6,794 research outputs found

    LCSTS: A Large Scale Chinese Short Text Summarization Dataset

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    Automatic text summarization is widely regarded as the highly difficult problem, partially because of the lack of large text summarization data set. Due to the great challenge of constructing the large scale summaries for full text, in this paper, we introduce a large corpus of Chinese short text summarization dataset constructed from the Chinese microblogging website Sina Weibo, which is released to the public {http://icrc.hitsz.edu.cn/Article/show/139.html}. This corpus consists of over 2 million real Chinese short texts with short summaries given by the author of each text. We also manually tagged the relevance of 10,666 short summaries with their corresponding short texts. Based on the corpus, we introduce recurrent neural network for the summary generation and achieve promising results, which not only shows the usefulness of the proposed corpus for short text summarization research, but also provides a baseline for further research on this topic.Comment: Recently, we received feedbacks from Yuya Taguchi from NAIST in Japan and Qian Chen from USTC of China, that the results in the EMNLP2015 version seem to be underrated. So we carefully checked our results and find out that we made a mistake while using the standard ROUGE. Then we re-evaluate all methods in the paper and get corrected results listed in Table 2 of this versio

    Generating indicative-informative summaries with SumUM

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    We present and evaluate SumUM, a text summarization system that takes a raw technical text as input and produces an indicative informative summary. The indicative part of the summary identifies the topics of the document, and the informative part elaborates on some of these topics according to the reader's interest. SumUM motivates the topics, describes entities, and defines concepts. It is a first step for exploring the issue of dynamic summarization. This is accomplished through a process of shallow syntactic and semantic analysis, concept identification, and text regeneration. Our method was developed through the study of a corpus of abstracts written by professional abstractors. Relying on human judgment, we have evaluated indicativeness, informativeness, and text acceptability of the automatic summaries. The results thus far indicate good performance when compared with other summarization technologies

    Generating Aspect-oriented Multi-document Summarization with Event-Aspect Model

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    In this paper, we propose a novel approach to automatic generation of aspect-oriented summaries from multiple documents. We first develop an event-aspect LDA model to cluster sentences into aspects. We then use extended LexRank algorithm to rank the sentences in each cluster. We use Integer Linear Programming for sentence selection. Key features of our method include automatic grouping of semantically related sentences and sentence ranking based on extension of random walk model. Also, we implement a new sentence compression algorithm which use dependency tree instead of parser tree. We compare our method with four baseline methods. Quantitative evaluation based on Rouge metric demonstrates the effectiveness and advantages of our method.

    Natural language processing

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    Beginning with the basic issues of NLP, this chapter aims to chart the major research activities in this area since the last ARIST Chapter in 1996 (Haas, 1996), including: (i) natural language text processing systems - text summarization, information extraction, information retrieval, etc., including domain-specific applications; (ii) natural language interfaces; (iii) NLP in the context of www and digital libraries ; and (iv) evaluation of NLP systems