1,005 research outputs found

    Variable speed limits: conceptual design for Queensland practice

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    Variable Speed Limits (VSL) is an Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) control tool which can enhance traffic safety and which has the potential to contribute to traffic efficiency. Queensland's motorways experience a large volume of commuter traffic in peak periods, leading to heavy recurrent congestion and a high frequency of incidents. Consequently, Queensland's Department of Transport and Main Roads have considered deploying VSL to improve safety and efficiency. This paper identifies three types of VSL and three applicable conditions for activating VSL on for Queensland motorways: high flow, queuing and adverse weather. The design objectives and methodology for each condition are analysed, and micro-simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of VSL

    Influence of Spatial Placement of Variable Speed Limit Zones on Urban Motorway Traffic Control

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    Traffic control approaches, in particular Variable Speed Limit (VSL), are often studied as solutions to improve the level of service on urban motorways. However, the efficiency of VSL strongly depends on the spatiotemporal arrangement of VSL zones. It is crucial to determine the lengths and locations of VSL zones for best VSL efficiency before deployment in a real system, as the optimal length of the VSL zone and its distance from the bottleneck directly affects traffic dynamics and, thus, bottleneck control. Therefore, in this study, we perform the analysis of different VSL zones lengths and their positions by using a closed-loop Simple Proportional Speed Controller for VSL (SPSC-VSL). We evaluate the different VSL zone configurations and their impact on traffic flow control and vehicle emissions in a SUMO microscopic simulation on a high traffic demand scenario. The results support the observations of previous researchers on the significant dependence of VSL zone placement on VSL efficiency. Additionally, new data-based (traffic parameters and vehicle emissions) evidence of the performance of the SPSC-VSL design are provided regarding the best placement of consecutive VSL zones for motorway bottleneck control not analysed in previous research

    MARVEL: Multi-Agent Reinforcement-Learning for Large-Scale Variable Speed Limits

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    Variable speed limit (VSL) control is a promising traffic management strategy for enhancing safety and mobility. This work introduces MARVEL, a multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) framework for implementing large-scale VSL control on freeway corridors using only commonly available data. The agents learn through a reward structure that incorporates adaptability to traffic conditions, safety, and mobility; enabling coordination among the agents. The proposed framework scales to cover corridors with many gantries thanks to a parameter sharing among all VSL agents. The agents are trained in a microsimulation environment based on a short freeway stretch with 8 gantries spanning 7 miles and tested with 34 gantries spanning 17 miles of I-24 near Nashville, TN. MARVEL improves traffic safety by 63.4% compared to the no control scenario and enhances traffic mobility by 14.6% compared to a state-of-the-practice algorithm that has been deployed on I-24. An explainability analysis is undertaken to explore the learned policy under different traffic conditions and the results provide insights into the decision-making process of agents. Finally, we test the policy learned from the simulation-based experiments on real input data from I-24 to illustrate the potential deployment capability of the learned policy

    Kooperativno upravljanje priljevnim tokovima na urbanim autocestama zasnovano na strojnom učenju

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    To cope with today’s urban motorway congestions and the inability to increase motorway capacity in urban environments requires the implementation of advanced control methods. These methods are an integral part of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). An ITS essentially integrates information and communication technology to solve the congestion problems. Ramp metering (RM) and Variable Speed Limit Control (VSLC) are some of the most widely used urban motorway traffic control methods. RM provide direct influence over the on-ramp flows by using specialized traffic lights, while the VSLC control speed of mainstream flow by using variable messaging signs. A dedicated algorithm for RM or VSLC uses sensory data form an urban motorway to compute actions that will have a positive impact on both types of traffic flow. This study will focus on the cooperation of an RM and a VSLC systems, and the integration of several different RM algorithms into a single algorithm called INTEGRA. The algorithm is created by using the Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) as an instance of machine learning techniques. Furthermore, INTGERA is expanded in order to integrate its original functionality with a recurrent neural network for traffic demand prediction. As the final step, this doctoral thesis will provide evaluation of different criteria for learning dataset functional setup, based on which ANFIS neural network of INTEGRA will be learned. Results of all mentioned approaches will be compared and discussed in relation with other commonly used urban motorway control methods.Glavnina istraživanja u ovom doktorskom radu vezana je upravo za upravljanje priljevnim tokovima s posebnim naglaskom na kooperaciju s drugim sustavima upravljanja prometom, te primjeni strojnog učenja. Također, u kooperaciji s upravljanjem priljevnih tokova razmatrat će se druge upravljačke metode kao što su sustav zabrane prometovanja određenim prometnim trakama, te potpuno ili djelomično upravljanje vozilima opremljenim posebnim računalnim jedinicama. Od strane autora predložen je neuro-neizraziti okvir za učenje koji omogućuje integraciju različitih strategija upravljanja priljevnim tokovima. CTMSIM makro-simulacijski alat koji je izrađen u Matlab programskom okruženju korišten je u simulaciji odabranih metoda upravljanja prometom na urbanim autocestama. Simulator je proširen od strana autora kako bi podržao kooperativno upravljanje priljevnim tokovima, kao i sustav za promjenjivo ograničenje brzina vozila

    Kooperativno upravljanje priljevnim tokovima na urbanim autocestama zasnovano na strojnom učenju

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    To cope with today’s urban motorway congestions and the inability to increase motorway capacity in urban environments requires the implementation of advanced control methods. These methods are an integral part of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). An ITS essentially integrates information and communication technology to solve the congestion problems. Ramp metering (RM) and Variable Speed Limit Control (VSLC) are some of the most widely used urban motorway traffic control methods. RM provide direct influence over the on-ramp flows by using specialized traffic lights, while the VSLC control speed of mainstream flow by using variable messaging signs. A dedicated algorithm for RM or VSLC uses sensory data form an urban motorway to compute actions that will have a positive impact on both types of traffic flow. This study will focus on the cooperation of an RM and a VSLC systems, and the integration of several different RM algorithms into a single algorithm called INTEGRA. The algorithm is created by using the Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) as an instance of machine learning techniques. Furthermore, INTGERA is expanded in order to integrate its original functionality with a recurrent neural network for traffic demand prediction. As the final step, this doctoral thesis will provide evaluation of different criteria for learning dataset functional setup, based on which ANFIS neural network of INTEGRA will be learned. Results of all mentioned approaches will be compared and discussed in relation with other commonly used urban motorway control methods.Glavnina istraživanja u ovom doktorskom radu vezana je upravo za upravljanje priljevnim tokovima s posebnim naglaskom na kooperaciju s drugim sustavima upravljanja prometom, te primjeni strojnog učenja. Također, u kooperaciji s upravljanjem priljevnih tokova razmatrat će se druge upravljačke metode kao što su sustav zabrane prometovanja određenim prometnim trakama, te potpuno ili djelomično upravljanje vozilima opremljenim posebnim računalnim jedinicama. Od strane autora predložen je neuro-neizraziti okvir za učenje koji omogućuje integraciju različitih strategija upravljanja priljevnim tokovima. CTMSIM makro-simulacijski alat koji je izrađen u Matlab programskom okruženju korišten je u simulaciji odabranih metoda upravljanja prometom na urbanim autocestama. Simulator je proširen od strana autora kako bi podržao kooperativno upravljanje priljevnim tokovima, kao i sustav za promjenjivo ograničenje brzina vozila

    Kooperativno upravljanje priljevnim tokovima na urbanim autocestama zasnovano na strojnom učenju

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    To cope with today’s urban motorway congestions and the inability to increase motorway capacity in urban environments requires the implementation of advanced control methods. These methods are an integral part of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). An ITS essentially integrates information and communication technology to solve the congestion problems. Ramp metering (RM) and Variable Speed Limit Control (VSLC) are some of the most widely used urban motorway traffic control methods. RM provide direct influence over the on-ramp flows by using specialized traffic lights, while the VSLC control speed of mainstream flow by using variable messaging signs. A dedicated algorithm for RM or VSLC uses sensory data form an urban motorway to compute actions that will have a positive impact on both types of traffic flow. This study will focus on the cooperation of an RM and a VSLC systems, and the integration of several different RM algorithms into a single algorithm called INTEGRA. The algorithm is created by using the Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) as an instance of machine learning techniques. Furthermore, INTGERA is expanded in order to integrate its original functionality with a recurrent neural network for traffic demand prediction. As the final step, this doctoral thesis will provide evaluation of different criteria for learning dataset functional setup, based on which ANFIS neural network of INTEGRA will be learned. Results of all mentioned approaches will be compared and discussed in relation with other commonly used urban motorway control methods.Glavnina istraživanja u ovom doktorskom radu vezana je upravo za upravljanje priljevnim tokovima s posebnim naglaskom na kooperaciju s drugim sustavima upravljanja prometom, te primjeni strojnog učenja. Također, u kooperaciji s upravljanjem priljevnih tokova razmatrat će se druge upravljačke metode kao što su sustav zabrane prometovanja određenim prometnim trakama, te potpuno ili djelomično upravljanje vozilima opremljenim posebnim računalnim jedinicama. Od strane autora predložen je neuro-neizraziti okvir za učenje koji omogućuje integraciju različitih strategija upravljanja priljevnim tokovima. CTMSIM makro-simulacijski alat koji je izrađen u Matlab programskom okruženju korišten je u simulaciji odabranih metoda upravljanja prometom na urbanim autocestama. Simulator je proširen od strana autora kako bi podržao kooperativno upravljanje priljevnim tokovima, kao i sustav za promjenjivo ograničenje brzina vozila

    Nonlinear optimal control applied to coordinated ramp metering

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    The goal of this paper is to describe a generic approach to the problem of optimal coordinated ramp metering control in large-scale motorway networks. In this approach, the traffic flow process is macroscopically modeled by use of a second-order macroscopic traffic flow model. The overall problem of coordinated ramp metering is formulated as a constrained discrete-time nonlinear optimal control problem, and a feasible-direction nonlinear optimization algorithm is employed for its numerical solution. The control strategy's efficiency is demonstrated through its application to the 32-km Amsterdam ring road. A number of adequately chosen scenarios along with a thorough analysis, interpretation, and suitable visualization of the obtained results provides a basis for the better understanding of some complex interrelationships of partially conflicting performance criteria. More precisely, the strategy's efficiency and equity properties as well as their tradeoff are studied and their partially competitive behavior is discussed. The results of the presented approach are very promising and demonstrate the efficiency of the optimal control methodology for motorway traffic control problems