430 research outputs found

    Neutro-Connectedness Theory, Algorithms and Applications

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    Connectedness is an important topological property and has been widely studied in digital topology. However, three main challenges exist in applying connectedness to solve real world problems: (1) the definitions of connectedness based on the classic and fuzzy logic cannot model the “hidden factors” that could influence our decision-making; (2) these definitions are too general to be applied to solve complex problem; and (4) many measurements of connectedness are heavily dependent on the shape (spatial distribution of vertices) of the graph and violate the intuitive idea of connectedness. This research focused on solving these challenges by redesigning the connectedness theory, developing fast algorithms for connectedness computation, and applying the newly proposed theory and algorithms to solve challenges in real problems. The newly proposed Neutro-Connectedness (NC) generalizes the conventional definitions of connectedness and can model uncertainty and describe the part and the whole relationship. By applying the dynamic programming strategy, a fast algorithm was proposed to calculate NC for general dataset. It is not just calculating NC map, and the output NC forest can discover a dataset’s topological structure regarding connectedness. In the first application, interactive image segmentation, two approaches were proposed to solve the two most difficult challenges: user interaction-dependence and intense interaction. The first approach, named NC-Cut, models global topologic property among image regions and reduces the dependence of segmentation performance on the appearance models generated by user interactions. It is less sensitive to the initial region of interest (ROI) than four state-of-the-art ROI-based methods. The second approach, named EISeg, provides user with visual clues to guide the interacting process based on NC. It reduces user interaction greatly by guiding user to where interacting can produce the best segmentation results. In the second application, NC was utilized to solve the challenge of weak boundary problem in breast ultrasound image segmentation. The approach can model the indeterminacy resulted from weak boundaries better than fuzzy connectedness, and achieved more accurate and robust result on our dataset with 131 breast tumor cases

    Segmentation of fetal 2D images with deep learning: a review

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    Image segmentation plays a vital role in providing sustainable medical care in this evolving biomedical image processing technology. Nowadays, it is considered one of the most important research directions in the computer vision field. Since the last decade, deep learning-based medical image processing has become a research hotspot due to its exceptional performance. In this paper, we present a review of different deep learning techniques used to segment fetal 2D images. First, we explain the basic ideas of each approach and then thoroughly investigate the methods used for the segmentation of fetal images. Secondly, the results and accuracy of different approaches are also discussed. The dataset details used for assessing the performance of the respective method are also documented. Based on the review studies, the challenges and future work are also pointed out at the end. As a result, it is shown that deep learning techniques are very effective in the segmentation of fetal 2D images.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Breast ultrasound lesions recognition::end-to-end deep learning approaches

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    Multistage processing of automated breast ultrasound lesions recognition is dependent on the performance of prior stages. To improve the current state of the art, we propose the use of end-to-end deep learning approaches using fully convolutional networks (FCNs), namely FCN-AlexNet, FCN-32s, FCN-16s, and FCN-8s for semantic segmentation of breast lesions. We use pretrained models based on ImageNet and transfer learning to overcome the issue of data deficiency. We evaluate our results on two datasets, which consist of a total of 113 malignant and 356 benign lesions. To assess the performance, we conduct fivefold cross validation using the following split: 70% for training data, 10% for validation data, and 20% testing data. The results showed that our proposed method performed better on benign lesions, with a top "mean Dice" score of 0.7626 with FCN-16s, when compared with the malignant lesions with a top mean Dice score of 0.5484 with FCN-8s. When considering the number of images with Dice score >0.5 , 89.6% of the benign lesions were successfully segmented and correctly recognised, whereas 60.6% of the malignant lesions were successfully segmented and correctly recognized. We conclude the paper by addressing the future challenges of the work

    Fully Automatic Ultrasound Fetal Heart Image Detection and Segmentation based on Texture Analysis

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    Ultrasound fetal heart image analysis is important for the antenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease, therefore, design an automated fetal heart ultrasound image analysis approaches to improve detection ratio of congenital heart disease is necessary. Nevertheless, because of the complicated structure of fetal heart ultrasound image, location, detection and segmentation approaches of fetal heart images as interesting topics that get more attention. Therefore, in this work, we present a framework to segment ultrasound image automatically for tracking the boundary of fetal heart region. In the first step, this paper contributes to breed candidate regions. And then, in the segmentation progress, we apply an energy-based active contour model to detect the edges of fetal heart. Finally, in the experiment section, the performance is estimated by the Dice similarity coefficient, which calculate the spatial overlap between two different segmentation regions, and the experiment results indicate that the proposed algorithm achieves high levels of accuracy

    A Survey on Various Brain MR Image Segmentation Techniques

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    Prior to medical image analysis, segmentation is an essential step in the preprocessing process. Partitioning an image into distinct regions based on characteristics like texture, color, and intensity is its primary goal. Numerous applications include tumor and coronary border recognition, surgical planning, tumor volume measurement, blood cell classification and heart image extraction from cardiac cine angiograms are all made possible by this technique. Many segmentation methods have been proposed recently for medical images. Thresholding, region-based, edge-based, clustering-based and fuzzy based methods are the most important segmentation processes in medical image analysis. A variety of image segmentation methods have been developed by researchers for efficient analysis. An overview of widely used image segmentation methods, along with their benefits and drawbacks, is provided in this paper

    Functional and structural MRI image analysis for brain glial tumors treatment

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    Cotutela con il Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Scienze della Vita, Universiità degli Studi dell'Insubria.openThis Ph.D Thesis is the outcome of a close collaboration between the Center for Research in Image Analysis and Medical Informatics (CRAIIM) of the Insubria University and the Operative Unit of Neurosurgery, Neuroradiology and Health Physics of the University Hospital ”Circolo Fondazione Macchi”, Varese. The project aim is to investigate new methodologies by means of whose, develop an integrated framework able to enhance the use of Magnetic Resonance Images, in order to support clinical experts in the treatment of patients with brain Glial tumor. Both the most common uses of MRI technology for non-invasive brain inspection were analyzed. From the Functional point of view, the goal has been to provide tools for an objective reliable and non-presumptive assessment of the brain’s areas locations, to preserve them as much as possible at surgery. From the Structural point of view, methodologies for fully automatic brain segmentation and recognition of the tumoral areas, for evaluating the tumor volume, the spatial distribution and to be able to infer correlation with other clinical data or trace growth trend, have been studied. Each of the proposed methods has been thoroughly assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively. All the Medical Imaging and Pattern Recognition algorithmic solutions studied for this Ph.D. Thesis have been integrated in GliCInE: Glioma Computerized Inspection Environment, which is a MATLAB prototype of an integrated analysis environment that offers, in addition to all the functionality specifically described in this Thesis, a set of tools needed to manage Functional and Structural Magnetic Resonance Volumes and ancillary data related to the acquisition and the patient.openInformaticaPedoia, ValentinaPedoia, Valentin