604 research outputs found

    Survey and Benchmark of Block Ciphers for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Cryptographic algorithms play an important role in the security architecture of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Choosing the most storage- and energy-efficient block cipher is essential, due to the facts that these networks are meant to operate without human intervention for a long period of time with little energy supply, and that available storage is scarce on these sensor nodes. However, to our knowledge, no systematic work has been done in this area so far.We construct an evaluation framework in which we first identify the candidates of block ciphers suitable for WSNs, based on existing literature and authoritative recommendations. For evaluating and assessing these candidates, we not only consider the security properties but also the storage- and energy-efficiency of the candidates. Finally, based on the evaluation results, we select the most suitable ciphers for WSNs, namely Skipjack, MISTY1, and Rijndael, depending on the combination of available memory and required security (energy efficiency being implicit). In terms of operation mode, we recommend Output Feedback Mode for pairwise links but Cipher Block Chaining for group communications

    Quantum Algorithms for Boolean Equation Solving and Quantum Algebraic Attack on Cryptosystems

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    Decision of whether a Boolean equation system has a solution is an NPC problem and finding a solution is NP hard. In this paper, we present a quantum algorithm to decide whether a Boolean equation system FS has a solution and compute one if FS does have solutions with any given success probability. The runtime complexity of the algorithm is polynomial in the size of FS and the condition number of FS. As a consequence, we give a polynomial-time quantum algorithm for solving Boolean equation systems if their condition numbers are small, say polynomial in the size of FS. We apply our quantum algorithm for solving Boolean equations to the cryptanalysis of several important cryptosystems: the stream cipher Trivum, the block cipher AES, the hash function SHA-3/Keccak, and the multivariate public key cryptosystems, and show that they are secure under quantum algebraic attack only if the condition numbers of the corresponding equation systems are large. This leads to a new criterion for designing cryptosystems that can against the attack of quantum computers: their corresponding equation systems must have large condition numbers

    Power Side Channels in Security ICs: Hardware Countermeasures

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    Power side-channel attacks are a very effective cryptanalysis technique that can infer secret keys of security ICs by monitoring the power consumption. Since the emergence of practical attacks in the late 90s, they have been a major threat to many cryptographic-equipped devices including smart cards, encrypted FPGA designs, and mobile phones. Designers and manufacturers of cryptographic devices have in response developed various countermeasures for protection. Attacking methods have also evolved to counteract resistant implementations. This paper reviews foundational power analysis attack techniques and examines a variety of hardware design mitigations. The aim is to highlight exposed vulnerabilities in hardware-based countermeasures for future more secure implementations

    Mini-ciphers: a reliable testbed for cryptanalysis?

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    This paper reports on higher-order square analysis of the AES cipher. We present experimental results of attack simulations on mini-AES versions with word sizes of 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 bits and describe the propagation of higher-order Lambda-sets inside some of these distinguishers. A possible explanation of the length of the square distinguishers uses the concept of higher-order derivatives of discrete mappings

    Current implementation of advance encryption standard (AES) S-Box

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    Although the attack on cryptosystem is still not severe, the development of the scheme is stillongoing especially for the design of S-Box. Two main approach has beenused, which areheuristic method and algebraic method. Algebraic method as in current AES implementationhas been proven to be the most secure S-Box design to date. This review paper willconcentrate on two kinds of method of constructing AES S-Box, which are algebraic approachand heuristic approach. The objective is to review a method of constructing S-Box, which arecomparable or close to the original construction of AES S-Box especially for the heuristicapproach. Finally, all the listed S-Boxes from these two methods will be compared in terms oftheir security performance which is nonlinearity and differential uniformity of the S-Box. Thefinding may offer the potential approach to develop a new S-Box that is better than theoriginal one.Keywords: block cipher; AES; S-Bo

    Contributions to Confidentiality and Integrity Algorithms for 5G

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    The confidentiality and integrity algorithms in cellular networks protect the transmission of user and signaling data over the air between users and the network, e.g., the base stations. There are three standardised cryptographic suites for confidentiality and integrity protection in 4G, which are based on the AES, SNOW 3G, and ZUC primitives, respectively. These primitives are used for providing a 128-bit security level and are usually implemented in hardware, e.g., using IP (intellectual property) cores, thus can be quite efficient. When we come to 5G, the innovative network architecture and high-performance demands pose new challenges to security. For the confidentiality and integrity protection, there are some new requirements on the underlying cryptographic algorithms. Specifically, these algorithms should: 1) provide 256 bits of security to protect against attackers equipped with quantum computing capabilities; and 2) provide at least 20 Gbps (Gigabits per second) speed in pure software environments, which is the downlink peak data rate in 5G. The reason for considering software environments is that the encryption in 5G will likely be moved to the cloud and implemented in software. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate existing algorithms in 4G, checking if they can satisfy the 5G requirements in terms of security and speed, and possibly propose new dedicated algorithms targeting these goals. This is the motivation of this thesis, which focuses on the confidentiality and integrity algorithms for 5G. The results can be summarised as follows.1. We investigate the security of SNOW 3G under 256-bit keys and propose two linear attacks against it with complexities 2172 and 2177, respectively. These cryptanalysis results indicate that SNOW 3G cannot provide the full 256-bit security level. 2. We design some spectral tools for linear cryptanalysis and apply these tools to investigate the security of ZUC-256, the 256-bit version of ZUC. We propose a distinguishing attack against ZUC-256 with complexity 2236, which is 220 faster than exhaustive key search. 3. We design a new stream cipher called SNOW-V in response to the new requirements for 5G confidentiality and integrity protection, in terms of security and speed. SNOW-V can provide a 256-bit security level and achieve a speed as high as 58 Gbps in software based on our extensive evaluation. The cipher is currently under evaluation in ETSI SAGE (Security Algorithms Group of Experts) as a promising candidate for 5G confidentiality and integrity algorithms. 4. We perform deeper cryptanalysis of SNOW-V to ensure that two common cryptanalysis techniques, guess-and-determine attacks and linear cryptanalysis, do not apply to SNOW-V faster than exhaustive key search. 5. We introduce two minor modifications in SNOW-V and propose an extreme performance variant, called SNOW-Vi, in response to the feedback about SNOW-V that some use cases are not fully covered. SNOW-Vi covers more use cases, especially some platforms with less capabilities. The speeds in software are increased by 50% in average over SNOW-V and can be up to 92 Gbps.Besides these works on 5G confidentiality and integrity algorithms, the thesis is also devoted to local pseudorandom generators (PRGs). 6. We investigate the security of local PRGs and propose two attacks against some constructions instantiated on the P5 predicate. The attacks improve existing results with a large gap and narrow down the secure parameter regime. We also extend the attacks to other local PRGs instantiated on general XOR-AND and XOR-MAJ predicates and provide some insight in the choice of safe parameters

    Large substitution boxes with efficient combinational implementations

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    At a fundamental level, the security of symmetric key cryptosystems ties back to Claude Shannon\u27s properties of confusion and diffusion. Confusion can be defined as the complexity of the relationship between the secret key and ciphertext, and diffusion can be defined as the degree to which the influence of a single input plaintext bit is spread throughout the resulting ciphertext. In constructions of symmetric key cryptographic primitives, confusion and diffusion are commonly realized with the application of nonlinear and linear operations, respectively. The Substitution-Permutation Network design is one such popular construction adopted by the Advanced Encryption Standard, among other block ciphers, which employs substitution boxes, or S-boxes, for nonlinear behavior. As a result, much research has been devoted to improving the cryptographic strength and implementation efficiency of S-boxes so as to prohibit cryptanalysis attacks that exploit weak constructions and enable fast and area-efficient hardware implementations on a variety of platforms. To date, most published and standardized S-boxes are bijective functions on elements of 4 or 8 bits. In this work, we explore the cryptographic properties and implementations of 8 and 16 bit S-boxes. We study the strength of these S-boxes in the context of Boolean functions and investigate area-optimized combinational hardware implementations. We then present a variety of new 8 and 16 bit S-boxes that have ideal cryptographic properties and enable low-area combinational implementations