609,854 research outputs found

    Profit-oriented disassembly-line balancing

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    As product and material recovery has gained importance, disassembly volumes have increased, justifying construction of disassembly lines similar to assembly lines. Recent research on disassembly lines has focused on complete disassembly. Unlike assembly, the current industry practice involves partial disassembly with profit-maximization or cost-minimization objectives. Another difference between assembly and disassembly is that disassembly involves additional precedence relations among tasks due to processing alternatives or physical restrictions. In this study, we define and solve the profit-oriented partial disassembly-line balancing problem. We first characterize different types of precedence relations in disassembly and propose a new representation scheme that encompasses all these types. We then develop the first mixed integer programming formulation for the partial disassembly-line balancing problem, which simultaneously determines (1) the parts whose demand is to be fulfilled to generate revenue, (2) the tasks that will release the selected parts under task and station costs, (3) the number of stations that will be opened, (4) the cycle time, and (5) the balance of the disassembly line, i.e. the feasible assignment of selected tasks to stations such that various types of precedence relations are satisfied. We propose a lower and upper-bounding scheme based on linear programming relaxation of the formulation. Computational results show that our approach provides near optimal solutions for small problems and is capable of solving larger problems with up to 320 disassembly tasks in reasonable time

    Possibilities of Simulation of a Technical Line which is subject to the Balancing Process

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    Technical line balancing is a mean of economic efficiency increasing of some industrial activities. Essentially, to balance a technical line means to organize human operator's activity, to establish manufacturing flux, to project the line so to minimize equipments and operators' pause time, having a use of these as good as possible. In this work we'll describe an algorithm of simulation of a technical process, relied on random generation of the main characteristics of working phases, which will be considered in solving balancing problem of a technical line whereon an only model of a product is assembled, operating times are established and line operating rhythm is fixed.technical phase, workstation, operating time, technical line balancing, simulation.


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    Recently, an imbalance workstation in the assembly line is one of the critical problem that many companies face. Many researches have done to solve this problem with the various designs of assembly line balancing. This research presents the comparison between straight line balancing and u-shaped line balancing. Both straight line balancing and u-shaped line balancing have the same goal; minimizing the workstations. The result of this research shows that u-shaped line balancing gives a better solution than the straight line balancing in term of number of workstation. Straight line balancing is using Rank Positional Weight (RPW) whereas u-shaped line balancing is using Critical Task Method (CTM). Significantly, u-shaped line balancing is more efficient than straight line balancing. Keywords : assembly line balancing, straight line balancing, u-shaped line balancing, Rank Positional Weight, Critical Task Metho

    Henry Ford vs. assembly line balancing

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    Ford’s Assembly Line at Highland Park is one of the most influential conceptualizations of a production system. New data reveal Ford’s operations were adaptable to strongly increasing and highly variable demand. These analyses show Ford’s assembly line was used differently than modern ones and their production systems were more flexible than previously recognized. Assembly line balancing theory largely ignores earlier practice. It will be shown that Ford used multiple lines flexibly to cope with large monthly variations in sales. Although a line may be optimized to yield lowest cost production, systems composed of several parallel lines may yield low cost production along with output and product flexibility. Recent research on multiple parallel lines has focussed on cost effectiveness without appreciating the flexibility such systems may allow. Given the current strategic importance of flexibility it should be included in such analyses as an explicit objective

    Analyzing the Value Stream Mapping to Achieve Lean Manufacturing via Line Balancing

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    Value stream mapping (VSM) visually depicts the flow of materials and information as a product passes through the manufacturing process; this information enables companies to meet customer demand by getting these materials and information for improvement at the right place and at the right time. This paper reviews the existing literature on VSM, describes the concepts and techniques of line balancing, and demonstrates through empirical study how the concepts and techniques of line balancing can help optimize VSM implementation to enhance business performance

    Self-balancing line-reversal pyrometer automatically measures gas temperatures

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    Automatic line-reversal pyrometer measures gas temperatures from 2900 degrees to 4500 degrees R. The self-balancing device uses the sodium D-line but replaces the two conventional manual operations of the line-reversal method and can be used by semiskilled personnel

    Penerapan Model Optimasi Line Balancing dan Genetic Algorithm (Studi Kasus: PT Karya Mekar Dewatamali)

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    Keseimbangan dalam suatu lintasan perakitan (Line Balancing) sangatlah penting bagi industri perakitan. Sebuah produk yang memiliki N elemen kerja memerlukan suatu keseimbangan lintasan karena jika keseimbangan tidak tercapai, maka keterlambatan akan terjadi akibat dari kemacetan. Dua permasalahan utama dalam lintasan perakitan adalah menyeimbangkan stasiun kerja sekaligus mempertahankan lintasan perakitan agar terus menerus berproduksi. PT. Karya Mekar Dewatamali (PT. KMD) adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri perakitan sepatu. Pada Perusahaan ini akan diterapkan model Algoritma Genetik yang kemudian akan divalidasi oleh model Subiantoro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meminimasi jumlah stasiun kerja dan mengalokasikan elemen kerja yang ada agar menjadi optimal sehingga biaya pengadaan stasiun kerja, biaya waktu siklus, biaya operator, dan biaya idle operator dapat diminimalkan. Adapun penelitian dimulai dari tahap pengamatan awal, studi literatur, pengumpulan data, input data (model optimasi Subiantoro dan Algoritma Genetik), verifikasi dan validasi model, analisa dan pembahasan, serta kesimpulan. Hasil dari penerapan model ini adalah Algortima genetik hanya menyimpang 0,0001% dari hasil model optimasi dan terbentuk 5 stasiun kerja dengan total biaya sebesar Rp 75.017.690,98
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