptic transmission should impose distance-dependent delays on the EEG oscillations owing to finite propagation velocities. It does not. EEGs instead show evidence for anomalous dispersion: the existence in neural populations of a low velocity range of information and energy transfers, and a high velocity range of the spread of phase transitions. This distinction labels the phenomenon but does not explain it. In this report we explore the analysis of these phenomena using concepts of energy dissipation, the maintenance by cortex of multiple ground states corresponding to AM patterns, and the exclusive selection by spontaneous breakdown of symmetry (SBS) of single states in sequences.Comment: 31 page

    Imaging the first light: experimental challenges and future perspectives in the observation of the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy

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    Measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) allow high precision observation of the Last Scattering Surface at redshift z∌z\sim1100. After the success of the NASA satellite COBE, that in 1992 provided the first detection of the CMB anisotropy, results from many ground-based and balloon-borne experiments have showed a remarkable consistency between different results and provided quantitative estimates of fundamental cosmological properties. During 2003 the team of the NASA WMAP satellite has released the first improved full-sky maps of the CMB since COBE, leading to a deeper insight into the origin and evolution of the Universe. The ESA satellite Planck, scheduled for launch in 2007, is designed to provide the ultimate measurement of the CMB temperature anisotropy over the full sky, with an accuracy that will be limited only by astrophysical foregrounds, and robust detection of polarisation anisotropy. In this paper we review the experimental challenges in high precision CMB experiments and discuss the future perspectives opened by second and third generation space missions like WMAP and Planck.Comment: To be published in "Recent Research Developments in Astronomy & Astrophysics Astrophysiscs" - Vol I

    Control of quantum phenomena: Past, present, and future

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    Quantum control is concerned with active manipulation of physical and chemical processes on the atomic and molecular scale. This work presents a perspective of progress in the field of control over quantum phenomena, tracing the evolution of theoretical concepts and experimental methods from early developments to the most recent advances. The current experimental successes would be impossible without the development of intense femtosecond laser sources and pulse shapers. The two most critical theoretical insights were (1) realizing that ultrafast atomic and molecular dynamics can be controlled via manipulation of quantum interferences and (2) understanding that optimally shaped ultrafast laser pulses are the most effective means for producing the desired quantum interference patterns in the controlled system. Finally, these theoretical and experimental advances were brought together by the crucial concept of adaptive feedback control, which is a laboratory procedure employing measurement-driven, closed-loop optimization to identify the best shapes of femtosecond laser control pulses for steering quantum dynamics towards the desired objective. Optimization in adaptive feedback control experiments is guided by a learning algorithm, with stochastic methods proving to be especially effective. Adaptive feedback control of quantum phenomena has found numerous applications in many areas of the physical and chemical sciences, and this paper reviews the extensive experiments. Other subjects discussed include quantum optimal control theory, quantum control landscapes, the role of theoretical control designs in experimental realizations, and real-time quantum feedback control. The paper concludes with a prospective of open research directions that are likely to attract significant attention in the future.Comment: Review article, final version (significantly updated), 76 pages, accepted for publication in New J. Phys. (Focus issue: Quantum control

    A Survey on Wireless Security: Technical Challenges, Recent Advances and Future Trends

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    This paper examines the security vulnerabilities and threats imposed by the inherent open nature of wireless communications and to devise efficient defense mechanisms for improving the wireless network security. We first summarize the security requirements of wireless networks, including their authenticity, confidentiality, integrity and availability issues. Next, a comprehensive overview of security attacks encountered in wireless networks is presented in view of the network protocol architecture, where the potential security threats are discussed at each protocol layer. We also provide a survey of the existing security protocols and algorithms that are adopted in the existing wireless network standards, such as the Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, and the long-term evolution (LTE) systems. Then, we discuss the state-of-the-art in physical-layer security, which is an emerging technique of securing the open communications environment against eavesdropping attacks at the physical layer. We also introduce the family of various jamming attacks and their counter-measures, including the constant jammer, intermittent jammer, reactive jammer, adaptive jammer and intelligent jammer. Additionally, we discuss the integration of physical-layer security into existing authentication and cryptography mechanisms for further securing wireless networks. Finally, some technical challenges which remain unresolved at the time of writing are summarized and the future trends in wireless security are discussed.Comment: 36 pages. Accepted to Appear in Proceedings of the IEEE, 201
