71,564 research outputs found

    Behaviour of Palm Olein During Low Temperature Storage and Identification of Palm Olein Cloud

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    Palm olein, one of the world's most consumable oil, faces problems such as poor low temperature stability and formation of cloud upon storage. In order to study the behaviour of the oil during low temperature storage and identify the components of cloud, the oil was crystallized at 12.5°C over the period of 12 to 24 hours. The behaviour of the triglycerides present in the crystallized oil were monitored by three independent analyses: carbon number analysis (CN) by gas liquid chromatography (GLC) , fatty acid composition and content by fatty acid methyl esters (FAME)-GLC, and glyceride composition and content by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). At 18 hours of storage, the triglyceride types determined by CN analysis that hadthe maximum concentration (44.49%) was C50 while C52 exhibited the lowest value of 41.10%. In FAME analysis, palmitic acid (C16) had the highest concentration of 41.67% after the oil had been stored for 15 hours while oleic (C18:1) exhibited the lowest value of 41.52%. Triglyceride analysis by HPLC showed that palmitic-oleic-pal mitic (POP) concentration increased to the highest value of 33.53% at 18 hours of storage while palmitic-oleic-oleic (POO) concentration decreased to the lowest value of 23.98% which represent 19.96% increased and 12.77% decreased, respectively. The second aspect studied was the separation of cloud from palm olein and identification of the glyceride that made up the cloud. The cloud from palm olein was separated from the mother (liquid) oil by crystallizing the oil at 10˚C for 4 hours followed by brief centrifugation . Oils from three different sources were used as samples. Isolated clouds were identified by using the three analyses mentioned above. Clouds from all three sample oils were found to comprise of 1,3-dipalmito-glycerol and I-palmito-3-oleo-glycerol. The physical properties of the cloud was determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analyses. A polarized optical microscope was employed to observe the crystal morphology. The results indicated that the cloud crystals had a mix structure of B-a and B-b polymorphic forms, a melting point of 70. 3°C, crystallization temperature of 53. 8°C, the heat of fusion and crystallization were 129.84J/g and - 129.24J/g respectively. The most common crystal size ranged from 70f.'m to 80f.'m

    Storage Tank Overfill Vapor Cloud Explosions – Science, Causes, and Prevention

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    PresentationThe 2009 Puerto Rico incident reminds us that few events are as devastating as a vapor cloud explosion initiated by a tank overfill. Any company that transfers a flammable liquid into a storage tank is vulnerable to the vapor cloud that is generated by a tank overfill. Because the liquid typically pours out from the top of the tank and falls into the secondary containment, the liquid may be contained but the vapor can easily traverse the secondary containment wall and find an ignition sources where either a vapor cloud explosion or a flash fire (deflagration) that may result. In either case, it is important to understand and prevent this type of incident. Although recent gasoline tank overfill vapor cloud explosions (VCEs) have made the news, much larger crude oil volumes are shipped throughout the world. Therefore, it seems reasonable to investigate how the VCA methodology can be applied to crude oil tank overfills. In this paper we build on the Vapor Cloud Analysis (VCA) proposed by the UK Health Safety Executive as documented in Research Report 908 and the FABIG Technical Note 12. We summarize the latest results but we extend the method so that it is applicable to crude oil tank overfills. In addition, we show how to positively eliminate the potential for these incidents without large investments or complex systems

    Storage Tank Overfill Vapor Cloud Explosions – Science, Causes, and Prevention

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    PresentationThe 2009 Puerto Rico incident reminds us that few events are as devastating as a vapor cloud explosion initiated by a tank overfill. Any company that transfers a flammable liquid into a storage tank is vulnerable to the vapor cloud that is generated by a tank overfill. Because the liquid typically pours out from the top of the tank and falls into the secondary containment, the liquid may be contained but the vapor can easily traverse the secondary containment wall and find an ignition sources where either a vapor cloud explosion or a flash fire (deflagration) that may result. In either case, it is important to understand and prevent this type of incident. Although recent gasoline tank overfill vapor cloud explosions (VCEs) have made the news, much larger crude oil volumes are shipped throughout the world. Therefore, it seems reasonable to investigate how the VCA methodology can be applied to crude oil tank overfills. In this paper we build on the Vapor Cloud Analysis (VCA) proposed by the UK Health Safety Executive as documented in Research Report 908 and the FABIG Technical Note 12. We summarize the latest results but we extend the method so that it is applicable to crude oil tank overfills. In addition, we show how to positively eliminate the potential for these incidents without large investments or complex systems

    Feasibility study of launch vehicle ground cloud neutralization

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    The distribution of hydrogen chloride in the cloud was analyzed as a function of launch pad geometry and rate of rise of the vehicle during the first 24 sec of burn in order to define neutralization requirements. Delivery systems of various types were developed in order to bring the proposed chemical agents in close contact with the hydrogen chloride. Approximately one-third of the total neutralizing agent required can be delivered from a ground installed system at the launch pad; concentrated sodium carbonate solution is the preferred choice of agent for this launch pad system. Two-thirds of the neutralization requirement appears to need delivery by aircraft. Only one chemical agent (ammonia) may be reasonably considered for delivery by aircraft, because weight and bulk of all other agents are too large

    Investigation of liquid-liquid demixing and aggregate formation in a membrane-forming system by means of pulse-induced critical scattering (PICS)

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    Phase separation phenomena in the quasi-ternary system cellulose acetate (CA)/dioxane/water, used as a typical system in the preparation of polymeric membranes for ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis applications, were investigated by means of pulse-induced critical scattering (PICS). Both the cloud point curve and spinodal curve were determined for CA concentrations up to 20% (w/w). The influence of maleic acid (used as an additive in order to improve the membrane performance) on the position of the binodal and spinodal curves and the demixing kinetics were investigated

    Risk analysis of LPG tanks at the wildland-urban interface

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    In areas of wildland-urban interface (WUI), especially residential developments, it is very common to see liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) tanks, particularly with a higher ratio of propane, in surface installations serving homes. The most common tanks are between 1 and 5 m3 of capacity, but smaller ones of less than 1 m3 are more frequent. In case of accident, installations may be subject to fires and explosions, especially in those circumstances where legal and normative requirements allow very close exposure to flames from vegetable fuel near LPG tanks. In this project, it is intended to do a comprehensive diagnosis of the problem, addressing the compilation of information on real risk scenarios in historical fires. First, a preliminary presentation of the properties and characteristics of liquefied petroleum gas will be exposed. Its physical and chemical properties, production methodology, pressure and temperature diagrams and important considerations will be defined when using this type of substances in a storage tank of a certain volume. Next, a review of the situation of the existence of LPG tanks in the urban forest interfaces will be exposed. In this case, the main accidents caused by problems with the storage of LPG will be analyzed taking into account the relevance of BLEVE events in this type of incidents. To do this, the main scenarios that could take place in the event of a fire will be presented. Next, the existing legislation on the storage of LPG in these environments in some Mediterranean countries will be studied. In order to develop a comprehensive analysis, the main safety measures and distances will be considered, as well as the awareness of the possibility of vegetation material in the vicinity of LPG storage tanks, which is the main problem that will arise in a possible BLEVE scenario in case of fire. To finalize and facilitate understanding, a comparative table will be included with the aim of visualizing the main advantages and legislative deficiencies between the different countries. Following, the state of the art in terms of modelling LPG accidents at the WUI will be reviewed. Trying to simulate and predict this type of scenarios, it will see the models normally chosen to obtain the tolerable values selected and the answers obtained in each case. Finally, several fire scenarios will be simulated by means of a CFD tool (FDS, Fire Dynamics Simulator). In these simulations, the wind velocity and the distance of the combustible vegetal mass to the tank will be controlled in a WUI fire in which there is a tank of fixed dimensions. The temperature and the heat flow in each of the scenarios will be obtained, and the differences among the location of the sensors and the characteristics of the scenario will be analyzed. As a conclusion, it has been observed that there is a great amount of variables that are not contemplated by the regulatory organisms and that the existing legislation does not guarantee the safety of the population in this type of environment. From the simulations results, variables as temperature should be studied for further characterizations