201 research outputs found

    Web and Social Media Presence in the Hospitality Industry: A Greek Island Case

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    The new opportunities offered by emerging technologies for better tourist services have affected the hospitality sector. Specifically, the use of the Web, in general, and the social media influence travelers’ choices. Therefore, it is important for modern hotel businesses to be actively involved and present on the Web and social media. Moreover, COVID-19 outbreak has highlighted the importance for better choices that guarantee safety that must be made in advance. This study tries to investigate the use of the Web and social media by the hospitality sector in Greece using automated evaluation tools. The case study of the Rhodes island is selected as one of the most popular destinations in Greece for both internal and external tourists. Agritourism was also taken into account. Results show that the websites and Facebook are the most preferred tools for online presence, whereas there is low use of Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter

    An overview of the use of Facebook in National Weather Services

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    National Meteorological Services (NMSs) use different "classical" tools in order to diffuse meteorological information, including television, radio, newspaper, phone, e-mail and websites. In recent years, new communication technologies and, in particular, the rapid expansion of Facebook allows users to efficiently exchange information and to easily share it with a large part of the population. Facebook is one of the most used social networks and it represents a perfect virtual platform to share information and to promote active and immediate interaction amongst users. This is why many NMSs develop new communication strategies and incorporate this tool for different purposes. Some NMSs not only provide forecast, real-time observed data and other routine information, but they also upload videos (for example, with the weatherperson explaining the forecast or short reports) and amazing pictures taken by followers. In addition, they also give educational and didactic information (above all about climatic issues) and organize photographic competitions. In this paper, firstly, we investigate when Facebook was introduced in different NMSs worldwide as an additional tool for the diffusion of meteorological information. Then, we propose a classification of these NMSs based on the success of their Facebook page, i.e. on the number of followers. Finally, we select some representative cases of NMSs and we analyze how Facebook is used to improve their services

    How international nonprofit organizations can use Facebook to build relationships with potential donors and volunteers

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate and discuss the applications of marketing in the nonprofit sector, among international nonprofit organizations. The paper will focus on the role of Facebook in nonprofit marketing, this study aims to investigate the connection between Facebook engagement and real world behavior – in this case, donation and volunteer activity. The goals of this investigation were accomplished through a mixture of qualitative and quantitative research backed by a thorough literature review. The content of three nonprofit organizations’ Facebook pages was analyzed, and a survey was administered to the followers of these organizations. Findings revealed that a follower’s perceptions of the content shared by the nonprofit organization, as well as his/her relationship with that nonprofit organization, positively influences that follower’s engagement on Facebook in the form of likes, comments and shares. It was also revealed that engagement via Facebook is related to a follower’s real-world donation and volunteer behavior. To achieve success via Facebook and garner donors and volunteers, international nonprofit organizations must therefore focus on sharing interesting and engaging content as well as building relationships with their followers through Relationship Marketing techniques and online interactivity.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    On -line consumer engagement on tourism services ́ socialmedia: a comparative analysis between brazilian air companies ́ fanpages

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    Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar de que forma se dá o engajamento dos consumidores com as companhias aéreas em suas respectivas fanpages. Como suporte teórico, utilizou TICs e mídias sociais, serviços turísticos e o engajamento do consumidor. Trata‐se de uma investigação exploratório‐descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa e o estudo de casos múltiplos como estratégia de pesquisa. Os resultados mostraram que as fanpages das companhias aéreas precisam de ajustes no que diz respeito à frequência de postagem, postagens de vídeo, redução do tamanho das postagens escritas e resposta ao usuário.The overall objective of the research was to analyse how air companies engage with their clients in their respective fan_pages of their regions. The methodology used was critical discourse analysis of air companies fan‐pages. This is exploratory‐descriptive research, with a qualitative approach and the study of multiple cases as a research strategy. The results show that airline fan pages need greater updating, video posts, longer postings, and greater reponse to their users

    Analysis of Croatian libraries on Facebook using the Likealyzer tool

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    Tema ovog diplomskog rada je analiza hrvatskih županijskih matičnih knjižnica na Facebooku pomoću alata LikeAlyzer. Rad je podijeljen na dva dijela. Prvi dio temelji se na stručnoj literaturi o istraživanjima na tu temu. Početak rada osvrnuo se na provođenje marketinga u neprofitnim organizacijama, s naglaskom na knjižnice, a zatim je prikazana prednost prisutstva knjižnica na Facebooku. Kako bi se knjižnicu moglo uspješno predstavljati na društvenim mrežama, potreban je „Facebook knjižničar“ koji se pridržava svih načela i pravila za održavanje Facebook stranice. Stoga su u radu navedene nove uloge i dužnosti knjižničara u virtualnom svijetu društvenih mreža, s kakvima se sve teškoćama suočava te savjeti kako ih izbjeći. Drugi dio rada je istraživački i temelji se na analizi županijskih knjižnica na Facebooku pomoću alata LikeAlyzer. Facebook stranice knjižnice su analizirane po kategorijama koje alat smatra da trebaju biti na visokoj razini kako bi knjižnice bile uspješno predstavljene javnosti te postigle zavidnu razinu komunikacije s korisnicima.The theme of this diploma thesis is the presence of Croatian central county libraries on Facebook is analysed using LikeAlyzer. The paper is divided into two sections. The first section is based on literature on previous research about this topic. The beginning of the paper discusses marketing in nonprofit organisations with emphasis on libraries. Then, the paper lists the advantages of libraries having a presence on Facebook. In order for the library to be presented on social media in an adequate way, it is important to have a “Facebook librarian” who will adhere to all principles and rules of maintaining a Facebook page. Therefore, this paper lists new roles and duties a librarian has in the virtual world of social networks. It also discusses what kind of difficulties a librarian may face as well as provides advice on how to avoid them. The second part of the paper presents original research based on an analysis of county libraries on Facebook using LikeAlyzer. Facebook pages of these libraries are analysed according to categories LikeAlyzer labels as important for a successful presentation of the library to the public and a high level of communication with its users

    Employment and local development agencies and the use of social networks for the promotion of relational tourism

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    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar el análisis sobre la utilización de las redes sociales, centrándonos en el uso de Facebook de una muestra de Agencias de Empleo y Desarrollo Local (AEDL) ubicadas en la provincia de A Coruña (España), con el propósito de determinar, según un ranking establecido por la herramienta de análisis de contenido Likealyzer, los aspectos positivos y negativos de su aplicación. El uso de Facebook en las instituciones políticas públicas parece ser una técnica de comunicación relacional actual, empleada desde la estrategia de las relaciones públicas, necesaria y generadora de nuevas oportunidades; sin embargo, este estudio revela los aciertos, carencias y problemáticas derivadas de una gestión no exenta de dificultades. La importancia del tema radica en que el contexto actual caracterizado por el avance de las tecnologías —y con ellas las redes sociales— propician un panorama “glocal” para los gestores de desarrollo socioeconómico, como las AEDL, lo que motiva el estudio de su uso en la promoción turística como parte de la estrategia de desarrollo local. Se observará que dichas problemáticas en la gestión de las redes sociales provocan problemas de comunicación y de gobierno de la imagen hacia sus públicos.The aim of this paper is to present the analysis carried out on the use of social networks, focused on Facebook, on a sample of Employment and Local Development Agencies located in the province of A Coruña (Spain). The main objective of this research is to identify positive and negative aspects of the implementation of Facebook in the agencies studied, according to a ranking established by the Likealyzer content analysis tool. The use of Facebook as a part of public relations strategy and the public communication policy institutions, seems to be something logical because nowday nobody doubts of the advantages that this social network offers, such as relational and promotional opportunities; however this study reveals that the management of Facebook in local development agencies presents problems which make difficult to take advantage of this social network for touristic promotion of the territory. The advancement of technology and social networks provides a “glocal” panorama for local employment and development agents that make this study relevant in the field of local development management through tourism promotion. The results shows that the consequences of shortcomings on the management of social networks are the emergence of problems on communication and governance of the image towards their public

    Analysis of Croatian libraries on Facebook using the Likealyzer tool

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    Tema ovog diplomskog rada je analiza hrvatskih županijskih matičnih knjižnica na Facebooku pomoću alata LikeAlyzer. Rad je podijeljen na dva dijela. Prvi dio temelji se na stručnoj literaturi o istraživanjima na tu temu. Početak rada osvrnuo se na provođenje marketinga u neprofitnim organizacijama, s naglaskom na knjižnice, a zatim je prikazana prednost prisutstva knjižnica na Facebooku. Kako bi se knjižnicu moglo uspješno predstavljati na društvenim mrežama, potreban je „Facebook knjižničar“ koji se pridržava svih načela i pravila za održavanje Facebook stranice. Stoga su u radu navedene nove uloge i dužnosti knjižničara u virtualnom svijetu društvenih mreža, s kakvima se sve teškoćama suočava te savjeti kako ih izbjeći. Drugi dio rada je istraživački i temelji se na analizi županijskih knjižnica na Facebooku pomoću alata LikeAlyzer. Facebook stranice knjižnice su analizirane po kategorijama koje alat smatra da trebaju biti na visokoj razini kako bi knjižnice bile uspješno predstavljene javnosti te postigle zavidnu razinu komunikacije s korisnicima.The theme of this diploma thesis is the presence of Croatian central county libraries on Facebook is analysed using LikeAlyzer. The paper is divided into two sections. The first section is based on literature on previous research about this topic. The beginning of the paper discusses marketing in nonprofit organisations with emphasis on libraries. Then, the paper lists the advantages of libraries having a presence on Facebook. In order for the library to be presented on social media in an adequate way, it is important to have a “Facebook librarian” who will adhere to all principles and rules of maintaining a Facebook page. Therefore, this paper lists new roles and duties a librarian has in the virtual world of social networks. It also discusses what kind of difficulties a librarian may face as well as provides advice on how to avoid them. The second part of the paper presents original research based on an analysis of county libraries on Facebook using LikeAlyzer. Facebook pages of these libraries are analysed according to categories LikeAlyzer labels as important for a successful presentation of the library to the public and a high level of communication with its users