1,948 research outputs found

    The Convergent Generalized Central Paths for Linearly Constrained Convex Programming

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    The convergence of central paths has been a focal point of research on interior point methods. Quite detailed analyses have been made for the linear case. However, when it comes to the convex case, even if the constraints remain linear, the problem is unsettled. In [Math. Program., 103 (2005), pp. 63–94], Gilbert, Gonzaga, and Karas presented some examples in convex optimization, where the central path fails to converge. In this paper, we aim at finding some continuous trajectories which can converge for all linearly constrained convex optimization problems under some mild assumptions. We design and analyze a class of continuous trajectories, which are the solutions of certain ordinary differential equation (ODE) systems for solving linearly constrained smooth convex programming. The solutions of these ODE systems are named generalized central paths. By only assuming the existence of a finite optimal solution, we are able to show that, starting from any interior feasible point, (i) all of the generalized central paths are convergent, and (ii) the limit point(s) are indeed the optimal solution(s) of the original optimization problem. Furthermore, we illustrate that for the key example of Gilbert, Gonzaga, and Karas, our generalized central paths converge to the optimal solutions

    Optimal curing policy for epidemic spreading over a community network with heterogeneous population

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    The design of an efficient curing policy, able to stem an epidemic process at an affordable cost, has to account for the structure of the population contact network supporting the contagious process. Thus, we tackle the problem of allocating recovery resources among the population, at the lowest cost possible to prevent the epidemic from persisting indefinitely in the network. Specifically, we analyze a susceptible-infected-susceptible epidemic process spreading over a weighted graph, by means of a first-order mean-field approximation. First, we describe the influence of the contact network on the dynamics of the epidemics among a heterogeneous population, that is possibly divided into communities. For the case of a community network, our investigation relies on the graph-theoretical notion of equitable partition; we show that the epidemic threshold, a key measure of the network robustness against epidemic spreading, can be determined using a lower-dimensional dynamical system. Exploiting the computation of the epidemic threshold, we determine a cost-optimal curing policy by solving a convex minimization problem, which possesses a reduced dimension in the case of a community network. Lastly, we consider a two-level optimal curing problem, for which an algorithm is designed with a polynomial time complexity in the network size.Comment: to be published on Journal of Complex Network

    Conic Optimization Theory: Convexification Techniques and Numerical Algorithms

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    Optimization is at the core of control theory and appears in several areas of this field, such as optimal control, distributed control, system identification, robust control, state estimation, model predictive control and dynamic programming. The recent advances in various topics of modern optimization have also been revamping the area of machine learning. Motivated by the crucial role of optimization theory in the design, analysis, control and operation of real-world systems, this tutorial paper offers a detailed overview of some major advances in this area, namely conic optimization and its emerging applications. First, we discuss the importance of conic optimization in different areas. Then, we explain seminal results on the design of hierarchies of convex relaxations for a wide range of nonconvex problems. Finally, we study different numerical algorithms for large-scale conic optimization problems.Comment: 18 page

    Analysis of the primal-dual central path for nonlinear semidefinite optimization without the nondegeneracy condition

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    We study properties of the central path underlying a nonlinear semidefinite optimization problem, called NSDP for short. The latest radical work on this topic was contributed by Yamashita and Yabe (2012): they proved that the Jacobian of a certain equation-system derived from the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions of the NSDP is nonsingular at a KKT point under the second-order sufficient condition (SOSC), the strict complementarity condition (SC), and the nondegeneracy condition (NC). This yields uniqueness and existence of the central path through the implicit function theorem. In this paper, we consider the following three assumptions on a KKT point: the strong SOSC, the SC, and the Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification. Under the absence of the NC, the Lagrange multiplier set is not necessarily a singleton and the nonsingularity of the above-mentioned Jacobian is no longer valid. Nonetheless, we establish that the central path exists uniquely, and moreover prove that the dual component of the path converges to the so-called analytic center of the Lagrange multiplier set. As another notable result, we clarify a region around the central path where Newton's equations relevant to primal-dual interior point methods are uniquely solvable
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