13 research outputs found

    A guide to time-resolved and parameter-free measures of spike train synchrony

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    Measures of spike train synchrony have proven a valuable tool in both experimental and computational neuroscience. Particularly useful are time-resolved methods such as the ISI- and the SPIKE-distance, which have already been applied in various bivariate and multivariate contexts. Recently, SPIKE-Synchronization was proposed as another time-resolved synchronization measure. It is based on Event-Synchronization and has a very intuitive interpretation. Here, we present a detailed analysis of the mathematical properties of these three synchronization measures. For example, we were able to obtain analytic expressions for the expectation values of the ISI-distance and SPIKE-Synchronization for Poisson spike trains. For the SPIKE-distance we present an empirical formula deduced from numerical evaluations. These expectation values are crucial for interpreting the synchronization of spike trains measured in experiments or numerical simulations, as they represent the point of reference for fully randomized spike trains.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure


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    Thesis (Master of Information Science)--University of Tsukuba, no. 34311, 2015.3.25201

    To Deconvolve, or Not to Deconvolve: Inferences of Neuronal Activities using Calcium Imaging Data

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    With the increasing popularity of calcium imaging data in neuroscience research, methods for analyzing calcium trace data are critical to address various questions. The observed calcium traces are either analyzed directly or deconvolved to spike trains to infer neuronal activities. When both approaches are applicable, it is unclear whether deconvolving calcium traces is a necessary step. In this article, we compare the performance of using calcium traces or their deconvolved spike trains for three common analyses: clustering, principal component analysis (PCA), and population decoding. Our simulations and applications to real data suggest that the estimated spike data outperform calcium trace data for both clustering and PCA. Although calcium trace data show higher predictability than spike data at each time point, spike history or cumulative spike counts is comparable to or better than calcium traces in population decoding

    Probing Real Sensory Worlds of Receivers with Unsupervised Clustering

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    The task of an organism to extract information about the external environment from sensory signals is based entirely on the analysis of ongoing afferent spike activity provided by the sense organs. We investigate the processing of auditory stimuli by an acoustic interneuron of insects. In contrast to most previous work we do this by using stimuli and neurophysiological recordings directly in the nocturnal tropical rainforest, where the insect communicates. Different from typical recordings in sound proof laboratories, strong environmental noise from multiple sound sources interferes with the perception of acoustic signals in these realistic scenarios. We apply a recently developed unsupervised machine learning algorithm based on probabilistic inference to find frequently occurring firing patterns in the response of the acoustic interneuron. We can thus ask how much information the central nervous system of the receiver can extract from bursts without ever being told which type and which variants of bursts are characteristic for particular stimuli. Our results show that the reliability of burst coding in the time domain is so high that identical stimuli lead to extremely similar spike pattern responses, even for different preparations on different dates, and even if one of the preparations is recorded outdoors and the other one in the sound proof lab. Simultaneous recordings in two preparations exposed to the same acoustic environment reveal that characteristics of burst patterns are largely preserved among individuals of the same species. Our study shows that burst coding can provide a reliable mechanism for acoustic insects to classify and discriminate signals under very noisy real-world conditions. This gives new insights into the neural mechanisms potentially used by bushcrickets to discriminate conspecific songs from sounds of predators in similar carrier frequency bands

    Measures of spike train synchrony

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