41 research outputs found

    Fast and Efficient Dataflow Graph Generation

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    International audienceDataflow modeling is a highly regarded method for the design of embedded systems. Measuring the performance of the associated analysis and compilation tools requires an efficient dataflow graph generator. This paper presents a new graph generator for Phased Computation Graphs (PCG), which augment Cyclo-Static Dataflow Graphs with both initial phases and thresholds. A sufficient condition of liveness is first extended to the PCG model. The determination of initial conditions minimizing the total amount of initial data in the channels and ensuring liveness can then be expressed using Integer Linear Programming. This contribution and other improvements of previous works are incorporated in Turbine, a new dataflow graph generator. Its effectiveness is demonstrated experimentally by comparing it to two existing generators, DFTools and SDF3

    Worst-case throughput analysis for parametric rate and parametric actor execution time scenario-aware dataflow graphs

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    Scenario-aware dataflow (SADF) is a prominent tool for modeling and analysis of dynamic embedded dataflow applications. In SADF the application is represented as a finite collection of synchronous dataflow (SDF) graphs, each of which represents one possible application behaviour or scenario. A finite state machine (FSM) specifies the possible orders of scenario occurrences. The SADF model renders the tightest possible performance guarantees, but is limited by its finiteness. This means that from a practical point of view, it can only handle dynamic dataflow applications that are characterized by a reasonably sized set of possible behaviours or scenarios. In this paper we remove this limitation for a class of SADF graphs by means of SADF model parametrization in terms of graph port rates and actor execution times. First, we formally define the semantics of the model relevant for throughput analysis based on (max,+) linear system theory and (max,+) automata. Second, by generalizing some of the existing results, we give the algorithms for worst-case throughput analysis of parametric rate and parametric actor execution time acyclic SADF graphs with a fully connected, possibly infinite state transition system. Third, we demonstrate our approach on a few realistic applications from digital signal processing (DSP) domain mapped onto an embedded multi-processor architecture

    Design-Space Exploration of Stream Programs through Semantic-Preserving Transformations

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    Stream languages explicitly describe fork-join parallelism and pipelines, offering a powerful programming model for many-core Multi-Processor Systems on Chip (MPSoC). In an embedded resource-constrained system, adapting stream programs to fit memory requirements is particularly important. In this paper we present a design-space exploration technique to reduce the minimal memory required when running stream programs on MPSoC; this allows to target memory constrained systems and in some cases obtain better performance. Using a set of semantically preserving transformations, we explore a large number of equivalent program variants; we select the variant that minimizes a buffer evaluation metric. To cope efficiently with large program instances we propose and evaluate an heuristic for this method. We demonstrate the interest of our method on a panel of ten significant benchmarks. As an illustration, we measure the minimal memory required using a multi-core modulo scheduling. Our approach lowers considerably the minimal memory required for seven of the ten benchmarks

    Timing analysis of synchronous data flow graphs

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    Consumer electronic systems are getting more and more complex. Consequently, their design is getting more complicated. Typical systems built today are made of different subsystems that work in parallel in order to meet the functional re- quirements of the demanded applications. The types of applications running on such systems usually have inherent timing constraints which should be realized by the system. The analysis of timing guarantees for parallel systems is not a straightforward task. One important category of applications in consumer electronic devices are multimedia applications such as an MP3 player and an MPEG decoder/encoder. Predictable design is the prominent way of simultaneously managing the design complexity of these systems and providing timing guarantees. Timing guarantees cannot be obtained without using analyzable models of computation. Data flow models proved to be a suitable means for modeling and analysis of multimedia applications. Synchronous Data Flow Graphs (SDFGs) is a data flow model of computation that is traditionally used in the domain of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) platforms. Owing to the structural similarity between DSP and multimedia applications, SDFGs are suitable for modeling multimedia applications as well. Besides, various performance metrics can be analyzed using SDFGs. In fact, the combination of expressivity and analysis potential makes SDFGs very interesting in the domain of multimedia applications. This thesis contributes to SDFG analysis. We propose necessary and sufficient conditions to analyze the integrity of SDFGs and we provide techniques to capture prominent performance metrics, namely, throughput and latency. These perfor- mance metrics together with the mentioned sanity checks (conditions) build an appropriate basis for the analysis of the timing behavior of modeled applications. An SDFG is a graph with actors as vertices and channels as edges. Actors represent basic parts of an application which need to be executed. Channels represent data dependencies between actors. Streaming applications essentially continue their execution indefinitely. Therefore, one of the key properties of an SDFG which models such an application is liveness, i.e., whether all actors can run infinitely often. For example, one is usually not interested in a system which completely or partially deadlocks. Another elementary requirement known as boundedness, is whether an implementation of an SDFG is feasible using a lim- ited amount of memory. Necessary and sufficient conditions for liveness and the different types of boundedness are given, as well as algorithms for checking those conditions. Throughput analysis of SDFGs is an important step for verifying throughput requirements of concurrent real-time applications, for instance within design-space exploration activities. In fact, the main reason that SDFGs are used for mod- eling multimedia applications is analysis of the worst-case throughput, as it is essential for providing timing guarantees. Analysis of SDFGs can be hard, since the worst-case complexity of analysis algorithms is often high. This is also true for throughput analysis. In particular, many algorithms involve a conversion to another kind of data flow graph, namely, a homogenous data flow graph, whose size can be exponentially larger than the size of the original graph and in practice often is much larger. The thesis presents a method for throughput analysis of SD- FGs which is based on explicit state-space exploration, avoiding the mentioned conversion. The method, despite its worst-case complexity, works well in practice, while existing methods often fail. Since the state-space exploration method is akin to the simulation of the graph, the result can be easily obtained as a byproduct in existing simulation tools. In various contexts, such as design-space exploration or run-time reconfigu- ration, many throughput computations are required for varying actor execution times. The computations need to be fast because typically very limited resources or time can be dedicated to the analysis. In this thesis, we present methods to compute throughput of an SDFG where execution times of actors can be param- eters. As a result, the throughput of these graphs is obtained in the form of a function of these parameters. Calculation of throughput for different actor exe- cution times is then merely an evaluation of this function for specific parameter values, which is much faster than the standard throughput analysis. Although throughput is a very useful performance indicator for concurrent real-time applications, another important metric is latency. Especially for appli- cations such as video conferencing, telephony and games, latency beyond a certain limit cannot be tolerated. The final contribution of this thesis is an algorithm to determine the minimal achievable latency, providing an execution scheme for executing an SDFG with this latency. In addition, a heuristic is proposed for optimizing latency under a throughput constraint. This heuristic gives optimal latency and throughput results in most cases

    Efficient Software Implementation of Stream Programs

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    The way we use computers and mobile phones today requires large amounts of processing of data streams. Examples include digital signal processing for wireless transmission, audio and video coding for recording and watching videos, and noise reduction for the phone calls. These tasks can be performed by stream programs—computer programs that process streams of data. Stream programs can be composed of other stream programs. Components of a composition are connected in a network, i.e. the output streams of one component are sent as input streams to other components. The components, that perform the actual computation, are called kernels. They can be described in different styles and programming languages. There are also formal models for describing the kernels and the networks. One such model is the actor machine.This dissertation evaluates the actor machine, how it facilitates creating efficient software implementation of stream programs. The evaluation is divided into four aspects: (1) analyzability of its structure, (2) generality in what languages and styles it can express, (3) efficient implementation of kernels, and (4) efficient implementation of networks. This dissertation demonstrates all four aspects through implementation and evaluation of a stream program compiler based on actor machines

    Modèles de calculs flot de données avec paramètres entiers et booléens. Modélisation - Analyses - Mise en oeuvre

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    Streaming applications are responsible for the majority of the computation load in many embedded systems (video conferencing, computer vision etc). Their high performance requirements make parallel implementations a necessity. Hence, more and more modern embedded systems include many-core processors that allow massive parallelism. Parallel implementation of streaming applications on many-core platforms is challenging because of their complexity, which tends to increase, and their strict requirements both qualitative (e.g., robustness, reliability) and quantitative (e.g., throughput, power consumption). This is observed in the evolution of video codecs that keep increasing in complexity, while their performance requirements remain the same or even increase. Data flow models of computation (MoCs) have been developed to facilitate the design process of such applications, which are typically composed of filters exchanging streams of data via communication links. Data flow MoCs provide an intuitive representation of streaming applications, while exposing the available parallelism of the application. Moreover, they provide static analyses for liveness and boundedness. However, modern streaming applications feature filters that exchange variable amounts of data, and communication links that are not always active. In this thesis, we present a new data flow MoC, the Boolean Parametric Data Flow (BPDF), that allows parametrization of the amount of data exchanged between the filters using integer parameters and the enabling and disabling of communication links using boolean parameters. In this way, BPDF is able to capture more complex streaming applications, like video decoders. Despite the increase in expressiveness, BPDF applications remain statically analyzable for liveness and boundedness. However, increased expressiveness greatly complicates implementation. Integer parameters result in parametric data dependencies and the boolean parameters disable communication links, effectively removing data dependencies. We propose a scheduling framework that facilitates the scheduling of BPDF applications. Our scheduling framework produces as soon as possible schedules for a given static mapping. It takes us input scheduling constraints that derive either from the application (data dependencies) or from the user (schedule optimizations). The constraints are analyzed for liveness and, if possible, simplified. In this way, our framework provides flexibility, while guaranteeing the liveness of the application. Finally, calculation of the throughput of an application is important both at compile-time and at run-time. It allows to verify at compile-time that the application meets its performance requirements and it allows to take scheduling decisions at run-time that can improve performance or power consumption. We approach this problem by finding parametric throughput expressions for the maximum throughput of a subset of BPDF graphs. Finally, we provide an algorithm that calculates sufficient buffer sizes for the BPDF graph to operate at maximum throughput.Les applications de gestion de flux sont responsables de la majorité des calculs des systèmes embarqués (vidéo conférence, vision par ordinateur). Leurs exigences de haute performance rendent leur mise en œuvre parallèle nécessaire. Par conséquent, il est de plus en plus courant que les systèmes embarqués modernes incluent des processeurs multi-cœurs qui permettent un parallélisme massif. La mise en œuvre des applications de gestion de flux sur des multi-cœurs est difficile à cause de leur complexité, qui tend à augmenter, et de leurs exigences strictes à la fois qualitatives (robustesse, fiabilité) et quantitatives (débit, consommation d'énergie). Ceci est observé dans l'évolution de codecs vidéo qui ne cessent d'augmenter en complexité, tandis que leurs exigences de performance demeurent les mêmes. Les modèles de calcul (MdC) flot de données ont été développés pour faciliter la conception de ces applications qui sont typiquement composées de filtres qui échangent des flux de données via des liens de communication. Ces modèles fournissent une représentation intuitive des applications de gestion de flux, tout en exposant le parallélisme de tâches de l'application. En outre, ils fournissent des analyses statiques pour la vivacité et l'exécution en mémoire bornée. Cependant, les applications de gestion de flux modernes comportent des filtres qui échangent des quantités de données variables, et des liens de communication qui peuvent être activés / désactivés. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons un nouveau MdC flot de données, le Boolean Parametric Data Flow (BPDF), qui permet le paramétrage de la quantité de données échangées entre les filtres en utilisant des paramètres entiers et l'activation et la désactivation de liens de communication en utilisant des paramètres booléens. De cette manière, BPDF est capable de exprimer des applications plus complexes, comme les décodeurs vidéo modernes. Malgré l'augmentation de l'expressivité, les applications BPDF restent statiquement analysables pour la vivacité et l'exécution en mémoire bornée. Cependant, l'expressivité accrue complique grandement la mise en œuvre. Les paramètres entiers entraînent des dépendances de données de type paramétrique et les paramètres booléens peuvent désactiver des liens de communication et ainsi éliminer des dépendances de données. Pour cette raison, nous proposons un cadre d'ordonnancement qui produit des ordonnancements de type ``aussi tôt que possible'' (ASAP) pour un placement statique donné. Il utilise des contraintes d'ordonnancement, soit issues de l'application (dépendance de données) ou de l'utilisateur (optimisations d'ordonnancement). Les contraintes sont analysées pour la vivacité et, si possible, simplifiées. De cette façon, notre cadre permet une grande variété de politiques d'ordonnancement, tout en garantissant la vivacité de l'application. Enfin, le calcul du débit d'une application est important tant avant que pendant l'exécution. Il permet de vérifier que l'application satisfait ses exigences de performance et il permet de prendre des décisions d'ordonnancement à l'exécution qui peuvent améliorer la performance ou la consommation d'énergie. Nous traitons ce problème en trouvant des expressions paramétriques pour le débit maximum d'un sous-ensemble de BPDF. Enfin, nous proposons un algorithme qui calcule une taille des buffers suffisante pour que l'application BPDF ait un débit maximum

    Proceedings of the first international workshop on Investigating dataflow in embedded computing architectures (IDEA 2015), January 21, 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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    IDEA '15 held at HiPEAC 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands on January 21st, 2015 is the rst workshop on Investigating Data ow in Embedded computing Architectures. This technical report comprises of the proceedings of IDEA '15. Over the years, data ow has been gaining popularity among Embedded Systems researchers around Europe and the world. However, research on data ow is limited to small pockets in dierent communities without a common forum for discussion. The goal of the workshop was to provide a platform to researchers and practitioners to present work on modelling and analysis of present and future high performance embedded computing architectures using data ow. Despite being the rst edition of the workshop, it was very pleasant to see a total of 14 submissions, out of which 6 papers were selected following a thorough reviewing process. All the papers were reviewed by at least 5 reviewers. This workshop could not have become a reality without the help of a Technical Program Committee (TPC). The TPC members not only did the hard work to give helpful reviews in time, but also participated in extensive discussion following the reviewing process, leading to an excellent workshop program and very valuable feedback to authors. Likewise, the Organisation Committee also deserves acknowledgment to make this workshop a successful event. We take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed in making this workshop a success

    Proceedings of the first international workshop on Investigating dataflow in embedded computing architectures (IDEA 2015), January 21, 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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    IDEA '15 held at HiPEAC 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands on January 21st, 2015 is the rst workshop on Investigating Data ow in Embedded computing Architectures. This technical report comprises of the proceedings of IDEA '15. Over the years, data ow has been gaining popularity among Embedded Systems researchers around Europe and the world. However, research on data ow is limited to small pockets in dierent communities without a common forum for discussion. The goal of the workshop was to provide a platform to researchers and practitioners to present work on modelling and analysis of present and future high performance embedded computing architectures using data ow. Despite being the rst edition of the workshop, it was very pleasant to see a total of 14 submissions, out of which 6 papers were selected following a thorough reviewing process. All the papers were reviewed by at least 5 reviewers. This workshop could not have become a reality without the help of a Technical Program Committee (TPC). The TPC members not only did the hard work to give helpful reviews in time, but also participated in extensive discussion following the reviewing process, leading to an excellent workshop program and very valuable feedback to authors. Likewise, the Organisation Committee also deserves acknowledgment to make this workshop a successful event. We take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed in making this workshop a success

    Optimal and fast throughput evaluation of CSDF

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    International audienceThe Synchronous Dataow Graph (SDFG) and Cyclo-Static Dataow Graph (CSDFG) are two well-known models, used practically by industry for many years, and for which there is a large number of analysis techniques. Yet, basic problems such as the throughput computation or the liveness evaluation are not well solved, and their complexity is still unknown. In this paper, we propose K-Iter, an iterative algorithm based on K-periodic scheduling to compute the throughput of a CSDFG. By using this technique, we are able to compute in less than a minute the throughput of industry applications for which no result was available before

    Reducing Memory Requirements of Stream Programs by Graph Transformations

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    International audienceStream languages explicitly describe fork-join parallelism and pipelines, offering a powerful programming model for many-core Multi-Processor Systems on Chip (MPSoC). In an embedded resource-constrained system, adapting stream programs to fit memory requirements is particularly important. In this paper we present a new approach to re- duce the memory footprint required to run stream programs on MPSoC. Through an exploration of equivalent program variants, the method selects parallel code minimizing mem- ory consumption. For large program instances, a heuristic accelerating the exploration phase is proposed and evalu- ated. We demonstrate the interest of our method on a panel of ten significant benchmarks. Using a multi-core modulo scheduling technique, our approach lowers considerably the minimal amount of memory required to run seven of these benchmarks while preserving throughput