2,360 research outputs found

    Antigenic diversity is generated by distinct evolutionary mechanisms in African trypanosome species

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    Antigenic variation enables pathogens to avoid the host immune response by continual switching of surface proteins. The protozoan blood parasite Trypanosoma brucei causes human African trypanosomiasis ("sleeping sickness") across sub-Saharan Africa and is a model system for antigenic variation, surviving by periodically replacing a monolayer of variant surface glycoproteins (VSG) that covers its cell surface. We compared the genome of Trypanosoma brucei with two closely related parasites Trypanosoma congolense and Trypanosoma vivax, to reveal how the variant antigen repertoire has evolved and how it might affect contemporary antigenic diversity. We reconstruct VSG diversification showing that Trypanosoma congolense uses variant antigens derived from multiple ancestral VSG lineages, whereas in Trypanosoma brucei VSG have recent origins, and ancestral gene lineages have been repeatedly co-opted to novel functions. These historical differences are reflected in fundamental differences between species in the scale and mechanism of recombination. Using phylogenetic incompatibility as a metric for genetic exchange, we show that the frequency of recombination is comparable between Trypanosoma congolense and Trypanosoma brucei but is much lower in Trypanosoma vivax. Furthermore, in showing that the C-terminal domain of Trypanosoma brucei VSG plays a crucial role in facilitating exchange, we reveal substantial species differences in the mechanism of VSG diversification. Our results demonstrate how past VSG evolution indirectly determines the ability of contemporary parasites to generate novel variant antigens through recombination and suggest that the current model for antigenic variation in Trypanosoma brucei is only one means by which these parasites maintain chronic infections

    An entropy based heuristic model for predicting functional sub-type divisions of protein families

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    Multiple sequence alignments of protein families are often used for locating residues that are widely apart in the sequence, which are considered as influential for determining functional specificity of proteins towards various substrates, ligands, DNA and other proteins. In this paper, we propose an entropy-score based heuristic algorithm model for predicting functional sub-family divisions of protein families, given the multiple sequence alignment of the protein family as input without any functional sub-type or key site information given for any protein sequence. Two of the experimented test-cases are reported in this paper. First test-case is Nucleotidyl Cyclase protein family consisting of guanalyate and adenylate cyclases. And the second test-case is a dataset of proteins taken from six superfamilies in Structure-Function Linkage Database (SFLD). Results from these test-cases are reported in terms of confirmed sub-type divisions with phylogeny relations from former studies in the literature

    The Roles of Gene Duplication, Gene Conversion and Positive Selection in Rodent \u3ci\u3eEsp\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eMup\u3c/i\u3e Pheromone Gene Families with Comparison to the \u3ci\u3eAbp\u3c/i\u3e Family

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    Three proteinaceous pheromone families, the androgen-binding proteins (ABPs), the exocrine-gland secreting peptides (ESPs) and the major urinary proteins (MUPs) are encoded by large gene families in the genomes of Mus musculus and Rattus norvegicus. We studied the evolutionary histories of the Mup and Esp genes and compared them with what is known about the Abp genes. Apparently gene conversion has played little if any role in the expansion of the mouse Class A and Class B Mup genes and pseudogenes, and the rat Mups. By contrast, we found evidence of extensive gene conversion in many Esp genes although not in all of them. Our studies of selection identified at least two amino acid sites in β-sheets as having evolved under positive selection in the mouse Class A and Class B MUPs and in rat MUPs. We show that selection may have acted on the ESPs by determining Ka/Ks for Exon 3 sequences with and without the converted sequence segment. While it appears that purifying selection acted on the ESP signal peptides, the secreted portions of the ESPs probably have undergone much more rapid evolution. When the inner gene converted fragment sequences were removed, eleven Esp paralogs were present in two or more pairs with Ka/Ks \u3e1.0 and thus we propose that positive selection is detectable by this means in at least some mouse Esp paralogs. We compare and contrast the evolutionary histories of all three mouse pheromone gene families in light of their proposed functions in mouse communication

    Nonadaptive Amino Acid Convergence Rates Decrease over Time.

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    Convergence is a central concept in evolutionary studies because it provides strong evidence for adaptation. It also provides information about the nature of the fitness landscape and the repeatability of evolution, and can mislead phylogenetic inference. To understand the role of adaptive convergence, we need to understand the patterns of nonadaptive convergence. Here, we consider the relationship between nonadaptive convergence and divergence in mitochondrial and model proteins. Surprisingly, nonadaptive convergence is much more common than expected in closely related organisms, falling off as organisms diverge. The extent of the convergent drop-off in mitochondrial proteins is well predicted by epistatic or coevolutionary effects in our "evolutionary Stokes shift" models and poorly predicted by conventional evolutionary models. Convergence probabilities decrease dramatically if the ancestral amino acids of branches being compared have diverged, but also drop slowly over evolutionary time even if the ancestral amino acids have not substituted. Convergence probabilities drop-off rapidly for quickly evolving sites, but much more slowly for slowly evolving sites. Furthermore, once sites have diverged their convergence probabilities are extremely low and indistinguishable from convergence levels at randomized sites. These results indicate that we cannot assume that excessive convergence early on is necessarily adaptive. This new understanding should help us to better discriminate adaptive from nonadaptive convergence and develop more relevant evolutionary models with improved validity for phylogenetic inference

    Bayesian machine learning methods for predicting protein-peptide interactions and detecting mosaic structures in DNA sequences alignments

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    Short well-defined domains known as peptide recognition modules (PRMs) regulate many important protein-protein interactions involved in the formation of macromolecular complexes and biochemical pathways. High-throughput experiments like yeast two-hybrid and phage display are expensive and intrinsically noisy, therefore it would be desirable to target informative interactions and pursue in silico approaches. We propose a probabilistic discriminative approach for predicting PRM-mediated protein-protein interactions from sequence data. The model suffered from over-fitting, so Laplacian regularisation was found to be important in achieving a reasonable generalisation performance. A hybrid approach yielded the best performance, where the binding site motifs were initialised with the predictions of a generative model. We also propose another discriminative model which can be applied to all sequences present in the organism at a significantly lower computational cost. This is due to its additional assumption that the underlying binding sites tend to be similar.It is difficult to distinguish between the binding site motifs of the PRM due to the small number of instances of each binding site motif. However, closely related species are expected to share similar binding sites, which would be expected to be highly conserved. We investigated rate variation along DNA sequence alignments, modelling confounding effects such as recombination. Traditional approaches to phylogenetic inference assume that a single phylogenetic tree can represent the relationships and divergences between the taxa. However, taxa sequences exhibit varying levels of conservation, e.g. due to regulatory elements and active binding sites, and certain bacteria and viruses undergo interspecific recombination. We propose a phylogenetic factorial hidden Markov model to infer recombination and rate variation. We examined the performance of our model and inference scheme on various synthetic alignments, and compared it to state of the art breakpoint models. We investigated three DNA sequence alignments: one of maize actin genes, one bacterial (Neisseria), and the other of HIV-1. Inference is carried out in the Bayesian framework, using Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo

    On the origin and evolution of RNA editing in metazoans

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    Extensive adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) editing of nuclear-transcribed mRNAs is the hallmark of metazoan transcriptional regulation. Here, by profiling the RNA editomes of 22 species that cover major groups of Holozoa, we provide substantial evidence supporting A-to-I mRNA editing as a regulatory innovation originating in the last common ancestor of extant metazoans. This ancient biochemistry process is preserved in most extant metazoan phyla and primarily targets endogenous double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) formed by evolutionarily young repeats. We also find intermolecular pairing of sense-antisense transcripts as an important mechanism for forming dsRNA substrates for A-to-I editing in some but not all lineages. Likewise, recoding editing is rarely shared across lineages but preferentially targets genes involved in neural and cytoskeleton systems in bilaterians. We conclude that metazoan A-to-I editing might first emerge as a safeguard mechanism against repeat-derived dsRNA and was later co-opted into diverse biological processes due to its mutagenic nature

    Mrub_3029, Mrub_2052, are predicted orthologs of b_0688, b_0394, while Mrub_0759 and Mrub_2365 are not predicted orthologs of b_1309, in \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e, which code for enzymes involved in starch and sucrose metabolism

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    We predict that Mrub__[0759] encodes the enzyme [Meiothermus ruber Fruktokinase] (DNA coordinates [741282..742202 on the forward strand] which is the 00500 step of the Starch and Sucrose Metabolism pathway (KEGG map number []). It catalyzes the conversion of [ATP + D-fructoseADP + D-fructose 6-phosphate]. The E. coli K12 MG1655 ortholog is predicted to be b1309, which has the gene identifier [ycjM] We predict that Mrub__[ 2365] encodes the enzyme [Meiothermus ruber Fruktokinase] (DNA coordinates [2417118..2418059 on the forward strand], which is the [00500] step of the [Starch and Sucrose Metabolism] pathway (KEGG map number []). It catalyzes the conversion of [ATP + D-fructoseADP + D-fructose 6-phosphate]. The E. coli K12 MG1655 ortholog is predicted to be b1309, which has the gene identifier [ycjM]. We predict that Mrub__[ 3029] encodes the enzyme [Meiothermus ruber Sucrose phosphorylase] (DNA coordinates [3072410..3074080 on the forward strand]), which is the [00500] step of the [Starch and Sucrose Metabolism] pathway (KEGG map number [ ]). It catalyzes the conversion of [sucrose + phosphate → β-D-fructofuranose + α-D-glucopyranose 1-phosphate]. The E. coli K12 MG1655 ortholog is predicted to be b0688, which has the gene identifier [pgm]. We predict that Mrub__[ 2052] encodes the enzyme [Meiothermus ruber phosphoglucomutase] (DNA coordinates [2088542..2090185 on the reverse strand], which is the [00500] step of the [Starch and Sucrose Metabolism] pathway (KEGG map number []). It catalyzes the conversion of [Alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphatealpha-D-glucose 6-phosphate]. The E. coli K12 MG1655 ortholog is predicted to be b0394, which has the gene identifier [mak]

    First complete mitochondrial genome of the South American annual fish Austrolebias charrua (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae): peculiar features among cyprinodontiforms mitogenomes

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    Selected nucleotide substitution models after the third codon positions were removed from the codon alignments. (PDF 7 kb