40,417 research outputs found

    On solving systems of random linear disequations

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    An important subcase of the hidden subgroup problem is equivalent to the shift problem over abelian groups. An efficient solution to the latter problem would serve as a building block of quantum hidden subgroup algorithms over solvable groups. The main idea of a promising approach to the shift problem is reduction to solving systems of certain random disequations in finite abelian groups. The random disequations are actually generalizations of linear functions distributed nearly uniformly over those not containing a specific group element in the kernel. In this paper we give an algorithm which finds the solutions of a system of N random linear disequations in an abelian p-group A in time polynomial in N, where N=(log|A|)^{O(q)}, and q is the exponent of A.Comment: 13 page

    Rank 2 Local Systems, Barsotti-Tate Groups, and Shimura Curves

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    We develop a descent criterion for KK-linear abelian categories. Using recent advances in the Langlands correspondence due to Abe, we build a correspondence between certain rank 2 local systems and certain Barsotti-Tate groups on complete curves over a finite field. We conjecture that such Barsotti-Tate groups "come from" a family of fake elliptic curves. As an application of these ideas, we provide a criterion for being a Shimura curve over Fq\mathbb{F}_q. Along the way, we formulate a conjecture on the field-of-coefficients of certain compatible systems.Comment: 30 pages. Part of author's PhD thesis. Comments welcome

    Additive Cellular Automata Over Finite Abelian Groups: Topological and Measure Theoretic Properties

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    We study the dynamical behavior of D-dimensional (D >= 1) additive cellular automata where the alphabet is any finite abelian group. This class of discrete time dynamical systems is a generalization of the systems extensively studied by many authors among which one may list [Masanobu Ito et al., 1983; Giovanni Manzini and Luciano Margara, 1999; Giovanni Manzini and Luciano Margara, 1999; Jarkko Kari, 2000; Gianpiero Cattaneo et al., 2000; Gianpiero Cattaneo et al., 2004]. Our main contribution is the proof that topologically transitive additive cellular automata are ergodic. This result represents a solid bridge between the world of measure theory and that of topology theory and greatly extends previous results obtained in [Gianpiero Cattaneo et al., 2000; Giovanni Manzini and Luciano Margara, 1999] for linear CA over Z_m i.e. additive CA in which the alphabet is the cyclic group Z_m and the local rules are linear combinations with coefficients in Z_m. In our scenario, the alphabet is any finite abelian group and the global rule is any additive map. This class of CA strictly contains the class of linear CA over Z_m^n, i.e.with the local rule defined by n x n matrices with elements in Z_m which, in turn, strictly contains the class of linear CA over Z_m. In order to further emphasize that finite abelian groups are more expressive than Z_m we prove that, contrary to what happens in Z_m, there exist additive CA over suitable finite abelian groups which are roots (with arbitrarily large indices) of the shift map. As a consequence of our results, we have that, for additive CA, ergodic mixing, weak ergodic mixing, ergodicity, topological mixing, weak topological mixing, topological total transitivity and topological transitivity are all equivalent properties. As a corollary, we have that invertible transitive additive CA are isomorphic to Bernoulli shifts. Finally, we provide a first characterization of strong transitivity for additive CA which we suspect it might be true also for the general case

    Exploring the concept of interaction computing through the discrete algebraic analysis of the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction

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    Interaction computing (IC) aims to map the properties of integrable low-dimensional non-linear dynamical systems to the discrete domain of finite-state automata in an attempt to reproduce in software the self-organizing and dynamically stable properties of sub-cellular biochemical systems. As the work reported in this paper is still at the early stages of theory development it focuses on the analysis of a particularly simple chemical oscillator, the Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction. After retracing the rationale for IC developed over the past several years from the physical, biological, mathematical, and computer science points of view, the paper presents an elementary discussion of the Krohn-Rhodes decomposition of finite-state automata, including the holonomy decomposition of a simple automaton, and of its interpretation as an abstract positional number system. The method is then applied to the analysis of the algebraic properties of discrete finite-state automata derived from a simplified Petri net model of the BZ reaction. In the simplest possible and symmetrical case the corresponding automaton is, not surprisingly, found to contain exclusively cyclic groups. In a second, asymmetrical case, the decomposition is much more complex and includes five different simple non-abelian groups whose potential relevance arises from their ability to encode functionally complete algebras. The possible computational relevance of these findings is discussed and possible conclusions are drawn

    Adding homomorphisms to commutative/monoidal theories or : how algebra can help in equational unification

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    Two approaches to equational unification can be distinguished. The syntactic approach relies heavily on the syntactic structure of the identities that define the equational theory. The semantic approach exploits the structure of the algebras that satisfy the theory. With this paper we pursue the semantic approach to unification. We consider the class of theories for which solving unification problems is equivalent to solving systems of linear equations over a semiring. This class has been introduced by the authors independently of each other as commutative theories (Baader) and monoidal theories (Nutt). The class encompasses important examples like the theories of abelian monoids, idempotent abelian monoids, and abelian groups. We identify a large subclass of commutative/monoidal theories that are of unification type zero by studying equations over the corresponding semiring. As a second result, we show with methods from linear algebra that unitary and finitary commutative/monoidal theories do not change their unification type when they are augmented by a finite monoid of homomorphisms, and how algorithms for the extended theory can be obtained from algorithms for the basic theory. The two results illustrate how using algebraic machinery can lead to general results and elegant proofs in unification theory

    Classical simulations of Abelian-group normalizer circuits with intermediate measurements

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    Quantum normalizer circuits were recently introduced as generalizations of Clifford circuits [arXiv:1201.4867]: a normalizer circuit over a finite Abelian group GG is composed of the quantum Fourier transform (QFT) over G, together with gates which compute quadratic functions and automorphisms. In [arXiv:1201.4867] it was shown that every normalizer circuit can be simulated efficiently classically. This result provides a nontrivial example of a family of quantum circuits that cannot yield exponential speed-ups in spite of usage of the QFT, the latter being a central quantum algorithmic primitive. Here we extend the aforementioned result in several ways. Most importantly, we show that normalizer circuits supplemented with intermediate measurements can also be simulated efficiently classically, even when the computation proceeds adaptively. This yields a generalization of the Gottesman-Knill theorem (valid for n-qubit Clifford operations [quant-ph/9705052, quant-ph/9807006] to quantum circuits described by arbitrary finite Abelian groups. Moreover, our simulations are twofold: we present efficient classical algorithms to sample the measurement probability distribution of any adaptive-normalizer computation, as well as to compute the amplitudes of the state vector in every step of it. Finally we develop a generalization of the stabilizer formalism [quant-ph/9705052, quant-ph/9807006] relative to arbitrary finite Abelian groups: for example we characterize how to update stabilizers under generalized Pauli measurements and provide a normal form of the amplitudes of generalized stabilizer states using quadratic functions and subgroup cosets.Comment: 26 pages+appendices. Title has changed in this second version. To appear in Quantum Information and Computation, Vol.14 No.3&4, 201

    The Dynamics of Group Codes: Dual Abelian Group Codes and Systems

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    Fundamental results concerning the dynamics of abelian group codes (behaviors) and their duals are developed. Duals of sequence spaces over locally compact abelian groups may be defined via Pontryagin duality; dual group codes are orthogonal subgroups of dual sequence spaces. The dual of a complete code or system is finite, and the dual of a Laurent code or system is (anti-)Laurent. If C and C^\perp are dual codes, then the state spaces of C act as the character groups of the state spaces of C^\perp. The controllability properties of C are the observability properties of C^\perp. In particular, C is (strongly) controllable if and only if C^\perp is (strongly) observable, and the controller memory of C is the observer memory of C^\perp. The controller granules of C act as the character groups of the observer granules of C^\perp. Examples of minimal observer-form encoder and syndrome-former constructions are given. Finally, every observer granule of C is an "end-around" controller granule of C.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figures. To appear in IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 200
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